IRC log for #uclibc on 20110712

01:10.45*** join/#uclibc dileks (
01:17.23*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (
04:33.11*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
05:17.31*** join/#uclibc fabled (~fabled@
05:34.46*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~user@
05:51.12*** join/#uclibc umi (db5bc94a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:53.32umihi,my buildroot is successful now i m trying to add x-windows option but i m not getting x-window can any one plz help me out
06:02.42*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
06:06.09*** join/#uclibc umi_ (db5bc94a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:17.39*** join/#uclibc acoul (
06:29.00*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (
07:01.37*** join/#uclibc xiangfu` (
07:02.57*** join/#uclibc Artemys (~quassel@2001:67c:2200:6701:21c:bfff:fe66:2bbf)
07:05.03*** join/#uclibc acoul (
07:12.25CIA-7903milton.soares.filho 07master * rffe62f915dcb 10buildroot/package/sysvinit/ sysvinit: package name typo
07:14.31*** join/#uclibc Artemys (~quassel@2001:67c:2200:6701:21c:bfff:fe66:2bbf)
07:25.03Jacmetkos_tom: ping?
07:34.14*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
07:36.40kos_tomJacmet, pong!
07:36.50kos_tomis a good ICMP implementation :-)
07:37.07kos_tomwell, 11 minutes of round-trip time is not that fast
07:41.02CIA-7903dougmencken 07master * r63e61626c1e0 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/ldso.c: ldso: fix build error due to missing variable 'st'
07:56.32Jacmetkos_tom: indeed ;)
07:56.56Jacmetkos_tom: I just wondered if you checkedbuild time impact on the enable-debug patches?
07:58.47kos_tomJacmet, I saw your e-mail about this. I haven't done detailed analysis. I will do a test build and report.
08:01.28*** join/#uclibc umi (db5bc94a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:22.33*** join/#uclibc rellig_107 (
08:22.36*** join/#uclibc y_morin (c1317c6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:30.19*** join/#uclibc acoul (
08:48.19*** join/#uclibc donglongchao (~donglongc@
08:53.47donglongchaoHi,I am using buildroot to build my own linux system and I have a problem now.In fact I am using SVN to manage my whole buildroot/project, and when I use "make " or "make menuconfig",one svn process will be triggered.I have to wait very long time before "make" and I do not know what the svn process is doing.So any suggestions or hints about this problem?Thanks a lot.
08:56.03*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
08:57.06kos_tomdonglongchao, hmm.
08:58.09kos_tomdonglongchao, ok, can you edit the main Buildroot Makefile
08:58.16kos_tomand change :
08:58.19kos_tomexport BR2_VERSION_FULL:=$(BR2_VERSION)$(shell $(TOPDIR)/scripts/setlocalversion)
08:58.23kos_tomexport BR2_VERSION_FULL:=$(BR2_VERSION)
08:58.45donglongchaokos_tom: Ok,but how to?
08:59.01kos_tomdonglongchao, you edit the main Makefile. With a text editor.
08:59.44donglongchaokos_tom: :-D
09:01.01kos_tomdonglongchao, not sure I understood your question properly.
09:02.18donglongchaokos_tom: I will try anyway.:-(
09:02.33kos_tomdonglongchao, I don't understand. You don't know how to edit a text file ?
09:04.22donglongchaokos_tom: I know,of course....
09:04.47donglongchaokos_tom: I just try your unsure methond.
09:06.03donglongchaokos_tom: ohhh,no,the svn process disappeared but the system begin to built everything from toochain...
09:06.21donglongchaokos_tom: I have to stop it...
09:07.01*** join/#uclibc fabled (~fabled@
09:07.25kos_tomdonglongchao, unsure method ?
09:07.42kos_tomdonglongchao, Buildroot does a few svn commands to find out the Buildroot svn version being used
09:08.30kos_tomdonglongchao, if your svn server is so slow that it takes an unreasonable amount of time to query the svn version being used, then you have to disable this mechanism by editing the Makefile as I said.
09:13.30donglongchaokos_tom: I understand now .Thank you very much.:-D
09:26.51*** join/#uclibc loswillios (~jan@unaffiliated/loswillios)
10:03.34*** join/#uclibc DeadlyAvenger (
10:15.58*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
10:34.51*** join/#uclibc dileks (
10:53.47*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
11:06.06*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
12:00.39*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
12:06.27*** join/#uclibc Artemys (~quassel@
12:24.28*** join/#uclibc dougmencken_ (~quassel@
12:50.39*** join/#uclibc y_morin_ (c1317c6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:06.06*** join/#uclibc acoul (
13:18.06*** join/#uclibc jero (
13:25.05kos_tomjero, hello.
14:08.56*** join/#uclibc ente (
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14:18.45*** join/#uclibc acoul (
14:24.31*** join/#uclibc fabled (~fabled@
14:34.08jeroare there commercial products using buildroot ?
14:35.30*** join/#uclibc dougmencken (~quassel@
14:36.38y_morinjero: yes. I can't name, but there are.
14:37.14y_morinjero: at least internally. Maybe not visible from the end-user perspective.
14:37.47jeroi guess
14:40.49*** join/#uclibc dougmencken_ (~quassel@
14:41.13kos_tomjero, I am also using Buildroot for several customers.
14:41.30kos_tomjero, and I know several of my customers are using Buildroot, even if I'm not helping them with that.
