irclog2html for #uphpu on 20050406

00:07.36*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@
00:07.58beandogDoes php have a function to just resort the keys in an array, but not sort the array by values?
00:08.42beandogI guess I could just dump them in a new array..
00:09.39macnewboldbeandog: yeah, it does
00:10.02wpseveryone ready to go?
00:10.05macnewboldso you want to sort the keys in the array, and keep the corresponding values with their proper keys?
00:10.11wpsdone repenting?
00:10.33beandogIm just looping through an array, removing bogus rows
00:10.34macnewboldI believe that one is
00:10.44beandogBut I want to reset the keys, but not the order.
00:10.56macnewboldah, so it's numerically keyed?
00:11.53beandogThats it
00:11.56beandogThanks guys :D
00:12.36beandoger, maybe not.
00:13.18macnewboldbeandog: try array_merge has this comment:
00:13.31macnewboldf only one array is given and the array is numerically indexed, the      keys get reindexed in a continuous way.
00:13.56macnewboldsee, php _does_ have a function for nearly everything :)
00:14.54beandogI never would have thought to look at that one
00:14.55beandogThanks mac
00:19.36macnewboldhehe yeah, who would have guessed... some of the functions have side-effects that can be used alone in odd ways :)
00:22.09dataw0lfinteresting idea on the ML mac.
00:25.37beandogI agree, I like it
00:26.33beandogWhen are you gonna start teaching
00:37.02macnewbolddoh, missed beandog
00:38.21macnewbold~seen beandog
00:38.22jbotbeandog <~sdibb@> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 11m 40s ago, saying: 'Ah well, time to go home.'.
01:03.27wpsany up for some simple javascript help?
01:03.38wpsI have a function that toggles all checkboxes on and off
01:03.56wpsif I call the function using an onclick within a span or an anchor tag, it works
01:04.18wpsbut if I call it from a checkbox or a button, it doesn't
01:04.23wpsI want to call it from a button
01:04.40wpsI get a javascript error that the function is not a function
01:04.43wpsany ideas?
01:04.54wps(I can give you a URL if you want to see it)
01:16.13wpsguess what it was
01:16.25wpsthe name of my form element was the same as my funtion
01:21.05wpscan you call more than one javascript function with an onclick?
01:21.17wpsor do you have to call one function that calls the other two?
01:21.22usynicI bet you can
01:21.34usynicjust separated with a semi colon
01:22.25wpsnot working
01:22.30wpsis only calling the first
01:22.48usynichrmm, and firefox doesn't have any info in the javascript console?
01:23.11wpsI am retarted today
01:23.16wpsput the code in the wrong element
01:23.29usynicah, hehe
01:23.30wpsit does work
01:23.40wpsthat's cool
01:23.43wpsI have never done that before
02:18.03*** join/#uphpu dataw0lf (
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03:14.51dataw0lfsup tierra
03:15.26dataw0lfAlready having some weird problems at work.  It's awesome.
03:29.26tierraI'm looking into the MPPE route using Poptop or something for VPN needs...
03:30.24tierraIPsec just wasn't being very friendly in my Xen environment
03:31.21tierraI'm not sure why I didn't go MPPE in the first place... Windows has a client built in in the first place, and I've seen it mentioned a few times on the Linode forums but it never really registered in my brain
03:31.50tierraseems to be a number of Linode users using MPPE
03:46.21*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
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15:01.09wpsany not see this?
15:07.22*** join/#uphpu synic (
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15:19.00dw|wbigdog_ut, you hater.
15:22.01macnewboldRFC 3092 - Etymology of "Foo"
15:22.05macnewbold~rfc 3092
15:23.06bigdog_utnothing like an rfc to explain other rfcs
15:23.35dw|wwhat's the DF ToS? Don't fragment?
15:23.38bigdog_uti like the reference to the foo fighters personally
15:28.15macnewboldToS is usually Terms of Service, IIRC
15:28.18jbottos is probably type of service, or the operating system for the Atari ST.
15:28.32dw|wHehe, I know what ToS is.
