IRC log for #uclibc on 20110715

01:31.18*** join/#uclibc firegurafiku (
04:44.17*** join/#uclibc clio (~andrej@
05:03.37*** join/#uclibc fabled (~fabled@
05:16.02*** join/#uclibc lupine_85 (
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05:27.17*** join/#uclibc malloc (~malloc@2001:470:1f10:80b:216:3eff:fe75:abc6)
05:41.19*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
05:52.12*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
06:03.35*** join/#uclibc dileks (
06:05.20*** join/#uclibc manizzle (
06:07.32manizzlehey guys. so i am trying to build uclibc, and this is an error i am getting. any idea?
06:12.54*** join/#uclibc acoul (
06:37.59CIA-7903vda.linux 07master * rf2f9bc593272 10busybox/miscutils/dc.c: dc: fix a case where we can run off malloced space
06:38.48*** join/#uclibc lupine_85 (~lupine_85@unaffiliated/lupine-85/x-7392152)
06:47.07*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (
06:47.15*** join/#uclibc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
06:52.35*** join/#uclibc firegurafiku (
07:07.44manizzlenvm, solved
07:12.39*** join/#uclibc roland (
07:21.39*** join/#uclibc dileks__ (
07:23.41*** join/#uclibc trem (
07:24.32*** join/#uclibc acoul (
08:04.54*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889::2)
08:29.09*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (
08:45.28*** join/#uclibc dileks__ (
08:48.29*** join/#uclibc acoul (
08:52.31*** join/#uclibc dileks (
09:09.04*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
09:17.40*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
09:18.39*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
09:22.33*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
09:56.25*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
10:18.05*** part/#uclibc donglongchao1 (~donglongc@
10:30.37*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
10:30.42*** join/#uclibc trem (
10:33.13*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
10:43.29*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
11:14.12*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
11:51.05*** join/#uclibc oktalogic (
11:53.07oktalogichi! when changing the toolchain, using make menuconfig of buildroot, and doing another make... i still tries to use the old path (where now the codesorucery toolchain is uninstalled). i was maybe dumb to abort the make with a ctrl+c. is this why make does not re-read my new config?
11:53.19*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (~botao_sun@
11:53.19*** join/#uclibc botao_sun (~botao_sun@linaro/botao-sun)
11:54.27kos_tomoktalogic, when you change the toolchain, you have to do a "make clean; make"
11:55.12oktalogickos_tom: ok, out of curisity, how come? (in this case it was just the location of the toolchain that was changed)
11:56.13kos_tomwe generate a toolchain wrapper for external toolchains
11:56.26kos_tomwhich once built, contains the path to the toolchain
11:57.13oktalogicok... Cannot execute cross-compiler '/home/oktalogic3/hugo/sourcery/arm-2011.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc'
11:57.29oktalogicin the release i downlaoded, the gcc is named arm-none-eabi-gcc
11:57.34oktalogicso it wont find it
11:57.39oktalogicmaybe i got the wrong one hmm...
11:57.52oktalogicatleast it is looking in the directory i pointed out
11:58.11kos_tomyes, I think you downloaded the EABI toolchain and not the Linux toolchain
11:58.25kos_tomthe EABI toolchain is for bare-metal targets, i.e without an operating system such as Linux
11:59.08oktalogicah shit, offcourse!
11:59.30oktalogicthanks man
11:59.46botao_sunkos_tom: Hi, I'm also doing this, I'm trying to integrate Busybox to Android platform. Do you have instruction for this?
12:00.02kos_tombotao_sun, with Buildroot or manually ?
12:01.04botao_sunMy target is to build it with the entire Android platform, but I'm trying to build it manually first to make a test.
12:01.41botao_sunI received an email which comes from "Daniel Fandrich" who describe how to configure it, I'm reading it.
12:02.21botao_sunI also find this guy's GIT repo here:
12:02.44botao_sunBut I didn't find an instruction to teach people how to do it step by step.
12:03.02kos_tomI haven't done anything with Android, so I can't help, sorry.
12:03.42botao_sunIt's OK. Well, does Busybox community has a plan to do this?
12:04.14botao_sunI feel that it's worth to do because Android platform is becoming more & more popular.
12:04.34kos_tomI am not part of the Busybox community, so I can't say. I guess that if you write a tutorial and put it online, it will be useful.
12:05.00botao_sunYes, if I can make it, I will do that.
12:05.30oktalogicbotao_sun: does not android contain a slimmed set of tools, like busybox, already included? i am curois, i have never developed anything for android :)
12:06.17oktalogicbotao_sun: maybe there isnt One android distrubtion - but many...? I am not really sure what the definition of android is; a modified linux Kernel, right?
12:06.41botao_sunAndroid currently only contains a very simple command line set - ADB Shell.
12:07.00botao_sunBusybox is much powerful than that.
12:08.09botao_sunFor Busybox compiling, Android means a modified libc library, toolchain & kernel, so the thing becomes complicated.
12:09.30oktalogicbotao_sun: when you say Android, is there a distrubtion, including c library and all made by Google?
