irclog2html for #uphpu on 20050301

01:11.10macnewboldg'night, all
01:33.20*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (~bigdog_ut@
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03:26.13bigdog_utall hail the bigdog
03:26.38bigdog_ut~slap macnewbold
03:26.40jbotACTION slaps macnewbold, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
03:30.01dataw0lf~hail bigdog_ut
03:30.05jbotACTION bows down to bigdog_ut and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
03:31.13bigdog_utwhatz up bro?
03:37.11bigdog_utu connected to xmission via dsl?
03:37.18dataw0lfI'm currently drinking a gin and tonic and learning gimp
03:37.23dataw0lfyes indeed.
03:37.43bigdog_utman i have been trying to get this actionsh*t to work right
03:38.06bigdog_uti have the dns set up right i just cant get my ims to work right
03:39.40dataw0lfah, I've had the same problem before on my actiontec.
03:40.02bigdog_utany advice...besides throwing it away
03:40.09dataw0lfwhat are your dns name servers set as?
03:40.58dataw0lffor some reason, with the actiontec, it'll set your domain server (on linux anyways) as the actiontec itself.
03:41.17bigdog_utdo i need to set the domain
03:41.48dataw0lfnah, shouldn't have to, let me look at my router config, I know I fixed it somehow.
03:44.08dataw0lfyou sure your router isn't set in there in DNS ?
03:44.25bigdog_utwhat do you mean?
03:44.33dataw0lfthe router ip as DNS.
03:44.53bigdog_uti did have it in there
03:45.05dataw0lfremove it.
03:45.41bigdog_utyeah i just have the,2 as the dns servers
03:46.09dataw0lfoh, bleh, sorry, apparently I've had too much to drink.
03:46.12dataw0lfyeah, you're going to have to change that.
03:46.22bigdog_utadd the router to the dns list?
03:46.30dataw0lfno, no.
03:46.56dataw0lfas long as the router isn't in there anymore it shouldn't be a problem, bleh.
03:47.07dataw0lf^-- same problem I had.
03:47.08*** join/#uphpu mindjuju (user@
03:47.27dataw0lftry pinging
03:47.42dataw0lf(if you have AIM)
03:47.49dataw0lfand then try connecting through AIM.
03:47.57bigdog_uti can ping it fine
03:48.19dataw0lfyou've pinged it before, and then tried connecting to IM after you've pinged it?
03:48.39bigdog_utno but i pinged it and now it works
03:48.52bigdog_uti did not change any settings in my actiontec
03:49.07dataw0lfI know.
03:49.08bigdog_utlet me check yahoo
03:49.09dataw0lfweird, huh?
03:49.13dataw0lfsame thing I had to do.
03:49.43bigdog_uthwat is your time on your ping to
03:50.22dataw0lfquick enough, 100ms or so. that works
03:50.53dataw0lfyeah, seriously, have you tried rebooting since removing the router from the DNS list?
03:51.15bigdog_utyeah...not it is all working once i ping the stuff
03:51.22bigdog_utand fast now
03:51.39dataw0lfyeah, I had to do that, but then I just removed the router from the DNS list and didn't have anymore problems.
03:51.48dataw0lfI might've done something to the router also, let me try to think.
03:52.03bigdog_utit works fine now
03:52.32dataw0lfyeah, but it'll come back.
03:52.42dataw0lflike, when you logout, and log back in, you'll have to ping em again to get em working.
03:52.55bigdog_utso where in the router do i remove the dns entry
03:53.22dataw0lfI mean in Linux.
03:53.50bigdog_utyeah i dont do dhcp at all w/ these things so i my dns are set in my /etc/resolv.conf
03:54.27dataw0lfas long as your router isn't a namserver setting in resolv.conf you should be straight from now on.
03:54.47bigdog_utcool..that was my problem...i let it there from my last one
03:54.53bigdog_utthing sucks
03:55.14bigdog_uti even telneted to the modem and reset the iptables and that did not work
03:56.24dataw0lfyeah, I know.
03:56.38dataw0lfI've been hacking around with it though, since it runs a linux kernel on it.
03:56.46dataw0lfI had the same problem, man, I was weirded out.
