IRC log for #uclibc on 20120716

15:10.20*** join/#uclibc ibot (
15:10.20*** topic/#uclibc is discussion of uClibc, Busybox and Buildroot | uClibc was released 15 May 2012 | uClibc++ 0.2.4 was released 25 May 2012 | busybox 1.20.1 was released 28 May 2012 | Buildroot 2012.05 was released 30 May 2012 | For general setup issues try #oe, #elinux or #edev
15:43.55*** join/#uclibc kroon (
15:45.09kroonAnyone know of a way to create a filesystem image that I can dd to a block device, without being root (loop-mounting) ?
15:55.50kos_tomwhich filesystem format?
15:57.13*** join/#uclibc drwhom (
16:08.06*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (
16:25.20*** join/#uclibc drwhom (
16:26.48*** join/#uclibc antgreen (user@nat/redhat/x-throldmxtlhuejhm)
16:59.33*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
17:48.47*** join/#uclibc smartin (
17:51.46kroonkos_tom, one vfat and and ext2
17:52.39kroonkos_tom, the step involving "dd" would require root ofcourse and thats ok, I'm curious how I can create the image without being root
17:56.41kroonkos_tom, I've figured out that I can use fakeroot to create device nodes, and create a tarball of the fs, but creating the image file is still a mystery
18:01.24*** join/#uclibc antgreen (user@nat/redhat/x-egejfjmedhaelmdq)
18:06.59kroongustavoz, thanks for the tip, this seems to be exactly what I want for the ext2 image
19:21.35*** join/#uclibc bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-glkwcqqyvctcsupp)
20:32.14*** join/#uclibc tchan (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
20:50.00kos_tomkroon: you can look at how Buildroot creates images of those formats
20:50.10kos_tomkroon: basically, there are tools to do that.
20:50.13kos_tomgenext2fs for ext2
20:50.31kos_tomfor vfat, I don't know since vfat is never used for a Linux root filesystem
20:58.29gustavozvfat also lacks special files, so it's a biggie :)
21:25.27kroonI actually want to create an image with several partitions in it, one FAT32 and one ext2 partition. All solutions I've found uses loop devices and loop mounting, but I'd prefer not requiring root access..
21:26.14kroonIs buildroot able to produce this kind of image, with several partitions in it ?
21:29.42gustavozkroon: not directly, no, since an output image is pretty much geometry-specific (it'll vary according to disk/pendrive sizes and whatnot)
21:31.06kroongustavoz, I see.. so maybe what I want to achieve is actually not possible
21:31.33gustavozkroon: it is possible, but you need to be root at some point and we don't encourage to run buildroot as root
21:31.44*** join/#uclibc factor (~factor@
21:32.16kroonI want to create a working disk image file (as non root), that I can 'dd' to a flash device (as root)
21:32.17gustavozlet me rephrase that, buildroot isn't intended to be run as root, it may break your running system
21:33.01gustavozand what kind of flash device is that?
21:33.10gustavozfor which platform?
21:33.13kroonand with disk image file, I mean a file with a partitioning table, a FAT32 partition, and an ext2 partition
21:33.26gustavozwell the ptable is the main issue generally
21:33.58kroonHmm.. its a Micro SDHC card.. for use in a Beagleboard xM
22:03.05*** join/#uclibc factor (~factor@
22:12.23kos_tomkroon: I also would like Buildroot to be capable of doing this.
22:12.31kos_tomI know the otxdist guys have some script to do this
22:12.37kos_tombut I haven't looked at it.
22:12.42kos_tomsorry, s/otxdist/ptxdist/
22:16.25gustavozit'd be interesting for some people but not much for my particular use cases, hence the reason i don't even try to do so
22:30.50*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
22:43.20*** join/#uclibc bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-eqflqolhlzjpyokh)
22:44.03*** join/#uclibc bizhanMona (~bizhan@nat/cisco/x-edxinekcyqhclccs)

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