irclog2html for #uphpu on 20050311

00:00.05dataw0lfhey! that's when I went to sleep.
00:00.31drewbonojbot, make macnewbold stop working
00:00.33jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `macnewbold stop working'.  Stop.
00:00.52macnewbold~make all
00:00.54jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
00:01.05drewbonojbot, make macnewbold continue working deep into the night
00:01.07jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `macnewbold continue working deep into the night'.  Stop.
00:01.07macnewbold~make install
00:01.09jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
00:01.11drewbonoTake taht!
00:01.18dataw0lf~make drewbono
00:01.21jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `drewbono'.  Stop.
00:01.26macnewbold~make jbot
00:01.28jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `jbot'.  Stop.
00:01.41macnewbold~jbot jbot
00:01.42jbotjbot is, like, the shipboard computer, but you may call me eddie if it helps you relax
00:01.42drewbono~make drewbono a hot wife
00:01.44jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `drewbono a hot wife'.  Stop.
00:02.09drewbonojbot, man make
00:02.16macnewboldis dataw0lf trying to make drewbono _be_ a wife, or make a wife _for_ drewbono?
00:02.27dataw0lfI'm trying to make him MY wife.
00:02.29macnewbold~make brownies
00:02.31jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `brownies'.  Stop.
00:02.34drewbonoson of a...
00:02.46drewbonoMy mom always said I should stay out of IRC channels...
00:02.54drewbonobad peoples in here.
00:02.56macnewboldfor being scary
00:03.23macnewboldreminds me of the song "Mama told me not to come"....
00:03.26dataw0lfI'm taking the ring back.
00:03.35macnewbold"That ain't the way to have fun, no!"
00:16.46*** join/#uphpu wps (
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00:18.51dataw0lfdrewbono: read the small print at the bottom of the prenup.
00:42.20macnewboldsee y'all on friday! /me is outta here finally
02:42.09*** join/#uphpu tierra|h (
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04:59.44*** join/#uphpu optikal (
05:12.48mindjujuhey optikal!
05:12.53mindjujuhaven't seen ya in a while
05:13.16optikalwhats up buddy!
05:13.33mindjujujumped to a new job that doesn't take kindly to IRC
05:13.47mindjujuthat's why i'm not on in the day time
05:13.47optikalthat's a shame.
05:13.59mindjujuyeah, loved kicking it here in the IRC forum
05:14.05optikalit's fun.
05:14.17mindjujuyou a star wars fan?
05:14.18optikalI usually call it an IRC channel.
05:14.23optikalYes, I am.
05:14.30optikalbtw, this isn't optikal;  this is dataw0lf
05:14.36optikalI'm at optikal's house.
05:14.47mindjujuwell that's cool
05:14.58mindjujui just found those 80 spolier picks for star wars 3
05:15.09optikalI saw those a month ago.
05:15.16optikalthey've been around for a while.
05:15.24optikalI have the trailer.
05:15.25mindjujui'm the kinda guy that likes my desserts before dinner, and I don't mind spoilers!  Yeah, but I'm not as trendy as you
05:15.33optikalThat's true.
05:15.38mindjujui just found out about them
05:15.50optikalyeah, they've been the topic of conversation for a while.
05:15.54optikalright around the mac mini craze.
05:16.17mindjujuyeah noticed a bunch of posts from Jan Feb, but all of them were wiped of pictures
05:16.30mindjujui guess the sites got sunk or received copyright notice
05:16.43optikalah, mostly heard about them in IRC or on torrent mailing lists.
05:16.51mindjujuso what's this about a trailer?
05:17.00mindjujuis it the one that is on the starwars site now?
05:17.03mindjujuor something new?
05:17.17optikalyou know the one they're releasing on Fox in a couple days?
05:17.21optikalmaybe even tomorrow.
05:17.29mindjujuoh i heard about that.  on the OC?
05:17.40mindjujudidn't know when it was, just heard it was going to be during the OC
05:17.41optikalmight be.  I don't watch TV.
05:17.42mindjujudo you have it?
05:18.21mindjujucan you post it to a site for a quick download?
05:18.29optikalyou can probably google for it and find it now, I think everyone has their hands on it. since like noon or something.
05:18.45optikalbut if you can't find it I might be able to ssh into my box and put it up for download.
05:18.45mindjujui'll have to look for it
05:18.54optikalbut that requires effort.
05:18.58mindjujunah, i'll google it
05:18.59optikalwhich I don't have.
05:19.12optikalI've been sinning
05:19.20*** join/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
05:19.37mindjujuor singing?