12:09.56botao_sunI made a cross compile on my ubuntu 32bits computer successfully with "gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi", it works well; but compile it on the Android, many errors occurred.
12:11.06botao_sunYes, it's a distribution which Google's modified libc library and kernel.
12:11.18botao_sunsorry, "with"
12:12.07oktalogicabd google does not provide a compiler?
12:12.11botao_sunI have to modify many places to adapt this, such like header files location, makefile configurations...
12:13.06botao_sunGoogle provides a compiler, but the libc changed, so if I just change the cross compiler prefix, it won't work.
12:13.16oktalogicaha i see
12:13.42botao_sunI'm headache on it in this week, BAD.
12:13.44oktalogicso why not use google's compiler?
12:15.47botao_sunWell, let's talk more. I'm working for an opensource software company, although Google provides a compiler, my company would like to use its owns. But for either one, I have to change the source code, not only change the compiler prefix.
12:24.40*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
12:27.31firegurafikubye, people. see you after weekend )
12:31.34*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
12:38.51*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
12:42.56oktalogicbotao_sun: ok i see, interesting!
12:44.50jow_laptophm, anybody ever noticed this issue in busybox ash:
12:44.51jow_laptop# x=" abc def def def abc def abc def def abc abc foo "; echo "${x// abc / }"
12:45.05jow_laptopit fails to replace the last occurence of the search pattern
12:46.08oktalogicwhen i compile dbus in buildroot, i guess buildroot will compile qt first, since dbus will use qt's bindings? or is it the other way around? :)
12:50.42Jacmetoktalogic: qt's dbus support uses dbus, so dbus is built before qt
12:56.32jow_laptopnvm, that seems more like a comprehension flaw on my side
13:04.24*** join/#uclibc dinar (~dinar@
13:09.36*** join/#uclibc julm (
13:47.55*** join/#uclibc trem (
14:10.47*** join/#uclibc risca (
14:12.42*** join/#uclibc laetzer (
14:13.06*** join/#uclibc Jacmet (
14:22.21*** join/#uclibc laetzer (
15:03.12*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
15:15.08jerois there a target in the top-level Makefile to build the toolchain and packages, but not the images ?
15:15.56*** join/#uclibc cendres (
15:25.10mohjero: can you just turn off all of the image types?
15:26.18jeromoh: I wanted to build the toolchain+libs, build some custom software of mine, then make the image
15:26.32jerowith the custom stuff injected in the output/target/ dir
15:26.50jeroi can use the custom script too
15:53.23oktalogicanyone who has tried qtdbus, built by buildroot? my program that works on i386 now fails on myBus.registerService("com.oktalogic.DumbService"); where myBus is a QDBusConnection::systemBus();
15:57.58*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
16:13.56*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
16:26.26*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (
16:32.00*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (
16:49.44*** join/#uclibc avinashhm (~avinash-h@
16:50.07*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
17:05.42*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (
17:18.25*** join/#uclibc linuxjacques_ (6217fec1@nslu2-linux/jacques)
17:30.42*** join/#uclibc dileks (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
17:44.31y_morinkos_tom, Jacmet: any comment on my two patches: unbreak source-check, and autotarget infra for crosstool-NG ?
18:11.45*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
18:13.48Jacmety_morin: sorry, I haven't had time to look at them yet
18:14.03y_morinHehe! Only 24h in a day! :-)
18:15.32Jacmety_morin: indeed
18:41.02*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
18:50.31*** join/#uclibc dileks (
18:59.45CIA-7903yann.morin.1998 07master * r7c2974596971 10buildroot/Makefile: Makefile: unbreak source-check
19:23.03*** join/#uclibc washer (
20:02.33*** join/#uclibc shedammit (~shedammit@unaffiliated/shedammit)
20:03.39*** join/#uclibc avinash_hm (~avinash-h@
20:11.19CIA-7903s.neumann 07master * r8a08570c1926 10buildroot/package/gnutls/ gnutls: update to version 2.10.3
20:32.26*** join/#uclibc risca (
20:45.54*** join/#uclibc risca (
20:58.57tremnite all, sweet dreams
21:19.06y_morinJacmet: BTW, how do you produce your "Committed, thanks." messages? Is that automatic when you apply+push a change, or do you manualy reply?
21:26.52Jacmety_morin: all manual
21:27.06Jacmety_morin: but I should probably create a macro to do so
21:27.41y_morinJacmet: I have a similar need for crosstool-NG and was just wondering...
21:31.06*** join/#uclibc dileks_ (~dileks@2001:4dd0:f889:0:205:4eff:fe46:b41f)
21:59.22*** join/#uclibc ashes (
22:07.52*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
22:30.19CIA-7903s.neumann 07master * r6d5f6c2cfbc2 10buildroot/package/dbus-glib/ dbus-glib: update to version 0.94
22:30.19CIA-7903yann.morin.1998 07master * rbef98b7c10a9 10buildroot/ (7 files in 2 dirs): toolchain/crosstool-NG: use the package infrastructure
22:32.01y_morinWoohoo! \o/
23:04.46*** part/#uclibc washer (

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