IRC log for #uclibc on 20120417

00:00.11*** join/#uclibc ben1066_ (
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01:12.55*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
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03:00.53*** part/#uclibc Buglouse (~Buglouse@
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06:31.45*** join/#uclibc risca (
07:01.50*** join/#uclibc Artemys ( 07master * r747d7c423061 10uClibc++/ (3 files in 3 dirs): bitset: reset(), flip(): Fix off-by-one error 07master * r6bd487e4cc04 10uClibc++/tests/testoutput/ (Makefile tests: Show diff when V=1 was given 07master * r80b8d797a180 10uClibc++/tests/chartraitstest.cpp: tests: Fix typo in chartraitstest 07master * r4780e6ab9652 10uClibc++/ (include/ios tests/iotest.cpp tests/testoutput/iotest.good): ios: Fix typo in operator!= 07master * red11a152ef48 10uClibc++/include/ (15 files): include: fix indentation and spacing 07master * r0c15a2da305b 10uClibc++/Makefile: buildsys: fix: use user-provided MAKE everywhere
07:28.56*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
08:24.05*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
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10:27.42CIA-14603komyagin 07master * r777aef50973b 10uClibc/libc/inet/getaddrinfo.c: getaddrinfo(): avoid call to __check_pf() when not needed
10:27.45CIA-14603lists 07master * r97214b87d631 10uClibc/libc/inet/getaddrinfo.c: inet: adjust handling of cacnonname in getaddrinfo
10:28.28CIA-14603vda.linux 07master * ree0d4cd8cb64 10busybox/INSTALL: Tweak INSTALL text
10:39.09*** join/#uclibc erwt (~erwt@
10:44.11*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (
11:07.54CIA-14603vda.linux 07master * r86a03bee1d3d 10busybox/util-linux/umount.c: umount: make -d always active, add -D to suppress it
11:48.35*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (~jc@
11:55.53*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
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12:26.23*** join/#uclibc x-fak (~WinGuru@reactos/tester/x-fak)
12:55.27*** join/#uclibc wberrier (
13:07.26CIA-14603vda.linux 07master * r176bc344751d 10busybox/ (12 files in 6 dirs): Drop include/bb_linux_ext2_fs.h, use existing e2fsprogs/e2fs_defs.h
13:25.57*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
14:01.12CIA-14603vda.linux 07master * r75e1e7b3d538 10busybox/debianutils/mktemp.c: mktemp: add support for -u
14:01.33*** join/#uclibc erwt (~erwt@
14:11.48CIA-14603vda.linux 07master * r53772869bc4e 10busybox/ (coreutils/who.c miscutils/less.c): who,less: tweaked help text
14:27.21*** join/#uclibc drwhom (
14:54.39CIA-14603bachmann 07master * re5ece0d8eebf 10buildroot/package/ ( apr/ apr/ Add apr-package
14:55.12*** join/#uclibc landley (~landley@
14:56.09*** join/#uclibc ben1066 (
15:09.44*** join/#uclibc ben1066 (~quassel@unaffiliated/ben1066)
15:11.01CIA-14603vda.linux 07master * r6500d123d01a 10busybox/networking/udhcp/arpping.c: udhcp: make arpping code resistant to time jumps
15:16.19landleydalias: the new uCLibc release doesn't build on mips with current kernels.
15:16.36landleyThere's a commit in the tree for it already, but apparently nobody noticed.
15:16.37*** join/#uclibc wberrier (
15:18.21landleyAlso, the version name is "". In the release tarball.
15:18.40landleyAt least that's what the shared libraries it built all say...
15:19.38landleyAnother fun one is where it copies stuff by piping tar into tar, and does so with "-f -" on the receiving end.
15:19.44landleyIsn't that the default behavior of tar?
15:20.37daliasnot for traditional tar
15:20.51daliastraditional tar's default behavior is to read or write the tape device :)
15:21.11daliasback when i used slackware that actually was the behavior...
15:21.25daliasif i forgot -f -, it would give errors about being unable to open /dev/whatever
15:21.41daliasthis was like slack 2.0 or 3.0 or something :)
15:27.33landleydalias: behavior that predates linux 0.0.1 isn't interesting.
