irclog2html for #uphpu on 20050519

00:00.56jsmithHmmmn, that should work.
00:01.06jsmithTry with single quotes insead of double quotes
00:02.05jsmithIf you just type "alias", does it list your alias?
00:08.34wpsit needed them to be in .bash_profile instead of .bashrc
00:08.36wpsnot it's working
01:48.25*** join/#uphpu tierra (
02:17.36dataw0lfis the meeting still going on?
04:05.54*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (
04:05.54*** mode/#uphpu [+o bigdog_ut] by ChanServ
04:23.21mindjujuthe meeting ended like 20 - 30 minutes ago
04:24.17*** join/#uphpu wps (~wade@
04:24.20*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ
04:30.49*** part/#uphpu mindjuju (~mindjuju@
04:31.47*** join/#uphpu fungus (
04:36.37*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (~mindjuju@
04:38.19bigdog_ut~slap mindjuju
04:38.20jbotACTION slaps mindjuju, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
04:44.41*** topic/#uphpu by wps -> Utah PHP Users Group |
05:40.52*** join/#uphpu asynic (
07:35.45*** join/#uphpu asynic (
14:31.15*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
15:13.15*** join/#uphpu jakea (
15:20.49*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
15:26.05*** join/#uphpu drip (
15:29.40*** join/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
15:31.49*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (~bigdog@
15:31.49*** mode/#uphpu [+o bigdog_ut] by ChanServ
15:32.33bigdog_uti must say this is a crappy day
15:32.51mindjujuyeah, everybody is gone to see episode 3
15:33.04mindjujumac at 8:30, wade at 9
15:33.48mindjujuto at least feel a part of it, i'm listening to the soundtrack
15:33.51jsmithbigdog_ut: Amen!
15:33.54mindjujui think one of williams best
15:34.26jsmithI'm listening to old 80's stuff... just to make me feel old
15:34.42jsmithbigdog_ut: So, why is your day crappy?
15:34.42mindjujui personally feel 80
15:34.49dripyes it is bigdog_ut.  yes it is.
15:34.53mindjujuoops!  i mean that 80's music is the best of all time
15:34.59mindjujuespecially 80's dance music
15:35.34bigdog_utjsmith, cause i have people telling my boss that i cant do my job in meetings
15:35.45bigdog_utand i didnt want to bash them
15:36.13dripbecause it's their stuff that is broken.
15:36.14jsmithbigdog_ut: Yuck.
15:38.08bigdog_utyes and this is the government type
15:39.00dataw0lf|wi.e. the worst.
15:39.40bigdog_utyes cause they pride themselves on it
15:43.10*** join/#uphpu dataw0lf|w (~dataw0lf@
15:55.17bigdog_uttoo bad you cant pimp slap co-workers
15:56.25jsmithbigdog_ut: Yeah, but you can show them they're wrong :-)
15:57.15bigdog_utyeah i am working on that now
15:57.26bigdog_utand i cant wait
16:25.38*** join/#uphpu defygenre (
16:25.49*** part/#uphpu defygenre (
16:55.45dripwoohoo.. fireworks at work
16:55.47dripalways fun.
16:56.04dripi think it's called interpersonal relationships.
16:56.14bigdog_utinterpersonnal communication
16:57.22mindjujui've always found though the key to really meaningful relationships is a kick in the groin.  If you are talking and see to be drifting off, kick em, remind them your there
16:57.28mindjujuyup, a good solid kick does wonders
16:57.58dripyes but from 2000 miles away, that can be difficult.
16:58.05dripotherwise it would have already been done
16:58.08driphe he
16:58.35mindjujutouche, 2000 miles is quite a distance... i will reflect on this
17:00.10mindjujui guess what it really boils down to then is Jedi mind tricks...  Bigdog needs to use the force... "these arent' the databases your looking for"  be sure to wave your hand once from right to left SLOWLY
17:00.19mindjujuits the hand moving that does the trick
17:01.03mindjujubigdog, these guys that are giving you trouble, go to them and say
17:01.58mindjujuthe ability to program (insert their programming language here) is insignificant next to the power of the (your skill or the words "the force")
17:02.18mindjujurememember the hand motion
17:02.40mindjujuif that doesn't work, go for plan b, the force death choke
17:07.04bigdog_ut~seen wps
17:07.12jbotwps <~wade@> was last seen on IRC in channel #uphpu, 16h 58m 36s ago, saying: 'not it's working'.
17:26.32*** join/#uphpu tierra (
17:31.15*** join/#uphpu wps (~wade@
17:31.18*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ
17:41.27*** join/#uphpu macnewbold (~mac@
17:41.27*** join/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:41.27*** join/#uphpu xilch|w ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:41.28*** join/#uphpu optikal (optikal@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:41.28*** mode/#uphpu [+o macnewbold] by
18:18.24*** join/#uphpu jakea (
18:35.12macnewboldmindjuju: good morning
18:35.36mindjujuok.  I've been waiting patiently .  thumbs up on episode 3?
