irclog2html for #uphpu on 20041120

03:35.56spiderbiterjbot, seen wps?
03:35.58jbotwps <~wade@> was last seen on IRC in channel #byumug, 5h 6m 25s ago, saying: 'anyone on campus?'.
03:43.47spiderbiterjbot, I need you to demonstrate on me
03:44.06spiderbiterjbot, I need you to demonstrate on me?
03:44.25spiderbiter~lart spiderbiter
03:44.34spiderbiter~lart spiderbiter
03:46.05spiderbiterjbot, what is lart?
03:46.06jbotspiderbiter: what are you talking about?
05:49.03*** join/#uphpu synic|h (
06:50.09*** join/#uphpu bigdog_ut (
06:50.09*** mode/#uphpu [+o bigdog_ut] by ChanServ
10:39.43*** join/#uphpu spiderbiter (