IRC log for #uclibc on 20130606

15:15.49*** join/#uclibc ibot (
15:15.49*** topic/#uclibc is discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc was released 15 May 2012 | uClibc++ 0.2.4 was released 25 May 2012 | busybox 1.21.0 was released 21 January 2013 | For general setup issues try #oe, #elinux or #edev
15:22.03landleylyager: #busybox has its own channel now, FYI.
15:59.55*** join/#uclibc espiral (~maze@unaffiliated/espiral)
16:07.55*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (
16:11.31*** join/#uclibc emg (~emg@
16:28.14*** join/#uclibc smartin (
17:27.38*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
18:39.38*** join/#uclibc mrtux (~mrtux@unaffiliated/mrtux)
19:02.43*** join/#uclibc likewhoa (
19:23.32lyagerlandley: Thanks, I just took the channel here:
19:27.23landleylyager: yeah, I poked the busybox list about the other one but Denys seems MIA recently.
19:29.24lyagerlandley: That happens, thanks for pointing it out
19:39.59*** join/#uclibc smartin__ (
20:44.28*** join/#uclibc dalias (
22:38.40*** join/#uclibc Jacmet (
22:39.44*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (
22:39.44*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
22:41.25*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
23:25.18*** join/#uclibc blueness|uclibc (
23:25.18*** join/#uclibc blueness|uclibc (~blueness@gentoo/developer/blueness)
23:34.55*** join/#uclibc mardok45 (
23:35.26*** part/#uclibc mardok45 (
23:51.41*** join/#uclibc dalias (

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