15:28.40macnewboldjbot: ToS is also Terms of Service
15:28.41jbotmacnewbold: okay
15:29.43dw|wbut the 'DF' ToS.. that's Don't Fragment (just looked it up)
15:29.43bigdog_utyeah he is a security god
15:29.43dw|wbest believe it, sucka.
15:29.43macnewboldsorry... :) I was apparently in a different context
15:29.45bigdog_uthey mac...remember that conversionation we had about server ip address
15:30.22bigdog_utdude...i had the php server var all wrong
15:30.35bigdog_utbut i did some more research on it
15:30.48bigdog_utand mainly it is used for pinging that i was talking about
15:30.55bigdog_utnot web surfing
15:31.10bigdog_utso i was wrong about that
15:31.22bigdog_utbut i did find the article in 2600 mag
15:31.51dw|wmacnewbold, sorry, should've said, "What's the 'DF' TCP Type of Service?"
15:31.51bigdog_utvol. 20, # 4
15:31.56bigdog_utarticle "Fun with Hping" page 26
15:33.31macnewboldcool... so you can get ping results back by bouncing it off another computer?
15:34.28bigdog_utthat article tells you how to do it
15:35.06*** part/#uphpu tbye (~tbye@
15:36.37bigdog_utthe var i was thinking of was http_referer
15:37.42macnewboldah, yes. That one can _definitely_ be faked, just like user_agent
15:38.59*** join/#uphpu optikal- (~optikal@
15:39.08macnewbolduh oh, time to leave...
15:39.22macnewboldlook who the cat dragged in...
15:39.34dw|wHTTP_REFERER is very, very easy to spoof.
15:39.36macnewboldarriving at work a little late, aren't we, optikal-?
15:40.13macnewbold~wake up optikal-
15:40.15jbotup optikal-: GOOD MORNING!!!
15:40.29optikal-yeah, i slept in a extra 30min =)
15:40.34macnewbold~wake the dead
15:40.36jbotthe dead: GOOD MORNING!!!
15:40.58macnewbolda new segment for Letterman: "Stupid IRCBot Tricks"
15:41.14macnewboldwe're just giving you a hard time, optikal- .... you missed half the fun
15:41.30optikal-oh did i?
15:41.31macnewboldwe were just discussing faking things like http referrer and user agent headers
15:41.41optikal-oh fun
15:41.59macnewboldso what fun things have any of you done with faking those?
15:42.33macnewboldabout the only thing I've ever done is faked it with wget or curl for pages that try to be sneaky and only let you get something if you were referred by a "secure" page...
15:42.37bigdog_utpinging the hell out of my network admins box
15:42.57macnewboldwhat for? DoS?
15:43.00bigdog_uthe hates me u know...cause i dont have a windows box
15:43.07macnewboldhehe ah
15:43.14macnewboldping -f can be really fun
15:43.37macnewboldespecially if you have a bunch of *nix workstations you can log into, and do it from many of them at once :)
15:43.44macnewboldkinda hard on the network though, as the man page states
15:43.49optikal-Yeah, just dont do it to your friends box because he thinks it went offline, and it didnt, but your too wasted to remember to 'ctrl+c' it.. so you forget and leave the computer all night
15:47.20macnewboldyeah, cause then he really _will_ be offline for all intents and purposes...
15:47.32dw|wI got a network share on Windows 2000 (client) reporting as 0 / 0 storage.  Any ideas gents?
15:48.32optikal-speakin of the devil. *heh*
15:49.05optikal-can you actually see files/folders on that share, or does it also appear empty?
15:49.52dw|wnever mind.
15:50.00dw|wit's on the Tru64 server it's sharing from.
15:50.08*** join/#uphpu optikal- (~optikal@
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16:43.42dw|wword, got it.
16:57.58*** join/#uphpu jsmith2 (
18:06.00synicany of you use squirrelmail?
18:06.18synicany way to disable the timeout ?
18:06.33synicthe code is rather ... all over the place.  I can't find it.
18:06.43optikal-never looked into that..
