IRC log for #uclibc on 20100719

00:05.06*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
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07:43.20CIA-4603jacmet 07master * r5bf7eb2a72ed 10buildroot/CHANGES: CHANGES: #321 / #1393 are resolved
07:43.22CIA-4603m-starostik 07master * rfbc22ecaef7b 10buildroot/Makefile: Fix default skeleton path
07:45.33*** join/#uclibc dougmencken (~quassel@
07:47.53CIA-4603raj.khem 07master * rfb6ca14d4d53 10uClibc/ldso/ldso/mips/dl-sysdep.h: ldso/mips: pltgot should array not address of array to dynamic info.
07:54.05kos_tomkhem: hi!
08:08.36kos_tomJacmet: if you're around sometime today, let me know.
08:09.36Jacmetkos_tom: around
08:09.40kos_tomJacmet: hey :-)
08:09.59kos_tomJacmet: I'm integrating some old patches from dj-death to bump the libglib/atk/pango stack. I'm wondering about what we should do on libgtk2.
08:10.35kos_tomlibgtk2 2.12.x (that we have currently) is very very old, but is semi-working on DirectFB (still has issues). Newer versions of gtk2 do not even compile for the DirectFB backend.
08:10.37Jacmetkos_tom: well, the directfb stuff is still broken with modern gtk versions, right?
08:11.06kos_tombut I think it's time to give up and bump the gtk version anyway. Or to keep support for both versions.
08:11.43kos_tombut keeping gtk 2.12 around forever will not improve the situation in terms of DirectFB support.
08:13.30kos_tomJacmet: dj-death has been working on DFB support in gtk 2.20 for quite some time. He has a semi-working thing, but it requires at least a dozen of patches.
08:18.01dj-deathfrom what I remember, most of projects are more or less planning to drop directfb support (cairo, gtk, enlightenment, ...)
08:20.47dj-deathgtk because there is no maintainer
08:21.00kos_tomwhy not you ?
08:21.11dj-deathcairo because they find dfb acclerations almost useless
08:21.37dj-deathkos_tom: I'm not skilled enough ;)
08:22.32dj-deathotherwise I would have fixed all the bugs
08:22.39kos_tomok, so maybe we should drop the support for Gtk+DirectFB so that people don't start projects with this solution that isn't maintained.
08:23.04kos_tominteresting that Gtk is dropping DirectFB support, while at the same time, it has been added to Qt :)
08:23.06Jacmetkos_tom: sorry, just got interrupted
08:23.12kos_tomJacmet: no pb.
08:24.08Jacmetkos_tom: I agree that trying to maintain something long term if upstream isn't interested isn't an option
08:24.16dj-deathkos_tom: you seem to have a good experience with xorg
08:24.46kos_tomdj-death: you mean on using Gtk over Xfbdev ?
08:24.53dj-deathkos_tom: yes
08:24.54Jacmetkos_tom: Is there a big size advantage to gtk+directfb compared to gtk+X11? Last time I looked (which is quite some time ago), the difference was quite small
08:25.32Jacmetkos_tom: or are people using directfb because of prop. accel. drivers?
08:25.42kos_tomJacmet: I don't have numbers right now, but I could produce some.
08:26.04kos_tomJacmet: I'm not sure why dfb is choosen. Maybe dj-death has thoughts about this.
08:26.05Jacmetkos_tom: you don't have to, just wondering
08:26.19dj-deathdfb peoples would argue in size/responsiveness
08:26.30khemkos_tom: hello
08:26.40Jacmetkos_tom: the debian installer afaik also moved to gtk+X11 some time ago because of lack of upstream support
08:26.44khemJacmet: hi
08:26.48Jacmetkhem: hi
08:27.03khemJacmet: did u try the nptl stuff
08:27.14khemor do you need more time
08:27.27Jacmetkhem: sorry, no - I wasn't home most of the weekend and had lots of BR mails to catch up on
08:27.41Jacmetkhem: I'll try it very soon, hopefully tonight
08:28.26khemJacmet: ok thx
08:28.30kos_tomJacmet: I've found some old numbers. Basic is 5.4 MB, basic DFB is 1.4 MB. Then you have to add glib/pango/atk/gtk on top of it, but the size is similar for both backends.
08:28.57Jacmetkos_tom: hmm, perhaps I was thinking of tinyx instead of xorg
08:28.58kos_tomkhem: have you received the bug I've CC'ed you about LINUXTHREADS_NEW and its sysdep.h build failure ?
08:29.11khemJacmet: one think you should try before you build nptl is build your existing stuff and see if that still works if not let me know
08:29.11kos_tomJacmet: well that was tinyx.
08:29.17khembecause that should not break
08:29.22dj-death5.4Mb ??
08:29.28khemkos_tom: just saw email yes
08:29.41khemkos_tom: LT is receiving not much love
08:30.02kos_tomkhem: so, should we just offer LINUXTHREADS_OLD ?
