irclog2html for #uphpu on 20060719

01:19.48*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
02:28.01*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
02:28.36*** part/#uphpu diskotec|w (n=jm001@
02:40.32*** join/#uphpu diskotec|w (n=jm001@
03:38.07*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
03:38.07*** mode/#UPHPU [+o wps] by ChanServ
13:22.00*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
13:37.42*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
13:38.09diskotec|w~lart mindjuju
14:11.01*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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14:29.55*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
15:08.33*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
15:09.48wpsanyone know any concrete contractors?
15:09.55wpsI'm tearing my hair out
15:10.04wpsI can't find anyone to come pour me some concrete!!
15:11.40*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
15:12.50Utah_Davemy neighbor is having some concrete poured this week. I could find out who he's having do it
15:25.42*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
15:47.35Utah_Davewps: I'll talk to my neighbor this evening and get a phone number for you
17:19.01*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
18:45.20wpsjsmith: you around?
18:48.07*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
18:48.08*** mode/#UPHPU [+o wps] by ChanServ
19:15.53jsmithwps: I am now... what's up?
19:42.50wpsdo you remember what the RPM is on the HDs in the ProLiant 360 G3s?
19:43.13wps(I'd have to go over to the data center in person to look)
19:43.32wpsI thought that they were 15,000, but the HP sales lady says that there are only 10,000 models that are 150 GB
19:47.00jsmith-awaywps: I don't remember... That sounds right though -- I don't think they have any of the 146 gig drives in 15k RPM
19:47.26jsmith-awaywps: I know the 36 and 72 gig drives come in 15k RPM flavors...
19:47.35wpsshe also said that they only come with the chasis
19:47.42wps$600 each!
19:47.57wpsI don't need the bay that it slides in and out on
19:47.59wpsjust the drive itself
19:48.26jsmith-awayAh, but you have to use an HP drive.
19:48.32jsmith-awayAnd the HP drives come with the caddy...
19:48.37jsmith-awayDid you check eBay?
19:48.42wpsno, not yet
19:48.47jsmith-awayCheck eBay.
19:48.56jsmith-awayOr your favorite HP-used-equipment-hawker...
19:49.08wpslike you??? :)
19:49.19jsmith-awaySorry, I ain't got none of those....
19:49.31jsmith-awayYeah, no kidding.
19:49.45jsmith-awaywps: Your power back on today at work?
19:50.03jsmith-awayCool... bummer about yesterday afternoon though...
19:50.42wpsgetting sick of the power going out here
19:50.51wpsDoba needs to buy UPSs for each work station
19:50.57jsmith-awayNo, they don't.
19:51.04jsmith-awayIt's a terrible way to manage power, honestly.
19:51.15jsmith-awayThey need a standy generator for the building.
19:51.27jsmith-awayLike buildings E and G have.
19:51.47jsmith-awayThe generators aren't that expensive -- it's just the maintenance costs.
19:51.47wpsbut every building that I have every worked in that has building-wide backup power… has never worked
19:51.58wpsat least a UPS under my desk gives my five minutes to save and power down
19:52.10_psychic_We  have a UPS for the entire office.
19:52.14jsmith-awaywps: Your building's battery lasted at least 30 minutes yesterday afternoon.
19:52.27wpsthe power went out at our desks immediately
19:52.41jsmith-awaywps: Now, I'm not sure if your equipment was plugged into a UPS circuit or not... but there is a battery for the whole office that lasts at least 20 minutes.
19:52.43wpswe had some lights still on, but computers were gone
19:52.54jsmith-awaywps: Yeah, it looks like only some computers are on the battery...
20:16.50wpsJust received this text in a piece of spam:
20:16.53wps"This is your new backpack. It contains a number of items you will
20:16.53wpsprobably need-and heres a printout of whats inside it. I assume that
20:16.53wpsyou have a good deal of illegal and possibly deadly items in your old
20:16.54wpspack which you can transfer after I leave. Aida is assembling another."
20:17.19wpssorry… that's hard to read
20:17.21wpsThis is your new backpack. It contains a number of items you will probably need-and heres a printout of whats inside it. I assume that you have a good deal of illegal and possibly deadly items in your old pack which you can transfer after I leave. Aida is assembling another
20:50.50*** join/#uphpu brasto (
20:51.14brastodave, r u there?
20:54.44Utah_Davewhich dave?
20:57.47brastoboucha, that's you, right?
20:58.04brastomeaning Utah_Dave...
21:02.25brastobtw, I'm Brandon
21:08.17brastoUtah_Dave, what WP version?
21:21.30brastodoes it cost anything to become a registered user on
21:31.14brastook, to register, do I enter /msg nickserv register <my-password> right here in this chat window?
21:40.53*** join/#uphpu timothy (
21:45.30*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
21:53.40*** join/#uphpu brasto (
21:55.33*** part/#uphpu brasto (
22:07.17*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
22:14.39timothyIt's been fun, but I'm out
22:16.06*** join/#uphpu jakea (n=jakea@
23:24.10*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@

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