IRC log for #uclibc on 20110912

00:21.05tzangerah, it seems that $(STAGING_DIR) only has a value on install
00:21.25tzangerhow does one tell a package where /usr/include/foo is in the staging dir?
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05:26.15CIA-803gustavo 07master * rb1ddfecdb995 10buildroot/package/netsnmp/ netsnmp: bump to version
05:26.15CIA-803gustavo 07master * r90866f2705cc 10buildroot/package/multimedia/libreplaygain/ libreplaygain: bump to r475
05:26.15CIA-803gustavo 07master * r4ee8dea5674f 10buildroot/package/multimedia/libcuefile/ libcuefile: bump to r475
05:26.16CIA-803gustavo 07master * r2a49da16465a 10buildroot/package/multimedia/libsndfile/ libsndfile: bump to version 1.0.25
05:26.16CIA-803gustavo 07master * rd1a7e8517087 10buildroot/package/libcurl/ libcurl: bump to version 7.21.7
05:26.16CIA-803gustavo 07master * r46ef8128014e 10buildroot/package/multimedia/libsamplerate/ libsamplerate: bump to version 0.1.8
05:26.17CIA-803gustavo 07master * r0cc80d1e6032 10buildroot/package/multimedia/libao/ libao: bump to version 1.1.0
05:26.17CIA-803gustavo 07master * r34d2239ac4d4 10buildroot/package/sqlite/ sqlite: bump to version
05:26.18CIA-803gustavo 07master * rd9d7cab7bb16 10buildroot/package/multimedia/musepack/ (musepack-shared.patch musepack: bump to r475
05:26.18CIA-803jacmet 07master * r170fb5361d82 10buildroot/package/libconfuse/ libconfuse: drop implied uClibc dependency
05:26.18CIA-803gustavo 07master * r9f5a613eef92 10buildroot/package/multimedia/mpd/ (mpd-0.16.2-tremor-needs-ogg_common.patch mpd: bump to version 0.16.3
05:26.21CIA-803gustavo 07master * rf9fe656ca4c0 10buildroot/package/squid/ (squid-cross-compile.patch squid: bump to version 3.1.15
05:26.22CIA-803gustavo 07master * r95951797b5a2 10buildroot/package/dnsmasq/ dnsmasq: bump to version 2.58
05:26.22CIA-803jacmet 07master * rd97542c6d88d 10buildroot/package/busybox/busybox-1.19.2/ (3 files): busybox: add 1.19.2 fixes for chpasswd, crond and inetd.
05:26.22CIA-803s.neumann 07master * rede8ca001997 10buildroot/package/samba/ ( samba: make installation of smbd configurable
05:26.22CIA-803luca 07master * r77cc11d533f7 10buildroot/package/netsnmp/S59snmpd: netsnmp: fix stop and restart actions in init script
05:26.22CIA-803luca 07master * r9c83b37cccb5 10buildroot/package/netsnmp/ ( netsnmp: allow to disable MIB files installation and MIB loading code
05:26.23CIA-803frederic.bassaler 07master * r0e85b480ca13 10buildroot/package/xterm/ xterm: bump to v271
05:26.27CIA-803yegor_sub1 07master * rdba4b1843184 10buildroot/package/tar/ tar: bump to 1.26
05:26.27CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * ra8d6e2cc70e1 10buildroot/package/ Makefile: auto-target automatically pass --program-prefix=""
05:26.27CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * r9268aff0e6cf 10buildroot/package/multimedia/mpg123/ mpg123: remove --program-prefix
05:26.27CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * r4c5d599d9f50 10buildroot/package/multimedia/taglib/ taglib: remove --program-prefix
05:26.56CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * r390b552f0945 10buildroot/package/lighttpd/ lighttpd: remove --program-prefix
05:26.57CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * re127003af528 10buildroot/package/libargtable2/ libargtable2: remove --program-prefix
05:26.57CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * rdc32ba990a9f 10buildroot/package/fuse/ fuse: remove --program-prefix
05:26.57CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * r3bb80363351a 10buildroot/package/directfb/ directfb: remove --program-prefix
05:26.57CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * r8e837d5dfe6c 10buildroot/package/ntfs-3g/ ntfs-3g: remove --program-prefix
05:26.57CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * rdc1b29e9bca1 10buildroot/package/radvd/ radvd: remove --program-prefix
05:26.58CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * red8619dafa80 10buildroot/package/gamin/ gamin: remove --program-prefix
05:27.56CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * rcfbfd488fecc 10buildroot/package/dbus/ dbus: remove --program-prefix
05:27.57CIA-803yann.morin.1998 07master * raa6e5aed3a70 10buildroot/package/tcpreplay/ tcpreplay: remove --program-prefix
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06:31.10CIA-803vda.linux 07master * r13e709c53f70 10busybox/ (4 files in 3 dirs): losetup: implement -r option. Closes 4033.
