IRC log for #uclibc on 20120229

00:06.03flyback <--- should have charged "air faire"
00:14.41flyback <--- FTF
01:27.04*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
01:32.34*** join/#uclibc War2 (
01:32.40*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
02:11.26*** join/#uclibc uwe_ (
04:47.55*** join/#uclibc organixpear (602a0e53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:10.18*** join/#uclibc erwt (~erwt@
05:33.49*** join/#uclibc risca (
06:00.41*** join/#uclibc tchan (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
06:24.56*** join/#uclibc clio (~andrej@
07:06.33*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
07:40.13*** join/#uclibc factor (
07:57.40*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e7e007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:03.49*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
08:20.29*** join/#uclibc thannoy (
08:54.24*** join/#uclibc factor (
09:08.10CIA-4103thomas.petazzoni 07master * rdef11d79227d 10buildroot/package/efl/libecore/ libecore: fix build of host-libecore when X11 not available
09:26.36*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
11:29.36*** join/#uclibc Artemys_ (
13:25.24*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
14:55.35*** join/#uclibc KaiForce (
15:31.03*** join/#uclibc drwhom (
15:32.17*** join/#uclibc risca (
15:51.56*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
15:52.46*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
15:53.09*** join/#uclibc grummund (~user@unaffiliated/grummund)
15:54.39grummundHi, anyone know how to implement a command timeout in a ash script?
15:55.06grummundi see examples for bash, but not workable in ash.
15:57.10grummundthe best i can do is: slow_command & sleep $timeout && killall -q slow_command
16:04.38*** join/#uclibc antgreen (
16:05.08kos_tomgrummund: that's how I would do it.
16:05.21kos_tomgrummund: what have you been using in bash to do this?
16:14.40grummundi haven't tried it in bash but there are several solutions
16:37.26*** join/#uclibc risca (
16:49.09*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
16:58.16*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (
17:07.48*** join/#uclibc factor (
17:08.13CIA-4103kangkai.yin 07master * r3ac066c25670 10busybox/miscutils/fbsplash.c: fbsplash: use line_length instead of xres * bytes_per_pixel
17:52.10*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
17:58.24*** join/#uclibc WildPikachu (~nkukard@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
18:04.43*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (
18:32.26*** join/#uclibc jero (
19:00.34*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
19:04.48*** join/#uclibc landley (~landley@
19:56.54*** join/#uclibc factor (
20:41.55*** join/#uclibc factor (
20:42.25*** join/#uclibc Ridders (5c1414d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:07.35*** join/#uclibc linuxjacques (
21:26.47*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e5a530@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:51.17*** join/#uclibc risca (
22:07.08*** join/#uclibc caubios (~caubios@2a01:6600:8081:8700::1)
22:21.15CIA-4103jacmet 07master * r03ceab6d1611 10buildroot/ (CHANGES Makefile docs/download.html docs/news.html): Update for 2012.02
22:22.17CIA-4103jacmet 07refs/tags/2012.02 * radcc6de8cdd0 10buildroot/ (CHANGES Makefile docs/download.html docs/news.html): Update for 2012.02
22:33.01*** topic/#uclibc by ChanServ -> discussion of uClibc, Busybox and Buildroot | uClibc 0.9.33 was released 1 Feb 2012 | busybox 1.19.4 was released 4 February 2012 | Buildroot 2012.02 was released 29 Feb 2012 | For general setup issues try #oe, #elinux or #edev
22:33.09JacmetBuildroot 2012.02 released
22:55.25Guest80236hey hey, we're the monke..........*gasp* *argh* *holds_chest* *thud*
22:56.17davyJones-hey hey, we're the monke..........*gasp* *argh* *holds_chest* *thud*
22:57.09davyJones-rip (30 December 1945 – 29 February 2012)
23:05.54*** join/#uclibc khem (
23:07.01*** join/#uclibc khem (
23:12.21*** join/#uclibc karlk (~karlk@nat/sgi/x-dtxncwzwibvdfbdu)
23:12.40*** join/#uclibc Guest55846 (~linuxjacq@nslu2-linux/jacques)

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