irclog2html for #uphpu on 20050601

00:44.50dripi thought i had until thursday night to resolve an issue..
00:44.55dripnow it's tomorrow afternoon
00:45.17dripand of course some kind of bomb went off while we were gone over the holiday
00:45.23dripso we're trying to fix that.
00:56.21dataw0lfsorry I couldn't make it :(
04:22.18*** join/#uphpu wps (~wade@
04:22.20*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ
04:42.17cycokilrwps:  dude are you there?
04:42.35wpsI am
04:42.49cycokilrwhat's up man.. (this is bob)
04:43.10cycokilrfrom the uug years ago..
04:43.17cycokilrwith the pdf download script..
04:43.29wpshow's it going?
04:43.34cycokilrgood man.. how you doing?
04:43.43wpsvery well, thanks
04:43.44cycokilryou workin' for someone or freelancing?
04:43.52cycokilrme too..
04:44.17cycokilri actually moved to slc (downtown) but i work for a small IT company in orem a couple days a week..
04:44.29wpsI am in Orem
04:44.50wpsjust off center
04:44.56cycokilrthat's cool.. there's still a lot of work down that way..
04:45.08cycokilrbut i figured i'd try to tap into the big city stuff a bit.. ;-)
04:46.27cycokilrright on man.. i gotta go watch a movie with my girl.. but i'll try to show up at the next uphpu meeting man..
04:46.38wpsbeen busy then?
04:46.45cycokilryeah, things are picking up..
04:46.59cycokilrgot a couple web apps i'm working on.. and a couple network management contracts..
04:47.16wpsoh, yeah… trying to finish school
04:47.19wpsI graduate in August
04:47.40wpsten I can just be two jobs and family instead of two jobs, family, AND school! :)
04:47.57cycokilrahh.. nice.. graduations gotta feel good..
04:48.52cycokilralright man.. sorry to cut it short.. but i'll be around.. later..
04:51.12wpsno problem
04:51.23wpsmy wife is waiting for me anyway
04:51.25wpsgood to type to you
04:51.28wpsglad things are well
04:51.35wpshope to catch you around some more
04:51.49wps(I've got to do the dishes :) )
04:51.49cycokilryeah man.. you too.. good wishes man.. i'm sure i'll see you at a meeting soon..
04:51.54cycokilrlater man..
05:13.57*** join/#uphpu wps (~wade@
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05:25.16*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (
05:25.16*** mode/#uphpu [+o bigdog_ut] by ChanServ
07:14.16*** join/#uphpu jbot_ (
07:14.16*** topic/#uphpu is Group project/class meeting tonight! | Utah PHP Users Group |
12:46.12*** join/#uphpu drip (
13:11.01macnewboldmorning everyone
13:11.22*** topic/#uphpu by macnewbold -> Utah PHP Users Group |
13:15.32driphow was the meeting?
13:25.41macnewboldpretty good
13:25.58macnewboldsix of us were there, and at least 4 others would have been there, but couldn't make it
13:40.20dripyeah, i had to kick bigdog_ut out of the office to go home.  =)
13:42.57dripI would have liked to come as well had I not been busy at work till late.
13:46.02macnewboldso drip, do you and bigdog work in the same office?
13:46.40dripwe've actually worked at 3 different companies together in the last 5 years.
14:22.47*** join/#uphpu wps (~wade@
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14:56.31*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (~bigdog@
14:56.31*** mode/#uphpu [+o bigdog_ut] by ChanServ
15:04.49bigdog_utmornin' all
15:04.55bigdog_uthow went the meeting
15:19.02mindjujui think the meeting went really well
15:20.44macnewboldbigdog_ut: it went well, I think... we could have made a little more progress, but it was a good discussion for the most part
15:21.04*** join/#uphpu bobert_ (~bobert@
15:21.25macnewboldwe got off topic quite often, in part because Sheri is "talkative" and had lots of interesting questions
15:21.55macnewboldeveryone who was there said thursday works for them too, so we'll probably have the next one on a thursday in a couple of weeks perhaps
15:22.41*** part/#uphpu bobert_ (~bobert@
15:22.47mindjujui actually kinda liked the banter, but at the end wanted to make sure we had something tangible in hand
15:24.03bigdog_utso did we get some notes out of it?
