irclog2html for #uphpu on 20060817

00:58.59mindjujuweird.  that's like the third tierra hit from a rlart today
01:09.49tierrajbot just hates me
01:10.16tierraI notice he really likes throwing CDs at me for some reason
02:06.04*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
13:21.30*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
13:36.59*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
14:05.10*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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14:09.13*** join/#uphpu xilch|w (
14:22.25mindjujuanybody around?
14:24.23mindjujujust wanted to take a quick poll to see what languages people were writing web services in
14:24.41synicweb services such as?
14:25.51mindjujuinstead of specifing all the web services possible, let's just say a web service that collects variables runs a database query and returns results
14:26.21synicah.  Unfortunately, we use perl.
14:26.48mindjujuif you had your choice, what language would it be in?
14:27.04synicpython or ruby
14:29.59*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
14:54.07mindjujuanybody know if the visibone stuff came in or will it be in for next meet?
15:01.52macnewboldmindjuju: it hasn't shown up yet, though it might today I guess
15:01.56macnewboldsending email shortly
15:02.31mindjujuthat's ok, i know it was a big order and it's not your fault since you kept on getting tons of orders, even on the last day
15:02.34mindjujuwas just wondering
15:11.42*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
15:45.35xilch|wI work with synic, and so perl also
15:45.39xilch|wmigrating to python
15:46.35xilch|wbut synic hates life, that's why he's so sad that we use perl right now
15:47.06*** join/#uphpu synic_ (
16:05.10macnewboldmindjuju: on your web services poll: I'd use PHP
16:26.27bigdog_utpoll: python or java
16:29.12bigdog_utstatement for me
16:29.35_psychic_java-- php++
16:38.08drip~lart bigdog_ut
17:12.14bigdog_ut~lart drip
17:12.30bigdog_ut~pimpslap drip
17:12.31jbotbigdog_ut pimpslaps drip.  ouch!
17:13.35dripcareful I'm fragile.
17:14.09bigdog_uti know you are
17:14.28bigdog_utcan i just say how much i hate myfaces sometimes
17:14.39dripoh yeah?
17:14.48dripsounds like a bundle of joy.
17:14.52bigdog_utactually i hate how it adds the context to everything
17:15.13bigdog_uthas some apache+tomcat issues that i was dealing with
17:15.21bigdog_utturned out to be myfaces issue
17:15.49bigdog_utso i had to redo the tomcat deploy for virtual hosting with apache vhosts
17:15.54bigdog_utworks killer though now
17:16.38bigdog_utwhen you inviting me over for the the other pink meat - salmon
17:17.16bigdog_utfish is so good
17:17.50macnewboldI usually like various kinds of whitefish better, but salmon is really good too
17:17.52dripI've had people who hate fish asking for seconds on my salmon
17:17.59macnewboldis that an offer?
17:18.04macnewboldcause bigdog_ut won't hesitate...
17:18.09bigdog_utno doubt
17:18.29driptoo bad they dropped our limits this year
17:18.30macnewboldwe're bbq'ing tonight, but I don't think it's fish
17:21.39_psychic_BBQ salmon is heaven on earth
17:22.02bigdog_utas is smoked tooo
17:22.13bigdog_ut~fishslap wps
17:22.14jbotACTION slaps wps up side the head with a wet fish.
17:22.22bigdog_utnice jbot
17:22.37wpsnow I am going to stink all day because fish touched me
17:22.38_psychic_even cooked fish you don't like?
17:22.55wpsfish is the stinkiest stuff on the planet
17:23.02wpsnasty, nasty, nasty
17:23.06macnewboldno, old/rotten fish is much worse than normal fish
17:23.16macnewbolddecomposing flesh of any kind is worse than fish
17:23.27macnewboldespecially once it gets the flies and maggots on it
17:23.28wpsmy mother cooks salmon and it stinks up the entire house for days
17:23.52_psychic_don't like sushi either, I take it.
17:26.49_psychic_makizushi is good
17:26.59_psychic_not too hot on the super-fishy kinds as much
17:27.11_psychic_but bigdog_ut is right: smoked salmon is pretty good stuff
17:39.34*** join/#uphpu synic_ (
18:13.33*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (
18:16.23mindjujui can serve as distribution point for Utah County if you need help
18:16.35mindjujui'm 5 minutes from the linux networx building
18:17.03mindjujuplus i'm glad to announce that accounts payable just handed me a crisp check with money for you so i'll have mine tonight
18:38.58*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
18:43.50_psychic_why is that job announcements never have the salary range included?
