IRC log for #uclibc on 20110312

00:13.30curiouslinc-protocols.c:(.text+0xfaa): undefined reference to `in6addr_any' offtopic from uclibc
00:13.41dougmenckenwho to blame today?
00:13.47curiousgnome-base/orbit fails to live without ipv6 ;p
00:14.09dougmenckencurious: almost a week ago I told you about some config params....
00:14.36curiouswell, it should be able to live without, like glib
00:14.46curiousthus it's offtopic from uclibc ;)
00:14.54curiousthough still some problem on the way for users
00:14.58dougmenckencurious: what the hell are you building now?
00:15.20curioussimple gtk app, tangogps
00:16.26curiouswell, don't worry i'll not even work around this ;0
00:16.40dougmencken[13:43:22] <dougmencken> and possibly UCLIBC_HAS_NETWORK_SUPPORT=y, UCLIBC_HAS_SOCKET=y, UCLIBC_HAS_IPV4=y, UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6=y, UCLIBC_HAS_RPC=y, UCLIBC_HAS_FULL_RPC=y
00:16.51curiousno, i don't want ipv6 at all
00:17.15curiousit's just gnome's ppl hell , don't worry ;)
00:17.23dougmenckencurious: with your connection ;) but the support, you need it
00:17.34curiousi do not
00:18.04curiousit's used by orbit, which is used by gconf, and all gconf is used is to config few options compile time for tangogps ;p
00:18.08dougmenckentango? gps? heh
00:18.15curiousruntime it'll not even need it
00:18.57curiousglib has similiar bug, and there is patch avail to allow building it without ipv6
00:19.17curiouseven cared to bugreport about it to gentoo as it's quite hard to find hack
00:19.22dougmenckenoh okay
00:28.17curioushehe, patch exists!
00:28.39curioussome cool ppl write them, other cool ppl forget to merge them ;)
00:28.46dougmenckencurious: "the community" thing works only if there're a lot of guys with similar problem(s)
00:29.13curiousyeah, thus i care to point out the issues
00:30.12dougmenckencurious: sh@#, nobody even tries to say thatmy thesis is wrong :)
00:30.36dougmenckeneven #fsf guys
00:30.54jpdyou're wrong. I wouldn't know why, but you're wrong.
00:31.06curiousye, ochlocracy is bad side effect of such community model
00:31.10dougmenckenjpd: who is ballmer
00:31.21jpdsome guy with a chair throwing disorder
00:31.38dougmenckenjpd: heh
00:33.03dougmenckenbut... on #rhel I got ~10 answers per a minute :)
00:33.06curious lol
00:33.20dougmenckenHyperV thing?
00:34.22curiousdid he actually coded anything ?
00:34.33jpdhe's a marketeer
00:34.59curiouswell, at least he can afford psychiatrist
00:35.08jpdthen again billg wasn't a visionary coder either. the things they say now are oh-so-great were normal back then.
00:35.33curiousye, i quite know how u can sell crap to peasants
00:35.49jpdand of course dos 1.0 was just bought from another guy who took the cp/m syscall list and implemented them... badly.
00:36.04jpdthat bunch just has Way Too Much Money now and people with that much almost inevitably lose touch with reality
00:36.27curiouslike meth , magnetic stimulation bracelets and other stuff, all this goess multi-million-dollar once u find ppl naive enough to buy it
00:36.32jpdor it just starts to look way different. warping and stuff.
00:36.39dougmenckenogg123 siege_of_laurelmor.ogg
00:37.06curiousi've liked cp/m btw.
00:37.10dougmenckenthat focus thing is great
00:37.24dougmenckenand gpm :)
00:38.37dougmenckenmy distro's wiki now updated with that thesis:
00:39.26jpdhow hard is it to disable colordir on busybox btw?
00:39.58dougmenckenjpd: just one option
00:40.33dougmencken(at the build time :)
00:41.49jpd"Are you agree?" isn't exactly grammatical
00:42.22dougmenckenjpd: fixes are welcome; my native lang is not english
00:42.37dougmenckendo you agree?
00:43.29jpdneither is it mine. tip: start with foregoing undue abbreviations. no u, write you. no lang, write language. if you need to look it up, look it up.
00:44.25jpd"do you agree?" is correct, but "would you agree?" perhaps better style
00:45.09dougmenckenwould is too slaverish
00:45.23dougmenckenit's like "perhaps"
00:46.01jpdyou need to learn about the english and understatement. :-)
00:46.32dougmencken2-- Do you agree?-- Good English << << okay, fixing
00:48.35jpdwouldn't contract in there're, are is best left alone for emphasis. and I wouldn't put () around that last s.