15:24.22mindjujuyeah, i got some but reading the daily news first before posting
15:24.24mindjujuno audio
15:24.30*** part/#uphpu vontrapp (
15:24.46wpshow many attended?
15:26.35bigdog_utkinda small turn out
15:29.22mindjujuhave we decided on next meeting / meeting frequency?
15:30.51bigdog_utwhat was the talk about? was there anything that came out of the meeting?
15:31.31mindjujuuno momento por favor, i'm reading about 20,000 bees infesting this one house in oklahoma
15:31.44bigdog_ut~dropkick mindjuju
15:31.45jbotACTION sends mindjuju flying like a yipping chihuahua
15:31.53*** kick/#uphpu [jbot_!~bigdog@] by bigdog_ut (bigdog_ut)
15:32.50*** join/#uphpu jbot_ (
15:32.50*** topic/#uphpu is Utah PHP Users Group |
15:32.59bigdog_uthis nick is wrong
15:33.12mindjuju~nyuk bigdog_ut
15:33.14jbotACTION grabs bigdog_ut nose and hammers it with his other hand!
15:33.15*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
15:34.13bigdog_uti guess ill just wait until mindjuju is done with the paper
15:34.38bigdog_utnot that im doing anything important anyways
15:35.04mindjujuk, one quick flyby then i'm done
15:35.18bigdog_ut...still waiting...
15:35.50mindjujuhave ya'll heard about the onion article where the US supreme court overturned
15:35.52mindjujua car?
15:36.38mindjujuok, i'm turning on my laptop to get notes
15:36.47mindjujui'll have ready in like 20 minutes we go
15:36.59bigdog_ut...still waiting...
15:37.41mindjujuoooo, your asking for it!
15:47.31jbotACTION looks around for someone named nick.
15:47.43macnewbold~wantnick jbot
15:47.43jboterror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
15:47.47macnewboldjbot wantnick
15:47.56macnewboldjbot_: wantnick
15:48.20bigdog_ut~wantnick jbot_
15:48.20jboterror: you do not have enough flags for that. (o required)
16:03.07bigdog_ut...still waiting...
16:03.47mindjujuhey, you want these notes to be good, right?
16:04.03bigdog_utyeah...but i want notes and not a
16:04.04mindjujubut i wrote something for the mean time
16:04.05mindjujujbot: nosepick $1 is <action> plucks $1 out of the nose of humanity and (wipes him on the couch|flicks him out the window)!
16:04.07jbotmindjuju: okay
16:04.13mindjuju~nosepick bigdog_ut
16:04.15jbotACTION plucks bigdog_ut out of the nose of humanity and wipes him on the couch!
16:04.42mindjujumy finest yet!
16:04.54bigdog_uti only need one
16:04.58bigdog_ut~melvin mindjuju
16:04.59jbotACTION pulls mindjuju underwear up to the ceiling...and smiles
16:06.27bigdog_utsimple, elegant, satisfying
16:17.01drip~dripslap bigdog_ut
16:17.02jbotACTION pulls out his Pink Cookie Gun.. takes aim at bigdog_ut.. and fires...  bigdog_ut DOWN!  Can we get a medic over here?!
16:41.47bigdog_utthat must be one long website
16:50.37*** join/#uphpu dataw0lf (
17:04.36mindjujuk, i just sent it
17:04.52mindjujuit was like grand central station in my office so took longer than i thought
17:04.56mindjujugen mailing list
17:05.25bigdog_utwps,  we should try and get some static pages on the website for the project
17:07.11bigdog_utthank u mindjuju
17:09.27bigdog_utnow if the email would arrive
17:09.37mindjujui just got mine
17:10.21mindjujuI'm getting kinda misty eyed cause it definantly pulitzer Prize winning material
17:11.06bigdog_utno sabes el perro grande
17:11.21mindjujuel perro loco?
17:11.57bigdog_utel perro grande senor
17:12.31mindjujuloco en la cabeza?
