irclog2html for #uphpu on 20050920

00:14.28mindjujuany flash programmers in the house?
00:20.58macnewboldheavens no
00:21.10macnewboldbut I know a good one, if you need to hire him to do some work for you
00:26.51mindjujui was looking more for some info like target size for a 30 sec clip and stuff like that
00:26.56mindjujui'll keep googling it
00:32.53*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (
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00:33.16bigdog_utevenin' all
00:34.49mindjujuyo bigdog, sup?
00:34.57bigdog_utnot much y tu?
00:35.12mindjujuasi asi
00:35.40bigdog_utque bueno no, regrese' a mi casa para comer
00:50.20mindjujuvas a volver depues a trabajo o te vas a trabajar en casa?
01:01.47bigdog_utestoy en mi casa
01:02.25bigdog_utpero esta noche es el UFC y lo voy a mirar
01:02.59mindjujununca a visto UFC
01:03.03mindjujuque es?
01:03.03bigdog_uty despues eso voy a trabajar mucho
01:03.16bigdog_utel ultimo fighter
01:03.18mindjujuasi es la vida, no?
01:03.29bigdog_utasi es
02:00.24mindjujubigdog, do you do flash?
02:03.29*** join/#uphpu diskotec|w (n=UN@
02:32.47diskotec|w[-]: I'm wanting to download wxPython for my newly installed ubuntu box (old hardware) but the only choices are for Fedora, Red Hat and Mandrake.  Which one should I get?
02:58.32*** join/#uphpu tierra (
03:23.39mindjujudon't know a whole lot about linux, but i have heard fedora is having problems
03:24.03mindjujui also know that mandrake is suppose to be one of the easiest to use partly because of drive compatibility
03:24.22mindjujui have a dual boot of mandrake at home, but it is an older install
03:24.26mindjujuhope that helps
03:43.25diskotec|wI used to have Fedora installed but I'm giving ubuntu a try.  I've never tried mandrake before...maybe i'll give that a go one of these days.
03:45.12diskotec|wthanks for the input.  I'll wait for dw on the wxPython question though.  simply because the documentation talks about it not being in a stable release for debian based systems
04:02.33mindjujuyeah, dw is the pro with that stuff
04:20.05mindjujuanybody here?
04:20.44mindjujuhey, you know any sites with flash modules in 'em?  i need some inspiration to spice mine up
04:21.20bigdog_utno not sure...i hate flash
04:21.45mindjujuyeah, you and me both, but the boss gets what the boss really wants
04:22.17mindjujui'm more of a middle/backend guy, though i'm learning the graphic design of the web, though my stuff don't look anything near wps stuff
04:22.36mindjujumaybe i should take some classes?
04:22.48bigdog_utsure if you want to be a flash guy
04:23.04mindjujuwell, not so much to be a flash guy, but to be a well rounded guy
04:23.24bigdog_utthat is where i make the not a graphics guy
04:24.41mindjujuyeah, but you can make that call cause your the SQL guru, i'm not to guru level yet.  i'm like sql squirt, know a bit, have tons to study yet
04:24.47mindjujuhow long you been doing sql anyways?
04:25.00bigdog_ut8 yrs
04:26.28bigdog_utbut i still have tons to learn too
04:26.35bigdog_uti just hate graphics stuff
04:28.31mindjujuyup.  even with css, my graphics design looks like a brick with a pretty ribbon on it
05:46.33diskotec|wmindjuju: try  thats not even close to a business theme you'd have to do but its flash
05:46.55diskotec|woh and
05:47.03diskotec|wi like neostream
05:50.18diskotec|wif you want to see stupid flash go to there is no point to that least I think it's flash
13:44.02diskotec|wmaybe i'll download it finally....
13:53.43*** join/#uphpu usynic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
14:07.26*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (n=Administ@
14:08.27*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (n=Administ@
14:10.02[-]I've been using links more and more lately.
14:27.51diskotec|w[-]: after installing ubuntu, there is an icon telling me there are 102 updates.  would you install all of them?
14:28.22*** join/#uphpu wps (n=wade@
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14:30.22wpsOpera now free
14:30.27wpsit's about time they saw the light
14:30.35wpswhy on earth would anyone pay for a browser?
14:30.51wpswe'll, let me rephrase that
14:30.59diskotec|wheh....dataw0lf just retched all over Opera a few minutes ago
14:31.05wpsit kind of sounds like it cared about the browser
14:31.08wpsand I don't
14:31.18wpsI just meant that I am surprised that it took them this long to see the light
14:31.44wpsOpera is better than MSIE, but I would put Safari, Camino, Mozilla, and Firefox way ahead of it
14:32.48[-]diskotec|w: yes
14:32.54[-](to installing the updates)
14:32.59[-]which release did you install?