00:49.42dougmenckenjpd: what? also, to discuss manulix, there's #manulix ;)
00:50.46dougmenckennot wikipedia, you know why
00:51.18dougmenckenor "j" stands for "jimmy"? ;)
00:51.20*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
00:52.14ente <-- XCB logo
00:52.33dougmenckenente: wgetting
00:52.46ente <-- what?
00:53.19dougmenckenfreaking gpm! hang a minute
00:54.25dougmenckenphew 2011-03-12 01:54:14 (42.4 KB/s) - “neko.svg” saved [30841/30841]
00:54.49dougmenckenente: cool kitty
00:54.57jpdblagh xcb
00:55.15dougmenckenente: what is xcb anyway?
00:55.35jpdan excuse to cause all of X to suddenly sprout python and dbus dependencies
00:55.44dougmenckenvery abnormal pawns, but okay
00:56.08jpdnext to perl, imake, m4, and a lot of other annoying little things that really shouldn't be sucked in like that.
00:56.43xMffheh "little" things
00:57.47enteit depends on dbus?
00:58.00entewell, given that it's from freedesktop that's not really surprising
00:58.06entewhat's with all the iksemel these days?
00:58.23enteyou'd think there's no other way to store data
00:58.23jpdif not now, it will in the near future. or maybe that was just one of the more "modern" Xorg video drivers, I forgot.
00:58.40ente/etc/ is an XML file
00:58.47entesystemd (fedoras init) uses dbus
00:58.58xMffwasn't dbus obsolete already again?
00:59.04enteno, that was HAL
00:59.04xMffah no that was hal
00:59.04jpdiksemel is like violence: if it doesn't work, you're not using enough of it. (yes, stolen quote, don't credit me kthx)
00:59.46jpds/work/help/ but wth
01:00.03entethat doesn't matter
01:00.17enteif it doesn't work, you need to add more XSLT and abstraction layers
01:00.24jpdit's horror evening, isn't it?
01:01.04jpdwell, lemme say this then: "pulse audio" and "more latency is a GOOD thing"
01:01.34jpdand maybe that everlasting gem (paraphrased) "if pulse audio chokes on it, it's the sound driver's fault!"
01:02.07entewonders if jpd has seen the "desktop on the linux" talk from 27c3
01:02.26jpdxml is just wonderful in so many ways. it's actually a convergence of developer and manager buzzwords
01:02.52enteactually, it's conceptually abused s-expressions
01:03.01jpdI wasn't at 27c3 because of reasons best not discussed in polite company
01:03.03enteand computer illiterate people have caught on to them
01:03.14jpdthat is, the w3c
01:03.36entelike computer illiterate people are talking about "cloud computing" right now
01:08.45entejpd: well, anyway.. lennart poettering was there (the pulseaudio-systemd-guy)
01:09.27enteand it was a nice rant about all that stuff from the perspective of a sysadmin (because this mess is unbearable from the sysadmin perspective, missing documentation and so on)
01:09.28jpdhaven't done any multimedia coding this year, otherwise I'd feel tempted to punch him in the face
01:09.43enteand then poettering started to contrarant
01:09.50jpdlinux docs are generally very poor, and the deeper you get the worse it gets
01:10.07jpdreason why I use freebsd, though that by now could use a serious doc beefing-up too
01:10.14entecouldn't agree more
01:10.23enteBSD engineering works so much better than linux engineering
01:10.34jpdpoettering seems to be pretty good at pissing people off
01:11.01jpdhe certainly shouldn't go and show his face on a vlc or ffmpeg gathering
01:11.10jpds/vlc/videolan/ but who cares
01:11.14enteguess why
01:11.19ente <- hall of shame
01:11.53enteI just wish we had XFree86 back
01:11.53*** join/#uclibc tsukasa` (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
01:12.02ente(freedesktop are breaking X as well)
01:12.02jpdthat all his? ye ghods.
01:12.19jpdcan we please scourge the planet clean of all that crap
01:15.15jpdyeah well I'm still not clear on how that takeover went or how they managed to sideline themselves, but it was clear something was very wrong over there
01:15.15jpdof course, Xorg is its very own brand of badly, deeply, disturbingly wrong.