17:12.54mindjujuk, 'nuff of that.  good idea on the website
17:12.56bigdog_utun soy el perro grande
17:13.11bigdog_utif wps and macnewbold get on the ball here
17:13.18mindjujuwe could show how the project is doing
17:13.22mindjujuwhat mods are being programmed
17:13.43bigdog_utyep and assign volunteers to those areas
17:14.06mindjujuhave some cool logo like
17:14.31bigdog_utoh yea
17:14.34mindjujujust take the words out and put our own
17:14.40mindjujui used that pic once for a lan party
17:14.50bigdog_utbe all you can programm
17:14.54mindjujui took her words out and put in
17:14.59mindjujuMama said knock you out
17:15.03mindjujuit was way good times
17:15.21bigdog_utthat would be nice
17:15.50mindjujui could definantly use a good lan party, my frag count is low this quarter
17:16.02bigdog_utwhat games you playin
17:16.25mindjujufar cry on the PC, halo / halo 2 on the X
17:16.32mindjujuwhat you gaming?
17:16.45bigdog_uti know drip is a lan party man...but in the pc realm
17:17.26mindjujudid you get your email yet?
17:19.39*** join/#uphpu bradym (
17:23.07*** join/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
17:25.19bigdog_utprogrammed in
17:26.00mindjujulowest common demoninator
17:26.10mindjujumakes the project very compatible
17:26.10bigdog_utphp3 right
17:26.27bigdog_utsince it is a new project i would do php5
17:26.44mindjujusome modules to be coded in 5
17:26.48mindjujubut truth told
17:26.53mindjujuyou should have been there!
17:26.56bigdog_utthe incompatibility between php4 and php5 is too great
17:31.29bradymon a completely different topic..
17:31.34bradymquestion about using ssl.. I want to have the login to my site secured by SSl, does the login form need to be on a SSL page, or is having https in the form action to direct the login to the https server good enough?
17:32.36bigdog_uti would put it on an ssl page
17:32.46bigdog_utcause that is where they will enter their password
17:34.13dataw0lfI wonder if there are any tools to degrade PHP 5 to 4 gracefully.
17:34.33bigdog_utapt-get php4
17:34.49dataw0lf!lart bigdog_ut
17:34.59dataw0lf!judo bigdog_ut
17:35.32mindjujutry the ~ instead of the !
17:37.46dataw0lf-lart mindjuju
17:37.57dataw0lf~lart mindjuju
17:38.05dataw0lfI'm slow.
17:38.11mindjuju~zombify dataw0lf
17:38.12jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of dataw0lf and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez dataw0lf! dataw0lf wonders off in a daze slobering
17:40.21macnewboldbigdog_ut: we'd love to put some stuff on the site about the project
17:40.28macnewboldso anyone got a name for the project yet?
17:57.21*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
18:33.10bigdog_utbigdogz project
18:33.14*** join/#uphpu tierra (
18:33.56dripvirtual pink cookie
18:34.07macnewbolduh, no
18:34.27mindjujuhow bout "how to get a leg up in the world" by the bigdog crew?
18:34.53macnewboldbtw, there are bonus points for the new name if it's (a) a recursive acronym, (b) a palindrome, or (c) both
18:39.53bigdog_utmacnewbold, tell wps to hook u up with some pages to use
18:41.04jsmithNexex = Nexen EXtensible Engine?
18:41.14jsmithNexex = Nexen EXtensible ENgine, that is.
18:41.26jsmithYEah, that's what I meant.
18:41.40bigdog_utor biggib
18:41.52bigdog_utor bigdoggodgib
18:42.01jsmithWelcome to Nexen. We are a Canadian-based global energy and chemicals company.... <== google
18:42.21*** join/#uphpu wps (~wade@
18:42.30macnewbold~google nxn
18:42.31*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ
18:42.48macnewboldUtah PHP Universe
18:43.26jsmithUEWEU = UEWEU Extensible Web Engine by UPUPU
18:44.32wpsmacnewbold, send me some content and I'll create pages on the site for the project
18:44.36jsmith(pronounced eeeeewww, as in smelly socks, or more like you-you?)
18:46.09macnewboldwps: I don't have any content other than what's already shown up on the mailing list from myself, mindjuju, etc.
