IRC log for #udbug on 20100903

03:37.53*** join/#udbug brasto (
03:39.06*** join/#udbug whiteinge (~whiteinge@oalug/member/whiteinge)
14:56.49*** join/#udbug fungus (
14:56.49*** mode/#udbug [+o fungus] by ChanServ
15:07.15*** join/#udbug SunSparc (
15:07.15*** mode/#udbug [+o SunSparc] by ChanServ
18:32.10*** join/#udbug brasto (
19:11.23*** join/#udbug pelaofeliz (~PelaoFeli@
19:16.52*** join/#udbug Muad`Dib (
19:16.52*** mode/#udbug [+o Muad`Dib] by ChanServ

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.