IRC log for #uclibc on 20110814

02:11.39*** join/#uclibc ynezz (
03:41.06*** join/#uclibc shedammit (~shedammit@unaffiliated/shedammit)
06:03.56*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (~botao_sun@
06:03.56*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (~botao_sun@linaro/botao-sun)
06:53.37CIA-3803maxime.ripard 07master * rad891ac44aa8 10buildroot/package/python/python-2.7-013-fix-linux-3-compilation.patch: Fix the Python build when running Linux 3.*
07:31.22*** join/#uclibc trem (
07:34.01*** join/#uclibc dtatulea (~dragos@
07:35.55*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
08:51.24*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
09:04.56*** join/#uclibc smartin (5a0caed0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:07.41CIA-3803helman 07master * r323dcc076a03 10buildroot/package/libxml-parser-perl/ libxml-parser-perl: fix install bug
10:27.27*** join/#uclibc pixelou (
10:29.36pixelouhello, I've just build an initrd image which boots fine, but /sbin/halt does nothing (I have init support enabled and no inittab). What's wrong?
10:49.25*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
11:03.49*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
11:09.49*** join/#uclibc NIN101 (
11:24.13mutewell dont you need an inittab to enter runlevel 0
12:35.06*** join/#uclibc risca (
12:46.48*** join/#uclibc sh4rm4 (
12:57.49*** join/#uclibc sh4rm4 (~sh4rm@unaffiliated/sh4rm4)
13:07.31FallenouHi, is it possible to tell buildroot to use a custom linux kernel which source tree is located in a directory ?
13:07.51Fallenouinstead of specifying a tarball URL
13:09.32FallenouSo far the only technique I've seen is putting the linux version of my modified one, generating a diff from the vanilla linux kernel, and putting the diff as a patch in buildroot, so that buildroot would download the source from and then apply the patch to end up with my local version
13:10.19Fallenoubut I find this hard to use if modify the kernel source too often, I have to regenerate a patch each time, it could just use my  local source tree
13:36.07mripardFallenou: I've used that feature, so it exists somewhere, either it has been a patch sent but not merged, or it is in the code
13:39.06mripardindeed, it only supports a local tarball or a git tree
13:39.20mripardI'm sorry I don't have my working laptop here
13:39.45Fallenouwell if it supports a git tree it's OK for me, since my local source tree is a git tree :)
13:40.06mripardbut it definitely exists somewhere on the mailing list
13:40.08FallenouI have grep'ed buildroot for LINUX_KERNEL variables
13:40.24mripardwell then, it just works :)
13:40.45Fallenouand havn't found any variable which name lets me think it can be used to specify a local source tree
13:41.00Fallenouwether it is a git tree or a normal tree
13:41.22mripardin menuconfig, Kernel/Kernel Version, and set it to "Custom Git Tree"
13:41.33Fallenouoh let me try
13:42.13FallenouI don't have "custom git tree"
13:42.24FallenouI have "custom version" or "custom tarball"
13:42.30FallenouI am using latest stable buildroot
13:42.33Fallenoumaybe it's not in stable
13:42.55FallenouI am using 2011.05
13:43.19mripardwell, it is in the 2011.08-rc1
13:43.28mripardso this must be a new feature then
13:43.29Fallenouok I will give it a try then :)
13:43.32Fallenouthank you !
13:43.38mripardyou're welcome :)
13:43.44*** join/#uclibc dtatulea (~dragos@
13:43.44FallenouI have to say, buildroot works pretty damn well
13:44.06FallenouI just typed "make xxxdefconfig" and it built the entire world for me
13:44.09Fallenouand it worked
13:44.41Fallenouso kudos all buildroot developers
13:48.57*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
15:05.38*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
15:31.16*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
15:39.00*** join/#uclibc xiangfu_ (
16:05.05*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
17:13.51*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
17:20.15*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
17:31.10*** join/#uclibc drwhom (~drwhom@
17:59.15*** join/#uclibc Jacmet (
18:15.03*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
20:43.05*** part/#uclibc rogutes (
21:13.46*** join/#uclibc dj-death (

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