IRC log for #uclibc on 20111103

01:25.25*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
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02:38.02*** join/#uclibc landley (
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07:29.46*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
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07:47.18*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
07:58.11*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e7e007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:03.15CIA-1903vda.linux 07master * rf85554c26525 10busybox/util-linux/mount.c: mount: free commented /etc/filesystems lines when we read it
09:03.16CIA-1903k.lewandowsk 07master * rb5ebe5fdb3a5 10busybox/util-linux/mount.c: mount: handle list of comma-separated fs types in -t option
09:10.01*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
09:19.15CIA-1903dan 07master * rf808e777db05 10busybox/miscutils/rx.c: rx: Fix file corruption with duplicate blocks
09:20.12CIA-1903vda.linux 07master * rf3efd3c2a08f 10busybox/miscutils/rx.c: rx: code shrink
09:34.55*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e7e007@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:37.24*** join/#uclibc risca (
10:15.31*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
10:20.26CIA-1903dan 07master * r45cdf166dccb 10busybox/configs/android_defconfig: android build system updates
10:40.52*** join/#uclibc fabled (~fabled@
10:58.15*** join/#uclibc speakman (~daniel@unaffiliated/speakman)
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11:36.11*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (~NIN101@2001:530::216:3cff:fe71:5e1e)
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12:29.31CIA-1903vda.linux 07master * r9ce09bc9cb77 10busybox/ (include/libbb.h libbb/lineedit.c libbb/read_key.c): lineedit: add support for M-b, M-f, M-d, M-Backspace
12:42.11speakmanDo anyone of you inhere use Buildroot for touchscreen based products?
13:09.37gustavozspeakman: what's up?
13:14.07kos_tomspeakman: I did test Qt apps with touchscreen support yes.
13:23.07*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
13:50.11*** join/#uclibc ericbutters (
13:52.43ericbuttershello. i use linux kernel 3.1.0 (CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS) and buildroot-2011.08 with BR2_PACKAGE_USBUTILS and BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUSB. calling libusb_init returns -99 (LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER).
13:52.53ericbuttersanyone can help me out?
13:53.04*** join/#uclibc ksx4system (~ksx4syste@
13:55.46ericbuttersgustavoz not sure that it was you i wrote with regarding rt2870.bin --> i updated my linux kernel to 3.1.0 and now rt2x00 works!
13:56.47gustavozericbutters: yes it was me. regarding the usb issue, did you mount usbfs?
13:58.10ericbuttersgustavoz hm.. i see /proc/bus/usb but i did not mount any usb things by myself.. how do i do that?
13:58.46gustavozericbutters: mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb
13:59.49ericbuttersyay! nice. thats it! uclibc is a very good channel! i like it :)
14:15.24*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
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14:27.22speakmangustavoz: kos_tom: Just thinking of how to handle settings such as network settings. Have you implemented daemons talking through IPC for such purposes?
14:27.45speakmanI'm currently just trying to run ifconfig on my GUI application. Ugly hack :(
14:30.05kos_tomyou have a varying set of options
14:30.13kos_tomyou can call ifconfig directly from your app.
14:30.27kos_tomyou can borrow some ifconfig code into your app (beware of licensing issues)
14:30.53kos_tomor you can use something such as connman that you can talk with using dbus
14:31.21speakmanI'm really looking forward for using connman. Too bad I'm just not got the time to implement it the way it should :(
14:33.00*** join/#uclibc drwhom (~drwhom@2001:18e8:2:10f4:21e:4fff:fe17:94c0)
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14:38.20speakman(as I'd really like to be a bigger part of the Buildroot development, but unfortently I'm alone on Linux development at this corp)
14:40.22*** join/#uclibc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
14:53.16mripardspeakman: I tried to pacakage connman this week end, unfortunately, the biggest problem yet is that it is hosted on
15:25.21*** join/#uclibc sixps (
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15:54.06speakmanmripard: is? was? :)
15:58.37mripardspeakman: well, should be :)
15:58.56mripardpoint is, I didn't find a tarball with the source release :)
15:59.10speakmanlol ok :) is up again though;a=summary
16:00.06kos_tomnot everything.