18:35.57mindjujulike best of the six good?
18:37.33macnewboldjust got back to the office
18:37.49macnewboldI think it's safe to say that it "meets expectations"
18:37.58macnewbolddefinitely worth seeing
18:39.01macnewbold~star wars episode 3
18:39.28macnewboldI'm sure jbot's getting a lot of sw3 discussion right now in all the channels
18:39.31jsmithjbot: swe3 is a blood-bath
18:39.33jbotokay, jsmith
18:39.50jbotrumour has it, swe3 is a blood-bath
18:40.38macnewboldyeah, lots of casulties
18:40.55macnewboldthe cover most of the obvious bases, in setting up for ep. 4,
18:41.06mindjujuwhat about the duel with anakin and obi wan
18:41.09macnewboldbut I thought there were a couple of places where they opened more questions than answers
18:41.13mindjujui heard it was awesome
18:41.30macnewboldlike they were setting up for a sequel, but one between ep 3 and ep 4, like
18:41.36macnewboldstar wars 3.5 or something
18:41.46mindjujuhmm... probably material for the TV show
18:42.00macnewboldthe duels were all good. lots of light saber battles in this one
18:42.23macnewboldI even saw a Jedi kill someone with a blaster
18:42.31macnewbold"how uncivilized!"
18:43.54mindjujuk, quick non sw3 question
18:44.48mindjujuin CSS if I want to reprogram the BR tag
18:44.48mindjujui have this
18:44.53mindjujushouldn't that make a line be spaced 7 pixels?
18:45.23dataw0lf|wit should make the ceiling have a pixel space of 7, I believe.
18:49.10macnewboldthe 7px is top/bot and the 20px is left/right
18:49.20macnewboldbut that's probably on top of whatever a br already gets,
18:49.28macnewboldwhich may actually be Margin rather than padding.
18:49.42macnewboldyou might try setting the font size on your br ,that may do what you want
18:49.57macnewboldprobably easier is to use something other than br, but I'm not sure what you're trying to do
18:50.10macnewboldso don't pay too much attention to what I may suggest :)
18:54.49mindjujuthnx for the ideas!
20:04.03dripsuch a fabulous day.
20:16.05macnewbold~slackers is see dataw0lf and bigdog_ut
20:16.06jbotokay, macnewbold
20:16.10jbotextra, extra, read all about it, slackers is see dataw0lf and bigdog_ut
20:19.10dataw0lf|wbigdog_ut is the slacker, he didn't even finish his half of the presentation.
20:23.55macnewboldthat stinks
20:25.08*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (~bigdog@
20:25.08*** mode/#uphpu [+o bigdog_ut] by ChanServ
20:33.11jbotextra, extra, read all about it, slackers is see dataw0lf and bigdog_ut
20:34.09bigdog_utnice, did you do that one mindjuju
20:34.19mindjujusadly no
20:34.25mindjujui forgot how to program jbot
20:34.48jbotwell, slackers is see dataw0lf and bigdog_ut
20:35.26mindjujudo you remember off hand how to program jbot?
20:35.34mindjujulike what the syntax is?
20:36.21bigdog_utno i cant remember
20:36.45jbot[mindjuju] sleeping with his left eye open
20:37.10jbothmm... fungus is Kinda smelly, but grows on you
20:38.32jbotfrom memory, dataw0lf is sleeping again, or da supahstah, or a dink, or #utah's number one troll
20:38.59dataw0lf|wthat's right.
20:39.50jbotsomebody said tierra was dirt
20:39.50mindjujuthere isn't anything programmed for your name
20:39.58dataw0lf|wjbot: that's right.
20:40.28jbotit has been said that jsmith is perpetually hungry
20:42.44dataw0lf|wI'm in shock that people think I'm a troll!
20:42.57jbotwell, cake is all gone :(
20:44.20jbothmm... jbot is heading for a crash is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
20:50.36bigdog_utmindjuju, what are you wanting to do?
20:50.50mindjujulist o' commands
21:02.54macnewboldI think ibot's opensourced if you want to read the source :)
21:03.06macnewboldI don't think there's a list of commands or syntax
21:03.15macnewboldmany of the things he has are just factoids in his database
21:03.18jbotibot is probably a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
21:03.20jboti guess jbot is heading for a crash is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
21:03.42macnewbold~no, jbot is ibot's stupid cousin
21:03.47jbotjbot is probably heading for a crash is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
21:04.00macnewboldjbot, no, jbot is ibot's stupid cousin
21:04.01jbotmacnewbold: okay
21:04.05jbotextra, extra, read all about it, jbot is ibot's stupid cousin
21:12.59*** join/#uphpu wps (~wade@
21:13.02*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ
21:55.12mindjuju~nyuk bigdog_ut
21:56.01mindjujujbot: nyuk $1 is <action> grabs $1 nose and hammers it with his other hand!