18:43.57_psychic_that's the first thing people want to know...
18:44.40macnewboldyeah, and the last things employers want to admit
18:44.52_psychic_at least give a ballpark
18:44.59_psychic_even if you plan to hand people the bottom level
18:45.14macnewboldthe problem, from an employer's standpoint, is if you give a higher range, everyone jumps on it, even if they're not qualified
18:45.22macnewboldcause they want the money
18:45.24_psychic_salary is the biggest discerning characteristic
18:45.30macnewboldyeah, I think so too
18:45.37macnewboldI make my partner put them in every announcement we send out
18:46.45_psychic_he was impressive
18:49.15macnewboldmy partner? how so?
18:49.33_psychic_he seemed like he was in tune to what developers like
18:49.40_psychic_but also had the business saavy
18:49.48_psychic_savvy, rather :
18:50.11macnewboldyeah, after 5 years working with me, he hears a developer's perspective quite frequently
18:50.28macnewboldhe's more interested in the business side though
18:50.35_psychic_and that's probably good
18:50.41macnewboldyeah, it makes a good match most of the time
18:50.47_psychic_i bet
18:51.12macnewboldyeah, cause he gets stuck with the tasks none of the developers want to handle
18:51.21macnewboldworking with bothersome clients and such
18:51.30macnewboldnot that we have many like that, but a few from time to time
18:53.09_psychic_there's always some of those
18:53.40macnewboldhow are things going for you?
18:53.44mindjujuwait!  clients with unreasonable expectations?
18:53.49mindjujuwho ever heard of that?
18:54.01macnewboldyou must be in the wrong business, mindjuju... everyone's doing it
18:54.49mindjujuyou mean you can't run a webserver and database on the same 386 computer with an estimated 1000 hits per hour?
18:55.17macnewbold1000 per hour, sure
18:55.26macnewbold1000 per min, probably not
18:56.32mindjujudo you really think a 386 could handle it?
18:57.11mindjujui've never had anything less than a P2 since i've been doing web dev
19:01.37macnewbolda 386? I know people who use them for their home firewall and such
19:01.54macnewboldI've got a 500mhz box at home as a web/ssh/file server
19:02.12macnewboldit can't handle windows (too bloated) but does fine with FreeBSD
19:02.25macnewboldbut yeah, a 386 might not take it
19:02.30macnewboldthey're under 50mhz
19:02.50mindjujuyeah, you scared me there for a sec
19:03.16mindjujuugh, i'm hungry for chinese food
19:03.23mindjujubut don't want to leave the office
19:08.56*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
19:19.51*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (n=mac@
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19:41.30*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
19:52.43*** join/#uphpu _psychic__ (n=_psychic@
19:58.45*** join/#uphpu brasto (
20:50.10mindjujuwho gonna get the lart?
20:50.34mindjujuthe fates have spoken
20:50.45beandogprobably gonna get me for all the DVD ripping
20:51.10mindjujudvd ripping should fall under fair use
20:51.29mindjujuor they should make it not so easy to scratch
20:51.47beandogActually scratching DVDs have always been the least of my problems.
20:52.03beandogbut then again, I dont have kids
20:52.05beandogor pets.
20:52.18mindjujuah, that explains it
20:52.49beandogAt the very least, Im breaking the "license" on the DVD
20:52.55beandogSince I'm making a reproduction in part or whole.
20:53.25beandogBut, if they wanna force closed firmware down my throat that makes me watch 17 minutes of commercials Disney's Tween Twit of the Year
20:53.29beandogthen Im taking drastic measures.
20:53.32mindjujuactually, i *think* in that case, you backing up your DVD electronicaly for your use is considered Fair Use
20:53.39mindjujubut don't quote me on that yet
20:53.45mindjujui'll see if i can find where I saw it
20:53.47beandogYah, Ive heard both ways.
20:55.41*** part/#uphpu brasto (
20:56.42mindjujui know that the RIAA isn't a big fan of fair use
20:57.02beandogWell, they can go screw themselves too.
20:57.22beandogIm unconventional though.  I *only* buy CDs, so all this fair use DRM rights garbage doesnt hassle me as far as audio goes.