16:00.16kos_tomthe git trees are, but not necessarily everything else.
16:04.16speakmanI know. Too bad they didn't move to cgit for web interface. They did discuss it but it fell on gitweb again. Personally, I think cgit is way more user friendly than gitweb.
16:09.23*** join/#uclibc trollixx (~trollixx@
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16:37.05y_morinmripard: hey! :-)  connman in Debian:
16:37.27y_morinmripard: you can at least get a tarball for testing, until k.o is back on line...
17:22.09*** join/#uclibc trollixx (~trollixx@
17:25.20*** join/#uclibc basicer (~basicer@
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17:33.13*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (
17:47.24*** join/#uclibc Umeaboy (
18:03.25*** join/#uclibc tiny (~ivob@unaffiliated/tiny)
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18:24.59UmeaboyIs it possible to compile the latest kernel for the ARM-arch?
18:25.17UmeaboyI type make menuconfig & then go WHERE?
18:51.54landleyumeaboy: you need an arm toolchain.
18:52.04landleyThat's a compiler/assembler/linker that produces arm output.
18:52.36UmeaboyWould you mind helping me do this? I won't force you.
18:52.38landleyI have one at
18:52.40UmeaboyI can google to.
18:52.56UmeaboyWhat about the armv7l then?
18:53.00landleyYou also need to configure your kernel for arm.  Architecture selection is done on the command line.
18:53.17landleyarmv7 runs armv5 code the way i686 ran i386 code
18:53.23UmeaboyI want to try it in my Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000.
18:53.35landleyBut you can get an armv7 toolchain lots of places.  Code sourcery usually has 'em for download, lemme see...
18:53.57landley(I've got one lying aroun dhere, I'm trying to dig up the URL I downloaded it from...)
18:54.14landleyFirst pass just use the armv5 one, it'll run on your hardwrae.  It just won't be fully optimized.
18:54.31landleyTo select arm architecture in the kernel, go "make ARCH=arm menuconfig".
18:55.15landleyThen to tell it to use cross compiler to build an arm kernel, add the cross compiler's binary directory to your $PATH, and then set the CROSS_COMPILE= value to the toolchain prefix on the make command line.
18:55.20landleyHere, I wrote a paper on this a while ago...
18:56.31Umeaboylandley: Doesn't's git have a cross-compiler?
18:56.39landleyThis is a bit stale, but might help too:  (Outline for a cross compilng tutorial I gave back in 2007.)
18:56.58landleyumeaboy: cross compilers are a tool the kernel build uses.
18:57.30landleyThere are cross compilers that produce arm output, mips output, powerpc output, sparc output, sh4 output, cris output, ia64 output, s390 output, m68k output...
18:57.37landleyAnd about 20 others that Linux supports.
18:58.08landleyPlus _within_ an architecture, you have armv4-oabi, armv4tl-eabi, armv5l, armv6l, armv7l, and last week armv8l was released.
18:58.16landleyPlus you have soft float, vfp, neon...
18:58.22landleyThumb and Thumb2 extensions.
18:58.34UmeaboySo first off, I do WHAT?
18:58.37landleyOh, and the "l" on all those stands for "little endian".  There are a couple of "b" variants in use on arm too...
18:58.50landleyTell you what, I did a presentation.
18:59.02landley260 slides.  Assuming you have no background in this at all.  (Well, _trying_ to assume that...)
18:59.44landleyIf you want to understand cross compiling in general, read that.
18:59.54UmeaboyCan't I compile something directly in the Tab?
18:59.57landleyIf you just want to do something specific (build a kernel, it sounds like), I can give you the magic incantation.
19:00.06landleyumeaboy: natively? Sure.