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11:35.08sjs205hello all... I have noticed in v2011.08 that you can specify the kernel configuration path but whn running make linux-menuconfig the config file seems to be .config... does this update the specified file?
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12:14.22CIA-803jacmet 07master * rb4df72a91453 10buildroot/package/libsvgtiny/ libsvgtiny: bump version for stroke-width fix
12:14.23CIA-803jacmet 07master * rd5b35e2c700c 10buildroot/package/multimedia/musepack/ musepack: disable parallel build
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12:38.04y_morinJacmet: ping?
12:38.30y_morinJacmet: I jsut managed to build a MIPS toolchain with binutils 2.21.1a. And it seems it builds userland pretty well so far...
12:39.34Jacmety_morin: hmm, with uClibc 0.9.32?
12:39.40y_morinJacmet: yes.
12:39.48y_morinWith a few patches...
12:39.54Jacmety_morin: ahh
12:40.53y_morinJacmet: I used patches available on the 0.9.32 branch, plus the patches from buildroot for binutils.
12:40.54Jacmety_morin: yes, I would expect it would be relatively straightforward to fix, I just didn't want to touch it before the 2011.08 release - So I made mips/sh use 2.21 instead
12:44.02y_morinJacmet: I just needed a workaround in uClibc for missing TLS macros definitions in
12:44.13y_morinJacmet: ugly, but functional.
12:44.32Jacmety_morin: ok, great
12:52.59y_morinJacmet: the config is still a bit rough on the sides, so I'm polishing the sample. I'll post the URLs later, when it's properly done.
12:53.33y_morincan't believe 6GiB is not enough to build PPL... using 18 parallel jobs... :-]
12:54.14y_morinpreaises swap on RAID0 ! :-)
13:00.32Jacmety_morin: ;)
13:03.32jerotalking about raid0, a colleague has a laptop with 4 SSD drives setup in raid0
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13:08.36Jacmetjero: heh
13:09.26Jacmetjero: a laptop with 4 drive bays? that doesn't sound very portable - But it does sound fast ;)
13:10.21jeroit's very compact and light actually
13:11.54Jacmetjero: ok
13:22.21y_morinJacmet: Hmm. it was with gcc-4.4.6. Retrying with 4.6.1 now...
13:23.44Jacmety_morin: I believe my tests were with 4.3.6, as that's default in buildroot
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13:44.23kos_tomJacmet: hello.
13:45.16Jacmetkos_tom: hi
13:45.29Jacmetkos_tom: sorry, I didn't got to your patches yet
13:50.43kos_tomJacmet:  :)
13:52.59Jacmetkos_tom: to my defense, I did get to merge quite some other patches though ;)
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13:58.42y_morinJacmet: yes! Thx! :-)
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14:16.30kos_tomJacmet: but you merged a large number of "easy" patches early in the merge window instead of looking at "complicated" patches first :-))
14:17.23kos_tomJacmet: if there's anything I can do to ease the process, let me know.
14:18.25Jacmetkos_tom: true. I had a lot of interruptions yesterday, so I wanted to handle easy stuff first where I didn't have to focus much to know if it was correct or not ;)
14:19.49Jacmetkos_tom: well, there's often minor issues with patches - So I typically have to test/verify/fixup which takes time - If you feel like it, reviewing stuff would be good
14:20.03kos_tomJacmet: no problem, I understand. I was sick during the whole week-end and couldn't even boot my laptop.
14:20.24Jacmetkos_tom: ohh, something serious?
14:20.30kos_tomJacmet: yeah, but I always fear to duplicate the work that you'll do.
14:21.14Jacmetkos_tom: if I see an ack from a "known" contributor on something relatively trivial then I'll just merge it without additional testing
14:21.20kos_tomJacmet: no, not serious as something that has long term consequences. Some benign sickness, but that keep you in bed for two days.