05:19.58optikallike, you know, indulging in some alcohol.
05:20.08optikalat optikal's.
05:20.11optikaltierra is here too.
05:20.19mindjujuwhat were ya'll drinking?
05:21.54mindjujuwell, for being a little tipsy, your typing well
05:21.58mindjujuno misspelled words
05:22.18optikalI'm dataw0lf.  I hardly ever miss something up.
05:54.14*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
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16:07.11*** join/#uphpu jakea (
17:12.43wpsanyone on a modem that can test a page load for me?
17:19.07macnewboldnot me, sorry. Thank goodness.
17:22.19wpsyeah :)
17:22.43macnewboldif I had my laptop, I could hook up my cell phone and test it at 14.4kbps for you :)
17:22.58macnewboldso are you just looking for timing, or something else?
17:23.16wpswell, I have a background image that I am trying to see if I can get away with
17:23.27macnewboldhow many KB?
17:23.34wpsI have gotten it down to 160 K, but can't go any further without loosing quality
17:24.00wpsI think it's going to be too big
17:24.08macnewboldit's about 30 sec on a 56k
17:24.29macnewboldbut it's a bg image, so maybe losing some quality is okay? ;)
17:24.51wpsnah, it looks lame if it's not crisp
17:25.32macnewboldhm... maybe you could javascript it so that the bg image loads very last?
17:33.01optikal-wps: send me the background image, or link me to it, and i might be able to get it compressed down lower without loss of quality..
17:34.11wpsyou want to start with the already compressed some JPG? or the uncompressed GIF?
17:37.42macnewboldwps: you can crank the compression way down with png w/o loss of quality
17:39.45wpshmm... Photoshop doesn't give you the option to alter the compression settings for PNGs
17:41.16macnewboldtry the gimp :)
17:41.20macnewboldeven xv lets you change it
17:41.36macnewboldif you want me to try it, send me a URL for the jpg and gif versions
17:41.39macnewboldor a png version
17:42.15wpsJPG ->
17:42.34wpsGIF ->
17:42.44wpsthe GIf is the quality I want
17:42.49wpsit's just too big
17:42.50wps600 K
17:49.29macnewboldthe png took it down some, but not enough
17:49.34macnewboldI'm posting some things I tried here:
17:50.13macnewboldthe jpgs with numbers are % of compression
17:50.20macnewboldthe 80b is with 10% smoothing
17:50.26macnewboldand the 80c is 15% smoothing
17:51.21macnewboldyou can see quality loss in the jpgs, but some of the ones as small as 75K are still high enough qual (IMHO) to get the job done... nobody but you will know how good the original looked :)
17:52.34macnewboldthat's an interesting problem... I think the only way you'll get better is by shrinking its dimensions...
17:52.56macnewboldwps: let me know when you're done with those images, and I'll remove them
17:53.04macnewboldso nobody steals your work :)
17:54.23wpsyou do the compressing with GIMP?
17:54.30macnewboldthose were actually just with xv
17:54.35macnewboldbut gimp is nice
17:54.36wpswhat's that?
17:54.42wpsa command line utility?
17:54.43macnewboldthe ImageMagick tools work well too
17:54.52macnewboldyeah, just some little image viewer
17:55.00wpsha ha
17:55.05wpsand it spanked Photoshop's butt
17:55.08macnewboldbut it links all the different image libraries, so it can do lots of stuff
17:55.19macnewboldthree cheers for open source free software!
17:55.25macnewbold~praise open source free software
17:55.27jbotAll hail open source free software!
17:55.41macnewboldyou heard jbot, now everybody hail it!
17:56.05macnewboldoooh, a great idea for a credit card ad:
17:56.23macnewboldBrand new pimped-out Apple G5: $3500
17:56.36macnewbold36" Apple Theater display: $6000
17:56.56macnewboldEvery Adobe program known to man: $10,000
17:57.08macnewboldwatching a free program on a free OS on a $500 PC spank it: priceless
18:02.30wpsit anyone is looking for a nice, new display, the ViewSonic 20.1" is now down to $698!
18:02.30wpsI just ordered another
18:03.07usynicmacnewbold: hehe
18:03.09wpspop two of those together and you get 40" of real estate for only $1400! has 17" LCD's (1280x1024) for $150, or 19" for $250 or less
18:04.02wpsyes, but who can work on 17" ? and what brands are those? displays for that price will not support high resolution.
18:04.44wpswhat is the pixel pitch? brightness? contrast ration? response time?