15:28.23landleyIt's sad that susv4 decided that "pax" was a command to standardize, but "tar" wasn't.
15:28.46landleyJust checked: none of my systems actually have pax installed.  It's not in the default set anywhere.
15:28.54daliasi think the issue is that tar varies too much between systems
15:29.00landleydalias: that version of slackware was broken.
15:29.11landleydalias: then why did they choose to use it to copy files?
15:29.13daliasand you'd have the committee stuck in bikeshed arguments for years if you tried to standardize it...
15:29.18landleyIt hasn't even got -p specified...
15:29.26daliasno, i mean for posix
15:29.52landleydalias: there are times when a single leader authorized to kneecap people with a sledgehammer really speeds up committee meetings.
15:30.12daliasyes and it works well until that leader ends up being somebody like ulrich drepper...
15:30.19landleyTo be honest, I'm perfectly happy with standards like michael kerrisk's man pages.
15:30.25landleyJust document what _is_.
15:30.36landleydalias: then everybody abandons that committee and moves on to another one.
15:30.50daliasspecification by man pages does not work well...
15:31.04landleyUlrich was from cygnus, which REd Hat bought, and while Red Hat had >50% desktop market share his word was law.
15:31.15landleyHe never quite recovered from the loss of market dominance.
15:31.42landleydalias: I'm pretty happy with it. I just want to know what the supposedly correct behavior _is_.
15:31.49daliasfrom experience implementing, i can say it's much easier implementing stuff specified clearly by ISO C (the best) or POSIX (mostly good) than nonstandard stuff specified by man page
15:32.06daliasfor example glibc has a nonstandard exp10() function i want to implement
15:32.15daliasand there's NO DOCUMENTATION of how it needs to behave
15:32.29daliasit just says it returns the value of 10 raised to the power of the argument
15:32.57daliasbut does it need to be exact for integer arguments, when the exact value would fit in double?
15:32.57landleyApparently exp(3) and math_error(7) give the details.
15:35.01daliasperhaps i just need to go see if IEEE 754 specifies it
15:35.29landleyApparently the notes section of math_error(7) could be summarized "glibc and floating point do not combine well".
15:36.20landley"rather than deal with our error handling garbage, we advise you to check your arguments manually before calling any of our functions".
15:36.31landley(No really: they give an _example_.)
15:36.44daliasyes i saw
15:37.05daliasimo the correct approach is to always have math_errhandling be exception-only
15:37.26daliasusing errno prohibits efficient implementations
15:37.53daliaseven tho setting errno is relatively cheap, *checking* the exception flags and using them to set errno is moderately expensive
15:38.21daliasand in efficient math function implementations you won't be special-casing the cases that overflow, etc. unless you have to. you'll be letting the fpu handle the exception.
15:38.57daliashowever i find it's usually useless to test the success/failure of individual math functions
15:39.08daliasusually, just checking for INF/NAN at the end of your whole calculation is sufficient
16:02.32*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (~jc@
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16:40.54khemdalias: there has been some inclination towards "if input is not valid then its ok to segfault glibc" approach in past few years
16:41.01*** join/#uclibc wberrier (
16:42.30daliaskhem, that's unrelated to math
16:42.43daliasfor math functions all inputs are valid and have well-defined output
16:44.12khemdalias: w.r.t there are discussions on it
16:44.19khemmay be it will get reimplemented
16:44.28khemlibm particulatly
16:45.01daliaslibm is mostly correct because it's based on the same code all os's use -- in the C
16:45.08daliasthe problem is glibc's abundance of broken math asm
16:46.50khembut you said problem in exp10() thats libm
16:47.21daliasthat's just a documentation problem
16:47.39daliasi need to know how exp10 is supposed to behave in more detail
16:48.20khemits a gnu extention so whatever is in man pages or more so implemented in glibc has the final say
16:48.30daliasfor instance, if exp10(15) needs to take care to return an exact result
16:49.07daliasit would also be nice to know if, for small negative exponents, its supposed to be correctly rounded
16:49.29daliasi.e. should exp10(-2) give exactly the same thing as a literal 0.01 ?
