IRC log for #udbug on 20131205

08:55.04*** join/#udbug infobot (
08:55.04*** topic/#udbug is type '~udbug help' for help or '~udbug topic' for the topic
09:02.36*** join/#udbug infobot (
09:02.37*** topic/#udbug is type '~udbug help' for help or '~udbug topic' for the topic
15:49.06*** join/#udbug eggyknap (
15:49.06*** join/#udbug eggyknap (~jtolley@unaffiliated/eggyknap)
15:49.06*** mode/#udbug [+o eggyknap] by ChanServ

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.