IRC log for #uclibc on 20121208

03:01.02*** join/#uclibc blueness (~hnsctq40@gentoo/developer/blueness)
03:16.13*** join/#uclibc sh4rm4 (~sh4rm@gateway/tor-sasl/sh4rm4)
05:56.17*** join/#uclibc Buglouse (~Buglouse@unaffiliated/Buglouse)
08:46.57*** join/#uclibc smartin (
09:40.52*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (
09:49.42*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
10:15.52*** join/#uclibc NIN102 (
11:40.11*** join/#uclibc Mehran (~mehran@unaffiliated/mehran)
11:40.49MehranHow can i change mac for wan interface ?
11:48.08Mehrankos_tom: Busybox question
11:48.41MehranI want change mac address for wan interface
11:49.06kos_tomMehran: ifconfig <iface> ether hw
11:49.18kos_tomor hw ether, I don't remember, see the help for ifconfig
11:49.42MehranI did it , and it change mac but it not help to me
11:50.05MehranCause after reboot it back to origiginal mac
11:50.34kos_tomah yes, for sure.
11:51.03kos_tomeither see how your hardware stores your MAC address, but it might be in a read-only area.
11:51.06kos_tomor, add an init script
11:51.49MehranYes , its on etc_ro
11:54.27MehranIn etc_ro i cant modify anything
11:58.43Mehrankos_tom: There ?
12:01.09kos_tomwhy is your etc read-only?
12:01.18kos_tomcan't you remount it read/write temporarily ?
12:01.42MehranI dont know its my wimax mobile router
12:03.46*** join/#uclibc Mehran2 (~Mehran2@
12:04.49*** part/#uclibc Mehran2 (~Mehran2@
12:07.52*** join/#uclibc mehi (~Mehran2@
12:11.33*** join/#uclibc Mehran2 (~Mehran2@
12:12.13Mehran2kos_tom there ?
12:12.32Mehran2here is my ls output : # ls
12:12.32Mehran2bin      etc      home     libexec  proc     sbin     tmp      var
12:12.32Mehran2dev      etc_ro   lib      mnt      root     sys      usr
12:12.46kos_tomMehran2: *STOP* asking "there ?" all the time.
12:13.01Mehran2ok sorry
12:13.02kos_tomyou really don't see to understand how open-source support works.
12:13.10Mehran2i new
12:13.23kos_tomyes, this is something I saw.
12:13.43kos_tomI have no idea how the firmware of your particular wimax router is organized
12:13.46Mehran2you know what is this
12:13.50Mehran2in dmesg
12:13.54Mehran2i saw
12:13.54Mehran2GDM WiMax Set CAPABILITY: 0x0000000B
12:13.55Mehran2MAC change [00:0a:3b:f0:01:30]->[00:1d:93:4d:4b:2e]
12:14.03Mehran2how it change my Mac ?
12:14.15Mehran2how can i put my Own mac with it ?
12:14.40Mehran2i think there is a script to change mac address
12:20.36MehranMehran2: T
12:20.49Mehran2Mehran2: test
12:34.04*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
12:49.26*** join/#uclibc BlindMan (
15:20.01*** join/#uclibc wolf_uac (
16:40.21*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
17:40.55*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
18:36.58*** join/#uclibc landley (
18:52.44*** join/#uclibc porchaso0 (
19:15.58*** join/#uclibc bambule___ (
21:13.28*** join/#uclibc landley (

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