irclog2html for #uphpu on 20061005

00:01.31*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (
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00:15.20*** join/#uphpu brasto (
00:24.28*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
00:26.36*** join/#uphpu herlo (n=herlo@
00:26.47herloUtah_Dave: so what's up?
00:27.01herloUtah_Dave: sorry about the disconnect, crappy internet at hotels...
00:44.59Utah_Davethat's ok. Just working a little late today
00:45.01Utah_Davehow's NJ?
00:45.59herloahh, it's alright.
00:46.13herlobeen enjoying training this week...
00:49.36Utah_Davecool. I spent half the day choosing hardware for a couple of new servers. It's been a lot of fun
00:50.49herlooh yeah, like what?
01:01.53Utah_Davewe're getting a great external SATA raid. Probably about 2 terabytes or so of hard drive space
01:01.53Utah_Davethen we're getting 2 servers
01:01.53Utah_Daveprobably going with 2 dual core Xeons w/8 gigs of ram
01:01.54herlois this for work?
01:01.54Utah_Daveone will be a production server and the other will be a development server.
01:01.54herlooh good. I thought your personal servers were going to blow away my home 2TB setup...
01:01.54Utah_Dave:) I wish
01:01.55Utah_Daveherlo: I've spent a few hours looking over the code for Bamboo Invoice this week. It uses codeigniter and it helped a lot to understand how the whole framework works
01:01.55*** part/#uphpu brasto (
01:05.49*** join/#uphpu atoponce (i=aaron@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xFC04088F)
01:34.11*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
02:14.34*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
02:18.29*** part/#uphpu herlo (n=herlo@
04:17.45*** join/#uphpu burnin (
04:39.56atoponcenext meet on the 19th?
06:55.22wpsyes, atoponce
07:51.03*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
12:03.51*** join/#uphpu atoponce (i=aaron@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xFC04088F)
12:51.15*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
13:06.54*** join/#uphpu atoponce (i=aaron@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xFC04088F)
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14:21.32*** join/#uphpu brasto (
14:21.46*** part/#uphpu brasto (
14:25.44atoponcewps: what time and where? i couldn't find it on the site
14:42.03*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
14:48.47macnewboldmindjuju: good morning!
14:48.53mindjujuhey, cool
14:49.11mindjujuyou said digg the page before 9a, i'mg going to do it right now
14:49.31mindjujuhere is the URL --
14:50.09macnewboldthat looks like the one
14:53.11wpsatoponce, there is a link to the calendar feed on the meetings page
15:01.30atoponceis that the address of the meet in draper?
15:03.01atoponcecool. for a while, i was thinking utah valley. glad i won't be driving that far... :-)ยป
15:08.07*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
15:10.34*** join/#uphpu terminator (
15:11.07mindjujuhi person formerly known as timothy_, who up until this morning was known as timinator
15:11.27terminator~hi mindjuju
15:11.29jbotMany greetings, mindjuju, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
15:12.59*** part/#uphpu timinator (
15:14.42*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (n=mac@
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15:16.06*** join/#uphpu timinator (
15:16.47timinatorthere we go -- timinator
15:17.14timinatorand now the dutchman won't get his panties in a bunch
15:17.17macnewboldsweet - any digg users in here?
15:17.34timinatoryes, mac.... already dugg
15:17.44macnewboldsweet, thanks!
15:17.58macnewboldI was #2 to digg it, and I guess the poster counts as #1, right?
15:18.08timinatorwait, that's a new one...
15:18.57timinatorI'm #3
15:19.04rabidSmurfthe name almost connotes some sort of hacking :)
15:19.27macnewboldyeah, good for grabbing attention :)
15:19.34macnewboldbut it is 100% legal
15:20.41rabidSmurfI know
15:20.48rabidSmurfjust hassling you
15:21.47macnewboldno, it's good
15:21.54macnewboldif it grabs attention, that's a good thing
15:22.16rabidSmurfI just want to know why it was released *after* I graduated... :)
15:22.29mindjujuyeah, true that
15:22.30macnewboldyeah, no kidding
15:22.55mindjujuwell, i was thinking about going back in the spring to finish and get my bachelors
15:23.38rabidSmurfI actually get to read whatever books I want to now :)
15:24.18mindjujuwhat is your degree in rabidSmurf, who up until recently was known as _psychic_ ?
