irclog2html for #uphpu on 20060710

01:36.31*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
03:00.27*** join/#uphpu Epilog (n=duckman@
03:00.30Epiloghi there
03:00.33Epiloganyone awaken?
03:00.40Epiloghaving some problems with flush
03:02.53Epilogwps: with
03:02.55Epilogwps: yep
03:03.14Epilogwps: I have a progress bar that runs a lot of tests
03:03.37wpswhat is "flush"?
03:03.39Epilogwps:  and I would like to give the user some feedback on the progress of the action
03:03.52EpilogIt worked some time ago
03:03.55Epilogphp flush()
03:05.31wpssorry, never used flush
03:05.35wpsdon't know anything about it
03:09.08Epilogwps: thanks anyway
05:07.31*** join/#uphpu herlo (
06:30.21*** part/#uphpu herlo (
07:32.49*** join/#uphpu apropos (
08:15.29*** join/#uphpu somedude (
08:31.16*** join/#uphpu cycokilr (
10:13.54*** join/#uphpu apropos (
13:18.05*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
13:25.35*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
13:49.20*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
14:01.45*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
14:01.45*** mode/#UPHPU [+o wps] by ChanServ
14:36.36macnewbold~seen mindjuju
14:36.46jbotmindjuju is currently on #uphpu (17h 35m 19s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 14h 58m 57s, last said: 'oh wait, nevermind, i remember how now'.
14:48.23*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (n=boucha@
15:10.39*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
15:11.40*** join/#uphpu eco (
15:41.02*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (n=boucha@
15:41.08*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (n=boucha@
15:41.24*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (n=boucha@
16:03.24macnewbold~confuse everyone
16:03.25jbotno how was your hamster tomorrow ?
16:09.22Utah_Dav1~confuse everyone
16:09.24jbotyes those is your hamster tomorrow ?
16:09.30*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (n=boucha@
16:09.49*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
16:41.22*** join/#uphpu somedude (
16:52.50mindjujueWeek ran a benchmarks over different IT stacks, seems interesting thus far
16:58.20macnewboldgo BSD
16:58.50mindjujuit's interesting how page 2 was just used to qualify the results
16:58.58mindjujui'm on page 3 reading about the LAMP setup
17:06.32macnewboldsome things that the benchmarks don't take into account are the open source strongpoints: uptime/reliability, and usually, ease of administration
17:06.57macnewboldonce a *nix box is set up with its services, you can run it for a long long time without needing to spend much time on it usually
17:07.06mindjujui noticed they lacked uptime stats
17:07.12macnewboldbut I haven't ever ad the same experience with windows
17:18.14mindjujuhere, macnewbold, this is an article for you
17:18.53macnewboldthat's an article for everyone
17:19.13mindjujuthe stories on the page are really very funny
17:19.31mindjujui used to do NT admin, and can recall the not to distant past of having to deal with some of the issues
17:19.56*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
17:20.32*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
17:24.31*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
17:27.49macnewboldthe full article on that on eis great
17:27.59macnewbolds/on eis/one is/
17:56.13*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
18:07.09*** join/#uphpu apropos (
18:34.52mindjujuyeah, that did look painful
20:36.10*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (n=boucha@
21:12.29mindjujufor those of you who have yet to take lunch, i just took mine and watched this again
21:12.43mindjujuyoung frankenstein + steve ballmer =
21:12.53mindjujuway funny
21:14.42mindjujufor those uncultured heathens who haven't seen Young Frankenstein this will probably not make a lot of sense, but should be funny anyways
22:04.22*** join/#uphpu eco (
22:35.49macnewbold~seen Utah_Dave
22:36.09jbotutah_dave <n=boucha@> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 4h 3m 44s ago, saying: 'ouch!'.
23:02.56*** join/#uphpu synic (n=squish@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
23:18.45mindjujuanybody know any good FREE retro clip art sites?
23:25.09*** part/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
23:48.03*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (n=Administ@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.