IRC log for #udbug on 20100812

00:05.21*** join/#udbug whiteing1 (
00:06.07*** join/#udbug whiteinge (~whiteinge@oalug/member/whiteinge)
11:59.06*** join/#udbug Yorokobi (
11:59.09*** join/#udbug Yorokobi (~Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
12:18.22*** join/#udbug Yorokobi (~Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
14:21.41*** join/#udbug Yorokobi (~Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
14:41.57*** join/#udbug fungus (
14:41.57*** mode/#udbug [+o fungus] by ChanServ
15:08.41*** join/#udbug SunSparc (
15:08.41*** mode/#udbug [+o SunSparc] by ChanServ
22:50.31*** join/#udbug infobot (
22:50.31*** topic/#udbug is type '~udbug help' for help or '~udbug topic' for the topic

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.