irclog2html for #uphpu on 20060406

00:05.50*** part/#uphpu herlo (n=csavage@
00:59.48*** join/#uphpu veruus (
02:56.10mindjujucan't wait til tomorrow!  I'm going to go around and give about half a dozen people a ninja kick to the crotch for failing to get their crap done on time and those that did delivered, the products provided are obviously created without the slightest semblance of care and thought.
03:49.20*** join/#uphpu xilch|w ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:49.20*** join/#uphpu kryp71k (n=kryp71k@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:27.33*** join/#uphpu veruus (
04:46.40*** join/#uphpu herlo (
05:30.14bigdog_utanyone familiar with the IT Group?
05:30.17bigdog_utanyone awake?
05:41.37mindjujusorry, was writting something and didn't notice ya
06:18.28*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (n=bigdog@
06:18.28*** mode/#uphpu [+o bigdog_ut] by ChanServ
06:21.57bigdog_utanyone up?
06:30.09mindjujuwhat u doing up?
06:30.20bigdog_utyou ever set up payflow pro?
06:30.29mindjujunope, sorry
06:30.40bigdog_utu official suck now
06:31.07mindjujuhmm... verisign online payment
06:31.11mindjujui like
06:32.25mindjujudid you see that 1-800 num for questions?
06:32.54bigdog_uti just want to talk to someone around here
06:33.18bigdog_utthey have a dev guide too...just want to see if anyone has set it up
06:34.59mindjujuso when you coming back to daylight IRC ?  or are the management still being jerks?
06:39.23bigdog_utstill being jerks
06:39.27bigdog_utnot sure when if ever
06:40.02mindjujubummer, well, maybe its a good thing.  I get a lot more work done during the day
06:40.55bigdog_utyeah...i do too...but it is nice to take a few minutes and type some
06:48.09mindjujuwhat you listening to over there?  I've got the Songs of Faith and Devotion (DM concert playing)
06:48.20bigdog_utjust sitting here
06:50.23mindjujuwhere are my manners?!?  surely you want a copy of this awesome concert, where should I send to?  all told, the concert is about 1 gig
06:51.48bigdog_utill have to get it another ready for bed
06:52.11bigdog_utnight bro
09:04.17*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
13:32.29*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dave (
13:43.49*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
13:53.52*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
14:25.38*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
14:25.38*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ
15:10.28*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
15:14.32*** join/#uphpu jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
15:14.32*** topic/#uphpu is Utah PHP Users Group |
15:18.14*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
15:22.13*** join/#uphpu fungus (
15:26.00*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (
15:37.27*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
15:57.55*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
16:05.35*** join/#uphpu RyanE (
16:11.57*** join/#uphpu Alphahawk (
16:53.16*** join/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (
17:10.31*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=_psychic@
18:13.38*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
18:14.26*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
18:25.35*** join/#uphpu herlo (n=csavage@
18:42.02*** join/#uphpu Alphahawk (
18:44.43AlphahawkDoes anyone know or can point me to somewhere that might have information on retrieving the mac address of a client in a intranet enviroment when I dont have php abilities?
18:49.53fungusthat might not even work.
18:50.51fungusYou could probably do it with an ActiveX control.  :)
18:52.08mindjujui *think* an HTA can also do it
18:55.26fungusWhat are you planning on doing with the mac address if you can get it?
18:55.27mindjujuHTML Application
18:55.49mindjuju(only works on windows boxes AFAIK)
18:55.58fungus~google HTML Application
18:56.05mindjuju~google HTA
18:56.22fungusAhh, more windows stuff.  :(
18:57.14mindjuju~dance jbot
18:57.16jbotjbot, dance with me!  Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' Elive, stayin' Elive
19:14.51*** join/#uphpu veruus (
19:34.22mindjuju~insult macnewbold
19:35.10mindjujuhmmm... true that
19:36.07*** part/#uphpu Utah_Dav1 (
19:38.30mindjujumust not be around --bummer
19:39.15mindjuju~melvin dataw0lf
19:39.16jbotACTION pulls dataw0lf underwear up to the ceiling...and smiles
19:41.50mindjuju~nosepick fungus
19:41.51jbotACTION plucks fungus out of the nose of humanity and flicks him out the window!
19:43.32*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
20:06.27*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
20:23.40*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
20:25.52*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
20:34.34*** join/#uphpu wps_ (n=wps@
21:23.01*** join/#uphpu veruus (
21:59.07macnewbold~lart mindjuju
22:00.48*** join/#uphpu herlo (n=csavage@
22:28.01wps_it's amazing how much snow has fallen today
22:30.41herloit snowed in utah?
22:30.44herloah crap!
22:31.04herloI am in L.A. and I come home tonight, that's gonna suck
22:32.00wps_it has snowed constantly from 8 am until now
22:32.06wps_five inches here at my office
22:32.17herlowhere is your office?
22:32.27wps_canyon park (old WP buildings)
22:32.53herlowonder what it's like in SLC
22:34.47wps_looks like it's just raining
22:34.59herloyeah, that's what it says on google weather too...
22:35.35wps_nothing beats a real time (almost) video feed though!
22:35.49wps_~hug commuterlink
22:35.52jbotACTION hugs commuterlink
22:36.03herlothat's true, I never seem to go there though...
22:36.52wps_it's not snowing on any of the cams in Orem, but is at my office
22:37.08herlowell you are up by the mountain
22:37.43RyanEherlo: yeah, just raining north of the point.
22:37.48RyanEhere in draper, at least.
22:38.07herlohmm, good to know
22:44.23*** join/#uphpu veruus (
22:50.25diskotec|weveryone needs one of these...
22:53.31fungusI don't shit enough to read them all.
23:15.33*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.