IRC log for #uclibc on 20120109

00:07.26*** join/#uclibc jhuntwork (
02:26.25*** join/#uclibc CIA-65 (
02:56.39*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (~botao_sun@
02:56.39*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (~botao_sun@linaro/botao-sun)
03:00.52*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
04:02.14CIA-6503vda.linux 07master * r982fdaf4b2f3 10busybox/util-linux/acpid.c: acpid: close fds which are reported as dead (POLLERR/POLLHUP/POLLNVAL) by poll.
04:04.14*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
04:42.01*** join/#uclibc risca (
05:02.54*** join/#uclibc jhuntwork (
05:13.07*** join/#uclibc erwt (~erwt@
05:32.43*** join/#uclibc ashes (~ashes@
06:15.34*** join/#uclibc tteras_ (~fabled@
06:45.58*** join/#uclibc shedammit_ (
06:49.55*** join/#uclibc tchan (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
06:49.55*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
06:49.55*** join/#uclibc dotblank (
08:14.13*** join/#uclibc mva (
08:29.15*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
08:37.05*** join/#uclibc shedammit (~shedammit@unaffiliated/shedammit)
08:44.11*** join/#uclibc mirko (
08:48.14CIA-6503jacmet 07master * r747946b596a4 10buildroot/boot/barebox/ barebox: add 2012.01, remove 2011.10
08:52.18*** join/#uclibc mirko (
09:12.40*** join/#uclibc vicky_ (~vicky@
09:16.56vicky_hi all .. I am facing gcc error "ld returned exit status" when compiling buildroot 2011.11 for arm when compiling qt 4.7.4 .
09:18.28*** join/#uclibc FredM (9506a6aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:19.00FredMHello All, hello kos_tom,
09:19.20FredMis there some expert of the scheduler?
09:20.07FredMI have compiled uclibc 0.9.32 in nplt  + gcc 4.6.1 in mipsel ,
09:20.33*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e7e007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:21.20FredMsome friend told me that the setpriority is not managing by the ntpl ( ? is it true  ? ) and I need to recompile with LinuxThreads ?
09:21.48FredMtodo : using linuxthreads inseed of nptl ?
09:41.15*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
09:58.46kos_tomFredM: I don't see the setpriority() being dependent on NPTL or LinuxThreads.
09:59.23FredMok, thanks
10:01.03FredMit has been disable since a while, because we are on SCHED_OTHER
10:18.11*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
10:26.48*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (
11:12.30*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
13:48.55*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
13:51.19*** join/#uclibc sh4rm4 (~sh4rm@gateway/tor-sasl/sh4rm4)
14:03.53*** join/#uclibc ksx4system (
14:30.49*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
14:34.50*** join/#uclibc drwhom (
14:44.40*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
15:01.55*** join/#uclibc jhuntwork (~jhuntwork@
15:22.06*** join/#uclibc KaiForce (
15:22.49*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
15:36.03*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
16:07.31*** join/#uclibc caubios (~caubios@2a01:6600:8081:8700::1)
16:14.50*** join/#uclibc tteras (~fabled@
16:29.36*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
16:56.35*** join/#uclibc War2 (~war2@unaffiliated/war2)
17:12.35*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (~NIN101@2001:530::216:3cff:fe71:5e1e)
17:38.55*** join/#uclibc tteras_ (~fabled@
17:47.00*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (
18:55.34*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
19:53.39*** join/#uclibc washer (
20:28.40*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e5a530@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:47.21*** join/#uclibc mirko (
22:39.59CIA-6503gustavo 07master * rf7950dbfe55a 10buildroot/toolchain/kernel-headers/ kernel-headers: bump 3.1.x series to version 3.1.8
23:30.59*** join/#uclibc ksx4system (
23:46.24*** join/#uclibc uwe_ (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.