01:15.15jpdJust the frebsd package explosion for X11R7 comes to mind
01:17.08curiousjpd, btw. old XFree still compiles
01:17.10jpdthough as to documentation, the X people too have a long history of believing that just running the code through doxygen resulting in five different formats documents with just the headers enumerated counts as "documentation"
01:17.15curiousjust few small hacks required
01:17.38curiouswhich is actually damn awesome, given how old it is , and how different gcc , binutils, etc. became
01:18.06curiousi've compiled vnc 3.3.6 based on XFree on uclibc some time ago aswell :)
01:18.58curiouscompared to Xorg, which 'bitrots' after just few months due to 'changes in kernel, gcc, etc etc) it's quite cool
01:19.12jpdsometimes I'm tempted to start an X12 or something, learning from everywhere how do to a leaner, meaner X and a compatability glue for X11
01:19.34curiousand i wonder why ppl use pulseaudio when there is jackd
01:20.02jpdXorg is a wee bit too toolchain feature abuse happy, yes
01:20.21jpdof course since they no longer use imake they'll probably see that as an upgrade anyway
01:20.25CIA-5403vda.linux 07master * r8345b2bd5ea2 10busybox/libbb/progress.c: libbb: make warning go away
01:21.38enteI wonder why only people who are interested in embedded programming understand that resources are not infinite
01:21.48jpds/frebsd/freebsd/ blah typing ahead blind arglbargl
01:22.37curiousand u get 2x as ram each year just because windows requires it and market obeys it's laws.
01:22.55jpddevelopers have this gamer fetish to always run the fastest machines if maybe not quite overclock them to 11
01:23.03curiousit's scary how linux kernel grew in size over years
01:23.23curiousi still run ~500k images of 2.6.9 on few laptops
01:23.26entejpd: I thought about reviving XFree86
01:23.52jpdthere's so many things I want to do, that I get around to exactly none of them
01:23.54curiouswhile i see 2.6.38 compiles shamelessly into 5 mega bytes...
01:24.08entefloppies are obsolete :P
01:24.10curiousente, i'm all pro revival of XFree
01:24.21curiousit's ... 1)smaller
01:24.26jpd2.6 probably should've been stopped and moved over to 2.7 or 2.8 or something by now
01:24.34curiousi still use it on several machines btw.
01:24.49curiousthey have 8M of ram, so even if i wanted i couldn't upgrade to Xorg ;p
01:24.54jpdhow about some modern drivers in there?
01:25.22curiousyeah, XFree would need just some nice updates, few bugfixes, voila
01:25.24jpdXorg has gone a wee bit nuts over acceleration architectures. They're on the third or fourth alternative with separate acronym now?
01:25.45entemaybe if you glue enough?
01:25.50curiousand they 'accelerate' just amount of bloat really
01:25.54jpdof course, it's also fairly clear that for mainstream you have to have something that can make use of all that lovely hardware
01:25.54entewell, there was another X release under the lead of freedesktop
01:26.08enteXFree86 is X11R6, Xorg X11R7
01:26.20curiousi.e. the base of the drawing routines of X remain crap
01:26.21enteI guess it wouldn't be all trivial to revive it
01:26.29jpdX11R6.4 was the split I thought?
01:26.30entebut the freedesktop guys are going in the wrong direction
01:26.41curiouswhich is best seen on vesa drivers... each release actually makes 'unaccelerated' routines slower
01:26.45jpdor maybe I'm misremembering
01:26.48enteand the opensource reaction is to fork
01:27.08jpdX11R6.9 and R7 are basically the same except for deeply fscked up build changes in the latter
01:27.20enteyou mean the package splitting?
01:27.29curiousi'm not so against package splitting, just hell
01:27.29jpdthat and moving away from imake
01:27.30ente100 tiny packages with autoconf and header files?
01:27.39curiouseither one focuses on it , and doing it right
01:27.51curiousor 'development' which means abi change each release
01:27.52jpddon't forget the "protocol" packages, whatever those may be
01:28.16curiouswell, some packages require just those 'proto' packages
01:28.21enteprotocol? proto means prototype I guess
01:28.24entewhich are headerfiles
01:28.32jpdthe xcb package doesn't depend on python, it depends on the xcb "proto" and _that_ one requires python. runtime. for some reason.