18:07.11synicif they timeout while they are composing a message, do they lose the message?
18:07.36optikal-to my knowledge, yeah.. because that input box is client side when you type..
18:08.11synicright, but squirrelmail doesn't save it somehow when you post?
18:08.40optikal-oh i see what you mean
18:08.48optikal-not sure, honestly
18:10.06synicmy boss just had an unfortunate timeout accident :)
18:11.03optikal-oh damn
18:17.30macnewboldsynic: the timeout might be implemented by having the cookie expire... you could check there to see if you can adjust it
18:18.05synicyeah, Ive been trying to find it
18:18.33macnewbolda hack would be a "keepalive", like setting up a javascript on every page or at least the compose page, that would load an image or something, every 5-10 minutes, so that the session stays alive forever
18:20.20synicooh, think I just found it
18:20.40synicnope, false alarm
18:46.28jsmithsynic: The easiest way to get around the timeout is to set the left pane (folder list) to refresh every 5 minutes.
18:46.43jsmithsynic: It's on the "folder options" page, IIRC
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19:45.36synic~lart optikal-
19:45.54synic~lart optikal-
19:46.11optikal-what i do to you, sheesh!?
19:46.13optikal-meanie. =(
19:47.04optikal-oh btws, mr. synic.. was needing to tell you
19:47.12optikal-Monday night, you should come to Todds.
19:47.34synicooh, for a little kareaoekakekdkakjadsfk (or however you spell it) action?
19:48.32optikal-yeah, for my 21st bday.
19:49.02synicis your bday actually on monday?
19:49.23optikal-Sunday, actually.
19:49.37macnewboldkaraoke is a funny word... it's japanese, and is really pronounced kah-rah-oh-keh, but in the US they always say it like "kerry-okee"
19:49.51optikal-but, going out at midnight to a bar in Utah is pointless
19:49.59optikal-macnewbold: thanks for that useless fact! heh.
19:50.35dw|wno, karaoke == tone deaf in Japanese.  THAT's a useless fact.
19:51.43macnewboldit's about all I'm good for, so I have to use the talent whenever I get the chance ;-D
20:10.41bigdog_utoptikal-, i have a wet bar in my house minus the alcohol
20:10.52bigdog_utand i have a karaoke machine too
20:10.57optikal-woot nice =)
20:11.46bigdog_utoh wife is a big coca-cola we are looking at running a tap in the house
20:12.05bigdog_uti just want a blender
20:12.24optikal-coke on the tap would rule.. not as much as say, bud.. but its okay. ;)
20:12.37optikal-and yeah, im a blender master.. i love to blend things up
20:12.39bigdog_utyeah...imagine the kids having friends over
20:13.15bigdog_utdude...the neighborhood would be in my house having fun everyday
20:14.15bigdog_utmaybe coca-cola would give my room a make over and install it for me
20:14.31tierranot to say I would enjoy that all that much having to have to watch everyone's kids all the time...
20:14.32bigdog_utcall it "Home improvements that dont suck"
20:14.40bigdog_utoh yeah
20:15.06tierrathat would be really cool though
20:15.13optikal-i looked into getting a fountain machine once.. they're pretty pricey, i was disappointed.
20:15.13bigdog_uti want a tap like one similar too how a&w has in their restaurants
20:15.24bigdog_utoh yeah
20:16.07bigdog_utbut i know that coke will put them in if you carry their product...i had a friend tell me about it when arbys moved to coke instead of rc cola
20:16.31optikal-yeah, but thats commercial.. i doubt they'd do that for residental.
20:16.35bigdog_utselling the syrup is where they make the hella money
20:17.00bigdog_uttrue...but if i pimp the home improvment angle...perhaps it could work
20:17.15optikal-haha. mebbe.
20:17.19optikal-atleast worth a shot.
20:17.28bigdog_utyeah, they could just say no
20:17.40bigdog_utbut man that would rock
20:18.04bigdog_utco2 and syrup in the garage...just pumping it into the house
20:18.14bigdog_utmy kids teeth would rot out
20:19.12optikal-my uncle works for coke, and he had a fountain line-up at his house.. had like 5 coke products.
