irclog2html for #uphpu on 20060607

00:39.26*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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01:16.37*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
03:22.49*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
05:09.00*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (n=bigdog@
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05:09.41bigdog_utevening all
05:41.27bigdog_utman is this channel ever active
06:36.53*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
07:03.06bigdog_uthows it going ryan
12:49.43*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
14:21.23*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
14:26.07*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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14:46.30*** join/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@gentoo/developer/beandog)
15:23.42*** join/#uphpu herlo (
16:22.28*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
16:43.55*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
17:14.19*** part/#uphpu RyanE (
17:14.58*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
17:22.01mindjujuyup, was just saying that
18:02.24beandogAre tehre any good javascript calendars anyone would recommend?
18:03.20macnewboldworks like a charm
18:03.24macnewboldthe aqua theme is sweet too
18:08.09beandogthanks mac
18:08.12beandogIll check it out
19:33.03*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
19:38.31*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
19:51.41*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
20:22.50*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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20:57.17mindjujuwas that like a drive by from macnewbold?
20:57.58beandogwheres the love
20:58.10mindjujuhmm... that could come in handy
21:13.55macnewbold~lart mindjuju
21:13.58macnewbold~driveby mindjuju
21:14.09macnewbold~dwhit mindjuju
21:14.10jbotACTION slaps the diviner's tin avalanche on mindjuju
21:14.18macnewbold~bdhid mindjuju
21:14.25macnewbold~bdhit mindjuju
21:14.27jbotACTION slaps the diviner's tin avalanche on mindjuju
21:14.38macnewbold~dwhit mindjuju
21:14.40jbotACTION and macnewbold demonstrates the Iron Two Killers Hand on mindjuju's forehead
21:14.50macnewbold~bdhit mindjuju
21:14.52jbotACTION leaps to Sunrise Claw of the Cruel Snake on mindjuju
21:14.58macnewboldthat's a little better
21:17.36Utah_Dave~bdhit macnewbold
21:17.37jbotACTION gives macnewbold the Priest Flip of the Blessed Foulness
21:22.56*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
21:25.44mindjujui love those bdhits and dhits
21:26.00mindjujufrom back in the day when bigdog_ut and dataw0lf would spar
22:03.57stevja1~bdhit beandog
22:03.58jbotACTION slaps the diviner's tin avalanche on beandog
22:04.09stevja1that's kinda fun.
22:04.22stevja1who runs the jbot?
22:04.22mindjujui've got a whole bunch more i was going to program in
22:04.35mindjujutim riker manages jbot
22:04.42mindjujui added a bunch of cool commands
22:04.57mindjuju~frenchtaunt macnewbold
22:04.58jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
22:05.17macnewbold~bonk mindjuju
22:05.18jbotACTION bonks mindjuju over the head
22:05.36macnewbold~shakespeare mindjuju
22:05.38jbotACTION stands up and quotes Shakespeare: mindjuju - Thou tottering pottle-deep moldwarp!
22:05.52mindjujui forgot about shakespear!  yup, that's a good 'un
22:06.30mindjujuhere is some of the new strings i was going to add when i have a moment
22:06.30macnewboldand here's a real one for mindjuju: now there's a man that hath more hair than wit. -- comedy of errors
22:06.39beandogey now :)
22:06.57beandogAm I just everyones whipping boy?
22:07.02macnewboldDon't listen to mindjuju: "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
22:07.08macnewbold(from macbeth)
22:07.17mindjujupoor mac, he needs a book to insult me
22:08.38macnewboldoh, and here's a good one that fit's mindjuju perfectly, from Troilus and Cressida: "Idol of idiot-worshippers"
22:09.55macnewbold~curse mindjuju
22:09.56jbotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, mindjuju !
22:10.09mindjuju~toejam macnewbold
22:10.11jbotACTION wipes all the crud and macnewbold from out between his toes. Yuck!
22:10.38macnewboldalways a pleasure to duel with you, mj
22:11.31mindjujuit is a lot of fun.  reminds me of the old days when we'd fight with jbot attacks
22:18.10macnewboldI remember once getting jbot and another bot into some mutual recursion...
22:18.21macnewboldneither of them could detect the loop if you did it right
22:18.42stevja1that probably had some fun results.
22:18.47macnewboldyeah, it was good
22:19.02macnewboldI'll have to go find that in my IRC logs one day to remember how we set it up
22:19.20macnewboldI think it might have been with the roulette routine and we had it stop when someone died
22:19.23jbotACTION watches macnewbold pull the trigger:  Click!
