irclog2html for #uphpu on 20051217

00:44.09cycokilrhey but can anyone tell me if there's something wrong with this:
00:44.11cycokilrfor( $f = 1; $f <= $settings[friends]; $f++ )
00:44.22cycokilrwow.. that's kind of a mess..
00:44.49cycokilrhere's a better look:
00:45.46cycokilrit doesn't complain.. it just doesn't send any email..
00:46.23cycokilrcrap.. i see something that's wrong..
00:52.16cycokilrshould i be using a while loop instead of an if?
00:52.23cycokilri mean instead of a for?
01:07.37macnewboldcycokilr: you still around?
01:07.59macnewbolddid you get that solved?
01:08.23cycokilrnah.. i'm thinking it might work better if i stick the friendEmail values into an array..
01:08.52cycokilrwell, the friendName&&friendEmail type thing or something..
01:09.36cycokilri think it might be that the mail() command is having trouble expanding the vars correctly..
01:10.41cycokilri gotta go to the store with my gf.. i'll think about it.. maybe i'll have some great epiphany..
01:10.59macnewboldhave fun
01:11.05cycokilrthanks for the help man..
01:11.09cycokilri really appreciate it..
01:12.23macnewboldno prob
01:12.27macnewboldthat's what we're here for
01:50.11discotec| do i kill my ghost connection?
03:05.48bigdog_utwhich is your ghost connection?
03:40.05diskotec|wnm... it's gone now...thanks
03:40.33diskotec|wanyone have a minute to answer an easy question?
03:40.40diskotec|wwell...possibly 2-3 mintues
03:46.48diskotec|wnewbie question about using tar.
04:09.15diskotec|wI've downloaded apache to install on a freebsd box.  where would you suggest I un-tar it?  also, do i use the binary or source version?  Not sure how long it would take to compile on a p2 300.  I'm sorry but the man pages really didn't answer my question about tar.
04:10.09cycokilrwow.. i usually installed it with the ports collection on freebsd.. haven't had experience compliing it on freebsd.. only on linuux..
04:10.27cycokilryou can pretty much install it anywhere you want though..
04:10.47cycokilron linux, it's commonly under /usr/local/apache
04:10.53diskotec|wports that on cd2?  not familiar with ports collection
04:10.57cycokilrbut it's pretty varied too..
04:11.28cycokilri really haven't played with f*bsd for a while.. i dont' really remember too much man..
04:12.14diskotec|wok....thanks.  but to answer my question I'd move the tar'd file to /usr/local and then un-tar it?
04:13.06diskotec|wI know it's a preference but I'd like to put it where it's normally kept.
04:14.12diskotec| most other people.  sorta like c:\Program Files
04:14.21diskotec|w...for windows
04:25.38cycokilrsorry.. had to use the bathroom..
04:25.54cycokilryou can do a tar -tvf to see what paths are in the archive..
04:26.05cycokilrtar -tvf <filename>
04:26.52cycokilrit might already have the /usr/local path in it..
04:27.02diskotec|wok...I'll give that a try
04:27.45cycokilrand you don't have to move the file anywhere if you don't want..
04:28.14diskotec|wthanks for the info.  I've had files unpack on me right in the folder i was in when I was expecting it to install somewhere else
04:28.25cycokilryou can just cd to /usr/local then to a tar xvf /home/dude/download/apache-ver-arch.tar
04:28.34cycokilrand it will put it where you are..
04:29.12diskotec|wok....thanks....I'll go give that a try
04:29.14cycokilryeah, the t option is pretty helpful for listing the files (and paths) in the archive..
04:41.42diskotec|wthanks cycokilr....that was pretty painless.  everything seemed to work
04:42.32cycokilrright on..
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15:59.34marcovichi guys...just a little problem...which is the reg exp for matching "<comments>bla...bla...</comments>"?
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