18:06.02*** join/#uphpu tbye (~tbye@
18:06.13optikal-wps: sorry, just got back to your background.. does it tile or how does that bg sit?
18:06.22wpsyes, it tiles
18:09.33optikal-if that okay?
18:09.52wpsurl bad
18:10.10optikal-urdnsbad..url fine
18:10.27usynicurl works for me
18:14.40*** join/#uphpu jakea (
18:15.06macnewboldwps: the 17" does 1280x1024, and it's what I use on my desk. it works great. but I'm not a graphic designer, so I might not be as picky about some of the details.
18:15.15macnewboldI just need the high resolution
18:15.29wpsyeah, I can't work on less than 1600 x 1200
18:15.47macnewboldwhat's the smallest LCD you know of that can get that res?
18:15.59wpssmallest as in what? size?
18:16.01tbyeMy 2000FP will do it...
18:16.10wpsthere are nineteens that do that
18:16.11macnewboldand lowest cost
18:16.13tbyeit's a Dell
18:16.23wpsprobably a dell for ~500
18:16.40macnewboldI could buy _three_ of mine for that price.
18:16.45tbyeI'm wishing my D800 would drive the 24" Dell 2405FP
18:16.52macnewbold1600x1200 is nice, but not worth triple the cost, for me anyway
18:17.33tbyeMy Dell has composite and svideo inputs that I can do picture in picture with... it's nice to play dvds on the playstation while I'm working at home. ;-)
18:17.57tbyeThe new 2405 (24") also includes component inputs.
18:18.17wpsthat's awesome
18:18.37tbyeThey regularly have deals where you can get them for $750 with the purchase of a pc (pc runs about 850)
18:18.42wpsI'm surprised that Apple's new Cinema displays don't do component inputs
18:19.01tbyeThe refresh is down to 12 milis on the new Dells
18:19.20tbyeapparently that is good for gamers or something.
18:19.25wpsit's 16 on my viewsonics
18:19.33tbye16 on my current dell
18:19.37tbyeI have the first gen
18:19.50tbyebut it's been a really great monitor
18:20.33tbyeThe Angel funding our company decided to tell me about his Mac when I said I was a Mac fan...
18:20.42tbyeDual G5 with Dual 30" LCDs....
18:20.48tbyeI could've died on the spot.
18:21.38tbyenothing like 6k in monitors...
18:22.48wpsI can get 60" of desktop with three 20.1" viewsomics for $2000 though... instead of $6000
18:23.35tbye4k of ooohhh factor... hehe
18:23.55tbyeYou need to pay the ego fees to join Steve's club.
18:26.08wpsthat's what I want
18:29.04wpsit's all about where you spend your money, macnewbold :)
18:29.08wpswhich toys are more important
18:29.11wpssome people go out to each every day
18:29.15wpssome go golfing
18:29.18wpssome go skiing
18:29.35wpsI save and then buy displays! yeah!
18:33.30dataw0lfyeah, I buy alot of porn.
18:33.56tbyeI'm a sledneck
18:34.32tbyesledneck == snowmobile enthusiast on amphetamines.
18:34.48dataw0lfthat sounds fun.
18:35.35tbyeMy bro-in-law almost became one of this year's avalanche statistics...
18:35.58dataw0lfwhile on amphetamines?
18:36.12tbyewe got him out in 11 minutes from when he dissappeared... 3 days later we found the machine and got it dug out.
18:36.28tbyebelieve you me... he was hopped up when we got him out.
18:36.59dataw0lfI bet.
18:37.03dataw0lfamphetamines do that to you.
18:38.03tbyeActually it wasn't all that fun... I'd just been to avalanche school at snowbird.... where they teach you to use your beacons and transponders.
18:39.34tbyewhen I saw the hill slide I just remember looking at my watch and  my adrenaline kicking in... trying to gauge where he would end up...
18:39.55tbyethought to myself... I've got 30 minutes if he stays calm...
18:45.27dataw0lfadrenaline is nice.
18:57.44*** join/#uphpu tierra|w (
19:33.31*** join/#uphpu tbye (~tbye@
19:58.47*** join/#uphpu fungus (~fungus@2001:470:1f00:645:20a:95ff:fec5:636a)
21:04.12*** join/#uphpu spiderbiter (~spiderbit@
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21:46.08*** join/#uphpu optikal- (
22:53.50spiderbitergee, quiet day macnewbold
22:54.17macnewboldyeah, spiderbiter
23:54.08*** join/#uphpu optikal_ (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.