15:24.27macnewboldah, no kidding?
15:24.32macnewboldwell, then hi, rabidSmurf :)
15:24.39rabidSmurfBS, Information Technology
15:24.51rabidSmurfminor in Philosophy :)
15:25.09mindjujui'm a poli sci major
15:25.15macnewboldI'm sorry?
15:25.16rabidSmurfwhere at?
15:25.54mindjujuwell, i'm not going back to my original university in Virgina, but I'm likely to go to the U
15:26.12rabidSmurfpoly sci was probably better in Virginia
15:26.20mindjujuwas going to SVC
15:26.37rabidSmurfIs that the church school out there?
15:26.48mindjujulove poli sci, that's why dataw0lf and I always got into political arguments
15:26.52mindjujuyup, that the one
15:27.05mindjujuwent there for 3 years
15:27.18mindjujuwell 2 years and 1 year study abroad in Dalian, China
15:27.28rabidSmurfThe thing I hated about econ and poli sci at the Y was that everyone was white, middle class mormons, so new ideas didn't go over very well.
15:28.13mindjujutoo bad, i always wrote fun papers
15:28.20rabidSmurfI loved it
15:28.29rabidSmurfbut some people in class just didn't get some things
15:28.33rabidSmurfgood teachers
15:28.35rabidSmurfreal good
15:29.22mindjujui really ticked of a lot of people with a paper i wrote once about the shift from Manufactoring to Service in the US
15:29.42rabidSmurfknowledge working is in
15:29.52mindjujuthe conclusion was that people who work in call centers now will just be as unemployable as factory workers are now
15:30.16mindjujurather, people who work call centers now will in the future...
15:30.35mindjujuas those jobs will shift to India / China , etc
15:30.56mindjujuwrote it about 5 years ago off a couple of Forbes magazines and a paper from RAND
15:31.05mindjujusaying that kind of stuff REALLY makes people mad
15:31.20rabidSmurfmost people don't like free trade arguments either
15:31.40mindjujumy point being, college education is critical for the masses
15:31.56mindjujuyeah, true that on free trade
15:32.09timinatorwhat will be the next major occupation then?
15:32.58mindjujuFor the masses?  Hmmm... I didn't actually postulate on that.
15:33.46timinatorwe're computer guys, we know and accept that things change
15:34.01timinatorPHP wasn't even around when I was a kid
15:34.10Utah_Dave~seen dataw0lf
15:34.26jbotdataw0lf <n=dataw0lf@> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 141d 9h 37m 52s ago, saying: 'link seems dead, levi.'.
15:34.47macnewboldyeah, "dataw0lf seems dead, levi"
15:34.53macnewboldpoor guy
15:34.56macnewboldI kinda miss him
15:34.58Utah_Davewhere is he?
15:35.08macnewboldout of town I think now
15:35.18macnewboldlong story
15:38.43*** join/#uphpu herlo (
15:43.16mindjujuwhy what?
15:43.22macnewboldthe server we dugg is giving 403 errors now
15:44.27timinatorthat stinks
15:45.05timinatordo you have access to that server mac? isn't that your baby?
15:47.12macnewboldgradefix is fine
15:47.18macnewboldit's the server with this guys blog on it that is down
15:47.43bigdog_utmaybe it is getting hit too hard
15:48.25macnewboldwell, with 7 diggs so far, I kind of doubt it
15:48.34macnewboldand I know every single person who dugg it still :(
15:49.35macnewboldwell, his main server is back up again
15:49.45macnewboldbut the 404 redirect for the vanity perma-link isn't workign yet
16:03.14mindjujuyeah, first to smell it, dealt it
16:03.34_psychic_~fart bigdog_ut
16:03.37jbotACTION farts in bigdog_ut's general direction
16:03.46mindjuju~monkey bigdog_ut
16:03.47jbotACTION flings poo at bigdog_ut
16:03.47bigdog_ut~pimpslap _psychic_
16:03.48jbotbigdog_ut pimpslaps _psychic_.  ouch!
16:04.04_psychic_what's with the bathroom humor in here today?!