14:34.47diskotec|wversion 5.04
14:34.54[-]yeah, install all updates
14:35.06diskotec|wok.  :)
14:35.19[-]and in about two weeks you'll want to do a dist-upgrade
14:35.33*** join/#uphpu RyanE_ (
14:35.35diskotec|wnew version eh?
14:35.39diskotec|wor updated anyway
14:35.44[-]Yeah, new version.
14:36.05[-]so Hoary is
14:37.23diskotec| that is October 5th?
14:39.17wpsGoogle Wifi is real
14:39.31wpslooks like they're starting a beta test in San Fran
15:03.07wpsanyone have experience with DVRs and could recommend one?
15:04.53macnewboldno way
15:05.08mindjujunot dvr, but bit torrent + server with big hdd +  == "instant mega happy"
15:05.58mindjujuit plays good video formats like xvid, divx, etc, mp3, displays pics in a slide show
15:06.15mindjujui'm trying to get my wife to agree this is a Christmas purchase and buy it for me
15:08.09diskotec|wcan't mythTV do all that as well?
15:09.18mindjujuyeah, but by the time you get the remote and have a pretty computer next to your tv with the pretty case
15:09.22mindjujuyour past the budget
15:11.11mindjujucourse though, i think it is like $70 for the remote for mytv (and remote controler), leaving $180 (if you don't care for pretty computer) and that money could buy extra hdd space for more shows....
15:11.28mindjujuhmmm... more shows... (drool, sloober sloober, drool)
15:11.57mindjujui just want my dvds to go away, that way my boy doesn't scratch them and they aren't an eye sore
15:12.19diskotec|wi don't care about pretty's whats on the inside that counts...I hate the boxes with all the lights and such
15:16.17diskotec|wlast time i shopped for a case, my wife wanted me to buy one that had the neon thing going on and with flashing lights on the outside...I thought it was a waste.  I ended up buying a case that had a few lights simply because of the low price, power supply and air circulation options.
15:18.09diskotec|wheh...that is a dilema
15:33.49*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
15:44.30*** join/#uphpu kryp71k|w (n=kryp71k@
15:52.29beandogYou mean PVR?
15:52.36beandogGet the ConvertX Plextor if youre gonna use MythTV
15:52.43beandoghardware encoding to mpeg1,2,4
15:58.28mindjuju~froogle ConvertX Plextor
15:58.44mindjujudang!  i'll have to do it me self!
15:58.56RyanE_my mythTV remote cost $13
15:59.05RyanE_of course, I had the parts to build the receiver on-hand.  :)
16:00.12mindjujuwhich model where you thinking beandog?
16:00.21*** join/#uphpu synic (n=synic@pdpc/supporter/student/synic)
16:01.48beandogthe $200 one
16:02.06beandogIts nice.
16:02.12beandogI bought mine when they first announced the linux drivers.
16:02.44beandogIf youre going to get a PCI card though, get the LifeView Flyvideo 3000
16:02.51beandogIts the only low-end card that records in stereo instead of mono.
16:03.02beandogand the picture is incredibly sharp.
16:03.12beandogGet one with a Philips tuner, not the WinTV crapola.
16:03.42mindjujuseems like internal was best when working with video, is that still the case?
16:03.49beandognot really
16:03.52beandogThe Plextor uses USB2.
16:03.59beandogWell, let me rephrase that.
16:04.08beandogThe Plextor is the ONLY external video device that will work with linux.
16:04.44beandogNone of the other USB ones work
16:05.33beandogThe only problem with the Plextor is its either MythTV or the highway, since no other apps support it right now.
16:05.50beandogIf you get a PCI tuner card, you can still use something like Freevo or MPlayer to record your TV.
16:06.35mindjujugood thing i asked, last time i did video capture it was on a AMD k6 - 2 300 with an eye popping all banks maxed 512 ram
16:07.11beandogWell even on a low end machine you can get the CPU usage down low, depending on your recording settings.
16:07.23beandogFor example, record at 320x240 will really cut it down a lot.
16:07.36beandogThen, if you record to mpeg2 instead of mpeg4 that's really gonna bring it down too.
16:07.38mindjujuI've got beefier now, but wasn meaning to say it was a long while ago
16:07.43beandogOh, right. :)
16:08.00beandogOr you can get a hardware encoder and use 0% cpu. :)
16:08.38beandogThe WinTv 250/350 are good if you want MPEG2 hw encoding.
