IRC log for #uclibc on 20101011

00:21.03*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
00:25.07*** join/#uclibc risca (
01:00.03*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
02:41.08*** join/#uclibc Whoopie_ (Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie)
05:11.00*** join/#uclibc fabled (
05:19.10*** join/#uclibc doc2 (~Dieter@
05:59.35*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
06:06.00*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
06:51.44*** join/#uclibc nataraj (~nataraj@
06:51.48*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
07:18.20*** join/#uclibc nataraj (~nataraj@
07:18.59natarajNTPL is absent from BR?
08:01.27*** join/#uclibc tiny (~ivob@unaffiliated/tiny)
08:15.45*** join/#uclibc ncopa (
08:44.22*** join/#uclibc olistudent (
09:08.35Jacmetnataraj: yeah, there's no uclibc releases with NTPL support
09:08.49Jacmetdamn, running offlineimap on a a 8GB mailbox isn't exactly fast
09:11.23dj-deathYou are currently using 301 MB (4%) of your 7507 MB.
09:17.22*** join/#uclibc risca (
09:19.27*** join/#uclibc tiny (~ivob@unaffiliated/tiny)
09:21.22Jacmetdj-death: You are currently using 7128 MB (94%) of your 7507 MB
09:21.40Jacmetdj-death: so it's actually 7GB, but who's counting ;)
09:22.07Jacmetdj-death: and my inbox is ' 1 - 25 of 268250'
09:22.48*** join/#uclibc Orphis (
09:23.02OrphisHi there
09:23.32OrphisI'm looking for a way for my ash shell to read a profile file when I'm opening a new shell through telnet
09:24.02OrphisI've put my profile in /etc/profile, /.profile but both don't seem to be loaded
09:25.11OrphisSo, what should I do ?
09:26.47dj-deathJacmet: hehehe ;)
09:27.11dj-deathJacmet: you're an lkml subscribe for sure ;)
09:31.37Jacmetdj-death: it has actually been a few years since I was last subscribed to lkml, but yeah - I'm on way too many lists
09:32.28dj-deathI stopped qemu... too much traffic too
09:34.54Jacmetis still on qemu
09:38.34ynezzhi, just wonder it there's fix in some version of uClibc for this
09:40.08ynezzI'm experiencing the similar problem on the, now I'm rebuilding the system with 0.9.31, but dunno if it's fixed there
09:40.23ynezzit's just on the ARM arch, but I think, that it doesn't matter
09:41.38ynezzI just don't want to throw away like 6-8MiB of 32MiB RAM just for the glibc :)
09:42.52*** join/#uclibc calculus (~calculus@gentoo/user/calculus)
09:44.22ynezzhm, maybe this would be the workaround for it?
09:52.11natarajis "pcsc-lite" package commited?
09:59.20*** join/#uclibc tiny (
09:59.20*** join/#uclibc tiny (~ivob@unaffiliated/tiny)
10:15.14*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
10:17.27natarajany reason to choose crosstool-ng toolchain opposed to BR toolchain?
10:22.40*** join/#uclibc risca (
10:53.48CIA-4803dvlasenk 07master * rb1993380ba4a 10busybox/findutils/.gitignore: remove findutils/.gitignore, top-level one covers it
10:57.25*** join/#uclibc risca (
11:05.01CIA-4803filippo.arcidiacono 07prelink * r4ec89b87bc0e 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/ (13 files in 13 dirs): ldso: Extend prelink support for all other achitectures
11:16.45dj-deathnataraj: if you want a glibc toolchain, you need crosstool-ng
11:48.40*** join/#uclibc risca (
12:24.59CIA-4803jacmet 07master * r6156924c2b9d 10buildroot/package/busybox/ (4 files in 2 dirs): busybox: bump 1.17.x version
12:29.50*** join/#uclibc xiangfu (~xiangfu@
13:15.31*** join/#uclibc risca (
13:27.18*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
14:46.15*** join/#uclibc Roland (~roland@
14:47.56Rolandbuildroot's homepage states that it Supports several hundreds of packages, is there a list of available packages?
14:50.50*** join/#uclibc austinf (
14:50.59dj-deathRoland: git clone git:// && ls -l buildroot/package/
14:51.30ncopaRoland: or here:
14:53.46Rolandso the idea is that, I tell buildroot to include packages for example "openvpn, pppd" and it automatically includes them on the root filesystem?
14:55.12RolandI think I need to setup buildroot for my project ASAp
15:07.25*** join/#uclibc risca (
15:16.33*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
15:34.50dj-deathI need to merge a 2.6.36 kernel on top of an 2.6.32
15:46.42Jacmetdj-death: git rebase v2.6.36 + cross your fingers ;)
15:52.19dj-deathyeah ;)
15:53.17dj-deathI tried to backport the patches that modified drivers/media/* include/media/* on my 2.6.32-vendor
15:53.44dj-death~2000 commits
15:54.15dj-deathI just stopped with 800 commit left to merge...
15:55.46dj-deathlet's try a checkout 2.6.36 + merge stmicro-branch ;)
15:58.30dj-deathsounds handable ;)
15:59.08dj-deathmost of the merge is outside arch/sh ;)
15:59.44dj-deathso I can do serious shit, nobody will ever notice ;)
16:02.50*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
18:27.17*** join/#uclibc trem (
18:33.00*** join/#uclibc risca (
18:43.08*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
18:48.46*** join/#uclibc Sulimo (
18:49.28tremhi too
18:49.40Sulimoplease I need help build uclibc for arm: I'm trying to port FreeRTOS on STR912 (ARM9) but standard libc for arm is too huge...
18:50.01Sulimoplease help, I'm running debian squeeze and using emdebian squeeze cross tools to compile
18:50.45SulimoI downloaded buildroot and I'm trying to configure it for uclibc library compilation
18:50.53Sulimothanks for you help
18:52.57Sulimoare there any docs to explain compiling uclibc using buildroot?
18:58.06Sulimostr912 is a very painful microcontroller :)
19:56.46Sulimono help at all? :)
20:18.41*** join/#uclibc risca (
20:53.19*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
20:56.53*** join/#uclibc curious (
21:06.17*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (
21:24.12*** join/#uclibc likewhoa (
21:25.20*** join/#uclibc kos_tom_ (
21:26.08dj-deathhey kos_tom_
21:26.27kos_tom_in Canada, with the usual crappy connection of the north american hotels
21:26.40dj-deathjet lagged ?
21:28.22kos_tom_dj-death: yes.
21:28.31kos_tom_ok, I'll go out to try to get some dinner.
21:36.24*** join/#uclibc curious (
21:40.24*** join/#uclibc PortaLu (
21:54.52*** join/#uclibc curious (
22:04.16*** join/#uclibc curious (
22:09.29*** join/#uclibc austinf (
22:20.54*** join/#uclibc curious (
23:05.53*** join/#uclibc austinf (~austinf@

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