14:21.55Jacmetkos_tom: ok, that's good atleast
14:24.15kos_tomJacmet: for version bump patches, I'd like to reach the point where I can do "Test this patch" in my mailer, and the patch gets sent to my server, the package gets built with various arch/toolchain configs and I get a report from it :)
14:25.10Jacmetkos_tom: sounds nice ;)
14:26.19Jacmetkos_tom: patches mangled by stupid mail clients also waste quite some time
14:28.38kos_tomwell, you could be more strict with contributors, but it's true that it's nice to be a little flexible so that newcomers do not feel bad when they contribute
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15:15.43kos_tomhas anyone ever heard about encryption in UBI/UBIFS ?
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15:30.13*** join/#uclibc ceyusa (~vjaquez@ 07master * r200895dab886 10uClibc/extra/Configs/ config: tweak help text
15:32.14tzangerhm, I'm seeing a ton of "invalid argument" type errors when trying to build a cpio rootfs; fakeroot doesn't seem to be very happy. Is there something simple that I'm missing? This is on an ubuntu system
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15:43.11tzangerhm, same problem with making cramfs image. Is there a trick to buildroot and fakeroot on Ubuntu?
15:47.27kos_tomtzanger: can you pastebin what you see ?
15:48.52tzangerkos_tom: sure, moment
15:51.26tzangeras an example of what one of the directories looks like that it's trying to chown:
15:51.30tzangerdrwxr-xr-x 2 andrew andrew 4096 2011-04-06 00:21 build/target/home/amlogic
15:51.43tzangerlooks like a pretty normal directory, I should be able to chown it with fakeroot (I would think, anyway)
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17:27.35kos_tomtzanger: sorry, I was away for some time, I'm back.
17:28.31kos_tomtzanger: do you have a special device table ?
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17:53.42y_morinJacmet: ping?
17:55.45y_morinJacmet: are you subscribed to ?
18:10.58landleyDid they get cracked too?
18:19.04tzangerkos_tom: no problem, I was called away too. :-)  Yes, I do have a special device table
18:23.05kos_tomtzanger: can you pastebin this device table as well ?
18:23.11kos_tomor at least the relevant part of it
18:23.48tzangerwell, it's not just the device table that is failing... it seems that pretty much anything in the rootfs gets that "invalid argument"
18:24.46tzangere.g. /sbin/reboot, /sbin/halt, /tmp, /usr/share/alsa (the directory and everything in it)... pretty much everything :-/
18:27.23kos_tomeven entries that are not in the device table ?
18:28.23tzangerchown: changing ownership of `/aml8726/arm_ref/build_rootfs/7266m_8626m_demo/build/target/sbin/route': Invalid argument
18:28.27tzangerchown: changing ownership of `/aml8726/arm_ref/build_rootfs/7266m_8626m_demo/build/target/sbin/tune2fs': Invalid argument
18:28.30tzangerchown: changing ownership of `/aml8726/arm_ref/build_rootfs/7266m_8626m_demo/build/target/sbin/raidautorun': Invalid argument
18:28.33tzangerchown: changing ownership of `/aml8726/arm_ref/build_rootfs/7266m_8626m_demo/build/target/sbin/makedevs': Invalid argument
18:28.37tzanger(as an eample)
18:28.39tzangerer example
18:29.05tzanger$ ls -l build/target/sbin/route
18:29.05tzangerlrwxrwxrwx 1 andrew andrew 14 2011-09-11 18:54 build/target/sbin/route -> ../bin/busybox
18:29.37tzanger(and bin/buysbox is just a normal file that has the same andrew.andrew (my login on the dev machine) ownership
18:47.16Jacmety_morin|away: no, I'm not, but Lance fixed my login issue already
18:56.53kos_tomtzanger: and this with 2011.08 ?
19:00.34tzangerno, 2010.05. I haven't had the courage to try to patch up 2011.08 yet
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19:47.31kos_tomJacmet: around ?
19:47.52kos_tomtzanger: ah, 2010.05. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to do support for such an old Buildroot version.
19:49.11tzangerkos_tom: heh, ok.
19:49.49tzangerI remembered that I had a similar "invalid argument" caused by the busybox scripts/basic tools being weird. I erased the binaries and rebuilt and it worked, I'm going to see if I can do something similar here.
19:49.55kos_tomtzanger: but if you can reproduce with 2011.08, I'm interested.