22:21.01_psychic_the docs for this bot must be longer than the Bible.
22:48.18mindjujuyo fungus
22:50.14mindjujubummer, he must be gone
22:54.13macnewboldthey would  be if there were any... but there aren't :)
22:54.36macnewboldmost things are simply factoids rather than real commands
22:54.54macnewboldespecially since factoids can have randomized or parameterized components to them
22:57.22mindjujutrue that
22:57.37mindjujui was looking for docs to read so i could really get the upper hand on mac, but there aren't any
22:58.24_psychic_jbot: spill the beans, bro
23:13.17macnewboldyou can get quite a bit by /msg jbot help
23:13.26macnewboldand looking up some of the various topics he'll offer
23:13.53macnewboldthere are some tools for searching the factoids, too, by name and by value
23:14.08macnewbold(ibot and jbot are backed by a database, MySQL if I remember right)
23:14.32mindjujuyou'll probably need to do a lot of testing when you create new commands for jbot
23:14.39mindjujuso just target practice on macnewbold
23:14.45macnewbold~clue mindjuju
23:14.47jbotACTION fans out Vegas-style a stack of clues for mindjuju "Pick one, any one!  ...and don't show it to me."
23:14.55macnewboldor mindjuju
23:15.02mindjuju~macattack macnewbold
23:15.03jbotACTION uses a paperclip to hotwire macnewbold's car!
23:15.32mindjujuwhich reminds me
23:15.38jbotmethinks macnewbold is blank
23:15.59jbotextra, extra, read all about it, beandog is cool
23:16.24macnewbold~karma mindjuju
23:16.25jbotmindjuju has neutral karma
23:16.29mindjujuno, jbot, macnewbold is secretly running windows 3.11 on all his computers
23:16.30beandogSo when are we gonna have that meeting on content separation
23:16.36beandogoh, wade left.
23:16.40jbot[macnewbold] blank
23:16.52macnewbold~factinfo macnewbold
23:16.52jbotmacnewbold -- last modified at Wed Mar  1 23:14:26 2006 by macnewbold!n=mac@; it has been requested 3 times, last by mindjuju, 12s ago.
23:16.58beandog~seen wps
23:17.10jbotwps <n=wps@> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 1d 4h 9m 10s ago, saying: 'split-level, front-to-back (instead of the normal split level which is split side-side)'.
23:17.10beandog!seen wps
23:17.11jbotwell, mindjuju is sleeping with his left eye open, or insane
23:17.16jbotit has been said that wps is Mr. Sexy Pants
23:17.23macnewbold~wade's wife
23:17.24jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wade's wife is Mrs. Sexy Pants
23:17.29macnewbold~wade's kid
23:17.31jbotfrom memory, wade's kid is Junior Sexy Pants
23:17.43macnewbold_psychic_: ask jbot who his daddy is...
23:18.09jbotmacnewbold is probably blank
23:18.46mindjujujbot, macnewbold is secretly running windows 3.11 on all his computers
23:18.47jbot...but macnewbold is already something else...
23:18.59mindjujujbot, macnewbold is also secretly running windows 3.11 on all his computers
23:19.01jbotmindjuju: okay
23:19.07jbotmethinks macnewbold is blank, or secretly running windows 3.11 on all his computers
23:19.28macnewboldjbot, no, macnewbold is blank
23:19.29jbotokay, macnewbold
23:19.34jbothmm... macnewbold is blank
23:19.41mindjujujbot, macnewbold is also secretly running windows 3.11 on all his computers
23:19.43jbotokay, mindjuju
23:19.50jbotwell, macnewbold is blank, or secretly running windows 3.11 on all his computers
23:20.02macnewboldjbot, mindjuju is also prone to messing with other people's factoids
23:20.04jbotokay, macnewbold
23:20.06macnewbold~slap mindjuju
23:20.07jbotACTION slaps mindjuju, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
23:20.10jboti guess mindjuju is sleeping with his left eye open, or insane, or prone to messing with other people's factoids
23:21.31jbotwell, fungus is Kinda smelly, but grows on you, or a ASCII guru
23:21.49jbotwell, bigdog_ut is Mullet Man, a.k.a. El Perro Loco, or "the gimp", or known as the schwagmeister, or a big meany, or laden, or full of Schmack at times, or the nagios king, or a resident loser, or a mind reader, or a retard at times
23:22.22mindjuju~nyuk macnewbold
23:22.23jbotACTION grabs macnewbold nose and hammers it with his other hand!
23:22.49mindjujuah the 3 stooges attacks
23:55.40*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
23:55.40*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.