03:57.31bigdog_utdude i was about ready to drop xmission cause i could not get out of the network
03:57.31bigdog_uti called like 5 times to see and they said nothing about it
03:57.55dataw0lfX-Mission is pretty cool.  It's just the craptiontec.
03:57.56bigdog_utyou saw me in there...dude i was pissed
03:58.12bigdog_utyeah...but i would think they know that this is happening
03:58.50dataw0lfyeah, some of their tech support guys aren't all they should be, imho.
03:59.11bigdog_utyeah i talked to a couple of my email works!!!
03:59.18bigdog_ut~hail dataw0lf
03:59.20jbotACTION bows down to dataw0lf and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
03:59.41bigdog_utdude i love the xmission gentoo mirrors though
04:00.21dataw0lfthey're big supporters of linux, which is win++.
04:00.33bigdog_utoh yeah
04:01.30dataw0lfwhich I should set their ubuntu and debian mirrors up in my sources list, but I'm lazy.
04:01.57bigdog_utthat was the first thing i did
04:02.15dataw0lfyou gentoo fan boy ;)
04:02.35bigdog_utoh yeah
04:02.42bigdog_utgentoo rockz bro
04:03.00dataw0lfpsh, I'll stick with Debian / Ubuntu, and FreeBSD on rare occasions.
04:03.33dataw0lfyou going to stick a personal server on your DSL connection?
04:03.47bigdog_uti want to..have you
04:04.05dataw0lfyeah, that's what runs on.
04:04.28bigdog_uthow did you set it up? i havent look yet though
04:04.42bigdog_utspent all time trying to get stuff to work
04:05.17dataw0lfas far as name servers, etc are concerned?
04:05.59dataw0lfI use's name servers to point to my machine.
04:06.11dataw0lfand then I got the xmission guys to do some reverse dns magics on me. do you get past the craptiontec
04:06.54dataw0lfI don't believe in running BIND.
04:07.04dataw0lfoh, just port forwarding.
04:07.22dataw0lfuses NAT, and then I have some iptables setup on my server to filter stuff out too.
04:07.54bigdog_utoh okay...i will have to check this comming weekend
04:08.03bigdog_uti might be asking some questions
04:08.14dataw0lfno problemo.
04:08.41dataw0lfeh, I think my relationship is quickly deteriorating into a no save situation.
04:09.19mindjujuabout that name server you guys were mentioning, did ya'll find any sites on the ins and outs of creating a domain name server?
04:11.54dataw0lfas far as what, running BIND?
04:12.39dataw0lfI'd direct any BIND questions to tierra or eco.
04:13.09mindjujutruth told, don't know much about creating a domain name server, have a public IP and have a domain through, but have to forward the URL requests to my IP address cause I don't have a domain name server to connect it to, mindjuju
04:13.33dataw0lfeasy setup.
04:13.39mindjujuone of those projects I wanted to do when I have time; problem is no time, but when I saw you guys mention ...  cool, thnx!
04:14.15dataw0lfno problemo.
04:22.20bigdog_utmindjuju, setting up a dns server sucks...unless you really want to do that i would not recommend it
04:22.48dataw0lfthere's really no need for a personal server, imho.
04:22.54mindjujuwell, wanted to learn more of the gritty side of the web (what makes everything work)
04:23.06mindjujunot sure if I want to use a dynamic dns
04:23.16dataw0lfwell, maybe you should run bind then.
04:23.26bigdog_utyeah i would say go ahead and try..i ran one a couple years back
04:23.27mindjujuif the cost isn't crazy, i think i still might try to set something up
04:23.30mindjujuwhat is BIND?
04:23.47bigdog_utbind is hte nameserver software
04:28.57mindjujuhey, that's exactly the info I was looking for.  may not be easy but good info to know
04:29.30bigdog_utif you really want to know bind i would suggest getting the bind book from oreilly
04:29.33bigdog_utit is good
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16:05.36optikalcan anyone here host a 230mb file for me and a friend? its his tribes:vegenance showoff video, and we need a fourth mirror.. it will probably take up some bandwidth..
16:09.49optikalwell, if anyone wants to DL it..   If you can rehost it, it would be greatly appreciated. =)
16:13.59bigdog_utanyone here really good at postgresql?
16:19.36optikalTalk to the dw.
16:20.02optikalHe knows Postgresql
16:21.27bigdog_utdataw0lf, you had a fun night lastnight
16:24.05macnewboldoptikal: is it work safe?