16:09.31macnewboldYAY! digg target site back up now!
16:09.45macnewboldsome of the bad comments are getting buried,
16:09.48macnewboldand the diggs are rising again
16:41.52macnewbolddiggs not rising very fast... argh
16:50.56*** join/#uphpu synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
16:52.52*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (
17:04.11*** join/#uphpu fungus (
17:13.18*** join/#uphpu herlo (
17:13.34*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
17:24.49bigdog_utanyone watch south park last night
17:25.01mindjujuwas it the WoW one?
17:25.04timinatornope.... no tv
17:25.52bigdog_utyep...very funny
17:26.12mindjujuyeah, saw the preview for it.  looked funny
17:29.45fungusI saw it last night.  Totally awesome.
17:29.58fungusI don't think I'll ever delete that episode from my tivo
17:30.15bigdog_uti downloaded it so i got a copy of it
17:30.37mindjuju500g hdd $199 -
17:31.43fungus400g hdd $109
17:44.32fungus~lart mindjuju
17:57.57*** join/#uphpu _psychic__ (n=_psychic@
18:06.30fungusmindjuju: is this yours?
18:06.43mindjujunope, not my blog
18:07.20fungusyou posted a link to it on digg.  Just curious.
18:07.32mindjujuah, yeah, dugg off it, but not mine
18:07.41mindjujui do have a political blog out there
18:07.53mindjujubut before anybody searches, it doesn't have my name nor my handle
18:08.15mindjujuno way associated with me, that way i can speak freely about things
18:10.53funguslink plz.  
18:11.29timinatorwho here runs a blog?
18:12.12timinatorlink plz
18:14.55burninfungus: the white area isn't wide enough
18:15.22burninfungus: looking at the PHP5 on Mac OSX 10.4 tiger post and the commands run over on the right.
18:15.47fungusahh, i just stole that design recently.
18:16.19fungusI'll look for another design to steal.  Thanks for the tip
18:22.35timinatorthx guys
18:26.40macnewboldours is - not all that pretty, but functional and informative
18:36.08wpsgood now has a code search
18:40.28timinatorholy moly
18:41.04bigdog_utmaybe it will help people get there crap together
18:41.24fungusI doubt it.
18:41.51fungusThere are still some people who haven't upgraded their code from PHP3.
18:42.09bigdog_uttrue...but that might be many factors for that
18:42.30bigdog_utthey might be locked into requirements or financial issues
18:43.20funguspossibly, but it really annoys me every time I upgrade php on my servers.
18:44.29bigdog_utnow that is true
18:46.17bigdog_utfor me i have not been impressed with the direction of php in the last year
18:46.28bigdog_utim not too impressed with some of the guys they have
18:47.51timinatorwhy do you say that bigdog_ut?
18:48.29bigdog_utcause they dont have a clear milestone plan for development and they always have issues with stability and patches
18:48.52bigdog_utstability is terms of stable releases that you can count on not patching for a while
18:49.01bigdog_utperhaps freebsd team needs to smack them around
18:49.32timinatorare you talking about PHP >4
18:50.09bigdog_utphp5 mainly...php4 is pretty good
18:50.23timinatorright on
18:52.38timinatorwhat do you think should be on their development agenda?
18:54.21bigdog_utthey need to really think their oo object model for one
18:54.46bigdog_utalso they need to focus on getting everything thread safe
18:54.49_psychic_Yeah it needs to be more like Java *cough*
18:55.45bigdog_utthere are other oo object models than java
18:55.47tierrahehe, I just got this Gmail error message: "Arrgh! The page has been corrupted."
18:56.01tierrasomeone had some fun with that one
18:56.17timinatorlol tierra
18:56.40_psychic_I just wish for namespaces of some sort, and some sort of function naming convention
18:56.57_psychic_PHP5 OO is just fine for me
18:57.14_psychic_PHP5 core is threadsafe iirc, just some extensions aren't
18:57.26bigdog_utmany extensions are not
18:57.33bigdog_utthat is one major issue i have
18:57.55_psychic_which extension?
18:59.20bigdog_uti would like the gd to be multithreaded for one
19:00.00_psychic_is ImageMagik multithreaded?