20:19.28optikal-was rad.. grab a glass from the cupboard, turn around.. tap for some ice, and then fill'er up with your choice of cola.
20:19.32bigdog_utoh man...that would rock
20:19.46bigdog_uteven better than a coke machine
20:20.06bigdog_uti thought about finding a machine and charging the family to use it
20:20.14bigdog_utkeep the money for family vacation
20:20.20dw|wI just want Guinness on tap.
20:20.28dw|wthat's all my little soul wants out of life.
20:20.38optikal-dw|w: yeah, ive got to try that.. do they have it at Todds?
20:20.49dw|wI don't think so.
20:20.56optikal-i didnt care much for it in the bottle, but i'll try anything on tap. =P
20:20.57dw|wGuinness, unfortunately, seems to be rather scarce in Utah.
20:21.09dw|wGuinness isn't Guinness in a bottle.
20:21.21dw|wit's Wussness
20:40.48bigdog_utanyone know if there is a python user group in utah?
20:41.02dw|wNope, I want to start one though.
20:41.05optikal-I last heard dw complaining that there isnt.
20:41.13*** join/#uphpu beandog (~sdibb@
20:41.34dw|wbigdog_ut: we should collaborate and start one.
20:42.50beandogstart what
20:42.58beandogA new PVR written entirely in PHP?
20:43.03beandogI hope
20:43.05dw|wa Utah Python Uer Group.
20:46.28beandogI need to learn python
20:46.32beandogBeen meaning to for a while
20:47.06dw|wYou should.
20:47.19dw|wIt's the greatest gift to programmers since gdb.
20:47.53beandogWhat's gdb
20:48.04dw|wGNU debugger.
20:48.31macnewboldyeah, it's in line... its going to have to wait until I'm done reading Orson Scott Card's "Shadow of the Giant"
20:48.38tierraand finish reading DNS & BIND
20:48.53macnewboldif you haven't read his Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow series (plural), they're both great
20:49.10dw|wI need to finish reading the personals and find myself a lady.
20:49.20macnewboldsomething happen to Roxie?
20:49.26macnewboldor is that your dog?
20:49.27dw|wno, I just need another one.
20:49.32dw|wRoxie doesn't do the dishes.
20:49.39macnewboldah, getting back to Utah's roots, huh?
20:50.05dw|wthat's right, I might just be converting to LDS so I can have a plural marriage.
20:50.45beandogJust go live in some obscure town somewhere.
20:50.52beandogIm sure no one would care.
20:51.03dw|wthe Mormons banned the coolest stuff about their religion.
20:51.13dw|wbeandog: yeah, I think that's what the Mormons thought too.
20:51.34beandogI hear its nice and vacant in the Arctic Circle
20:51.38dw|wthey had to finally find a deserted desert.
20:52.06dw|wArctic Circle...
20:52.15dw|wI could get all that seal clubbing I've been meaning to done, at least.
20:54.56dw|wIt's this huge monitor's fault.
20:56.06dw|wI was making fun of Elimist for old times sake today
20:58.03tierrawtf... FreeBSD doesn't have screen?!
20:58.17dw|w<dw|w> mheath, are you aka Elimist?
20:58.17dw|w<mheath> dw|w, haven't used that name in ages, but yes. Who are you?
20:58.17dw|w<dw|w> hahahaha.
20:58.17dw|w* dw|w falls out of his chair laughing.
20:58.17dw|w<mheath> dw|w, who are you?
20:59.28tierrathat works
20:59.45tierraI'm working on a fairly stipped down copy of FreeBSD
20:59.45dw|wwhat version of screen are you running on ibaku?
21:00.05tierraScreen version 4.00.02 (FAU) 5-Dec-03
21:11.52synicwho is Elimist and why is it funny that mheath is he?
21:12.10dw|wguy who used to be in #ut2600 until we ran him out.
21:12.20dw| search for Elimist.
21:14.09dw|wbetter have some reading time.
