irclog2html for #uphpu on 20050421

02:47.05*** join/#uphpu wps (
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02:58.12*** join/#uphpu optikal` (
03:21.35*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
07:27.32*** join/#uphpu eco (
09:38.52*** join/#uphpu eco (
11:21.27*** join/#uphpu wps (
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13:06.49*** join/#uphpu usynic (
13:11.31*** join/#uphpu wps (~wps@
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13:19.00dataw0lf|wgood morning gents.
13:26.35dataw0lf|wI got like 3 hours of sleep last night.
13:27.16usynicI got about the same....
13:27.24usynicand now I have to get on a jet.
13:41.15dataw0lf|wat least you got the big V to keep you company.
14:10.38*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (~bigdog@
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14:16.12xilch|wdataw0lf|w: he's always got his big Vagina to keep him company.
14:16.56xilch|wI gotta stop drinking rock stars every day
14:17.09xilch|wbecause then, at times like this, they work like crap
14:17.24xilch|wdamn synic and his early flights
14:18.54dataw0lf|wGod, my head hurts.
14:19.00dataw0lf|wI need some ibuprofen or something.
15:00.38*** join/#uphpu optikal (~optikal@
15:04.50*** join/#uphpu jsmith (
15:35.49dataw0lf|wah, McVoy is an annoying wank.
15:41.15*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
15:42.17dataw0lf|wand Linus is acting like one.
15:55.00*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
16:20.37*** join/#uphpu tbye (~tbye@
16:33.32*** part/#uphpu xnote (~AI|
17:17.57*** join/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
18:35.45*** join/#uphpu tierra (
19:22.21fungusyay, I think I actually convinced my boss to use open source stuff for our future development.  
19:28.03macnewboldfungus: congrats! that's _great_ news, considering the stuff you told me he was wanting to insist on...
19:30.13fungusyeah, he still wants me to consider mssql and platypus for the billing system, but is open to other suggestions.
19:31.55macnewboldhmm, let's see... "requires a windows server"... well, consideration done.
19:32.12fungusHe is also planning to hire a web developer since I don't have the time to do it all.  
19:32.21macnewbold"costs lots of money vs free and works better"
19:33.07macnewboldif he is looking for proposals or bids, have him get in touch with us... our "professional opinion" on the matters may help you win your battles :)
19:34.06fungushe wants to hire a full-timer.  Originally he wanted an ASP developer, but I convinced him to hire a PHP developer.
19:48.49macnewboldjbot, ASP is evil
19:48.50jbot...but asp is already something else...
19:49.05macnewboldjbot, asp is also evil
19:49.06jbotokay, macnewbold
19:49.08jbotwell, asp is a program which obtains present ip-address for dynamically connected hosts. or some crap from microsoft. Bill Gate's pet snake from hell, or evil
19:51.22*** join/#uphpu tapH20guru (~tapH20gur@
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20:03.41macnewboldany luck with the UPHPU email archives?
20:05.17*** join/#uphpu eco|w (
20:09.52wpswas going to work with dataw0lf last night, but I got home from my final later than expected and then my wife needed my attention
20:10.03wpsso, hopefully we can look at it tonight
20:18.30macnewboldBTW, everybody: New poll on the web site
20:18.42macnewboldabout what days of the week will work for how many people
20:18.46macnewboldfor the training classes
20:18.55macnewbold(out of those who are actually interested in attending)
20:45.58dataw0lf|wSunday morning.
20:52.27bigdog_utwe will be meeting sunday morning at park st 9am...wear a suit and tie
20:53.33dataw0lf|wgot some flame retardant clothing?
20:53.39dataw0lf|wI don't want to burst into flames.
20:54.15bigdog_utoh yeah...that is no problem
20:54.54bigdog_utim not to worried about the flames
20:55.39dataw0lf|wyeah, neither am I.
20:56.03bigdog_utbut your welcome to come
20:56.14bigdog_uti will be like row 12
21:00.10dataw0lf|wI'll be in bed, row 1, right next to my premarital fling, row 2.
21:00.54bigdog_utdataw0lf|w never ceases to make me laught
21:01.17dataw0lf|whey, I got good humor for a guy going to Hell, right?
21:01.25bigdog_uti will be in fire truck 11 outside house 32 by window 4 putting out the flames in bed row 1
21:02.27dataw0lf|wah, good times.
21:03.03dataw0lf|wnah, those flames won't be coming from Hell.  I don't believe in Hell!
21:03.12dataw0lf|wThey'll be coming from the crack rock I forgot was still smoldering in my sheets.
21:03.19bigdog_utoh...but it believes in you my friend
21:03.53bigdog_uti know im going so i accept the fact...:)
21:04.00dataw0lf|whey, if Hell believes in me at least I got a shot at a good position.
21:04.06dataw0lf|wOh, I know I'm going.
21:04.15dataw0lf|wI personally picked out the window seat.
21:04.29bigdog_utisle 5 for me
21:04.43dataw0lf|woh! right by Bush, eh?
21:05.48dataw0lf|wthe unfortunate thing for Bush Jr. is that his Dad _probably_ isn't going to Hell.
21:05.57dataw0lf|wSo he's going to be stuck at the bottom rung for the rest of eternity.
21:21.38*** join/#uphpu cycokilr (
21:54.53*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@
22:09.18*** join/#uphpu zardinuk (
22:51.15*** part/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.