16:24.14optikalmacnewbold: yep
16:24.36optikalmacnewbold: its a recording of him playing and pulling off a ton of insanely cool kills in tribes:vegenance
16:24.43macnewboldI might be able to throw it on my home server, I've got plenty of avail BW on there.
16:24.59optikalwhat speed?
16:25.08macnewboldit's almost 1Mbps up
16:25.22macnewboldover half-T1 speed (which we have at the office)
16:25.48macnewboldit is just for http, or are you doing torrent or something?
16:26.14optikalbut it got linked to on a t:v German front page news site.. but i think the main dl surges are done
16:26.45optikalover 1 day, we've sent about 750gb out. lol
17:05.46*** join/#uphpu fungus (
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17:25.53alphahawkHow is everyone today?
17:26.05jbotACTION does a disco dance.
17:26.28macnewboldit's not Monday anymore, so I'm doing better than yesterday :)
17:27.53alphahawkhey macnewbold still working on a issue with file uploads wondering if you can shed some light for me.
17:28.43alphahawkFrom what I have been able to track down is that if the php/apache cannot detect the mime type of the file it freaks out. I.E. I upload a prn file (print to file).
17:30.04alphahawkdo you know of a way to make the system ignore the mime type?? All the documentation I have read says it ignores the file mimetypes but it doesn't from what Ican see
17:39.44macnewboldalphahawk: no idea. I've got a site that uploads _all_ kinds of files, and we don't have that problem at all
17:39.50macnewboldwhat versions of apache/php are you using?
17:41.04alphahawkApache/1.3.31 (Unix) PHP/4.3.9
17:43.21macnewboldI'm on apache2, with about the same version of PHP
17:43.33macnewboldso I don't know if apache2 makes a difference in this case or not
17:45.06alphahawkhmmm ok
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17:46.12macnewboldoptikal: denied.wmv is downloading right now... looks like it will take about 25 minutes to arrive
17:46.21optikalmacnewbold: cool
17:46.24macnewboldyou'll find it at when it's done
17:50.35macnewboldI get about 20GB per month through XM, so if it starts to go over that, I'll have to take it down :) (or is it 20Gb? don't recall, but I think the larger one)
18:01.42optikalhehe.. it should be fine, its settled down a whole lone
18:05.04macnewboldoptikal: 7 minutes left
18:06.06optikal[Tue Mar 01 12:49:52 2005] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /usr/bin/wwwroot
18:06.10optikalthis error..
18:06.33optikalthere is no /usr/bin/wwwroot.. i installed awstats, and i get this error when accessing it.. so i can only assume its that doing it..
18:06.47optikalapache2.conf and commonapache2.conf dont reference any /usr/bin/wwwroot, or anything close
18:06.52optikaland neither does the awstats.hostname.conf file..
18:06.59optikalwhat file am i missing to check>
18:16.46macnewboldoptikal: I think it's got to be some other awstats config file... I've never used it, so I don't know exactly what it would be
18:18.51macnewboldbtw, optikal, it finished downloading
18:18.53macnewbold> ls denied.wmv
18:18.53macnewbold-rw-rw-r--  1 newbold  www  239416672 Feb 26 23:51 denied.wmv
18:19.16macnewbold(md5ing it takes a while on my old computer :)
18:19.21macnewboldMD5 (denied.wmv) = 422e8782eba597ca9134ef6018359b00
18:19.32macnewbolddoes that look right?
18:22.24macnewboldsomebody from tried to hit it a while ago, but only got 6 megs :)
18:27.15optikalive got 4 sending from my box atm.. some fast speeds going out, 4.7Mb/s
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18:33.03macnewboldwhat's the uplink on your box optikal?
18:33.07macnewboldand how?
18:33.15optikalmacnewbold: haha.
18:34.24macnewboldwhere at?
18:34.32optikala uml,
18:34.39macnewboldmakes sense now :)
18:34.56macnewboldhow much BW do you get to use with your hosting pkg, and how much does it gost?
18:34.58optikalIve seen 8.2Mb/s
18:36.14macnewboldI'm pulling it to my coloc'd server at XMission now.. getting over 1Mbps
18:36.23macnewboldsorry 1MB/s
18:36.47optikalwhich one?