21:15.01dw|wyou can't argue with him, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
21:15.11dw|wso you just make fun of him relentlessly.
21:15.12bigdog_utif it aint (*bsd, gentoo, debian) then spit it out
21:15.28dw|w-gentoo and you're on your way to being a man.
21:15.53bigdog_utgentoo is the pure essence of manliness
21:16.04synicdw|w: hoary out on Friday, right?
21:16.21dw|wno, no, it's the pure essence of every prepubescent who watches Fast and the Furious and wants to virtually emulate them.
21:16.24dw|wsynic: correct.
21:16.29dw|walready dist-upgraded.
21:16.34bigdog_utdw|w, that is ubuntu bro
21:16.55dw|wbigdog_ut: don't hate, brotha.  You know Ubuntu is the best desktop OS EVAR!!!1!
21:17.12bigdog_utit is like this: mandrake (redhat) -> ubuntu -> *bsd -> gentoo
21:17.40dw|wno, no.
21:17.56dw|wMandrake/Red Hat/Suse -> Gentoo -> Ubuntu -> BSD -> Debian
21:17.58bigdog_utdw|w, when we starting our python user group
21:18.11dw|wI dunno, I can start working on a website tonight.
21:18.26dw|wfind somebody with some mad graphics skills to make us a logo.
21:18.31bigdog_utwe should...but we need to meet in the slc or north sld
21:18.34synicdw|w: lol... the poor kid
21:18.46bigdog_utyeah...dude if we have a killer logo they will come
21:18.53synicnot quite as retarded as Bampf,though
21:18.55bigdog_ut~slap wps
21:18.57jbotACTION slaps wps, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
21:19.07bigdog_ut~wake wps
21:19.09jbotwps: GOOD MORNING!!!
21:19.13dw|wit's all about the logo.
21:19.20bigdog_utno doubt
21:19.21wpsI think I have food poisoning
21:19.37bigdog_utdw|w, what would be really killer is a security user group
21:19.38dw|wsynic: well, Bamf at least is coherent most of the time.  In an annoying, moralistic way, but still semi coherent.
21:20.03dw|wbigdog_ut: yeah, without the crap that comes along with being a 2600 group
21:20.06synicdw|w: I dunno if xilch and I would agree there
21:20.33synicdw|w: every time we read some of his comebacks, we were like "huh?"
21:20.49synic"does this guy even know where he lives?"
21:21.00bigdog_utdw|w, yeah and meet somewhere other than the mall
21:21.08dw|wsynic: well, that's true.
21:21.16dw|wbigdog_ut: good point.
21:21.34dw|wConference rooms in the library? they offer those out ?
21:21.55bigdog_utyes they do
21:22.03bigdog_utatleast in layton i use them alot
21:22.18bigdog_utvery convenient for small groups
21:22.27dw|wI doubt if you'd have huge attendance.
21:22.44bigdog_utfor security or python?
21:23.06dw|wI say we go with Python.
21:23.11dw|wSecurity is an enormous subject.
21:23.34bigdog_utyeah...python is nice and many can get into it
21:23.36macnewboldbigdog_ut: do they charge $ to use them?
21:23.56bigdog_utnot at the public library...they do have time requirements i know that
21:24.13synicoh, woot.  A programmer's user group that's close
21:24.16bigdog_utbut i have gotten ones for 2 hours
21:24.35bigdog_uti would love it in slc or layton or ogden
21:24.47dw|wdowntown SLC would be easiest for me, I know that.
21:24.58synicOgden != close
21:24.59bigdog_utbountiful would be good
21:25.05dw|wI don't know these places.
21:25.16syniclayton ~= close
21:25.19dw|wI just want a meeting I can walk to that isn't always gay and fart jokes.
21:25.46bigdog_uti just wish that after the meeting we had open discussion
21:26.03bigdog_utmany leave after uphpu and i dont get too much time to talk
21:26.21bigdog_uti talk with a few after but many need to drive home
21:26.41bigdog_uti want to talk for a while...dude and have some coding session would be kiler
21:27.18dw|wthat would be AWESOME
21:28.30bigdog_utthat is one thing i dont like about the presentations is that we dont have any coding time after to really solidify what has been taught
21:29.05dw|wthat's a great idea.