19:00.16UmeaboyI'd like to do that.
19:00.28UmeaboyBut for armv7l then?
19:00.40landleyOr grab the "root-filesystem-armv5l.tar.bz2" in the same directory, extract it and chroot into it, and build in there.
19:00.44landleyI've got armv6l.
19:00.59landleyarmv5l is the "pentium of arm".  I use that by default because it pretty much runs everywhere, at reasonable performance.
19:01.23landleyThe problem is versions of gcc supporting armv7l got released after the switch to gplv3.
19:01.33landleyI've built 'em here, but don't distribute the resulting binaries because I don't want to get any of that on me.
19:02.30landleyCode Sourcery might ship them.  And you can get them from crosstool-ng and such, although I find that beating a working toolchain out of that thing is a painful waste of an entire afternoon and I've been doing it for years...
19:02.32Umeaboy ?
19:03.06landleyumeaboy: those are bundles of source code and shell scripts that automate package builds.
19:03.33landleyYou can plug them into my aboriginal linux root filesystem and they'll run the code out of there instead of booting to a shell prompt.
19:03.44landleyThe most interesting one of those builds the whole of linux from scratch, automatically.
19:03.57landleyGood regression testing for a build environment, that. :)
19:07.12landleyumeaboy: if you want to understand this, I'd read first, then
19:07.17UmeaboyThis sounds TO much for me right now.
19:07.35landleyDownload the cross compiler I pointed to above, add its' "bin" directory to your $PATH.
19:07.38UmeaboyI prefer using one instructrion at a time.
19:08.08UmeaboyWell............why won't the current gcc-c++ compiler do?
19:08.15landleyLook for defconfig names in arch/arm/configs and pick one you like, then "make ARCH=arm blah_defconfig" with that name.
19:08.39landleyThen "make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=armv5l-" and let it run to completion.
19:09.01landley(The trailing - on the prefix is important, otherwise it'll try to use "armv5lgcc" and "armv5lstrip" and such instead of "armv5l-gcc".
19:09.24landleyWhen you're done, you should have a kernel in arch/arm/boot
19:09.52landleyNote that if you want it to boot via u-boot there's an extra step.  (Install mkuboot and tell it to build "uImage" instead of the default target.)
19:10.03landleyThe reason the current gcc won't do is it produces x86 output.
19:10.08landleyYou need something to produce arm output.
19:10.16UmeaboyCan't use a flag?
19:10.42landleyNotice you can't just REPLACE your existing compiler because it still has to build things like the menuconfig binaries to run on the host system.
19:11.26landleyUmeaboy: a version of gcc that produced output for 30 different hardware targets would be a couple gigabytes in size.
19:11.47landleyPlus it would have 30 different copies of all the header files and things like libgcc and crt1.o
19:12.03landleyPlus it would need to hook up to 30 different copies of the C library (glibc, uClibc, etc.)
19:12.31landleySo no, you need a separate compiler that produces arm output.
19:13.54Umeaboy doesn't work.
19:14.17UmeaboyNot Found
19:14.18UmeaboyThe requested URL /downloads/binaries/extras/native-compiler-armv5l.tar.bz2 was not found on this server.
19:14.18UmeaboyAdditionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
19:17.46landleySorry, forgot a bit when I typed it form memory, that's cut and paste from the link.
19:21.55UmeaboyNo worries.
19:22.30UmeaboySo I place all the unzipped content on the SD-card & then.................?
19:22.41Umeaboymake menuconfig in the tablet?
19:25.28Umeaboylandley: ^^
19:25.56UmeaboyI really suck at compiling like this so I need to take it slowly.
19:27.56UmeaboyIs THIS useful somehow?;a=summary
19:28.07UmeaboyOr is this something else?
19:29.17landleyDid you read the intro to cross compiling document?
19:29.27landleyWhich explains cross compiling vs native compiling...
19:42.34UmeaboyNope. I don't like reading a thousand high-tech dev-pages.
