IRC log for #uclibc on 20110401

00:38.34*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
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06:50.37*** join/#uclibc ZSystem (~1@
07:03.04*** join/#uclibc jcEcaSinters (
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07:37.03*** join/#uclibc y_morin (c1317c6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:27.42*** join/#uclibc fabled (~fabled@
11:47.42*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (
12:28.52*** join/#uclibc GoGi (
12:30.13GoGiif the distributor of some hardware device also offers a custom buildroot-git-tree what does that mean?
12:30.47GoGiwill the distributor probably sync his git tree with new versions of buildroot?
12:31.59dj-deathGoGi: the distributor does what he wants
12:33.34GoGihow can I find out what he does?
12:35.43dj-deathGoGi: ask him
12:56.25CIA-5803mort 07master * re2ed6c8e77fb 10buildroot/linux/ ( linux: Add support to specify special Kernel Image make target
12:57.54*** join/#uclibc KaiForce (
13:01.39kos_tomdj-death: yeah!
13:01.43kos_tomdj-death: how are you?
13:03.11dj-deathkos_tom: good
13:03.14dj-deathkos_tom: and you
13:03.18kos_tomfine, thanks!
13:03.35kos_tomunfortunately, I haven't had as much time as I wanted for Buildroot the last few weeks :(
13:03.57dj-deathso did I... the last few months...
13:05.19y_morindj-death, kos_tom: so much things to do, so little time to do them...
13:06.37dj-deathelc seems surrounded by the yoctoproject in the build system field
13:10.02y_morindj-death: will you be attending?
13:12.20kos_tomdj-death: ELC is now organized by the Linux Foundation, largely sponsored and influenced by Intel.
13:13.09kos_tombut yes, there are *only* talks about Yocto in the build system field, except maybe one on OpenEmbedded.
13:13.40y_morinAnd even the OE talk is mostly about toolchains.
13:14.15y_morins/And even/But/
13:17.59kos_tomy_morin: we don't know what was the set of proposed talks, so it's hard to incriminate the program committee.
13:18.59y_morinkos_tom: I am not incriminating at all. From Khem's talk description, it seems it is not for building a-la buildroot, but for building toolchains (and SDKs).
13:21.44kos_tomy_morin: no, no, I wasn't saying that you were incriminating.
13:21.59kos_tombut I still find strange that there are no talks about Buildroot, OpenBricks, Barebox, etc.
13:22.51y_morinkos_tom: so do I. It seems to me that for these kind of projects, the maintainer or the main copntributors do the talks.
13:23.43y_morinI too would like to see talks by the actual users and/or ocasional contributors, to explain what they find attractive in those projects, why they use it, contribute, and so on...
13:24.01kos_tomthey aren't that many end users at ELC(E)
13:26.07y_morinkos_tom: I would not really agree with that. Take OE for example: I believe there are plenty of professionals that do use OE. But still, it's the core team of OE that do the talks. Maybe those professionals could try to explain what they find interesting, and try to foster a professional community around OE. And that applies to a lot of other projects as well...
13:26.15y_morinOr so I believe... :-)
13:28.09kos_tomy_morin: re-read what I said: I haven't said that they aren't users to OE and Buildroot, but that those users are not coming to ELC(E).
13:28.35kos_tomy_morin: I have plenty of customers using various build systems, and I have never seen any of the engineers that work in those customer companies at any conference.
13:29.10y_morinkos_tom: OK. But i meant: those professionals _should_ go to such conferences. ;-)
13:29.51y_morinkos_tom: from your observation that not many user did go to conferences, I answered that they should go. But I agree wiuth you: not many of them do currently attend.
13:30.19y_morinMaybe my wording was not adequate. Sorry for the confusion...
13:35.15kos_tomy_morin: yes, they should. But it's far away, expensive, and not that many managers understand the benefits of going to conferences.
13:36.25y_morinkos_tom: I know. My manager is one of those... :-(
13:42.12kos_tomhey, grea!
13:46.06y_morinStill, the downloads are slower than form my own server!?!... :-/
13:47.31kos_tomouch, that's bad news :(
13:49.06y_morinTwice slower...
14:13.26*** join/#uclibc ente_ (
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14:21.40*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
14:24.40kos_tomy_morin: still around ?
14:24.47kos_tomy_morin: is there an equivalent to "git archive" in mercurial ?
14:25.02kos_tomwell, yes
14:25.05kos_tomI should have checked the doc.
14:26.29landleyy_morin: I'm not going to CELF this year, due to the Linux Foundation taking it over.  Just a data point.
14:26.51landleykos_tom: hg archive I think.
14:26.56y_morinkos_tom: :-)
14:27.18y_morinlandley: neither am I, due to the cost of travel! ;-)
14:27.27*** join/#uclibc fabled (~fabled@
14:27.43landleyNote that older versions of mercurial had a bug where they got the tar size field of symlinks wrong, so tar gives warnings when you test the archive.  (It extracts fine, it's just noisy.)
14:27.52landleyGot fixed a couple years back but not all servers have upgraded.
14:27.55*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
14:28.02landleyy_morin: I could afford to go, I just don't see the point.
14:28.31y_morinlandley: I expect hg archive is mostly used locally, not on servers. Then the archive is uploaded.
14:28.32landleyThe Linux Foundation exists to provide the the Fortune 500 with a single point of contact for the Linux community, the same way AOL existed to provide a single point of contact for the internet.
14:28.47y_morinlandley: US to US is not as expensive as EU to US...
14:29.26landleyy_morin: I'm in Russia for work this week. :)
14:29.54landleyPlane home tomorrow.  12 hours of flying plus 11 timezone changes and some time for layovers, and that's my weekend...
