IRC log for #uclibc on 20110619

02:38.12*** join/#uclibc cokebottles (~doug@
05:30.42*** join/#uclibc acoul (
07:48.05*** join/#uclibc jiejie (
07:51.08*** join/#uclibc PasNox (~pasnox@2a01:e35:8a99:6cd0:6ef0:49ff:fe58:2614)
07:59.34*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
08:01.10*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
08:02.54*** join/#uclibc Artemys_ (
08:09.04*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
08:25.56*** join/#uclibc dileX (~sd@2001:4dd0:f889:0:219:d2ff:fe62:e4bb)
08:44.11*** join/#uclibc trem (
09:04.56*** join/#uclibc smartin (52e20d9c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:26.30*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
09:59.12*** join/#uclibc acoul1 (
10:28.23*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
10:59.48*** join/#uclibc risca (
11:49.38*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
12:44.40*** join/#uclibc AnywhereIs (
13:11.27*** join/#uclibc bkuhn` (~bkuhn@
13:13.35*** join/#uclibc bkuhnIdle (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
14:27.53*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (
14:27.53*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
15:29.49*** join/#uclibc dougmencken (~quassel@
16:02.23*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
16:35.38*** join/#uclibc dougmencken (~quassel@
16:51.08*** join/#uclibc dileX (~sd@2001:4dd0:f889:0:219:d2ff:fe62:e4bb)
16:54.15*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
17:01.59*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
17:11.58*** join/#uclibc julm (
17:13.44*** join/#uclibc PasNox (~pasnox@2a01:e35:8a99:6cd0:6ef0:49ff:fe58:2614)
17:19.00*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (
17:19.00*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
18:05.21*** join/#uclibc olistudent (
18:40.21dougmenckenI just wonder, how much memory *must* I have to bootstrap gcc
18:40.36dougmenckenlooks like 4 GiB is not enough for 4.7 :(
18:41.04dougmenckenit's with 16 GiB swap
18:43.02dougmencken[1318424.727218] Out of memory: Kill process 14012 (genautomata) score 371 or sacrifice child
18:43.03dougmencken[1318424.727237] Killed process 14012 (genautomata) total-vm:302224kB, anon-rss:300840kB, file-rss:88kB
18:44.11jpdthat sounds a bit obscene. but maybe not unusual for the gn00 crowd. I wouldn't know.
18:44.28jpdsure you're not running other stuff besides?
18:45.21dougmenckenjpd: well... irc client, browser, player
18:45.46dougmenckenjpd: but 4.6 did well!
18:46.16dougmenckenlooks like "gn00 crowd" buyed 10000 TiB RAM machines
18:47.16dougmenckenit goes down on "Swap:      4194300      87856    4106444"
19:26.14*** join/#uclibc wagle (
20:47.25tremnite all, sweet dreams
21:17.40*** join/#uclibc caubios (
23:38.33*** join/#uclibc Umeaboy (

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