16:08.51beandogBut those are about $150, $250.
16:09.50*** join/#uphpu jsmith (n=jsmith@
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16:26.43*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (n=Administ@
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17:30.34RyanEUPHPU meeting tonight?  Topic?
17:31.15macnewboldnot tonight... next Thursday, the 29th - Jeff Barr from Amazon
17:31.28macnewbold(Meetings have changed from 3rd tuesday to 3rd Thursday)
17:31.42macnewbold(and this month, it's 4th thursday instead, because we've got a special guest flying in)
17:32.37*** join/#uphpu drewbono (n=andrew@
17:34.04RyanEmacnewbold: thx.
17:35.50macnewboldno prob, RyanE
17:35.59macnewboldsorry to disappoint you with a change of plans
17:36.17*** topic/#uphpu by macnewbold -> volunteers sought to man booth at GUBUG install fest, 24 Sep - Next UPHPU Meeting: Thurs. Sept 27 @ 7pm - Jeff Barr from Amazon
17:36.49*** topic/#uphpu by macnewbold -> Volunteers welcome for GUBUG BSD install fest, Sat 24 Sep 2pm - Next UPHPU Meeting: Thurs. Sept 27 @ 7pm - Jeff Barr from Amazon
17:38.08RyanEno problem.  I just have it set in my Palm that it was tonight, wanted to make sure before I show up to a locked room (not that confirming has stopped *that* before).  ;)
17:38.48RyanEmacnewbold: The topic is *wrong*... the 27th is Tuesday...
17:39.15RyanEshould be the 29th, or the 27th?
17:40.14jsmithWoo hoo!  I might actually be able to make it to a meeting now.
17:51.03*** topic/#uphpu by macnewbold -> Volunteers welcome for GUBUG BSD install fest, Sat 24 Sep 2pm - Next UPHPU Meeting: Thurs. Sept 29 @ 7pm - Jeff Barr from Amazon
17:51.09macnewboldsorry, yes thurs 29th
17:51.16macnewboldthanks RyanE
17:51.31macnewboldjsmith: we hope you can come!
18:19.56mindjujui'm hoping somebody will bring some huge boxing gloves, maybe we could have a title bout at this next meeting
18:26.10macnewboldwhat title is that?
18:47.18mindjujuthe "my kung fu is the best" title
18:47.40mindjujuanybody flash programmers in the house?
18:53.03mindjujuwell, here's my question, i built a flash ad.  it's 34 seconds and is 463kb.  is that size too big, should i look to trim?
19:07.11macnewboldthat's almost 14KB/sec which is about 120Kbps - a little over double a 56K modem
19:07.25macnewboldso a modem user would take over a minute to download your 34 sec. clip
19:21.59beandogis there a function that will display what line # the script is on?
19:24.03beandogah sweet
19:24.08beandoggotta love php
19:41.30*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (n=mac@
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19:42.00macnewbold1.5GB ram
19:46.47*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
19:48.53mindjujui've got icons for word documents, etc, but does anybody know what a URL/web page icon should look like?  i don't think i've seen one
19:54.11macnewboldit's a blue lowercase "e"
19:54.37macnewbold~tell mindjuju it's a blue lowercase "e"
19:55.00mindjujui thought that was the icon for internet explorer?
19:58.58macnewboldyeah, it is, but it uses a page with a blue "e" for the html/web page icon
19:59.03macnewboldand even some images that it can open
19:59.14macnewboldI was just messin with ya
19:59.24macnewboldyou can google for file types or file type icons
19:59.33mindjujusure, sure, sounds like a freudian slip to me!!!  
19:59.35macnewboldand try google images for "html OR web icon"
19:59.47mindjujuHey everybody, Mac is running Win X servers at his place!
19:59.54macnewbold~slap mindjuju
19:59.55jbotACTION slaps mindjuju, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:00.02macnewboldthat's an insult and half
20:00.08macnewbold~melvin mindjuju
20:00.10jbotACTION pulls mindjuju underwear up to the ceiling...and smiles
20:00.16macnewbold~fleas mindjuju
20:00.18jbotmindjuju, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the hair in your dark sensitive areas forever!
20:00.30mindjujulaughing too hard to fight back
20:00.35macnewboldaw jea
20:00.37mindjujuwow, must have hit a real nerve there!
21:47.56*** join/#uphpu jakea (n=jakea@
23:38.42*** part/#uphpu beandog (n=sdibb@
23:49.18*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (
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23:56.06bigdog_uthave fun guys

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