18:47.10macnewboldabout the project name: forgot to mention that it should be pronouncible except in extenuating circumstances
18:47.46macnewboldif you've got a really really really good one that can't be pronounced except saying by the letters, we might consider it
18:48.42dataw0lf|wanyone tried out Komodo before?
18:48.44dataw0lf|wI'm liking it.
18:48.52dataw0lf|wHaven't used it for PHP yet, though.
18:48.57bigdog_utyes i hav
18:50.27dataw0lf|wfor Python it's arockin'
18:50.57bigdog_utare you testing on linux? i did not like the php...but i like that it is mozilla based
18:51.10bigdog_utthat is what got me into writting mozilla based apps
18:51.13dataw0lf|wyeah, testing it on Linux.
18:51.36bigdog_uti used it about 3 years ago...i am sure it is much better
18:51.52bigdog_uti use the tcl xslt python and php
18:52.25dataw0lf|wbigdog_ut: it's pretty slick, so far.
18:52.38bigdog_utyeah it is okay...eclipse is better though
18:52.40dataw0lf|wand it has a little dock window that you can incorporate pylint into.
18:52.53dataw0lf|wpfft, Komodo is about 400000000000000000000000000000 times faster than Eclipse.
18:53.02dataw0lf|wand better Python integration.
18:53.23bigdog_utkeep thinking that
18:53.25dataw0lf|wI was less than impressed with Eclipse's Python support.  I mean, it's got it, but for such a large app I expect alot more bang for my buck.
18:53.48bigdog_utwhat buck did you spend?
18:54.16dataw0lf|wIt drains my soul everytime I run a Java app.
18:54.30bigdog_utyeah so you are paying alot
19:25.02*** join/#uphpu cycokilr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:25.02*** join/#uphpu xilch|w ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:45.06*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
20:07.18*** part/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
20:09.28bigdog_utdo we have the mailing list set up for the project?
20:10.27wpsI'm working on it
20:10.49bigdog_utokay just curious i have some stuff that i want ot post but wondering if i should wait
20:13.27*** join/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
20:46.23bigdog_ut~wake wps
20:46.24jbotwps: GOOD MORNING!!!
20:50.39*** join/#uphpu bradym_ (
20:52.47mindjujuyo brady
20:53.02bradym_hey there
21:04.22fungusI just installed pgsql, and am finding that it is much hairier than mysql.
21:04.51mindjujuyeah, where's bigdog at a time like this?
21:05.10mindjujuhe's always going on about how good that is vs MySQL
21:05.26mindjuju~wake bigdog_ut
21:05.27jbotbigdog_ut: GOOD MORNING!!!
21:06.26bigdog_utfungus, what is the problem
21:07.31fungusnot a problem, just introducing myself to it.  It is much more complicated.
21:07.49fungusthough phpPgAdmin is helping a lot.
21:08.16bigdog_utdid you need some help or anything...i can lend some assistance
21:08.42fungusI might in the future, but right now it is just self training.  
21:08.49fungusthanks for the offer.
21:09.11mindjujui'm listening to "going back to cali" to bad we can't call the project LL PHP F instead of LL Cool J
21:36.00bigdog_utman today is a good day
21:36.23bigdog_utgood food, good friends...done with my the app server running
21:37.03bigdog_utoh crap...M$ has decided to drop the 'My' prefix
21:37.10bigdog_utwhat will they do now
21:37.32wpswhere'd you read that, bigdog_ut?
21:38.37bigdog_utwe can neither confirm or deny the use of 'My' in M$
21:38.55bigdog_utthey should just replace it with M$ Computer
21:38.59bigdog_utM$ Network
21:39.11bigdog_utM$ Piece of Crap
21:39.33dripthey should replace it with "Hacker's Pictures|Documents|Music|etc"
21:39.49bigdog_utor BigDogz Computer
21:39.55bigdog_utBigDogz Pictures
21:40.01bigdog_utoh...wait...perhaps not
21:40.31dripdid you see the new hack where they encrypted people's files like mp3's, spreadsheets, images, etc and charged a fee to get it unencrypted?