01:28.48jpdI mean wtf jose
01:29.09curioushmm, i think that was mentioned on xorg mailing list some time ago
01:29.16curiousi think python isn't explictly required
01:29.21curiousbut i can't recall
01:29.23enteah, that's the -dev
01:29.42entebut wait, they're all -dev, there are no non-header files in -proto
01:29.50ente(and pkg-config)
01:29.54curiousi think someone even mentioned work-around of using python
01:30.06curiouswell, either way, package split eases such stuff
01:30.21curiousi.e. one can just pick single package and fix whatever is broken
01:30.33curious(still not many ppl do it really ;)
01:30.59entemaybe if we make a serious attempt to fix XFree86
01:31.11curiousin very theory it allows easier parallel development of xorg components
01:31.18entebut I feel overwhelmed of all the stuff that needs to be fixed
01:31.36curiouswell, xorg code base is still 99% based on xfree
01:31.36enteI always say "you can't unfuck what 1000 other people are working hard on fucking up"
01:31.48enteyeah, it might work with XFree
01:31.50curiousthere were no major changes, except mpx, and xrandr
01:31.57curiousbut many ppl hate xrandr already
01:32.12curiousi.e. it's another change _forced_ on users
01:32.24jpdthe package split is far less useful than it seems
01:32.32entebut there are other problems. like the www.
01:32.40entea huge chunk of XML and javascript
01:32.56jpdand the proto thing is thus basically having all your non-dev packages depend on their -dev packages instead of the other way around
01:33.01curiouswell, afaik xorg 'development' is mainly bogus
01:33.07jpdthat pretty much defeats the purpose for packaging
01:33.13entea giant GUI toolkit, not a way to convey information -.-
01:33.20curiousmain changes from 3.3.6 which allowed dri were made when there was change to 4.0
01:33.21jpdthough it's the "intuitive" way if you're looking at it as a developer
01:33.26curiousand that's about it
01:34.02entedidn't they come up with Xorg because XFree wanted to change the license?
01:34.13curiousthen some driver updates, glyphs rendering mess, and oh well. xrandr
01:34.44curiousno idea about that, but commits changing license of various bits of code occur quite often
01:34.48jpdthe thing with splitting packages is that I now have a sackload of different packages for each of the base libraries that all get sucked in anyway because everything depends on them and each has a sackload of dependencies too (python, perl, m4, iconv, expat, ...)
01:35.28jpdand I now miss all the little tools that I expect in that same "base" sackload but that nothing depends upon (xev, xmodmap, xkill, ...)
01:35.37curiousjpd, but that (in theory) should be gradually fixed
01:36.02curiousalso, xorg has no 'meta' ebuilds yet
01:36.12jpdand since as a user (not a developer) you really don't upgrade a single base lib but all of them anyway, you might as well stuff'em in a single package
01:36.37curiouswell, except xorg-server, but it's not really meta
01:36.49curiouswell, i can admit Xorg ebuilds are quite poor aswell
01:36.49jpdnot so the various drivers, but the base shared libraries could all be a single package preferrably with _no_ dependencies
01:37.25curiousjpd, well, not really. as 'upgrades' often break more than they're fixing
01:37.25entejpd: xeyes? :P
01:37.37curiousjpd, many users choose to upgrade just what is absolutely nessesary
01:37.52entenot users of linux distributions
01:37.53jpdthing is, the whole thing is so developer centric it's a shame to let that loose on an unsuspecting public and the cynical-already sysadmins
01:38.14curiouswell, users of linux distributions are doomed from problems those distro imply
01:38.26curiousso it's quite their problem
01:38.46jpder, no, you need a matching set of basic libraries, for an upgrade in a lesser-used shared lib would cascade through to libX11 anyway, thus breaking everything anyway. or not, as the case may be.
01:39.06jpdyou'd better handle those with a concurrent installs package management feature
01:39.12curiouswell, if u r using binary distro.. hell yes
01:39.24curiousbut then, why source-based distros got invented?
01:39.46curiousand xorg devels advise - do NOT upgrade xorg if it works on your hw ;p
01:39.55curiousmost distros do not even ship old xorg builds
01:40.06enteseems the last changes to the XFree86 CVS were 2 years ago
01:40.07jpdwhat do you say is a "source-based distro"?
01:40.19curiousbuildroot ? :)
01:40.34curiousor various gentoo clones
01:40.39ente <- people updating release notes
01:40.49jpddouble blah. people ran away from that, screaming.
