IRC log for #uclibc on 20111122

00:00.39*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
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01:14.04*** join/#uclibc ashes (~ashes@
02:14.31*** join/#uclibc tomato1 (~Miranda@
02:15.32tomato1hello ,i want to use : _libc_stack_end,I know it is an extern variable ,but I don't know where it is .So when I link ,I have an error ::undefined reference to '__libc_stack_end
02:35.41*** join/#uclibc antgreen (
02:41.26khemtomato1: it should be in
02:45.16tomato1so ,how can i get that?
02:46.13tomato1i use the google,and find that, this var comes from argv
02:46.37tomato1and i think this the compiler job..
02:48.29tomato1hi,khem still there?
03:00.02khemwell you asked for symbol
04:11.43*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
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06:49.01*** join/#uclibc eFfeM_work (
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07:01.34*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
07:16.30eFfeM_workguys, this one does not seem good to me:
07:16.57eFfeM_workthis one adds pt-tempname.c to Makefile.commonarch but that file does not seem to exist
07:18.26eFfeM_workhence gives a build fail
07:18.29eFfeM_worktarget is ppc
07:20.28*** join/#uclibc vicky__ (~vicky@
07:20.52vicky__Is ulimit available in buildroot?
07:20.55*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
07:41.31*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
07:43.25*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e7e007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:16.17*** join/#uclibc thannoy (~aloiseau@
09:17.06CIA-2303gustavo 07master * rf4642c8bae84 10buildroot/package/freetype/ freetype: security bump to version 2.4.8
09:17.06CIA-2303gustavo 07master * r66bdd2a27b5f 10buildroot/toolchain/kernel-headers/ (3 files): kernel-headers: update to 3.1.2 and 3.0.10
09:17.06CIA-2303gustavo 07master * r9fec836b7e47 10buildroot/linux/ linux: update stable kernel to 3.1.2
09:33.39*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
09:40.12*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
10:08.45*** part/#uclibc mtr` (
10:08.58*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
10:27.10*** join/#uclibc risca (
12:01.20*** join/#uclibc ksx4system (~ksx4syste@
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14:00.38*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
14:09.57*** join/#uclibc KaiForce (
14:16.42*** part/#uclibc drizztbsd (~drizztbsd@unaffiliated/drizztbsd)
14:33.04*** join/#uclibc antgreen (
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15:24.24*** join/#uclibc drwhom (~drwhom@2001:18e8:2:10f4:21e:4fff:fe17:94c0)
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15:58.11*** join/#uclibc lanouettea (
15:59.43lanouetteaHello, I would appreciate some help to add a simple, 1-file, shared C library to my buildroot compilation.
16:00.46kos_tomyou want to add a C library ?
16:00.51kos_tomor an application that uses the C library
16:01.34lanouetteaI made a shared library in C. I would like it to be compiled and included when running my buildroot compilation
16:02.09kos_tomwell, do you have a Makefile, or autotools-based, or CMake-based build system for your library ?
16:03.03lanouetteaI will make a Makefile, but was wondering if I should include any special rules in it
16:04.03kos_tomif it's a Makefile, then you'll use the GENTARGETS infrastructure of Buildroot to integrate your library as a package
16:04.18kos_tomand with this infrastructure, you can configure/build/install your component as you wish.
16:04.31kos_tomso you can write your Makefile however you want
16:05.55*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (~botao_sun@
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16:06.09lanouetteaOk. One things puzzles me about adding custom packages to Buildroot. After reading the documentation, I was under the impression I'm forced to put my package sources in a tarball?
16:08.11jow_laptopyou probably just have to override the default fetch source target which is tailored for .tar.gz download and unpack which applies to 99% of the packages
16:09.12kos_tomlanouettea: originally, yes.
16:09.21kos_tomyou have several options these days, though
16:12.26lanouetteaThanks! I'm forced to use a buildroot version bundled with an SDK. I believe it's a buildroot version from 2008_06_20. I don't believe this includes the SITE_METHOD and _SITE parameters, so I'll go with the second method
16:16.57lanouetteaThanks a lot for your help. I will try this out and let you know if I get any issues I can't resolve by myself :)
16:19.52CIA-2303vda.linux 07master * rd2277e262ff7 10busybox/ (4 files in 4 dirs): nommu: fix cases where we mangle argv[0][0]
16:20.41kos_tomouch, Buildroot from 2008 is horrible.
16:20.50kos_tomBuildroot has almost been completely rewritten since then...
16:20.58kos_tomjust curious, what SDK is this ?