21:40.41bigdog_utmy whole paradigm is changing...go to..."My..."...ops Computer...
21:41.04driptalk about making it easy to track you down
21:41.41bigdog_uti can hear tech support now
21:41.54bigdog_utsorry sir we dont support "My Computer" anymore
21:43.02mindjujuyeah saw that
21:43.19mindjujuthe one company that had its files locked got it unlocked without paying money
21:43.47bigdog_utfrom the hacker
21:58.41macnewboldhey bradym! glad to see you here today
21:59.48bradymhey mac.. heard so much great about this place last nite i figured i should check it out :)
22:00.11bigdog_utman dataw0lf|w has been quiet today...that is a first
22:00.37dataw0lf|wbigdog_ut is a loser.
22:04.16macnewboldjbot, gaucho is An Argentine Cowboy. See also paisano, che, bigdog_ut.
22:04.17jbotmacnewbold: okay
22:09.15*** join/#uphpu dataw0lf (
22:09.50dataw0lfBitchX sucks.
22:10.03tierraI've come to like it
22:10.43*** part/#uphpu dataw0lf (
22:12.32tierraI went through and cleaned out probably 10MB of logs on ibaku that were all connection logs from Adrenaline checking his email every 3 minutes... I'm not joking, he has his email client setup to check every 3 minutes exactly
22:12.59bigdog_uti have mine to check 1 minute exactly
22:13.08bigdog_utall 12 accounts
22:14.16tierrathat's really unnecessary unless your taking support emails or something for a company
22:14.17bigdog_utdataw0lf|w, i though u were going to the project meeting last night
22:14.35bigdog_uttierra, i just do it to piss off the intranet gods
22:14.51tierraI'd have to say, at the least, set it to every 5 minutes...
22:15.12dataw0lf|wbigdog_ut: I had other stuff come up.
22:15.31tierraI don't even leave my client open, I just open it when I want to check (once to 3 times a day usually), and close it back up
22:15.34dataw0lf|wtierra: he has to monitor for any contact from Jay, duh.
22:16.14tierraof course
22:22.46macnewboldyeah, my email checks every minute at least
22:23.03macnewboldbut its a local file check, so it doesn't matter much :)
22:32.43wpsApple's new version of their mail client (Mail 2.0) is inserting spaces instead of tabs. Someone in the Apple forums is claiming that a tab is not a real character in ASCII and there for believe that the change is probably a conscious move by Apple instead of a bug. Does anyone know anything about tab being a real character or not? Do text-only mail clients such as Mutt or Pine have tabs?
22:34.21fungusa tab is an actual ascii character.  chr(9)
22:34.28wpsthat guy is full of it then
22:34.35wpsit's a bug!
22:34.49wpsApple better fix that quick… it's driving my nuts
22:36.15mindjujujbot, fungus is ASCII guru
22:36.16jbot...but fungus is already something else...
22:36.30wpsjbot, fungus is also a ASCII guru
22:36.31jbotwps: okay
22:36.42jbotit has been said that fungus is Kinda smelly, but grows on you, or a ASCII guru
22:36.57wpsgrows on either huh
22:37.16*** join/#uphpu bobert_ (~bobert@
22:37.57funguswps, yup it Mail converts tabs to 4 spaces.  I just tested it myself.
22:38.11fungusIt's not a bug... It's a *feature*
22:38.26wpsno way
22:38.29wpsthat's a nasty bug
22:38.51fungusI agree, I want what I type to actually be sent.
22:40.00wpstabs-as-spaces creates for some horribly spaced text when using a variable-width font
22:40.34fungusI haven't noticed until you mentioned it.  I always view my mail with fixed-width fonts.
22:41.02wpsI always view and compose in plain text, but use a variable-width font
22:48.40*** join/#uphpu zekeonfire (
23:00.59*** join/#uphpu eco|w (
23:21.10macnewboldsince when do tabs convert to _4_ spaces? shouldn't that be 8?