01:41.17curiouswell, then they ran back into hell ;)
01:41.34curiousreminds of ppl who came out of dungeon and couldn't stand light ;)
01:41.49enteI never used gentoo
01:42.04jpdthere's a reason freebsd has its ports infrastructure and there's also a reason why it distributes ready-made packages (built using that very same infrastructure) too
01:42.11enteI think crux and slackware are the two distribution closest to sanity
01:42.25ente(if sanity is possible on linux)
01:42.27jpdnone of that is particularly designed to pander to the whims of the Xorg bunch
01:42.28curiouswell, xorg has crappy ebuilds for gentoo though, and contradicting their philosophy
01:42.37curiousi.e. aswell, no support for old versions
01:42.58curiousi.e. there is not even XFree ebuild, even though it could build fine on most systems
01:43.07jpdand the thing is, the Xorg bunch are badly failing at this "but it has to work and be maintained in production too" thing
01:44.18curiouswell, if any of 'source' or 'binary' philosophies was 100% right, surely other one would die quickly
01:44.35entelooks like debian also got rid of XFree86 ages ago
01:44.43curiousin case of polymorphic packages like Xorg gentoo does suprisingly well
01:44.55entewell, the point is that Xorg *does* work on linux
01:45.12curiousbut yes, most distro vendors treat Xorg just like another package
01:45.22enteit's just the support for *other* platforms that's getting worse
01:45.28curiousfrom which u can expect that new version is new version, not dead-end-regression
01:46.00curiousXorg is quite an experiment though than anything suited for production use
01:46.19enteit feels quite experimental indeed :P
01:46.20jpdX is the only thing on linux, so it _has_ to work, this way or that. so it _will_ be made to work, after a fashion.
01:46.36curiousand then, most distro vendors just wishfull-thinking assume xorg is so 'big' it will just 'develop'
01:46.49curiousbasing on just amount of active devels
01:46.54curiousxorg may just die in next year
01:46.55entejpd: yes, and linux is the only thing that ever needs to work. Talk about linux and portability....
01:47.15curiousi.e. when ppl will turn to stuff like wayland
01:47.18entecurious: it probably will, because all the kiddie distros are shifting away to wayland now
01:47.50entethe new freedesktop thing that's not network transparent anymore
01:48.06entethey do things via mmap to get faster desktop effects
01:48.09curiousand i guess if just one hw gfx vendor will release good enough docummented video card with 3d ability, _whatever_ will support it will just take over whole market, as most toolkits can port easily to whatever works
01:48.12entebecause that's all that ever matters
01:48.40curiouseven if it'll be directfb and directgl ;p
01:48.45jpdboo hiss
01:49.24jpdI don't mind mmap to speed up things and such, but at least shuffle it under the carpet such that networking would still work
01:49.34jpdor better yet, provide for graceful degradation
01:49.47enteyeah, same here
01:49.58curiouswell, u can write client handling network clients
01:50.11jpdthere's very little that actually _needs_ desktop effects, so it's no shame to turn it off where you can't really afford to keep it on
01:50.24curiousxorg looses big time because there is no sensible hardware implementation anymore
01:50.31entebut network-forwarding is one of the nicest features of X (even though most programs make bad use of it, and X isn't network-optimised at all)
01:50.43curiousthere is no single video card vendor which would implement xorg in GPU
01:50.50entejpd: no, you're wront
01:50.57enteeverything needs desktop effects
01:51.10enteif your windows don't wobble if you move them, you're doing it wrong
01:51.12jpdmore reason to look at an X12 and see how the nomx peeps did it and learn from that and such
01:51.22enteit's the ubunturds taking over the opensource landscape
01:51.26jpdoh yes I am so wrong, how could I forget?
01:52.05curiousand then, xorg can't be really yet implemented even in some devel FPGA board just because of all it's bloat
01:52.08enteyeah, you're a minority and hence wrong and irrelevant. desktop effects rule. we need wayland!
01:52.29jpdand damn all the good engineering to hell anyway
01:52.36curiousnot to mention noone really looks forward into it
01:53.10entejpd: nomx?
01:53.23jpdwossname nomachine x or something
01:53.28curiouswell, the 'good' engineering was just thrashed out from mit as 'obsolete' project ;) so well
01:53.33curiousperhaps for reason
01:53.35jpdlow-bandwidth remote X
01:53.50jpdthere's one or two other approaches that do something similar
01:53.52jpdyeah those
01:54.01ente <- there's this page, but it just keeps getting longer
01:54.33jpdalso too many details
01:54.38ente"Really a Window should only be an IPC name, with one or more associated pixmaps and etc."
