IRC log for #uclibc on 20120218

00:18.29*** join/#uclibc Pix (
01:58.27*** join/#uclibc robinmho1t (~holt@nat/sgi/x-odapghhbfhnmlkwl)
01:58.45*** join/#uclibc likewhoa- (
01:59.05*** join/#uclibc linuxjacques1 (
02:12.59*** join/#uclibc factor (
02:48.05*** join/#uclibc risca (
03:21.11*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
03:56.13*** join/#uclibc Pix (
04:52.30*** join/#uclibc beneth` (~beneth`
04:59.02*** join/#uclibc risca (
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06:28.54*** join/#uclibc ashes (
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07:39.15*** join/#uclibc sameersbn (~sameersbn@
07:39.53sameersbnam trying to use dmalloc with busybox ash.
07:40.10sameersbnbut can't seem to figure out a thing.
07:41.31sameersbnany pointers on what the configuration should be? i am trying to use dmalloc to debug some of my applications. for this do i need to enable the dmalloc option in busybox?
08:33.13*** part/#uclibc sameersbn (~sameersbn@
08:38.38*** join/#uclibc likewhoa (
08:39.12*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
09:43.08*** join/#uclibc risca (
09:53.12*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (
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10:26.45*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
10:38.40*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e5a530@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:17.04*** mode/#uclibc [+o blindvt] by ChanServ
11:17.23*** topic/#uclibc by blindvt -> discussion of uClibc, Busybox and Buildroot | uClibc 0.9.33 was released 1 Feb 2012 | busybox 1.19.4 was released 4 February 2012 | Buildroot 2012.02-rc1 was released 12 Feb 2012 | For general setup issues try #oe, #elinux or #edev
11:17.40*** mode/#uclibc [-o blindvt] by ChanServ
12:08.28shevyheya blindvt
12:58.12*** join/#uclibc Pix (
13:26.12*** join/#uclibc trem_ (
14:39.11*** join/#uclibc jow_laptop (
14:48.43*** join/#uclibc factor (
14:51.27*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
16:50.10*** join/#uclibc Ravenous1 (
16:51.30*** join/#uclibc Ravenous1 (
16:54.12*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
17:00.39Ravenous1I'm very new. Anybody able to help me get started adding the ftp client to busybox running on my android phone (in terminalide)?
17:00.54Ravenous1I heard you guys are the busybox experts
17:11.16ksx4systemRavenous1: nobody's going to help you here :( I've tried too.
17:12.04ksx4systemall of people here simply ignore whatever you tell here
17:12.21ksx4systemthere's basically no discussion, no reason at all for this channel to exist...
17:12.39Ravenous1That is a little bit silly.
17:13.44ksx4systemwell, you could ask on channels mentioned in topic of this one
17:13.55ksx4systemI'd try #elinux
17:14.29ksx4systemRavenous1: btw... you want to connect using SFTP from computer to your phone, am I right?
17:14.52ksx4systemI have no idea how Android handles usernames but your phone's probably rooted
17:14.56Ravenous1Well, I just needed a start. I'm reading a lot online and it doesn't look too tough
17:15.03ksx4systemand you know the password for root user
17:15.15Ravenous1What I'm really trying to accomplish is to add the cli FTP client to my phone
17:15.21ksx4systemoh, this one
17:15.23Ravenous1Well, busybox already running on myphone
17:15.33ksx4systemsorry, I can't help you :(
17:15.39Ravenous1You already have
17:15.54ksx4systemknows nothing about Android
17:17.04Ravenous1I'm not as concerned about the Android platform. I just have a premade busybox application with a lot of packages that I use. I just don't know how to add the ftp client
17:18.50Ravenous1Thanks for the reference!
17:35.00*** join/#uclibc andoma_ (
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17:37.01*** join/#uclibc SNow (
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17:38.22*** join/#uclibc shedammit (~shedammit@unaffiliated/shedammit)
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18:05.29khemksx4system: folks here volunteer to help and since you have a poblem does not mean all should be at their toes to help you
18:06.48khemRavenous1: enable CONFIG_FTPGET and CONFIG_FTPPUT in .config
18:21.38*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
18:38.38*** join/#uclibc Ravenous1 (
18:44.54*** join/#uclibc NIN_ (
19:02.02Ravenous1Is that even if I am not compiling busybox?
19:02.48jow_laptophow do you want to add stuff to busybox without compiling busybox?
19:02.56jow_laptopthat sounds a bit like a contradiction
19:04.30Ravenous1I guess I do not understand myself... I'm running a busybox enviornment created by someone else but it doesn't have ftp enabled.
19:04.45jow_laptopI understand
19:05.10jow_laptopin this case there is nothing you can do besides a) asking the supplier of your binary for a tftp-enabled version
19:05.22jow_laptopb) compile the busybox binary yourself and deploy it to the system
19:05.39jow_laptopb) might be very complex if you never crosscompiled before
19:06.14jow_laptopsorry I mean for a "ftp-enabled version"
19:07.34Ravenous1Sounds reasonable. I was worried that was the case.
19:08.32Ravenous1At least I am more confident that there is not a simpler way that I am just not aware of.
19:12.32Ravenous1*Thank you*
19:16.08*** join/#uclibc hufnus (
19:36.12*** join/#uclibc trem__ (~trem@
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19:47.33*** join/#uclibc Ravenous1 (
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22:20.15*** join/#uclibc SillyTalker (
22:25.39*** part/#uclibc olistudent_ (
23:22.36SillyTalkeri have some old version of busybox, and i run into some problems trying to compile when i enable modprobe
23:22.50SillyTalkerwhat is the simplest way to track down the solution to this problem?
23:23.19SillyTalkerim sure it was fixed, so should i just go through the history? or is there a simpler way?
23:24.02SillyTalkerwell maybe i should just try the latest busybox first before anything else
23:52.12*** join/#uclibc shevy (

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