19:43.16UmeaboyI prefer compiling it nice and neat with just a couple of ./ & then ./configure & then make & make install as root.
19:45.28*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
19:57.46Umeaboylandley: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. The transfer of that file no matter what I try fails.
19:58.31landleyUmeaboy: I just wget and it worked fine for me.
19:59.22Umeaboylandley: I'm not talking about downloading to my computer.
19:59.22landleyUmeaboy: so you don't want to actually understand what you're doing, you just want to use a prepackaged solution.
19:59.28UmeaboyThat works fine.
19:59.39UmeaboyJust when extracting this file to the SD-card.
19:59.43landleySo when you say "transfer of that file"...
20:00.02landleyExtracting which file?
20:00.15UmeaboyTHAT file.
20:00.27landleyWhy are you trying to extract a cross compiler to an SD card?
20:00.29UmeaboyThe native compiler.
20:00.46landleyAh, the binaries/extras/native-compiler-armv5l.tar.bz2 thing?
20:00.48*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
20:00.50UmeaboyWell, how else do I do this in my tablet if it's not extracted?
20:01.48landleyIt contains "tar", "gzip", and "bzip2".
20:02.18landleyIs there enough _space_ on your sd card?
20:02.21UmeaboyWould it be wrong to use THIS instead?
20:02.24Umeaboy6 is closer to 7.
20:02.29landleyDo you have write permission to your sd card as the user you're trying to extract the tarball as?
20:02.40landleyUmeaboy: the difference is a rounding error, but sure, go ahead.
20:02.49UmeaboyI think so yes.
20:03.01landley"Can I use i686 code on my Core 2 duo instead of i586 code"?  Yes, yes you can...
20:03.13landleyThe performance difference can't be detected with the hubble telescope, but go for it.
20:03.38landley(It goes to 11.  Because 11 is one greater.)
20:13.37UmeaboyHmmmmmmmmm. I've downloaded that bin-file now & it's in my SD-card & the SD-card is mounted in my tab.
20:13.50UmeaboyOpening Terminal Emulator.
20:14.29Umeaboylandley; Now what?
20:15.56UmeaboyI wrote cd /sdcard & cd /external_sd
20:15.57landleyWell, if you extracted the root-filesystem tarball chroot into it running /sbin/ to do basic setup, and then build stuff.  If you extracted the cross-compiler tarball chroot into it and add its "bin" directory to your $PATH, then build stuff.  (Statically linked anyway, dynamically linked involves adding its shared libraries to your host system which is a couple extra steps.)
20:16.02landleyKernel's fine with static linking though.
20:16.10UmeaboyUuuuuuuuuuuhm .I didn't do that.
20:16.23landleyYou have the tarball on the sdcard?  And the busybox binary?
20:16.37landleychmod +x busybox-armv5l
20:16.42UmeaboyThe tar-ball isn't in the SD-card.
20:16.49landleythen ./busybox-armv5l tar xvjf thetarball.tar.bz2
20:16.52UmeaboyLet me transfer it.
20:16.57landleyBut most likely the reason you couldn't extract it earlier is you ran out of space.
20:16.59UmeaboyIF it works.
20:17.06landleyAlthough you never did say why it failed, so I'm just guessing there.
20:17.27UmeaboyNope. The error didn't say that I was out of space.
20:17.51UmeaboyConnecting the tablet with the SD-card to my desktop.
20:17.53UmeaboyHold on.
20:26.18*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (~NIN101@2001:530::216:3cff:fe71:5e1e)
20:27.39landleyUmeaboy: would you like me to make more guesses about what the error said?
20:28.09landleyYou're having a problem roughly equivalent to "I can't copy this file onto this floppy".
20:32.45*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (botao_sun@conference/ubuntudevelopersummit/x-tmfuzfifvtscdkdm)
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20:35.20*** join/#uclibc x-fak (
20:35.22UmeaboyI've transfered all the needed files now.