08:30.03Jacmetkos_tom: 5.4MB sounds pretty high for tinyx if you don't need all those legacy fonts and so on
08:30.06khemkos_tom: and NPTL going full steam I only see reduced love for it
08:30.08khemin future
08:30.38khemkos_tom: staating .32 yes
08:30.46khemerr starting
08:31.00kos_tomdj-death: 1.2 MB for the server itself, 2.5 MB for libxcb/liblbxutil/libXfont/libX11/few other libs, 1.5 MB for dependencies (expat/dbus/libpng/libsysfs/zlib/pixman/freetype/fontconfig)
08:31.50khemwe might depricate even LT.OLD with .32
08:31.54kos_tomkhem: not sure I get the relation between kernel versions and LINUXTHREADS_NEW vs. LINUXTHREADS_OLD (sorry I'm totally noob with all these thread implementations)
08:32.09kos_tomaah, uClibc 0.9.32.
08:32.34khemyes I am proposing new release to be called 1.0
08:32.35kos_tombut for the moment, we have 0.9.31. LINUXTHREADS_NEW does not even compile. Should we just drop support for it and keep only LINUXTHREADS_OLD ?
08:32.53khemkos_tom: I wouldnt mind
08:33.23dj-deathkos_tom: then how does dfb fit in 1.4Mb if there is 1.5Mb of others dependencies  ?
08:33.24khemits not possible to carry 3 threading implementation + no threads
08:33.29khemgiven the people we have
08:33.48kos_tomdj-death: page 43
08:34.10kos_tomand page 36 for DirectFB.
08:35.28khemkos_tom: I would expect people to use nptl as primary threading library after next relase which is only few months apart
08:37.10khemgood night guys ttyl
08:37.14kos_tomkhem: yes, understood. But we have a release next month, for which I'd like things to be fairly clean with 0.9.31.
08:37.27dj-deathmight be interesting to rewrite the gtk+ backend using xcb
08:37.31khemkos_tom: drop LT
08:37.37kos_tomLT_NEW ?
08:37.45dj-deathand drop ~1Mb of libx11
08:37.46kos_tomok, thanks.
08:37.50khemI am not going to fix it
08:38.01khemif someone else does thats good
08:38.28khembut I am all ears open for problems with nptl
08:39.57khem-> sleep()
08:40.23kos_tomdj-death: Search "Thoughts and rambling on the X protocol" and particularly "I used to believe in XCB"
08:40.53kos_tomJacmet: ok, so, to sum up: drop Gtk+DFB support, drop LINUXTHREADS_NEW support. Do we agree ?
08:41.43Jacmetkos_tom: I think so, yes - But I'm not sure if we should drop gtk/DFB now or mark it deprecated for 1 more release
08:41.46DuratarskeyKoh guys, can you recommend a source-based package manager that can compile stuff with uclibc ?
08:42.00JacmetDuratarskeyK: buildroot ;)
08:42.13JacmetDuratarskeyK: or what do you exactly mean?
08:42.40DuratarskeyKpackage manager, buildroot has a small list of packages it can compile but not all I want
08:43.04DuratarskeyKand using ./configure && make && make install makes system dirty
08:43.22kos_tomDuratarskeyK: then add your packages to Buildroot.
08:44.35DuratarskeyKouch, some of them have awful lot of deps
08:45.02DuratarskeyKbtw, has anyone tested portage before including it into buildroot package list ?
08:45.13DuratarskeyKfor me it doesn't work with python version buildroot has
08:46.27kos_tomDuratarskeyK: I don't think portage in BR has been used for years.
08:46.44DuratarskeyKI see
08:47.05JacmetDuratarskeyK: portage has been removed from git as it was broken and noone cared
08:48.50kos_tomDuratarskeyK: if your deps are all using the autotools as their build system, then adding them to BR should be fairly easy.
08:49.03DuratarskeyKI also remember receiving complaint from dbus-glib about toolchain without gettext support, though I couldn't find anything about gettext in toolchain
08:49.04DuratarskeyKkos_tom: okay
08:49.38kos_tomDuratarskeyK: if you have build issues, please file reports in the bugzilla with the .config file.
08:50.00DuratarskeyKis build log needed ?
08:50.22JacmetDuratarskeyK: no, but any extra info you have might help
08:50.37JacmetDuratarskeyK: typically just the last 20 lines of otput or so
08:50.52natarajbut i didn't use ncurses at all
08:51.55Jacmetnataraj: presumably something depends on ncurses
08:52.20DuratarskeyKcan I expect bash working with UTF8 locales if it is compiled against uclibc ?
08:52.42Jacmetnataraj: can you pastebin grep 'BR2_PACKAGE_.*=y' .config?
08:55.59Jacmetnataraj: ok,  mysql-client depends on ncurses
08:56.22Jacmetnataraj: so what are those funky characters in ../ncurses/curses.priv.h:584 ?
08:56.46Jacmetnataraj: what locale do you use on the host?
08:57.48natarajthat what is on 584
08:59.38Jacmetnataraj: odd that it tries to build for the host
09:00.33Jacmetnataraj: sorry, misred - it's a host tool
09:01.05Jacmetnataraj: what host distribution is this on? can you build ncurses-5.7 natively?
09:01.32natarajdebian lenny
09:05.45Jacmetnataraj: could you try building ncurses natively (./configure && make)?
