IRC log for #uclibc on 20120114

05:00.31*** join/#uclibc risca (
05:12.42*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
06:31.39*** join/#uclibc attila_lendvai (~attila_le@
06:31.39*** join/#uclibc attila_lendvai (~attila_le@unaffiliated/attila-lendvai/x-3126965)
06:33.22*** join/#uclibc jhuntwork (
07:39.16*** join/#uclibc ashes (~ashes@
08:41.19*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (~NIN101@2001:530::216:3cff:fe71:5e1e)
08:44.25*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
09:21.32*** join/#uclibc cendres (~ashes@
10:13.33*** join/#uclibc risca (
10:16.26*** join/#uclibc x-fak (
10:16.26*** join/#uclibc x-fak (~WinGuru@reactos/tester/x-fak)
10:45.31*** join/#uclibc [chud] (
10:53.27[chud]hi, could anyone tell me if its possible to do auto kernel module loading with bb/mdev, it only seems to do hotplugging ? e.g. i compile various network cards in as modules and want to autload one on boot?
10:59.33[chud]it seems to mostly do udev's work but not auto loading? anyone ? :)
11:12.03*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
11:27.52*** join/#uclibc sh[4]rm4 (~sh4rm@gateway/tor-sasl/sh4rm4)
11:49.23[chud]ne1 alive?
12:19.39*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
12:21.40*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
12:40.22*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
13:45.38x-fakis there a find switch to not search into mounted volumes?
14:44.10*** join/#uclibc jinzo_ (
14:45.18jinzo_hello, I'm trying to boot a minimal system with uclibc and busybox, using gentoo packages, but because of some problems with openrc/udev I tried to mount /dev with mdev
14:46.29jinzo_but already the first "mount -t proc none /proc" fails, with mount saying it cannot find the file or directory /proc
14:47.20*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
14:55.10*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e7e007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:59.59*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
15:00.18jinzo_allright, found out the couse of that problems, now it seems that mdev mounts correctly, but as with udev I keep getting /dev/c{1,2,...}: No souch file or directory
15:00.27jinzo_any ideas why that happens?
15:36.32*** join/#uclibc attila_lendvai (~attila_le@unaffiliated/attila-lendvai/x-3126965)
15:44.13*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
16:22.34*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
16:43.56*** join/#uclibc attila_lendvai (~attila_le@
16:43.56*** join/#uclibc attila_lendvai (~attila_le@unaffiliated/attila-lendvai/x-3126965)
16:45.43*** join/#uclibc x-fak (~WinGuru@reactos/tester/x-fak)
18:55.15*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
20:00.36*** join/#uclibc [chud] (
20:01.40[chud]in bb, could anyone please tell me how to get other tty terminals available while rcS called from inittab is still executing things?
20:02.19[chud]at the moment ctrl-alt-f2 only works when inittab/rcS has finished
21:01.27*** join/#uclibc risca (
21:04.38*** join/#uclibc ashes (~ashes@
22:10.07*** join/#uclibc tchan (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
22:11.24*** join/#uclibc tchan (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
22:12.17*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e5a530@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:27.01*** join/#uclibc TonySoprano (
22:42.55*** join/#uclibc jinzo_ (

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