20:35.32*** join/#uclibc x-fak (~WinGuru@reactos/tester/x-fak)
20:36.20UmeaboyNow what?
20:36.32Umeaboylandley: ^^
20:36.52UmeaboyI am root in Terminal Emulator now.
20:46.44UmeaboyDoing that command with chmod says Bad mode in return.
20:47.29Umeaboyid shows
20:47.45Umeaboyuid=0(root) gid=0(root)
20:47.45landleybad mode?
20:47.51landleyWhat filesystem are you using on the sd card?
20:48.03UmeaboyHave to check.
20:48.50UmeaboyHow do I get properties of the SD-card?
20:49.04landleydf .
20:49.07landleyor cat /proc/mounts
20:49.59Umeaboytmpfs AFAICS.
20:50.13Umeaboyro-flag thou.
20:50.32landleySo you're attempting to modify a read only filesystem.
20:50.34Umeaboyumount /mnt/sdcard
20:50.37landleyThat's not going to work.
20:50.43landleymount -o remount,rw /mnt/sdcard
20:50.57landleytmpfs has no backing store.
20:51.00landleyIt can't be a tmpfs.
20:51.06landleyThat's a ram backed filesystem.
20:52.58Umeaboy/mnt/sdcard has vfat as filesystem.
20:53.14landleyok.  That doesn't store full unix permissions.
20:53.59landleyYou can try running busybox off of it, because the executable bit might be hardwired on always.
20:54.18landleyBut extracting the compiler onto there might not give you something you can run, because vfat doesn't store all the data quite right.
20:54.25landleyDunno, haven't tried it.
20:54.40landleyAt least they fixed the 8.3 filename thing.
20:54.51landleyI don't think it needs upper and lowercase versions of the same file (which vfat also can't store).
20:56.03Umeaboylandley 1.19.0 is installed of busybox in this tablet any way.
20:56.15UmeaboyI had to install it to root this device.
20:56.20UmeaboySo what's next?
20:56.20landleyYou should be able to tar extract using the host tools then.
20:56.40landleyThe _easy_ thing to do is wget root-filesystem-armv6l.tar.bz2 and chroot into that.
20:57.01Umeaboylandley: Que?
20:57.06*** join/#uclibc antgreen (
20:57.26landleyThe less easy thing to do is extract cross-compiler-armv6l.tar.bz2 and export PATH=/path/to/cross-compiler-armv6l/bin:$PATH
20:57.44landleyThen "gcc -static hello.c" to make sure it works, using a standard helloworld program.
20:57.55landleyWhat are you trying to _accomplish_, anyway?
20:57.57landleyBuild a kernel?
20:58.12UmeaboyYes, natively.
20:58.37landleyYou'll have to build and install ncurses to be able to run menuconfig, or you can copy a .config file off another machine.
20:58.44landleyBut you should be able to build with that toolchain, yes.
20:58.52landleyAssuming you have enough memory and free disk space.
20:59.08landleyI don't think you even have to specify ARCH=arm, it should autodetect it when building natively...
20:59.13Umeaboy18 GB of free space in the tablet.
20:59.21landley(Haven't tried that on arm, but I think that's correct.)
20:59.34landleyShould be plenty, you need something like 300 megs.
21:00.22*** join/#uclibc svolpe (~Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
21:00.25UmeaboySorry. /mnt/sdcard (the internal sdcard) has12 GB in size.
21:01.13Umeaboy12,9 GB to be exact.
21:01.15Umeaboy12 GB free.
21:01.52UmeaboySooooo. wget root-filesystem-armv6l.tar.bz2 now?
21:07.33*** join/#uclibc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
21:14.13Umeaboylandley: I hace flags for ARM in gcc-c++. ;)
21:42.33landleyUmeaboy: feel free to use that then.  I dunno what your existing compilers are...
22:11.58Umeaboylandley: I only use gcc-c++ to compile things.
23:01.17*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
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