irclog2html for #uphpu on 20060116

04:41.48*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
04:42.00jsmithjbot: OnJoin -jsmith
04:42.00jbotok, jsmith
06:22.17*** join/#uphpu jnbek (
15:09.21*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wps@
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15:33.54*** join/#uphpu jsmith (n=jsmith@
16:50.23*** join/#uphpu harm (n=harm@
17:01.15*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=john@
17:21.13*** join/#uphpu jsmith (n=jsmith@
17:21.52jsmithjbot: onjoin -jsmith
17:21.52jbotok, jsmith
17:21.56*** part/#uphpu jsmith (n=jsmith@
17:22.03*** join/#uphpu jsmith (n=jsmith@
18:04.03*** join/#uphpu Alphahawk (n=Alphahaw@
18:05.00Alphahawkquestion about a session I am trying to create a logout how do I terminate a session?
18:08.40_psychic_try session_destroy()
18:12.36AlphahawkI looked at that but issue I read that may pose a problem is that if I destroy the session and someone doesn't close out there browser I run into issues later with trying to write sessions. Have you had any experience with the session_destroy();?
18:21.43Alphahawk_psychic_ okay found it if intrested and that is to do a $_SESSION=array();
18:30.14*** join/#uphpu fungus (n=fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
22:43.26*** join/#uphpu Epilog (n=duckman@
22:43.30Epiloghi there
22:43.37Epiloghaving some problems with classes
22:43.40Epiloganyone awaken?
22:44.51Epiloggot it
22:45.02wpsgo ahead and ask… if they know the answer and want to respond… they will :)
22:45.12Epilogwas doing $this->$myvar instead of $this->myvar
22:46.04fungusif $myvar = "blah"  and you call $this->$myvar  it will actually call $this->blah
22:46.11*** join/#uphpu _psychic1 (n=john@
22:46.15fungusalso referred to as variable variables
22:46.36Epilogyes I but I keep getting this warning, Notice: Undefined variable:  myvar in /tmp/teste.php on line 16
22:46.54fungusThat means that $myvar hasn't been defined.
22:47.00macnewboldalso called "soft references" in some places
22:47.12fungusit should be defined previously before calling it.
22:49.01Epilogit was
22:49.22Epilogcan I paste 4 line here?
22:50.55fungus4, yes
22:51.41Epilognow I get seg fault in php4 cli
22:51.59fungusdoh.  Got ZendOptimizer installed?
22:54.15EpilogZend Extension => 20050606
22:54.19EpilogZend Memory Manager => enabled
22:54.33fungusnope, those are normal.
22:57.13Epilogif I do a $this->$str i don't get a warning...
22:58.25fungusoh, you aren't using variable variables.
22:58.39fungusjust change your $this->$str to $this->str every time.
23:00.11Epilogfigured that out after a while :D
23:00.44EpilogPHP4 doesn't have the protected, public and private members right?
23:00.48Epilogonly php5?
23:01.13Epilogis there any good reason for still using php4?
23:01.39wpsare there any reasons to continue using it?
23:01.48Epilogyes :D
23:01.58fungusonly that is is almost universally available.  that's it.
23:02.22Epilogif I have my own server
23:02.27wpsI understand that there are some times when you can't upgrade, such as when you do not administer your box, or if you host multiple clients and they won't update their code, but otherwise, why wouldn't you ugrade?
23:02.28Epilogand have all made in php4
23:02.34Epilogshould I change?
23:03.00fungusIf you control your own server and don't plan to move it to a hosted solution, YES use php5
23:03.18Epilogis php5 already very stable
23:03.33Epiloggetta check if its on sarge
23:03.44wpsyes, PHP is plenty-good for prime-time
23:03.51wpss/PHP/PHP 5
23:03.54wpss/PHP/PHP 5/
23:04.11Epilogone more thing
23:04.26EpilogI have a lot of funtions in a seperate php file
23:04.36fungusvery exciting phrase.
23:04.37Epilogshould I pass them to some classes
23:04.48EpilogI mean
23:04.54fungusuh oh, I see a flame war coming
23:05.08Epilogcreate my own class named menu for everything wth menu
23:05.27Epilogclass auth, every aspect of authentication
23:05.29wpsEpilog: that is a pretty hard question to answer without knowing more about your project/application/site
23:05.40fungusIMHO only use a class if it is logical to encapsulate those functions w/ related data.
23:05.54EpilogI have a pretty done php app
23:06.12Epilogand I boss wants us to module the work
23:06.20Epilogto create some modules
23:06.40Epilogso that the next time I need to do menu's in page foo
23:06.45fungusmodule != class.
23:06.52Epilogand simply instanciate the class
23:06.56Epilogand do it
23:07.03fungusmodule can be a file that has a group of functions.
23:07.26Epilogif I have a class
23:07.31EpilogI can set some parameters
23:07.39Epiloglike html style to use
23:07.51Epilogand then simply a menu->addItem(bla bla)
23:08.27fungusThat might be a good use for a class then.
23:09.04Epilogi would have some members that set the style,
23:09.07Epiloglayout etc
23:09.16Epilogand some insert members to put the html code
23:10.58Epilogalso another thing
23:11.22fungus"one more thing"  <applause>
23:12.05Epilogwhat is the best pear, free, non free php class to generate some histogram graphics?
23:14.38macnewboldgd works well, Epilog
23:14.55macnewboldthere are even quite a few places you can find code you can copy and customize
23:15.18Epiloggonna google fot hat
23:15.22Epilogfor that
23:15.34Epilogits way to cold to be typing :D
23:15.48Epilogalso, since I'm in a ask day
23:16.12Epilogis Zopo studio worth the money? what other alternatives do one have for a good IDE?
23:19.04*** join/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=john@
23:26.16dataw0lfEpilog: IDE? Eclipse, Emacs, Komono
23:26.19dataw0lferr Komodo
23:26.39Epilogdataw0lf: the last I don't know
23:26.55Epilogbeen using vim and gPHPEdit
23:27.10dataw0lfI use vim almost exclusively
23:27.14dataw0lfbut it's not really an IDE
23:27.49Epilogis there any good script/package for vim for php?
23:32.42Epilogdataw0lf: thanks
23:32.59Epilogdataw0lf: regarding Zope Studio or Komodo
23:33.05Epilogare they worth the money?
23:33.37_psychic_(if by Zope you mean Zend, i've liked it quite a bit)
23:34.11Epilogyes Zend ...
23:38.52Epilogdataw0lf: how can I execute a script that changes a line in the beggining of my file and make it return to the same place it were?
23:43.44Epiloganother thing
23:43.51Epilogphpdoc or doxygen?
23:46.20*** part/#uphpu _psychic_ (n=john@
23:57.29macnewboldI'm pretty sure phpdoc is more widely used
23:58.00macnewboldEpilog: I'm not sure what you mean - you want to open a file, write a new first line, and then start reading from the beginning again?

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