21:30.06bigdog_uti was thinking about it this week for my presentation...doing some walk throughs and letting everyone get some coding in
21:30.34bigdog_utjust talking is okay (presentation), but i want the workshop type experience
21:30.46bigdog_utyeah the "BigDog Experience"
21:30.48dw|wprobably not going to make it.
21:30.54bigdog_utoh man
21:30.58bigdog_uti got some new books
21:31.04dw|wwhich ones?
21:31.13bigdog_utdw|w, some linux ones and an email one
21:31.22bigdog_utdw|w, did you get the one from oreilly?
21:31.38dw|wnot yet. many days has it been?
21:31.58bigdog_uti though it has been a week
21:32.12tierraogden is too far for me... and I live pretty close to downtown slc and work in bountiful
21:32.22tierraLayton is cutting it
21:32.38bigdog_uti think if we could get north slc that would be killer
21:32.38dw|wbigdog_ut: 8 days, I believe.
21:32.47bigdog_utman...i thought you would have it today
21:32.52bigdog_utor by now
21:33.01dw|wmight have it today, I'll see when I get home.
21:33.30bigdog_utyeah...i got a box of books yesterday
21:33.41bigdog_utso linux garage one from addison wesley
21:34.07bigdog_utand a killer linux one that has everything we have been discussing the last few weeks
21:34.31bigdog_utsys admin, email systems, raids, user management...that looks really good
21:34.39dw|whm, what's the title / publisher?
21:34.45bigdog_utwhich one?
21:35.05dw|wkiller linux one.
21:35.11bigdog_utlet me check
21:39.17bigdog_utthat is the first one
21:40.03bigdog_utthere it is
21:40.23optikal-that linux garage one looks interesting
21:40.46bigdog_utyeah it is a nice one...i also have the php-nuke garage one that is in the series
21:41.26bigdog_utso ill have those 2
21:41.55dw|wI need to find a good book on Tru64.
21:44.50bigdog_utdw|w ->
21:47.58optikal-bigdog_ut: what do i need to do to get my hands on that linux garage book?
21:48.21dw|wget on your knees, that'd be a start.
21:48.23bigdog_utcome to the meeting...put your hand on your head and spin around for me
21:48.42bigdog_utoptikal-, it is yours bro...just be there or i give it away
21:48.53bigdog_utor you can pick it up from me
21:49.01optikal-where are you?
21:49.10bigdog_utlayton, clearfield
21:51.47bigdog_utare u close optikal-?
21:52.06optikal-uhm, Bountiful/Woods Cross
21:52.25bigdog_utokay so not that far comparied to driving to draper for the meeting
21:52.29bigdog_utthough you should come
21:52.45optikal-whens the next meetin?
21:52.50bigdog_utthe 19th
21:52.55optikal-i may just be there.
21:53.17bigdog_utthat is cool...or if u want you can pick it up from me...either way i will have it for you
21:54.32optikal-ill figure it out. =)
22:01.08synicbleh, I need to ween myself off of perl for sysadmin stuff
22:01.11macnewboldthe UPHPU meeting on the 19th? or a different meeting?
22:03.49macnewboldit will be good
22:11.20dw|wsynic: bash!
22:11.39bigdog_utor korn, or csh, or zsh, or bsh
22:11.39dw|wand if bash can't do it, Python can.
22:11.49dw|wbigdog_ut: NO.  Only bash.
22:11.50syniclol, I never learned bash.  I knew perl, so there was no good reason to.
22:11.58synicmore systems have perl installed than bash
22:12.11bigdog_utyah if you are on something other than linux
22:12.15dw|wha.  Our ES40 has bash, but not perl.
22:12.24dw|wha again.
22:12.33dw|wour ES40 runs Tru64
22:12.37bigdog_utmy sunblade has bash and no perl
22:12.54dw|wbash == less overhead anyways.