19:50.09tzangerkos_tom: I'm hoping they let me move this up to 2011.08
19:51.07kos_tomwell, you can also try to see if it works with a simple test case on 2011.08 and backport whatever is needed to fix the problem in 2010.05
19:51.18kos_tombut I just built a system with 2010.08 for a customer, and it worked fine
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21:05.11kos_tomJacmet: we can discuss that tomorrow, but I think we really should do a 2011.08.1
21:05.25kos_tomJacmet: the build of internal toolchain is broken by the filename changes on binutils/gdb
21:05.40kos_tomJacmet: the build with external toolchains appears to be broken due to the naming changes at CodeSourcery
21:05.50kos_tomJacmet: it would be great to have a release that fixed those problems.
21:09.05landleyDoes ldd work for everybody else in 0.9.32?
21:10.35y_morinkos_tom: hello! Seen my patches on the binutils+gdb issue?
21:10.56y_morinkos_tom: there are a few issues at fixing those, namely:
21:11.18y_morinkos_tom: Jacmet pointed out that some combo of arch+uClibc are broken
21:12.01y_morinkos_tom: I'm currently testing a few os those combos to see if we should upgrade/downgrade binutils.
21:12.05kos_tomyeah, I read your discussions about this.
21:12.10y_morin...a few of...
21:12.22Jacmetkos_tom: it is? Doesn't it just fall back to "our" versions on
21:12.55kos_tomJacmet: I haven't tested for external toolchains, I don't know.
21:13.06Jacmetkos_tom: ohh, I wasn't aware of any ext toolchain issues
21:13.13Jacmetkos_tom: I was referring to binutils/gdb
21:13.32y_morinJacmet: codesourcery toolchain URLs changed.
21:13.46Jacmety_morin: sigh, because they got bought?
21:13.47kos_tomJacmet: there was a bug report tonight about CodeSourcery URLs changing.
21:13.51kos_tomI haven't checked myself.
21:13.53kos_tomJacmet: yes.
21:14.11Jacmetkos_tom: sigh
21:14.11y_morinJacmet: yes:
21:14.11kos_tomand those stupid managers think that the best thing they can do after buying a company is breaking all URLs
21:14.30y_morinkos_tom: ... without providing aliases.
21:15.12kos_tomouch, backing up ones $HOME with rsync with said $HOME contains multiple and multiple copies of the kernel source tree is really a pain.
21:15.19Jacmetkos_tom: but for the ext toolchain stuff, I'm surprised it doesn't fall back to our mirror
21:15.29y_morinkos_tom: Argh...
21:15.33Jacmetkos_tom: unless ofcause those files aren't on the mirror
21:15.53Jacmetkos_tom: I'll give it try
21:15.56kos_tomJacmet: they don't seem to be on our mirror.
21:16.04CIA-803mdemirten 07master * ra991e3e14340 10buildroot/package/multimedia/ ( portaudio/ portaudio/ package: add portaudio
21:16.21y_morinJacmet: what was your login issue, in the end?
21:16.24Jacmetkos_tom: could very well be - my mirror update procedure is make allconfig; make source
21:16.25kos_tomthings like arm-2011.03-41-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
21:16.39kos_tomJacmet: works for packages, but not for toolchains
21:16.58kos_tomJacmet: since the toolchain thing is a choice, allconfig is going to make one choice amongst internal, external or crosstool-ng.
21:17.02Jacmety_morin: a config issue at their side - somehow my account was marked as disabled. Probably someone modified the wrong account
21:17.14kos_tomand the external toolchain set of choice itself is arch-dependent
21:17.15Jacmetkos_tom: indeed. I'll add them manually
21:17.37y_morinJacmet: part of their sanity procedure, I guess.
21:17.56Jacmetkos_tom: the linaro people are starting to do binary toolchain releases, so it might make sense to add them
21:20.18y_morinJacmet: AFAICS, the bionary toolchain are for Android only...
21:21.10Jacmety_morin: the official ones are so far, yes - but the plan is to release the normal ones as well
21:21.11kos_tomJacmet: last time I looked at their Ubuntu packaged toolchains, they did not support sysroot
21:21.16Jacmety_morin: so far there's
21:21.30kos_tomJacmet: and it was done on purpose, apparently to workaround some binutils bug I've never heard of.
21:21.51Jacmetkos_tom: these are normal .tgz without anything ubuntu specifics as far as I understand from the discussions
21:22.37Jacmet.. if I could now find my way around this silly&slow site
21:23.20y_morinkos_tom: I have some sysroot-related patches against binutils in crosstool-NG. It's a complex issue, but basically, it has to do with absolute library paths that should be prefixed with the sysroot, and not used from the host's libs.