16:23.54lanouetteaA NAS 7825 from PLX,
17:02.02*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
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19:59.58CIA-2303twoerner 07master * r7a63f1a08c4e 10buildroot/docs/ (buildroot.html manual/adding-packages-gentargets.txt): docs: Fix assumed copy+paste error.
20:01.09*** join/#uclibc jlebar (
20:05.19*** join/#uclibc antgreen (
20:06.43jlebarI'm getting "ld: cannot represent machine `arm:main'" when I try to make buildroot.  The only settings I've changed from the default are the number of make jobs (16) and the target architecture (ARM).  What's going on?
20:12.58kos_tomgood question.
20:13.05kos_tomcan you post your .config on some pastebin site ?
20:15.07khemjlebar: are you using ubuntu host ?
20:15.16jlebarkhem, yes.
20:15.22jlebarkos_tom, sure...sec.
20:15.42khemjlebar: reboot your box
20:15.55kos_tomkhem: doh ? what's the problem ?
20:15.56khemjlebar: there is some sort of memory corruption that happens
20:16.06khemI have not reached end of it
20:16.20khemI also see this with gas and ld
20:16.25jlebarkhem, Wow.
20:16.28khemprobably something crazy
20:16.45*** join/#uclibc KaiForce (
20:16.46jlebarOkay; I'll reboot and report back here...
20:16.59khemjlebar: if you are lucky it might work for you
20:17.17jlebarkos_tom, here's my config.  I'll be back in a minute or two.
20:18.07kos_tomkhem: I really don't get how rebooting will fix the problem.
20:18.10khemlast time when I was chasing it. seemed something in obstack
20:18.15khembut not conclusive
20:18.23kos_tomkhem: if gas or ld are buggy and create memory corruption, then rebooting will not improve the situation.
20:18.44khemkos_tom: it does since its dynamic memory allocation
20:20.09kos_tomkhem: well, restarting gas or ld is the same as rebooting, no ?
20:20.22kos_tomkhem: or do you mean it triggers some sort of kernel-side corruption ?
20:20.57khemkos_tom: no idea what happens but reboot helps, I guess its related to memory chunks that get allocated
20:21.14kos_tomwaouh, sounds nasty.
20:21.15khemkind of voodoo for me
20:21.24kos_tomis there some bug reported somewhere associated to this ?
20:21.27khemnever got enough time to debug it
20:21.58khemusually it happens with static objects like option strings
20:22.09khembeing references incoreectly
20:22.43*** join/#uclibc jlebar (
20:26.35jlebarno dice.
20:28.52*** join/#uclibc sh4rm4 (~sh4rm@gateway/tor-sasl/sh4rm4)
20:32.53khemjlebar: now rebuild binutils
20:33.06*** join/#uclibc eFfeM (
20:33.20jlebarkhem, |make binutils|?
20:33.30jlebarnope...same error.
20:33.37jlebarI also clobbered (deleted |package|)
20:34.10khemjlebar: you need to rebuild ld
20:34.58jlebarkhem, how, exactly?
20:36.26*** join/#uclibc basicer (
20:40.08khemjlebar: make binutils-clean
20:40.22jlebarkhem, same error.
20:41.17khemthe error you got initially ?
20:42.02jlebarkhem, yep, ld: cannot represent machine 'arm:main'
20:42.22*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
20:44.59khemjlebar: I wonder why is that happening when I am asking it to clean something
20:45.20jlebarkhem, are you sure it doesn't clean and then rebuild binutils?
20:45.29jlebarThe first line is "busybox 1.19.3 Building"
20:47.29khemif you can afford rebuild from scratch
20:47.33jlebarkhem, I did.
20:47.39jlebar<jlebar> I also clobbered (deleted |package|)
20:47.45jlebarUnless there's a harder clobber than that?
20:48.22khemdelete the output dir
20:48.42jlebaroh, that's quite silly of me.
20:50.44jlebarkhem, same error.
21:12.55*** join/#uclibc ente (
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21:21.25khemjlebar: it may be some linker script issue then
21:21.39jlebarkhem, yeah.  It's good to know that the issue isn't me doing something dumb.
21:32.22*** join/#uclibc x-fak (~WinGuru@reactos/tester/x-fak)
21:34.04*** join/#uclibc ksx4system (~ksx4syste@
22:02.41khemblindvt: ping
22:03.11khemblindvt: I have question about your merge of
22:03.16khemthere is one hunk you missed
22:03.33khemI want to know if it was intentional
22:40.00*** join/#uclibc risca (
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23:27.31*** join/#uclibc basicer (
23:47.55*** join/#uclibc roland (

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