23:21.27mindjujui thought it was 5
23:21.48mindjujuat least that is what it was when I learned typing way back in '90
23:22.30macnewboldon a typewriter, yeah, I think tab stops were every 5 chars
23:22.45mindjujuyup, them were the good ole' days when you could trust a typewritter to put 5 down for ya
23:22.56macnewboldbut on a computer, a tab is 8 chars in say VT100 or VT52 terminal emulation
23:22.57mindjujuand we didn't have no liquid paper built into the machine
23:23.09mindjujuwe had to put it on the paper ourselves!
23:23.12mindjujuwith the little brush!
23:23.27macnewboldunless you had the cool correcting ribbon in your typewriter
23:23.34macnewboldinstead of the red ribbon
23:24.12mindjujuback when I had to climb up hill both ways to school in the mud (i'm from texas, we didn't have snow)
23:31.21macnewbold~frenchassault mindjuju
23:31.22jbotACTION summons the french taunter! mindjuju is an English bedwetting type! mindjuju, I burst my pimples at you... You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!  Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!
23:31.30macnewbold~frenchtaunt bradym
23:31.40macnewboldno worky
23:31.56mindjujuwhere's my wrench, i'll fix it
23:31.59macnewbold~literal frenchassault
23:32.08mindjujuin the meantime, here is this new one i built
23:32.13macnewbold~literal frenchassault $1
23:32.14jbotACTION summons the french taunter! $1 is an English bedwetting type! $1, I burst my pimples at you... You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!  Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!
23:32.15mindjuju~nosepick macnewbold
23:32.16jbotACTION plucks macnewbold out of the nose of humanity and flicks him out the window!
23:32.20macnewboldyeah yeah
23:35.18mindjujujbot: frenchtaunt $1 is <action> summons the french taunter! $1 is an English bedwetting type! $1, I burst my pimples at you... You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
23:35.19jbotmindjuju: okay
23:35.26mindjuju~frenchtaunt macnewbold
23:35.27jbotACTION summons the french taunter! macnewbold is an English bedwetting type! macnewbold, I burst my pimples at you... You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
23:35.42mindjujui love trillan!  it had my code in history!
23:36.46macnewboldjbot: no, frenchtaunt $1 is <action> summons the french taunter! | $1 is an English bedwetting type! | $1, I burst my pimples at you... | You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
23:36.47jbotokay, macnewbold
23:36.55macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju
23:36.56jbotACTION summons the french taunter! | mindjuju is an English bedwetting type! | mindjuju, I burst my pimples at you... | You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
23:37.15mindjujudon't forget the () around the random
23:37.35macnewboldjbot: no, frenchtaunt $1 is <action> summons the french taunter!  ($1 is an English bedwetting type! | $1, I burst my pimples at you... | You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms! )
23:37.36jbotokay, macnewbold
23:37.40macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju
23:37.41jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   mindjuju, I burst my pimples at you...
23:37.50macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju
23:37.51jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   mindjuju, I burst my pimples at you...
23:37.58mindjuju~nyuk macnewbold
23:37.59jbotACTION grabs macnewbold nose and hammers it with his other hand!
23:38.03macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju
23:38.04jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
23:38.13mindjuju~boothead macnewbold
23:38.14jbotACTION calls the mighty tae-kwon-leep master! macnewbold, boot to the head!
23:38.21macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju
23:38.23jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   mindjuju, I burst my pimples at you...
23:38.25macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju2
23:38.26jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!
23:38.28macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju3
23:38.29jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   mindjuju3, I burst my pimples at you...
23:38.30macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju4
23:38.31jbotACTION summons the french taunter!  mindjuju4 is an English bedwetting type!
23:38.32macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju5
23:38.33jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   mindjuju5, I burst my pimples at you...
23:38.34macnewbold~frenchtaunt mindjuju6
23:38.35jbotACTION summons the french taunter!   mindjuju6, I burst my pimples at you...
23:38.41macnewbolddarn repeat rate...
23:41.28macnewbold~frenchassault wps
23:41.29jbotACTION summons the french taunter! wps is an English bedwetting type! wps, I burst my pimples at you... You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms!  Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a!
23:42.50mindjuju~wiseguy macnewbold
23:42.52jbotACTION runs up to macnewbold and pokes macnewbold in the eyes!