18:36.49macnewbold1.15MB/s currently (9.2Mbps)
18:37.19macnewboldit's leveled off now at 1.17MB/s
18:37.23optikalso it peaked @ 9.2?
18:38.40macnewboldabout 3 minutes to dl the whole 240MB file :)
18:38.47macnewbold15 sec left :)
18:39.16macnewbold3 minutes and 14 seconds total
18:39.24optikalnot too shabby for 228MB
18:39.35macnewboldtoo bad we don't have the bw avail to let people download it from there :)
18:45.13synicbigdog_ut: you there?
18:48.41macnewboldso optikal, did that mne-llc link get posted anywhere as a mirror? Everybody who wanted to see it already got it, it looks like :)
18:49.35optikalnot yet
18:49.40optikalits incase i run out of banwidth on my linode
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19:28.23bigdog_utsynic, whatz up?
19:33.24bigdog_ut~slap synic
19:33.27jbotACTION slaps synic, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
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19:56.29dataw0lfsomebody say my name?
19:57.32optikalbigdog_ut, needed some help with postgresql
19:57.40optikali recommended he speak to you.
19:57.47optikali dono if he still does..
19:58.07optikal@bigdog_ut anyone here really good at postgresql?
19:58.08optikaloptikal Talk to the dw.
19:58.09optikaloptikal He knows Postgresql
19:58.09optikal@bigdog_ut dataw0lf, you had a fun night lastnight
19:58.34dataw0lfyeah, I know pg.  And, yes, I did have a fun night last night.
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20:27.49bigdog_utdataw0lf, are you familiar with multi arrays in pg and how to use them in stored procs
20:30.18dataw0lfin theory, yes, but I haven't actually used them to be honest.
20:31.04bigdog_utim just trying to figure out how to count an array in plpgsql
20:32.53dataw0lfarray_dims(), I think.
20:33.26bigdog_utthat gives you the dimensions of the array
20:34.37dataw0lfit'll give you the number of values, which is what I assume you're looking for?
20:34.56bigdog_utit gives the range of [1:n]
20:35.14bigdog_uti guess i could parse it out
20:37.22bigdog_utoh i got i
20:37.37bigdog_uti did a while loop to solve
20:37.43bigdog_utcheck this out
20:37.50dataw0lflemme see, lemme see!
20:37.52bigdog_utCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_user_sports(VARCHAR,_int4,_int4,_int4,_int4) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS'
20:38.36bigdog_ut' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
20:38.40bigdog_uttakes multi arrays and then i will use that to create updates where the raise notice is at
20:38.54dataw0lfthat's slick.
20:38.59bigdog_utso one query to postgres from php will create many queries all in a transaction
20:39.13dataw0lfman, and people wonder why I love postgres.
20:39.13bigdog_uthere is the select statement:
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20:39.31bigdog_utselect update_user_sports('username','{30,29}','{1,5}','{2,1}','{3,2}');
20:39.59bigdog_utso i pass in data via that query and all the values get created to sql statements
20:40.16bigdog_uton db query results in up to 75 queries all in a transaction
20:40.20bigdog_utone fails it all fails
20:40.43bigdog_utand it is so fast
20:41.38bigdog_uti love doing this stuff now
20:41.55bigdog_utcause in php it would suck to requery and verify and ....blah..blah
20:42.10bigdog_utnow i just do all the queries in that a stored proc
20:42.24dataw0lfthat's definitely slick.
20:42.56bigdog_utyeah i have been learing alot about it you can do so killer stuff with it
20:43.25bigdog_utthis site is going to be killer
20:43.35bigdog_uti have integrated jabber into it as a chat method
20:43.48dataw0lfyou got a dev url ?
20:44.10bigdog_utit is not done yet...but we will shortly...wps and i are working on it
20:44.51bigdog_uti think i have like 12 plpsql functions now that do some killer stuff
20:45.09bigdog_uttriggers, views, domains, and rules...
20:45.17bigdog_utwhy would you not want to use pgsql
20:45.32bigdog_utoh i remember...cause they cant handle the truth
20:46.07dataw0lfviews ROCK.
20:46.12dataw0lfso do triggers.
20:46.20dataw0lfI used them so much at my last job.