21:56.02jbotokay, mindjuju
21:56.19mindjuju~nyuk bigdog_ut
21:56.20jbotACTION grabs bigdog_ut nose and hammers it with his other hand!
22:00.06mindjujujbot: wiseguy $1 is <action> runs up to $1 and pokes $1 in the eyes!
22:00.08jbotmindjuju: okay
22:00.18mindjuju~wiseguy bigdog_ut
22:00.19jbotACTION runs up to bigdog_ut and pokes bigdog_ut in the eyes!
22:05.48jsmith~whaleslap stupid people
22:05.49jbotACTION slaps jsmith upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
22:06.03jsmithWhy did I get slapped?
22:06.13mindjujuyou did say stupid people
22:06.32mindjujuyou have to admit, you did leave yourself open for that one!
22:07.13jsmithWide open...
22:07.23jsmith... and I probably deserved the slap too...
22:07.27mindjujujbot: zombify $1 is <action> summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of $1 and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez $1! $1 wonders off in a daze slobering
22:07.28jbotmindjuju: okay
22:07.37mindjuju~zombify bigdog_ut
22:07.38jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of bigdog_ut and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez bigdog_ut! bigdog_ut wonders off in a daze slobering
22:07.56jsmithTwo bs in slobbering?
22:08.11dataw0lf|wand s/o/a
22:08.23dataw0lf|wand insert a comma after 3.11
22:08.41mindjujujbot, forget zombify
22:08.41jboti didn't have anything called 'zombify' to forget, mindjuju
22:08.41dataw0lf|wand s/using a/uses a
22:09.17mindjujujbot, forget zombify
22:09.17jboti didn't have anything called 'zombify' to forget, mindjuju
22:09.32mindjuju~zombify bigdog_ut
22:09.33jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of bigdog_ut and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez bigdog_ut! bigdog_ut wonders off in a daze slobering
22:09.59mindjujujbot: zombify $1 is <action> summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of $1 and using a Windows 3.11, diskette zombifiez $1! $1 wonders off in a daze slobbering
22:10.00jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of $1 is <action> summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of $1 and using a Windows 3.11, diskette zombifiez $1! $1 wonders off in a daze slobbering and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez $1 is <action> summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of $1 and using a Windows 3.11, diskette zombifiez $1! ...
22:10.25mindjuju~zombify bigdog_ut
22:10.28jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of bigdog_ut and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez bigdog_ut! bigdog_ut wonders off in a daze slobering
22:11.21bigdog_ut~zombify mindjuju
22:11.22jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of mindjuju and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez mindjuju! mindjuju wonders off in a daze slobering
22:11.42mindjuju~nyuk bigdog_ut
22:11.43jbotACTION grabs bigdog_ut nose and hammers it with his other hand!
22:12.32mindjujuany ideas on how to erase an action?
22:12.39bigdog_utyeah like this
22:12.44*** kick/#uphpu [mindjuju!~bigdog@] by bigdog_ut (bigdog_ut)
22:13.37*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (~mindjuju@
22:13.57dataw0lf|wsomeone is cranky.
22:14.11bigdog_utsorry mindjuju
22:14.27mindjujui wondered what happened !
22:14.43bigdog_uti erased an action
22:15.04mindjujudid it erase all of my commands?
22:15.13bigdog_utoh yea
22:15.15jsmithjbot: no, zombify is <action> summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of $1 and using a Windows 3.11, diskette zombifiez $1! $1 wonders off in a daze slobbering
22:15.16jbotjsmith: okay
22:15.22jsmith~zombify mindjuju
22:15.24jbotACTION summons Bill Gates who materializes in front of mindjuju and using a Windows 3.11 diskette zombifiez mindjuju! mindjuju wonders off in a daze slobering
22:15.36jsmithjbot is a mess!
22:15.37mindjuju~nyuk bigdog_ut
22:15.38jbotACTION grabs bigdog_ut nose and hammers it with his other hand!
22:15.43mindjujunope, it's still there
22:15.53bigdog_utlet bigdog_ut try that again
22:17.05dataw0lf|wbigdog_ut: listen to some of the Strokes, it always puts me in a better mood when I'm having a bad day.
22:17.30bigdog_utStrokes...yeah...i have been listening to pantera
22:17.40bigdog_utmaking bigdog_ut **** hostile
22:18.16mindjujujbot: forget zombify
22:18.16jboti didn't have anything called 'zombify ' to forget, mindjuju
22:19.16mindjujuoh well, i'll leaving it with bad spelling
22:19.20dataw0lf|wAnd now my fears, they come to me in threes .... So I, sometimes...  They fade my friend, you say the strangest things..   I find, sometimes..
22:19.26dataw0lf|w^^- Strokes - Someday
22:20.22dataw0lf|wYou say you wanna stay by my side... Darling your head's not right... I see alone we stand together we fall apart... Yeah, I think I'll be alright
22:31.55*** join/#uphpu eco|w (
22:46.41bigdog_utbigdog_ut is outta here
23:20.54*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.