21:24.42Jacmetahh, I didn't notice the patch on the list containing the new URLs
21:25.58y_morinJacmet, kos_tom: those new toolchains *are* sysrooted, *but* they are *not* clean, as they also have non-system libs in them (eg. libbz2, liblzma, libperl and so on...)
21:26.15y_morin(I mean, the Linaro toolchain Jacmet pointed to.)
21:26.49kos_tomy_morin: their toolchain, as available as Ubuntu packages, do not support --sysroot
21:27.19y_morinkos_tom: I know, but the toolchains that Jacmet pointed to, above:
21:28.17kos_tomthey apparently require an ugly LD_LIBRARY_PATH
21:28.43kos_tomdownloading the toolchain
21:29.49y_morinkos_tom: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used to point to the GMP, MPFR et al. libraries, and some binutils support libs as well (libopcodes...)
21:30.12JacmetConnecting to (||:80... connected.
21:30.15JacmetHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
21:30.18JacmetLocation: [following]
21:30.20Jacmet--2011-09-12 23:29:18--
21:30.23JacmetResolving (
21:30.26JacmetConnecting to (||:80... connected.
21:30.29JacmetHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
21:30.31JacmetLength: unspecified [text/html]
21:30.46Jacmetargh, so they don't send a normal 404, but rather happily serve the new index page rather than the tarballs :/
21:30.58Jacmetthat indeed will break buildroot
21:31.11y_morinJacmet: soooo stuupiiiddd.... :-(
21:32.39y_morinJacmet, kos_tom: if a buildroot-2011.08.1 release is forth-coming, would you accept a patch to update crosstool-NG in the process, so it also fixes the URLs renaming issue ?
21:33.43Jacmety_morin: yes
21:33.57Jacmetbut I'll try to email the mentor webmaster first
21:39.34kos_tomJacmet: good luck to get things moving in such a large company :)
21:40.16Jacmetkos_tom: yeah, I know - But it's worth a try
21:43.53y_morinJacmet: and if you get to the proper person, they might see it as beneficial for them to get the community to use their toolchains; a bit of publicity is worth a redirect or a 404.
21:44.26Jacmety_morin: yeah, bad publicity is better than no publicity, right? ;)
21:49.24kos_tomy_morin: I fear that Mentor will care a lot less than CS did care about the "lite" version, unfortunately
21:50.15Jacmetkos_tom: yeah
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21:55.03kos_tomwell, this Linaro toolchain indeed looks strange
21:55.18y_morinkos_tom: doesn't it?
21:55.21kos_tomthe sysroot has some perl and some python stuff
21:56.07y_morinkos_tom: and the toolchain is not relocatable (AFAICS), because the sysroot is not below the gcc prefix.
21:57.45kos_tomand the sysroot/usr/bin directory contains dpkg for ARM, and many other pre-built ARM utilities
22:01.59y_morinkos_tom: plus the coreutils
22:03.02kos_tomy_morin: yep.
22:03.10kos_tomthat's an ugly toolchain.
22:03.21y_morinkos_tom: probably unusable by buildroot.
22:03.23kos_tomI guess people should learn from how CS is doing their toolchains
22:03.43y_morinkos_tom: or from crosstool-NG? ;-)
22:03.52kos_tomy_morin: the mix of useful libs and useless libs and binaries could maybe be sorted out with some ugly filtering
22:04.06kos_tomy_morin: but the non-relocalibility is a show-stopper
22:04.11y_morinkos_tom: but the real pain is it's not relocatable
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22:05.06Jacmetkos_tom: this toolchain is just an early try. It's on their 11.11 schedule, so perhaps we could convince them to fixup some of these issues: 07master * rd1a9698bec65 10buildroot/toolchain/toolchain-external/ ext-toolchain: fix download url
22:12.11kos_tomJacmet: do you have contacts there ?
22:12.28kos_tomJacmet: but I guess their toolchain has all this crap to make it easier to bootstrap an Ubuntu system, or something alike.
22:15.16Jacmetkos_tom: with linaro?
22:16.16Jacmetkos_tom: could be. But going forward, it is probably a better solution long term than codesourcery/mentor for binary arm toolchains
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22:46.30CIA-803yegor_sub1 07master * ra50f6ef29e72 10buildroot/package/openssl/ openssl: bump to 1.0.0e
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