20:58.54*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
21:06.55synicbigdog_ut: sorry, I figured my question out
21:07.06synicwhich, funnily enough, had to do with pgsql
21:32.24*** join/#uphpu tbye (~tbye@
21:39.23drewbonoAnyone know if there's blogging software that allows people to receive updates to the blog over email?
21:41.21drewbonoSimilar to having a subscriber?
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22:09.51bigdog_utblog w/ rss?
22:10.26dataw0lfwell, that'd be rather easy, with a trigger, too.
22:11.21bigdog_utyes it would
22:12.37dataw0lfthat's how I'd do it.  With an insert, trigger an email to X members who are 'subscribed'
22:14.52bigdog_utthe only problem is that they use mysql...stupid developers
22:15.10bigdog_utwe should create a postgresql hosting company
22:15.22dataw0lfI'm down.
22:15.30macnewboldwho needs a DB trigger when you're running the whole thing with PHP? Just do it in the PHP.
22:15.46macnewboldsending email doesn't belong in a RDBMS insert trigger anyway, IMHO
22:15.48bigdog_utwhy...then you have to make tons of php calls
22:15.57macnewboldwhat, mail()? ;)
22:16.29dataw0lfI don't see why not to keep it in the DB.
22:16.32macnewboldyou could get your subscriber list in a single query I bet
22:16.36dataw0lfif you want, I guess you could call a php script with the trigger.
22:16.41macnewboldwhat does sending email have to do with the db?
22:16.52macnewboldwhy put a trigger _in_ the db, just so it can call back out again?
22:16.57bigdog_utcause it sends when a blog is updated
22:17.12macnewboldif the PHP is inserting, then PHP can more easily do the work
22:17.16dataw0lfwhenever an insert comes across that specific table, you'll auto send it.
22:17.34bigdog_utand you can also check stats in the database before sending the email
22:17.40bigdog_utlike is the user subscribed
22:17.49macnewboldall those things are easy to check from PHP too
22:18.04macnewboldand it works well with MySQL, and doesn't require PG :)
22:18.04bigdog_utyeah but it depends on how many calls you want to make to the db
22:18.26bigdog_utit depends where you want your bl to be
22:18.29macnewboldyou just need one query, and it can return all the rows of subscribers
22:18.54bigdog_utone query to insert and one query to select subscribers
22:19.01bigdog_ut2 queries
22:19.08macnewboldyeah, but you'd need the insert either way
22:19.20bigdog_utyeah but in the database you have only one query
22:19.25macnewboldthe trigger internally will do one or more queries to get the subscribers anyway
22:19.37bigdog_utqueries yes connections no
22:19.54macnewboldcalling out to send the email is likely to be just as expensive as calling in to get the subscriber list, or worse
22:20.11macnewboldyou only need one connection for both queries, and you'd need it even with the trigger
22:20.15bigdog_utdepends, it would not be worse though
22:20.35macnewboldif it has to spawn a new process to send each message, then yeah, it easily could be
22:20.37bigdog_utw/ trigger you dont need connections you are in the current connection
22:20.44macnewboldsame with PHP
22:20.54macnewboldboth queries [can] use the same connection,
22:20.59macnewboldat least with MySQL they can
22:21.14macnewboldthey're persistent cnxns
22:21.16dataw0lfI just don't see the reason to do something in PHP when you can do some nifty DB work.
22:21.25macnewbold1) easier to do it in php
22:21.28bigdog_utyes, but you do not need to hit the server via network
22:21.29macnewbold2) less error prone
22:21.33dataw0lfObviously, if he's using MySQL and hasn't learned enough SQL to do it, do it in php.
22:21.43macnewbold3) doesn't place unnecessary requirements on db engines
22:21.55macnewbold4) more handy stuff avail. in php to do it
22:22.07macnewbold5) php may be higher performing
22:22.10bigdog_utwe are just saying it is just as easy as php if you know what you are doing
22:22.20macnewboldthat's very possible
22:22.24bigdog_ut5? i would not say that
22:22.36macnewboldI bet a lot more people know what they're doing with PHP than PG db triggers :)
22:22.47dataw0lfyou're totally forgetting the cool factor though.
22:22.48bigdog_utyeah...that is what we are saying though
22:22.51macnewbold5 depends a lot on how the callout from the trigger to send the email is implemented
22:23.04bigdog_utthrough c most likely
22:23.19macnewbolddataw0lf: yeah, but does the cool factor outweigh the weird and bizarre factors?
