IRC log for #uclibc on 20101023

00:02.50*** join/#uclibc rellig_107 (
00:22.36*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (
01:22.29*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (
02:07.37*** join/#uclibc wash (~wash@
02:13.59washIs there a busybox irc applet
02:18.00kos_toman irc client you mean ?
02:20.25washI need something absolutely minimal
02:22.33solarbusybox nc
02:22.46solarUSER 1 2 3 :4...
02:22.49solarNICK wash
02:22.59solarPRIVMSG #uclibc :it works
02:23.21solarnope. no minimal client.
02:23.37washircII, maybe?
02:23.46solarthat's depends on ncurses right?
02:24.16solaryou probably want something that does not. It would make for a crappy irc session. But would be minimal enough
02:24.27washThat's not a problem, I'd have to static link it anyways.
02:25.08solargo for it then
02:30.14washHow do I run the uclibc unit tests? Just make test?
02:39.04*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
02:59.16*** join/#uclibc Whoopie_ (Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie)
03:19.12*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
06:38.41*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
08:27.11*** join/#uclibc circut (
08:27.47circutmorning all, i have spent many an hour trying to compile davfs2 on an i686-uclibc system (gentoo)
08:28.08circutim currently getting a compiler error saying, "iconv.h" is not found
08:28.30circutafter some tracking it seems that iconv.h is part of glibc
08:29.57circutit looks like uclibc supports libiconv (saw it in the config), but i couldnt seem to find that iconv.h file
08:31.33circutcould anyone offer any pointers on this?
08:31.46circutsorry its late, and my brain is fried, ttyl till tomorrow
08:33.07*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
09:43.01*** join/#uclibc calculus (~calculus@gentoo/user/calculus)
09:47.12*** join/#uclibc trem (
10:32.45*** join/#uclibc emorris (
10:39.57*** join/#uclibc trem (
10:42.54emorrishi, I'm trying to build a buildroot system, but it seems to die whilst compiling the kernel. It looks like some strange script bug, but I'm not entirely sure what its trying to run. Any ideas?
11:09.53*** join/#uclibc mirko (
11:18.16*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (~thomas@
11:19.19kos_tomhello world
11:28.14*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
11:28.23dj-deathkos_tom: back at home ?
11:29.11kos_tomdj-death: not yet, waiting for a flight in Paris to get back to Toulouse
11:29.22kos_tombut yeah, back from Montreal at  least
11:29.31kos_tombut I'm leaving again on Monday for Cambridge
11:31.49dj-deathme too
11:32.48dj-deathkos_tom: what time do you expect to arrive at Cambridge ?
11:35.43kos_tomI'll be landing at 18:05 at gatwick
11:37.00kos_tomI think it takes ~2 hours to arrive to Cambridge
11:37.14kos_tomsince I'll be taking the train, unless someone with a car arrives roughly at the same time in gatwick.
11:38.30kos_tomdj-death: I've just sent a new pull request for Martin's libtool work, your libtool bump plus the glib/gtk bump.
11:38.45kos_tomdj-death: I've tested it with both the backend and DirectFB backends and it works.
11:55.00*** join/#uclibc trem (
12:03.45dj-deathkos_tom: nice ! :)
12:05.10dj-deathkos_tom: just one thing I figured out yesterday, the S26libgtk2 init script in GTK+ should be moved to the gdk-pixbuf package, because we can now select that package without libgtk2
12:06.37kos_tomdj-death: aah, yes, right. Well, let's fix that later. I'd really like to see this libtool/gtk stuff merged first.
12:07.33dj-deathI have a patch for that, unfortunately it's on my workstation (at work)...
12:15.00*** join/#uclibc trem (
13:52.58*** join/#uclibc fabled (
14:32.09CIA-4803martin.banky 07master * ra454cb61c075 10buildroot/docs/stylesheet.css: stylesheet.css: cleaned up css code
14:32.10CIA-4803martin.banky 07master * r8113c8162bb7 10buildroot/docs/buildroot.html: buildroot.html: html code clean-up and other issues - Part1
14:32.11CIA-4803martin.banky 07master * r2b504fe1f6f6 10buildroot/docs/buildroot.html: buildroot.html: html code clean-up and other issues - Part2
14:32.11CIA-4803martin.banky 07master * rcc98404a318d 10buildroot/docs/buildroot.html: buildroot.html: Fix grammer and punctuation
14:32.12CIA-4803jacmet 07master * r019952d4bc6d 10buildroot/docs/buildroot.html: docs/buildroot: remove trailing spaces
14:32.13CIA-4803jacmet 07master * r6644da408726 10buildroot/package/busybox/busybox-1.17.3/busybox-1.17.3-sort.patch: busybox: 1.17.3 sort fix
14:32.14CIA-4803jacmet 07master * r8902087ac7fa 10buildroot/toolchain/kernel-headers/ kernel-headers: add 2.6.36, remove 2.6.29
14:32.15CIA-4803jacmet 07master * rf3da7498566b 10buildroot/linux/ linux: default to 2.6.36
14:41.11*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
18:15.57*** join/#uclibc Xires (
18:25.46*** join/#uclibc Xires (
19:11.16CIA-4803vda.linux 07master * r6a0d7490ea6a 10busybox/ (editors/awk.c testsuite/awk.tests): awk: fix segfault on closing non-opened file
19:11.16CIA-4803vda.linux 07master * r53600591311a 10busybox/ (6 files in 5 dirs): libbb: introduce and use strcpy_and_process_escape_sequences
19:42.48*** join/#uclibc xvilka (~xvilka@
19:43.57xvilkai'm need a help - pls tell me, what's wrong in my config? I'm building uClibc with crosstool-ng on x86 host system for the arm little-endian target
19:44.33xvilkaand it give me errors that gcc need options for generating little-endian
19:59.05*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
20:53.39*** join/#uclibc nenolod (nenolod@atheme/member/
23:18.33*** join/#uclibc tchan (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
23:59.17CIA-4803vda.linux 07master * r2b299fed6a77 10busybox/ (editors/awk.c libbb/process_escape_sequence.c): awk: fix breakage in last commit

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