19:00.13_psychic_I wish PHP had some threading libs
19:00.19_psychic_shared memory is hard to play with
19:01.03*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (n=mac@
19:01.03*** mode/#UPHPU [+o macnewbold] by ChanServ
19:01.37bigdog_utit might be but not sure
19:02.03*** topic/#UPHPU by macnewbold -> Utah PHP Users Group | | Next Meeting: Thu. Oct. 19, 7pm, Place? Topic?
19:07.16*** part/#uphpu herlo (
19:10.38macnewboldI think wps already had someone for october, but I don't remember who or on what
19:10.56bigdog_uthere is my for 1st 2nd 3rd BCNF 4th normal forms
19:11.35wpsCole Joplin on Flash/PHP communications
19:16.08mindjujui was just kiddin'  flash / php sounds cool
19:53.06_psychic_fungus: you lonnie?
19:55.28_psychic_just wondering who commented on my blog
20:00.07fungusYup that was me.
20:00.43_psychic_(I've responded)
20:16.41Utah_Davemacnewbold: I've noticed that Gradefix looks a bit similar to flyspray. Especially the task list
20:18.01_psychic_anyone ever used these: ?
20:19.37mindjujuthat was really funny
20:44.02macnewboldUtah_Dave: that's interesting, I never noticed that, nor was it planned
20:44.44*** topic/#UPHPU by macnewbold -> Utah PHP Users Group | | Next Meeting: Thu. Oct. 19, 7pm, Cole Joplin on Flash/PHP communications
20:45.18Utah_Davemostly just the list of tasks. I just noticed it because I looked at Flyspray earlier today, then I logged into my Gradefix account right after
20:53.53macnewboldyeah, that's cool - I guess it's a nice layout or something
21:10.17*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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21:12.17mindjujuk, this is good promo for people trying to convince others to not use MS products
21:15.11*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
22:09.14beandogany mssql users/gurus/stepchildren in here
22:10.09beandogactually this might just be a generic db question
22:10.17beandogIf youre doing select func(foo)
22:10.24beandogYou have to also do order by func(foo);
22:10.36beandogIs there someway to set output of func(foo) to @var
22:10.41beandogso I can just do order by @var?
22:10.49macnewboldno don't have to order by it if you don't want to
22:10.53beandogI'm writing a UDF here, I dont want to pass it twice.
22:11.18macnewboldin mysql at least, you can say "select func(foo) as bar from blah order by bar;"
22:11.27beandogmacnewbold: okay, yah thats what I thought
22:11.30beandogmssql doesnt let you do that.
22:11.30macnewboldin mssql, you may need to leave the as out
22:11.41beandogSELECT FUNC(foo) AS bar ORDER BY bar; doesnt work
22:11.47beandogsays bar doesn't exist.
22:11.50macnewboldso it doesn't let column name aliases work in the order clause?
22:12.06beandogthe blessed magic of microsoft.
22:12.12macnewboldhow about SELECT FUNC(foo) ORDER BY FUNC(foo);
22:12.22macnewboldit isn't likely to actually run the function twice
22:12.30beandogWell the problem is Im sticking FUNC(foo) in a view.
22:13.26beandogSo I dont wanna do select * from view_foo and have to remember to do order by func(foo);
22:13.37beandoger,w ait
22:13.44beandogthe view should have already create the new column.
22:13.45beandogI think.
22:13.56macnewboldyou should be able to order by the column once you have the view
22:14.27macnewboldthe order by in the query to create the view (if you can do that?) would probably just specify the default data order in the view I'd guess
22:14.38beandoghmm thats worth a try.
22:15.03macnewboldbut mssql is unpredictable in some things (what it will do in situation x), though very predictable in others (crashing often for example, or just failing to do what it is told
22:16.01macnewboldthe other day, mssql sent back an error saying
22:16.30macnewboldthat it detected a deadlock between two query threads, and I got picked as the victim, so it killed my query. It ended with "Please try again."
22:17.37beandogyah I get that too
22:17.45beandogI really hate this database.
22:18.03beandogWell, that did work putting it in the view and selecting from the view then ordering by the colname
22:18.06beandogbut it is INCREDIBLY slow.
22:18.20beandog22 seconds to pull out 25 rows.
22:18.47beandogthat ain't gonna work.