22:23.34dataw0lfOf course.
22:23.47bigdog_utthe nice thing is that i can modify my trigger and db without touching my php code
22:24.20dataw0lfand it just looks cleaner.
22:25.08macnewboldthe nice thing is that I can modify my php code without touching my db :)
22:25.33bigdog_uttrue...either way you look at it it depends where you want the bl at
22:25.37macnewboldanyway, I surrender :)
22:25.42jbothmm... bl is
22:25.48bigdog_utbusiness logic
22:26.11macnewboldin the db is good if you've got a php front end, a java front end, a <your favorite here> front end
22:26.13bigdog_uti can do queries in sql then in php
22:26.15macnewboldso they all get the same stuff
22:26.29macnewboldbut if you've got exactly one front end,
22:26.38macnewboldthe right place to draw the line is pretty arbitrary :)
22:26.57bigdog_utalso it depends on what you are doing too
22:27.19bigdog_uti tend to shift more to sql cause it is easier to deal w/ then with php at times
22:27.30macnewboldI'd rather implement business logic in a real language than in an SQL database - _much_ better programming environment
22:27.35macnewboldyeah, it depends on what you're doing
22:27.46dataw0lfI just like doing cool stuff with pg.
22:28.08macnewboldI might too, once I install and start using it :)
22:28.20dataw0lfsure, it might be easier to maintain, read, portable, etc if you do it in PHP, but I'm down for doing the sweet stuff.
22:28.43bigdog_utthe problem that i have with php is that it lacks in oo stuff like ruby, java, or pythong
22:29.19dataw0lfyeah, which I can't speak too much on, since I haven't really done much work with PHP 5.
22:29.21bigdog_uti wish php would really move forward w/ their oo engine
22:29.27dataw0lfbut, it still isn't a true OOP language like, say, Python.
22:29.35bigdog_utor ruby
22:29.41dataw0lfyeah, Ruby is nice too.
22:29.45bigdog_utphp is moving forward which is good
22:29.48dataw0lfhaven't done too much with it, just some scripts.
22:34.00bigdog_utim just waiting for the day when php support function overloading
22:37.47dataw0lfthat'd be very, very nice.
22:38.45bigdog_utdataw0lf, thanks again for helping me with the craptiontec again
22:42.21*** join/#uphpu drewbono (
22:47.05dataw0lfbigdog_ut: no problem bro.
23:19.33macnewboldso what is the fix on the craptiontec's when they start doing that?
23:20.38bigdog_utset the dns on the computers behind it to use a real dns and not the modem for the dns
23:33.10*** join/#uphpu wps_ (~wps@
23:36.25*** join/#uphpu wps_ (~wps@
23:41.15*** join/#uphpu wps_ (~wps@
23:48.41macnewboldwps/wps_: you're both logged in it says... and both from the same IP address
23:49.14chuckybuckyhow do I log the other out?
23:49.29macnewboldmsg NickServ help ghost
23:49.39macnewboldmsg NickServ ghost wps [password]
23:49.47macnewboldyou should also do this:
23:50.12macnewboldmsg NickServ link wps [password]
23:50.23macnewboldmaybe also ths:
23:50.34macnewboldmsg NickServ register wps_ [password]
23:50.50macnewboldchuckybucky: you still here?
23:51.03*** mode/#uphpu [+o wps] by ChanServ
23:51.19macnewboldthos commands you'll need to run as wps_ I think
23:51.30macnewboldmaybe not
23:52.00wpsI don't want to register wps_
23:52.05wpsI don't want to use that
23:54.49macnewboldyou may be able to set up your client to msg NickServ every time you log in, and kill the ghost, then /nick wps you
23:55.09macnewboldthe bigger mystery is why your client keeps ghosting you.
23:55.18macnewboldhow do you usually close your client?
23:55.54wpsquit the app
23:56.44macnewboldI wonder why it doesn't /quit or /part you...
23:56.56macnewboldwhat app is it again? Colloquy?
23:57.12macnewboldor why it doesn't close the connection, like bigdog's did...
23:58.02wpsdoes mine not do that?
23:58.56macnewboldI'm not sure... wanna try it? :)

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