20:57.51beandogThat is, it doesnt affect me directly.
20:58.13macnewboldI think they've always found that a single backup copy falls under fair use
20:58.27mindjujuand the crazy thing, as a far as Microsoft is concerned, if you buy a computer from Dell, and it catches fire and goes down in a blaze of glory, if you build a new box, your not suppose to transfer the license from the dead crispy box to the new box
20:58.31mindjujuthat's absolutely nuts
20:59.07beandogIve resorted to cracking my *purchased* license of Windows because Im getting sick of calling <random country> everytime I reinstall to get a freaking sixty-char key.
21:00.04macnewboldsee, now when there's competition, inflicting pain and suffering like that tends to send your users to your competitors
21:00.20macnewboldand many are moving to osx, but not that many
21:00.32mindjujuyou know, they should write an Elseworld comic of What if Bill Gates liked poetry instead
21:00.41mindjujuand it was just Steve Jobs
21:00.47beandogI cant even remember the last time I used windows on a regular basis.  At home, that is.
21:00.53beandogMmm ..... *warm fuzzies*
21:05.28wpsmacnewbold: I am proud of you
21:05.35wpsI noticed that gradefix is XHTML strict
21:05.37wpsyou're a good man
21:06.03*** topic/#UPHPU by wps -> meeting tonight @ 7: Internationalization and localization | Utah PHP Users Group |
21:06.20macnewboldwps: some of it is :)
21:06.28mindjujuwow!  wps is doing site inspections on uphpu members!
21:06.33macnewboldI'm not the only one doing html/css on it unfortunately
21:07.22macnewboldone of the guys is an html/css idealist/purist who has divitis and doesn't know what a flexible layout is, wants to put fixed widths/heights on everything, etc.
21:08.22wpshtml/css idealist/purist != coder with divitis
21:08.48wpsthose are contradictory demeanors
21:09.11wpsI am so sick of people jumping on the "CSS" bandwagon and getting divitis
21:10.44mindjujudivits means you wrap EVERYTHING into DIVS for no good reason
21:10.58wpsdivitis is when people forget how to code semantically and only use divs
21:11.24wpswhich _works_, but is bad
21:11.41wpsit is technically possible only use divs… and to then declare _everything_ in your style sheet
21:11.52wpsbut then the code is impossible to read and has no defaults
21:24.09Utah_Davehow was the exam, _psychic__?
21:24.37_psychic__not bad
21:24.41_psychic__some nit-picky questions
21:24.43_psychic__but I passed
21:25.11_psychic__I don't do stream stuff much, so I think I missed those ones
21:25.17_psychic__but the rest I had some clue on
21:26.12Utah_Davehow much do they charge to take it?
21:26.27_psychic__Company paid for it
21:29.21driphave a good weekend everyone
21:37.12Utah_Davethank goodness for CSS
21:37.44Utah_Davea co-worker and I have been creating an intranet/portal for work
21:37.47_psychic__(have a long weekend, drip)
21:38.35Utah_DaveI spent about 2 hours today integrating an old php app I wrote a couple of years ago, and luckily I was able to edit the CSS to match the fit and feel of the new portal.
21:39.08Utah_Daveit would have been a 2 week project otherwise
21:44.37*** join/#uphpu synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
22:15.40Utah_Davesee you all at the meeting.
22:15.43*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
22:30.44*** join/#uphpu bradym (
22:56.30_psychic__anyone good at php inheritance?
22:56.39_psychic__I want to skip a middleman given a global value
23:12.44macnewbold_psychic__: so you're in a class that inherits from a class, and you want to access a global from within its methods?
23:56.12macnewboldanyone in here still that will be at the meeting tonight? RyanE_? mindjuju? anyone?
23:56.58mindjujui am
23:58.29macnewboldwill you apologize for me for being absent? I'm not going to be able to make it
23:58.36mindjujuwill do
23:58.41mindjujuwhat about your money?
23:58.46macnewboldbut if you or someone else (fungus if he's there) wants to accept money for visibone, that would be cool
23:58.50macnewboldI don't have anything to deliver yet,
23:58.59macnewboldso I'll probably be seeing everyone then too
23:59.06macnewboldbut some were going to come give money this time
23:59.19mindjujui'll just mail it directly
23:59.22macnewboldif you accept it for me, I'll come by and pick it up from you or something
23:59.29mindjujucan do that oo

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