14:30.23landleyy_morin: the hg server uses hg archive internally.
14:30.39y_morinlandley: Oh...
14:30.47landleyAt the top of the "bz2", "zip", and "gz" links.  Creates archives on the fly from whatever version you're currently looking at, and streams 'em to you.
14:31.06y_morinlandley: right: and I have that as well.
14:31.20*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
14:33.44landleyIt's the same plumbing as hg archive.
14:39.12y_morinlandley: I know, I just forgot about it. For info, I am changing this archive plunbing to be able to spit a tarball of the entire repository (changets, manifest....) for repository backup purposes.
14:39.48y_morinBut it's not functional yet. And a bit overkill, there are easier approaches.
14:53.20*** join/#uclibc WildPikachu (~nkukard@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
14:57.22landleyy_morin: isn't that what hg export is for?
14:59.12landleyThere's various bulk exporty-things that I haven't messed with, but the wiki should talk about 'em...
14:59.48y_morinlandley: nope. Whatever you use in Hg, it won't export you the untracked files: .hg/hgrc, hooks... So you are stuck in case you need to backup and restore your repositories.
15:00.05y_morinlandley: the suggestion on the WiKi is 'cp -a'
15:00.22landleyI generally just tar up the .hg directory...
15:01.19y_morinlandley: in the tar or cp case, if there is an operation in progress (such as someone pushing), you're stuck with a somewhat unclean repository.
15:02.05y_morinlandley: on #mercurial, they suggested that: .hg/hgrc and .hg/hooks be symlinks to files in another repository.
15:55.24*** join/#uclibc landley (~landley@
16:29.42*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
16:36.51y_morinkos_tom: I just tried from another host, and the downloads are much faster!
16:37.07y_morinOh, sigh. He's no longer here...
16:43.02*** join/#uclibc landley (~landley@
16:43.28y_morinlandley: sorry for quitting that fast earlier, I really had to go.
16:43.47landleyy_morin: I'm about to fall over and pass out myself.
16:44.02landleyPlane back to the states at noon tomorrow, gotta get up at 8.
16:44.02y_morinlandley: at least, I am at home! ;-]
16:44.13landleySunday, I should be back at home.
16:44.55landleyAnd considering I spend 11 hours heading west time-zone wise, that's a longer time from now than it seems.
16:45.02landley11 timezones west.
16:45.12landleyI fly right over europe this time.  Moscow to atlanta.
16:45.14landleyBig plane.
16:45.25y_morinlandley: This way is the worse. The other way is pretty OK.
16:49.23gustavozy_morin: it's more fun for me when i change to the northern world and the weather is upside-down :)
16:50.54y_moringustavoz: northern hemisphere from April to September, southern hemisphere from October to March?
16:53.11gustavozy_morin: hehe i wish
16:53.23gustavozthough i'm more of the cold-weather type
16:54.13y_moringustavoz: Yes, I see. And I wish I could do that myself: northern from Oct->Mar, southern from Apr->Sep.
16:54.44y_morinSo, skying 365 days a year! :-)
16:54.46gustavozy_morin: the weather is still behaving summer-ish here, ~ 27C now
16:55.33y_moringustavoz: so, I'd have to go further south than that, I guess!
16:56.01gustavozy_morin: well the highest altitude here is like 100m, a bit complicated for skiing :P
16:56.21y_moringustavoz: :-)
16:56.35gustavozy_morin: san martin de los andes in the south is pretty good
17:23.58*** join/#uclibc WildPikachu (~nkukard@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
18:00.48*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
19:12.11*** join/#uclibc PasNox (~pasnox@2a01:e35:8a99:6cd0:6ef0:49ff:fe58:2614)
19:23.44*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
19:32.08gustavozJacmet: hi, go for the fix for bug #3445, we got no feedback on that and from the build results it seems appropiate
19:32.42gustavozJacmet: and don't forget about previous patches (uclibc-0.9.31 extras for udev, procps conversion, maybe util-linux?)
19:34.06Jacmetgustavoz: ok, and I won't. I've been on holiday and busy at work, so I have quite a backlog though
19:34.22gustavozJacmet: i've been quite busy too, just relaxing a bit now doing some BR things :)
19:35.37gustavozif you happen to hit the previous util-linux break condition just mail me the relevant config
19:42.39Jacmetgustavoz: I will
19:56.41CIA-5803gustavo 07master * r887d210986da 10buildroot/package/multimedia/mpd/ ( mpd: bump to version 0.16.2 and bugfix
19:56.42CIA-5803gustavo 07master * r47736c88c3dc 10buildroot/ (CHANGES package/openssl/ openssl: fix compilation for i386
19:56.44CIA-5803gustavo 07master * r6bbd5367a59b 10buildroot/package/quagga/ (4 files): quagga: security bump to version 0.99.18
20:03.20*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
20:05.52CIA-5803jacmet 07master * r94ed034cf2f6 10buildroot/package/copas/ copas: select lua shared library support
21:08.33CIA-5803marek.belisko 07master * r99df35d9a524 10buildroot/package/lighttpd/ ( buildroot: Add webdav support to lighttpd.
21:08.37CIA-5803jacmet 07master * r252d9a20a16c 10buildroot/package/lighttpd/ lighttpd: cleanup sub options
22:01.09*** join/#uclibc antgreen (~user@nat/redhat/x-nfqlqigihsegmdmm)
22:07.23*** join/#uclibc trem (
22:12.39*** join/#uclibc luneff (~yury@
22:47.54*** join/#uclibc y_morin (

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