22:13.02dw|winstalling bash is easy on nearly any system.
22:13.06dw|wPerl can be a bit harder on some.
22:13.18dw|wPlus, it's Perl.
22:13.31dw|wit's not cool anymore.
22:13.57synicbigdog_ut: weird, at propeller the sun boxes had perl and no bash
22:14.22bigdog_utperphaps that is the install they did
22:14.28synicwell... for like the 10 minutes it took me to install bash
22:14.33synic'cause ksh was driving me batty.
22:14.34bigdog_uti have to grab the perl packages for solaris
22:15.58bigdog_utvmware rocks
22:16.21tierrathis freebsd machine is giving me a headache... the only editor installed is vi, and this csh is a bitch
22:16.38bigdog_utlol vi rocks
22:17.14optikal-its my editor of choice.
22:17.14tierranot when your used to emacs... I can deal with vim too, but this default behaviour of vi is really messing me up
22:17.30bigdog_utgoing back to perl and bash thing
22:17.38bigdog_utvi is always installed on boxes
22:17.43dw|wthat's right.
22:17.49optikal-thats why i learned it
22:17.57dw|wcourse, going back to vi after using vim can be a PITA.
22:18.04bigdog_utoh yeah
22:18.06dw|was I learned on our ES40.
22:18.14bigdog_utespecially when you using visula
22:18.38tierraI wouldn't be complaining, but it's not working the same as vi and vim on all the linux boxes I've used it on... it's doing something completely different
22:18.52dw|wtierra: no, you're doing something completely different: using a good OS.
22:20.11tierrait's taking me forever to work on one line of code, I keep screwing it up, and trying to go back and edit it, and then screwing it up even more
22:20.43dw|wahhhh, FreeBSD you said?
22:20.50tierrabackspace is non-existant, and delete key capitalizes the character I'm on before it starts deleting
22:21.00dw|wI know what the problem is.
22:21.26tierraI know
22:21.30dw|whaha, no.
22:21.41dw|wsee, Gentoo doesn't have a GD.
22:21.44dw|wFreeBSD does.
22:21.57tierrayou can't use that here
22:22.06dw|wI just did.
22:22.30tierrano, because I will let off a cuss word in reply, I'm this close to doing so already
22:22.51dw|wthat's why I did it here.
22:23.32tierraI almost did the last 7-8 lines... I've been holding back really good up to this point
22:23.40dw|wI know, it's awesome
22:23.58dw|wI can feel your frustration heating up my face through the internet
22:24.11*** part/#uphpu jsmith (
22:24.29dw|wok, I'm out.
22:26.01tierraoops, I just realized I messed up the very first line I said
22:29.30tierraI'm going to kill someone or something if I keep trying to use vi...
22:29.39tierrathis is rediculous
22:32.11tierraand I thought vim was bad
22:33.50optikal-i love that people hate vi.
22:34.20tierraWTF?! Why in the ____ do they assign keyboard shortcuts in alphabetical order?!!!! make you mad
22:36.14tierrawas vi orginally designed for a Dvorak keyboard layout or something?
22:36.23optikal-hmm, no idea really.
22:37.45tierranevermind, these shortcuts still don't make sense even on a Dvorak layout
22:38.05tierrait's like, pure random keyboard shortcut selection...
22:38.21tierraexcept it's in alphabetical order...
22:38.32tierra^D scroll down by half screens (setting count)
22:38.32tierra^E scroll down by lines
22:38.32tierra^F scroll down by screens
22:40.02tierrascrew this... I'm doing all my editing on another machine and using SCP
23:17.13*** join/#uphpu scottj (~scott@
23:18.04scottjwhat do you guys think is better, php|tropic or zend php conference?
23:23.58macnewboldwhere's php|tropic held?
23:25.22scottjso yeah, location wise, obviously php|tropic, but I'm wondering overall (quality of instruction )
23:27.17macnewboldI've never been to either, nor heard about quality... but cancun vs San Fran isn't too hard of a decision

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