23:42.59macnewbold~nyuk mindjuju
23:43.00jbotACTION grabs mindjuju nose and hammers it with his other hand!
23:43.14macnewbold~insult mindjuju
23:43.16mindjuju~zombify macnewbold
23:43.18jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of macnewbold and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez macnewbold! macnewbold wonders off in a daze slobering
23:43.21macnewboldand bigdog_ut's favorite,
23:43.24macnewbold~melvin mindjuju
23:43.26jbotACTION pulls mindjuju underwear up to the ceiling...and smiles
23:43.45mindjuju~shorts macnewbold
23:43.46jbotACTION mindjuju runs up behind macnewbold and pulls down the shorts for all to see!
23:43.46bigdog_utthat was made for mindjuju
23:44.39mindjuju~oreilly bigdog_ut
23:44.41jbotACTION releases bill o'reilly from his basement cell! Sic 'em boy!  bigdog_ut is left in tatters...
23:45.21drip~enslave macnewbold
23:45.22jbotACTION grabs macnewbold by the ears and shackles him in his dungeon next to a ravenous pug
23:45.38mindjuju~porkchop macnewbold
23:45.39jbotACTION spits on a porkchop and feeds it to macnewbold   Eat up!
23:45.57macnewbold~cheapshot mindjuju
23:46.08mindjuju~tagteam macnewbold
23:46.09jbotACTION climbs to the top rope of the ring and launches himself at macnewbold!  mindjuju slams macnewbold with a folding chair!  macnewbold is down for the count!
23:46.20macnewbold~bodyslam mindjuju
23:46.21jbotACTION enrolls mindjuju for spring training with the Green Bay Packers as a tackle dummy
23:46.34macnewbold~pulverize mindjuju
23:46.42mindjuju~insult macnewbold
23:46.48macnewbold~mogrify mindjuju
23:46.51macnewbold~mortify mindjuju
23:47.03macnewbold~slap mindjuju
23:47.04jbotACTION slaps mindjuju, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
23:47.06macnewbold~lart mindjuju
23:47.09mindjuju~curse macnewbold
23:47.10jbotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, macnewbold !
23:48.07*** join/#uphpu dataw0lf (
23:48.51macnewbold~fleas mindjuju
23:49.37macnewboldjbot_: fleas $1 is May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the hair in your dark sensitive areas!
23:49.46macnewbold~fleas mindjuju
23:50.10jbotokay, mindjuju
23:50.14mindjuju~toejam macnewbold
23:50.16jbotACTION wipes all the crud and macnewbold from out between his toes. Yuck!
23:50.16macnewbold~fleas mindjuju
23:50.17jbotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest the hair in your dark sensitive areas!
23:51.11macnewbold~fleas mindjuju
23:51.12jbotmindjuju, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the hair in your dark sensitive areas forever!
23:51.27macnewboldjbot, go away
23:55.29dataw0lfACK THEY SPREAD TO ME!
23:56.15bigdog_utdataw0lf, got a minute?
23:56.22jbotmindjuju: okay
23:56.31mindjuju~shakespeare macnewbold
23:56.32jbotACTION stands up and quotes Shakespeare: macnewbold - Thou reeky earth-vexing dewberry!macnewbold's brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after a voyage.
23:56.59mindjuju~shakespeare macnewbold
23:57.00jbotACTION stands up and quotes Shakespeare: macnewbold - Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon!macnewbold's brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after a voyage.
23:58.07mindjuju10 01jbot: no, shakespeare $1 is <action> stands up and quotes Shakespeare: $1 - (Thou reeky earth-vexing dewberry!|Thou impertinent elf-skinned scullian!|Thou pribbling bat-fowling devil-mon!|Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon!|Thou tottering pottle-deep moldwarp!|$1's brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after a voyage.)
23:58.59mindjujujbot: forget cmd: shakespeare (.*?)
23:58.59jboti forgot cmd: shakespeare (.*?), mindjuju
23:59.15jbotmindjuju: okay
23:59.24mindjuju~shakespeare macnewbold
23:59.26jbotACTION stands up and quotes Shakespeare: macnewbold - Thou pribbling bat-fowling devil-mon!

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.