22:19.01macnewboldisn't that normal for mssql?
22:29.47mindjujubeandog, did you get your answer about mssql?
22:31.05macnewboldnot one that worked :)
22:31.24beandogmindjuju: not really.  mssql is teh suck
22:32.04macnewboldmj will help, he's an MSSQL kung fu master
22:32.19mindjujuk, first off there are special rules when using var in udf
22:32.29mindjujulike you can't use it straight out like you may want
22:32.40macnewbold(about the only MSSQL kung fu I know is the one fingered salute on the power button, so I can reboot it to install FreeBSD and MySQL)
22:33.20mindjujubeandog, what version ms sql?
22:33.28mindjuju7, 2k or 2k5?
22:33.55mindjujucoolio, that's my strong one, i'm starting to learn 2k5
22:34.01mindjujugive me quick sec to open books online
22:34.33beandogI'm all outta cookies
22:40.30mindjujuoh yeah, ugh, there is major weirdness
22:41.19macnewboldthanks for not tossing any cookies at mindjuju
22:43.07macnewboldwe just mopped the floors yesterday
22:43.17macnewboldafter a big mess with some bigdog_ut brownies
22:43.35bigdog_utoh yeah
22:49.25mindjujubeandog, i'm almost done here
22:49.32mindjujujust a few sec longer
22:49.39mindjujuthe deal is though, that you can't use it straight off
22:49.47mindjujuyou have to go through a case statement if you want to do it right
22:49.57mindjujui know, it sounds jacked up, and truthfully it is
22:55.06macnewboldit's MSSQL, of course it is... ;)
22:55.32beandogoh my crap
22:55.36beandogsorry mindjuju was looking at something else
22:55.41beandogI think I found *another* php + mssql bug
22:55.43timinatorI'm out guys...
22:55.49timinatorhave a good night all
22:55.55beandogIts making any columns where string = '' into string = ' '
22:58.06beandogmy freaking crap.
22:58.09beandogI *really* hate mssql.
22:59.47_psychic_~dhit mssql
22:59.51jbotACTION appears right behind mssql and slaps him in the back of the head
23:01.31mindjujubeandog, i found the old page in my notes that i referred to to write a sproc
23:01.37mindjujucouldn't find the sproc, but the page is still up
23:02.00mindjujuthere are a copule good references, but i liked this one cause it explained all the whys
23:04.10mindjujuactually, beandog, just double checked my notes, and this is the last one i used
23:04.19mindjujuand this is what i based my nightmare on
23:04.25mindjujuDECLARE @SortOrder tinyint SET @SortOrder = 2  SELECT CompanyName,        ContactName,        ContactTitle FROM Customers ORDER BY CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 1 THEN CompanyName               WHEN @SortOrder = 2 THEN ContactName               ELSE ContactTitle          END
23:06.42mindjujunow, i know, right now your making voodoo dolls of Bill Gates and dropping it into pits of punji sticks and truth is, i don't blame you.  I remember saying several expliatives during the course of using a dynamic order by until i found the "right way"
23:07.05*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
23:07.22beandogoh man.
23:07.27beandogI just found *another* fun MSSQL bug.
23:07.33beandogapparently '' = ' ';
23:08.14beandogselect len(' ');
23:08.17beandogreturns 0
23:08.19beandogI kid you not.
23:09.21beandogwhat a nightmare
23:10.35beandogmindjuju: yah, that article covers the same options Ive been going over
23:10.43beandogI think Im just going to clean up the db structure instead.
23:10.52beandogThat and make it an even *higher* priority to replace mssql w/postgres
23:11.01beandogWhat a piece of junk.
23:11.25mindjujuyeah, i was really mad when i was writing the sproc
23:13.14beandogI wonder if that LEN() bug is a new one.
23:13.27beandogSince its only running it on *some* of the hundreds of thousands of rows.
23:13.40beandoger, wait
23:13.42beandogmaybe it isnt.
23:14.07beandogno, it was doing it on 100% of them
23:14.14beandogI guess I could use NULLs on varchars, but how freaking ugly is that?
23:14.21beandogdeath to sql server.
23:17.31beandogoh well
23:17.37beandogthanks for your help mindjuju, much appreciated.

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