16:49.43daliasor is it ok if there's a potential error up to 1ulp?
16:50.25daliaspersonally i think i'll just go with the more accurate version anyway for integers because it's damn fast 07master * r238d11fd33fe 10uClibc/libc/misc/internals/parse_config.c: parse_config: tweak indentation 07master * rdcb6ac135464 10uClibc/libc/inet/resolv.c: resolv: Fix /etc/hosts for more than MAXALIASES aliases 07master * r2dab3f5ed313 10uClibc/libc/inet/resolv.c: resolv: tiny shrinkage in /etc/hosts handling 07master * r81545fb1061b 10uClibc/libc/inet/resolv.c: resolv: remove unused variables
16:50.55daliasmake an array of 30 doubles 0.0001, 0.001, 0.011, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, ...
16:51.05daliasand for small integer exponents, return a value from the array
16:51.16daliasthen you know it's exact and damn fast
16:51.35daliasand otherwise, return either pow(10,x) or exp2(log2_10*x)
16:51.52daliasjust using pow() is probably safe anyway..
16:52.03daliasbut pow is the slowest, most bloated exponential function in the math lib
16:52.11daliasbecause it has so many requirements on its output
16:52.32daliasso it would be nice if we could get away without pulling in pow
16:52.46daliasespecially since exp2 is just a few bytes of asm
17:16.33*** part/#uclibc Buglouse (~Buglouse@
17:18.07*** join/#uclibc Buglouse (~Buglouse@
17:25.55CIA-14603vda.linux 07master * rd778e6c6f81b 10busybox/util-linux/hwclock.c: hwclock: fix wrong comparison of time value (when it will overlow int)
17:44.55*** join/#uclibc WildPikachu (~nkukard@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
17:53.22*** join/#uclibc shevy (
17:53.36shevyhey blindvt come to #emn !
18:23.10*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (~NIN@
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19:01.19*** join/#uclibc blueness (~hnsctq40@gentoo/developer/blueness)
19:44.52*** join/#uclibc cygnus (
19:58.17*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e5a530@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 07master * ra2cc7378449b 10uClibc/libc/misc/sysvipc/ftok.c: ipc: eventually use stat64 in ftok() 07master * r521d842a5e87 10uClibc/test/.gitignore: test: Ignore various test objects in locale
21:16.11CIA-14603lists 07master * rab3c5d5b0d77 10uClibc/libc/misc/wchar/wchar.c: wchar: Fix BOM emitting in iconv_open() 07master * r15d28c8ce0a7 10uClibc/libc/misc/locale/locale.c: locale: avoid segfault freelocale()
21:27.32*** part/#uclibc cygnus (
21:52.31*** join/#uclibc wberrier ( 07master * rc3db6430ebd9 10uClibc/utils/ldd.c: ldd: silence warnings 07master * r1d57dcdd9b43 10uClibc/extra/Configs/ config: Fix alphabetical sort order of targets
22:15.32*** join/#uclibc wberrier ( 07master * r4b24c5ad368d 10uClibc/libc/unistd/sysconf.c: sysconf: use getrlimit to determine ARG_MAX
22:39.10*** join/#uclibc cygnus (
22:41.53cygnusHi. I'm attempting to build GCC for my target platform and it fails with 'libintl.h' not being found in the include path. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
22:42.42cygnusThis is on GCC version 4.6.2, buildroot-2012.02, uClibc-0.9.33
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23:16.41*** part/#uclibc Buglouse (~Buglouse@
23:19.38*** join/#uclibc Buglouse (~Buglouse@
23:30.52cygnusI have a potentially related question, which is: how hard should I try to get the UCLIBC_HAS_GETTEXT_AWARENESS config flag to work? With that enabled, I get lots of scary (and sometimes fatal) compilation warnings/errors, but I'm pretty sure I need libintl.h (which won't be installed without that feature enabled).
23:47.03*** join/#uclibc blueness (
23:47.03*** join/#uclibc blueness (~hnsctq40@gentoo/developer/blueness)

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