14:41.33*** join/#uclibc dileks (
14:47.01*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
15:05.00jerohmm, fresh build and most executables fail complaining __ctype_b missing from the libc
15:05.10jeroi forgot something somewhere :)
15:07.19jow_laptopthat usually indicates an uclibc version mismatch
15:07.41jow_laptope.g. binaries built for uclibc 0.9.28 running on an uclibc 0.9.30 system
15:08.57jeroso maybe I changed the version in the config in the meantime
15:09.27jerothanks jow_laptop
15:14.01*** join/#uclibc eFfeM_work (
15:14.47*** join/#uclibc wberrier (
15:15.05*** join/#uclibc risca (
15:41.19*** join/#uclibc acoul (
15:46.12*** join/#uclibc trem (
16:03.10*** join/#uclibc dileks (
16:07.50*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
16:14.30*** join/#uclibc linuxjacques (6217fec1@nslu2-linux/jacques)
16:33.17*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
17:05.38*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
17:06.00jerobuildroot is so great guys
17:09.39*** join/#uclibc linuxjacques (6217fec1@nslu2-linux/jacques)
17:53.50khemjero: you might have to enable XLOCALE
17:53.52khemin uclibc
18:15.18splnet_workWith buildroot, how do I install the build environment on the target? gcc, make, etc?
18:18.47*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (~thomas@2a01:e35:2f7b:7480:6aa3:c4ff:fe95:c756)
18:19.20khemsplnet_work: you have to make the target version of those
18:19.22khemthey are there
18:21.16splnet_workkhem: oh ok. to be clear I want to put them in output/images/rootfs.ext2
18:22.06splnet_workor include them I should say
18:27.28khemwell make menufonfig and add them
18:28.02splnet_workdo you recall what option?
18:30.23splnet_work"development files in target filesystem" ?
19:15.37Jacmety_morin|away: heh
20:29.45CIA-7903zonque 07master * r50b62197858f 10buildroot/package/libgcrypt/ libgcrypt: bump version to 1.5.0
20:29.46CIA-7903zonque 07master * r9c6106f10494 10buildroot/package/ ( gnutls/ gnutls/ package: add gnutls
20:45.59y_morinJacmet: hey da!
20:50.24CIA-7903holt 07master * rf1ebbb3df9d6 10buildroot/package/ (3 files in 2 dirs): package: add libargtable2
21:15.54CIA-7903a 07master * r177b4b4ac036 10buildroot/ ( Makefile package/ Add BR2_XZCAT for LZMA compression type
21:16.39kos_tomJacmet, hey, great all these merges. You're catching up the backlog!
21:17.18y_morinkos_tom: hush! Don't disturb him! ;-)
21:18.26Jacmetkos_tom: yes, slowly - But I'll get there
21:18.34Jacmety_morin: ;)
21:20.03Jacmety_morin: did you have a patch ready for 'make source' with ctng?
21:20.39y_morinJacmet: nope, not yet. The submitter is not responding, so I'll have to handle it. On the tablets for tonight...
21:20.49Jacmety_morin: ok, thanks
21:31.30*** join/#uclibc dileks (
21:35.10Jacmetstill have 1400 unread BR mails ..
21:36.01y_morinpities Jacmet...
21:36.27kos_tomJacmet, presumably a large portion of them doesn't need any action from you.
21:36.58Jacmetkos_tom: hopefully not, but I like to skim over all BR mails
21:37.37Jacmety_morin: that's nothing, until last week I had more than 25K unread in my u-boot folder ;)
21:38.28y_morinJacmet: how long have you been away? Did you somehow severed your landline, and it just got repaired? :-]
21:39.29Jacmety_morin: well, no - I'm just on way too many lists
21:39.41Jacmety_morin: and u-boot got quite low priority
21:39.55JacmetI should probably just unsubscribe
21:40.18y_morinJacmet: I was in a similar situation some years back, and I made a choice: no more LKML. And all went pretty better since I made that choice! :-)
21:40.28Jacmety_morin: ;)
21:42.51Jacmety_morin: I'm not even on lkml at the moment and I stil have 45570 unread in total
21:42.53y_morinJacmet, kos_tom: nice pointer to gcc internals (also in 1st comment):
21:43.19y_morinJacmet: forget that pointer, you'cve got too many mails! :-)
21:43.24Jacmety_morin: the python thing? yes, looked nice
21:44.19Jacmety_morin: yes I know - Somebody asked me the other day if I wanted an invite for the cool new google+
21:44.34Jacmetthe last thing I need it something else to waste time on
21:44.43y_morinJacmet: Hmm.. google+... No way...
21:45.39CIA-7903gustavo 07master * r466cb4531d93 10buildroot/package/bridge-utils/ ( bridge-utils: bump to version 1.5
21:45.39CIA-7903PHIL.EDWORTHY 07master * r951574555c6b 10buildroot/toolchain/toolchain-external/ ( sh: Add SH2A CodeSourcery external toolchain
21:57.49y_morinJacmet: I'm testing buildroot with the crosstool-NG download patch, now. When the next release of crosstool-NG is out, the patch will no longer be needed.
22:15.01jerowhat's the advantage of crosstool-ng over buildroot's integrated toolchain setup
22:15.27y_morinjero: buildroot does only uClibc. crostool-Ng does uClibc, glibc and eglibc.
22:15.32jerooh, okay
22:15.50y_morinSo buildroot can use it as a backend to get more types of toolchain.
22:16.21y_morinOTOH crosstool-NG is a separate project, so it also target mingw32, bare-metal with newlib, and other thigs as well...
22:23.34jerothanks y_morin
22:24.30dileksjero: he is author of crosstool-ng
22:24.37jeroyeah I know :)
22:25.06jeroand you are the author of uclibc, dileks ?
22:26.10dileksme? no. AFAICS I reported one issue (yet)
22:32.10dileksOK, I am not an expert... but also not a noob
22:32.21dilekstoolchain expert*
22:34.26dileksthats the target-toolchain are where I contributed some stuff
22:34.50dileksthis one was fun...

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