01:54.47ente"and by IPC I mean DBus"
01:55.28enteah, fuck this
01:55.30entefuck computing
01:55.31entegood night
01:55.53enteI'm looking forward to see their redundancy stacks fail one after another
01:55.54jpdyeah fuck you too
01:55.54jpdand good night
01:55.57entebecause it will happen
01:56.54jpdok, so let's say X13. but I still think hashing out something that's more elegant, more effective, and less bloated would be intriguing
01:57.20jpdit'd involve a glock-like preparatory study though
01:58.54jpdor maybe call it Y-windows, though something by that name already exists (and got killed stone dead by some loudmouth debian developer)
01:59.04entegood night, this time for real :)
01:59.12jpdnite then
02:13.13CIA-5403vda.linux 07master * rea684c6aaf23 10busybox/ (coreutils/ls.c testsuite/ls.tests): ls: fix handling of symlinks by option -1
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04:45.40CIA-5403vda.linux 07master * r9ac5596a5154 10busybox/networking/udhcp/ (dhcpc.c dhcpc.h): udhcpc: emit "correct" secs field
05:09.40CIA-5403vda.linux 07master * r5c942713b736 10busybox/libbb/appletlib.c: busybox: fail if --install is not given an absolute path
06:38.21*** join/#uclibc nataraj (~nataraj@
06:38.58natarajtrying to patch u-boot in BR
06:39.22nataraji have a git diff generated patch file which fails
06:39.42natarajon "@@ -350,3 +358,25 @@" etc
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12:27.30momesanahi guys
12:28.08momesanaI am trying to set up a crossdev environment so I can compile apps for my media player which is based on the MIPS arch
12:30.02momesanathe environment I've setup using crossdev on Gentoo successfully compiles binaries from C using gcc. But when I compile a C++ program it fails to run on the target device with this error message:   can't resolve symbol '__cxa_atexit'
12:31.28momesanagcc was compiled with __cxa_atexit disabled as can be seen in the output of  mipsel-linux-uclibc-g++ -v | grep __cxa_atexit
12:32.02momesanaThe outputs says: ... Configured with: ... --disable-__cxa_atexit ...
12:33.01momesanaThe symbols is however there! The command mipsel-linux-uclibc-nm -anC test | grep __cxa_atexit  outputs: U __cxa_atexit
12:34.07momesanaI've pastebin-ed all compile logs of the involved tools here:
12:34.18momesanaany ideas?
12:35.27momesanabtw, I have posted some more information on the gentoo forums: Just in case you are interested to see what specific steps I've taken
12:43.28momesanaoops, the logs are truncated
12:58.00*** join/#uclibc PasNox (~pasnox@2a01:e35:8a99:6cd0:6ef0:49ff:fe58:2614)
12:58.02momesanaThe log file can be fetched here:
12:58.08momesanaIt's about 8,4 MB in size
12:58.31*** join/#uclibc risca (~risca@
12:58.53momesanaI see a lot of  "atexit" thingies in there :-s
13:57.21*** join/#uclibc genec (
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17:13.49CIA-5403gotrunks 07master * rcf8b55c40b65 10busybox/procps/pwdx.c: pwdx: new applet
17:57.22*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
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18:06.42*** join/#uclibc sobczyk (
20:17.14*** join/#uclibc likewise (
20:47.25sobczykhello, is there any info how to run matchbox? (along with kdrive settings)
21:28.27CIA-5403jacmet 07master * r05955603ce67 10buildroot/CHANGES: CHANGES: update with recent changes
21:28.29CIA-5403jacmet 07master * r7266ed46535c 10buildroot/package/ make <pkg>_SOURCE optional
21:28.31CIA-5403jacmet 07master * r3d0a56941254 10buildroot/package/makedevs/ makedevs: convert to GENTARGETS format
21:28.32CIA-5403jacmet 07master * r707dc469aa4f 10buildroot/ (CHANGES package/makedevs/makedevs.c): makedevs: don't call /bin/sync after creating nodes
21:30.52CIA-5403vda.linux 07master * rb2d9d94c21b2 10busybox-website/FAQ.html: FAQ: move "standalone shell" into troubleshooting section
21:33.51*** join/#uclibc likewise (
21:58.24*** join/#uclibc trem (
22:14.23*** join/#uclibc trem_ (
22:18.46*** join/#uclibc likewise (

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