09:08.43natarajdone, but same result
09:09.28Jacmetnataraj: so ncurses apparently doesn't build on lenny anymore
09:10.10Jacmetnataraj: not sure what we can do about that, either upgrade or bring it to the attention of the ncurses developers
09:11.13kos_tomncurses has a crappy development model. It has no public VCS, and there are incremental patches being made available with a crazy organization scheme.
09:12.23Jacmetkos_tom: sigh :/
09:13.45kos_tomhowever, I think we might need to build ncurses for the host. The ncurses build process uses a program called "tic" (term info compiler ?) and the tic of old ncurses breaks when building newer ncurses.
09:13.51kos_tomit has been reported/investigated on the list.
09:15.15Jacmetkos_tom: ok, but that won't fix a ncurses (host) build failure
09:17.18kos_tomJacmet: no.
09:17.38kos_tombut I'm using a Debian Lenny chroot here, and ncurses built fine last time I tried.
09:19.04Jacmetkos_tom: when was that? we bumped ncurses on the 8th of June
09:20.05kos_tomI think I built it since then, but I can't be 100% sure. Will try.
09:20.34Jacmetkos_tom: thanks!
09:30.34natarajok, so where does this leave me?
09:31.27natarajanother distro?
09:38.36Jacmetnataraj: if it works for kos_tom then thee's presumably something wrong with your installation
09:38.49kos_tomwait, wait, I haven't tested yet.
09:39.12Jacmetkos_tom: yeah- "if"
10:03.00kos_tomJacmet: nataraj ncurses builds fine here inside a Debian Lenny chroot. See
10:03.22kos_tomnataraj: can you post your full .config, with the toolchain configuration ?
10:07.59Jacmetkos_tom: ok, good (for us) - Thanks
10:14.24kos_tomJacmet: for the gtk thing, one proposal: have separate gtk-dfb and gtk packages. gtk-dfb is 2.12, gtk is 2.20+. gtk-dfb is marked deprecated and will be dropped after 2010.08.
10:14.45kos_tomanother solution is to have both versions handled by the gtk package, but it's going to be a bit messy.
10:23.57Jacmetkos_tom: a seperate package would mean complicating every package dependending on gtk, right?
10:24.52Jacmetdepends on BR2_PACKAGE_GTK || BR2_PACKAGE_GTK_DFB and blah_DEPENDENCIES += $(if $(BR2_PACKAGE_GTK_DFB),gtk-dfb,gtk)
10:35.26kos_tomargh, yes.
10:35.34kos_tomok, will do with one package then.
10:35.57natarajJacmet, i had disabled qt and done a 'make clean', after which it built well
10:36.11natarajnow enabled qt and building
10:36.32natarajawaiting any ncurses issues
10:43.53Jacmetnataraj: I don't see the connection between you building qt in buildroot and ncurses failing when you building it for the host completely outside buildroot
10:50.55*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
10:56.03Jacmety_morin: hi
11:15.40*** join/#uclibc nataraj (~nataraj@
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11:29.07natarajjacmet, ncurses building in BR is for the target, aint it?
11:29.23kos_tomgrr, the infamous "../libtool: line 828: X--tag=CC: command not found" libtool issue.
11:31.29Jacmetnataraj: yes, but you just told us that you couldn't build ncurses for your host outside buildroot
11:33.13natarajbuild i could, (./configure; make;make install) but no difference in BR outcome
11:33.33Jacmetnataraj: ahh, good to know
11:33.47natarajbefore a 'make clean ; make'
11:33.53Jacmetkos_tom: the test you did in the chroot, was that just ncurses for the host or for the target in br?
11:35.30kos_tomJacmet: ncurses for the target in BR.
11:36.14Jacmetkos_tom: ok, thanks
11:36.45Jacmetnataraj: I guess the way forward is to post your .config to the mailing list or bugzilla so we can see if we can reproduce the problem
11:37.03Jacmetnataraj: if we cannot, then I'm afraid you'll have to dig deeper yourself
11:38.23nataraji had done a dpk-reconfigure locales and disable en_IN, donno about the impact, BTW qt compilation is going on
11:40.25natarajJacmet, may i ask, does java in BR use jazelle ? my board is an arm926ej-s
11:42.58Jacmetnataraj: no it doesn't
11:43.15Jacmetnataraj: I'm not aware or any open source jvms supporting jazelle
11:51.31natarajjazelle is closed?
11:53.39*** join/#uclibc tsukasa` (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
11:55.56kos_tomnataraj: yes
11:56.41Jacmetnataraj: yes
11:56.48Jacmetkos_tom: too fast ;)
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12:35.04natarajJacmet, got "rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41447424 2010-07-19 17:47 output/images/rootfs.ext2"
12:37.50natarajwhat coulda happened? stale files?
12:40.10Jacmetnataraj: what was you expecting?
12:41.15natarajwell, didnt get any ncurses issues this time
12:43.07Jacmetnataraj: so what is the problem?
12:48.13nataraji believe there is no problem now
12:50.28Jacmetnataraj: if you find 40MB too big, take a look with ls -lahRS in output/target to see what the biggest files are
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12:50.41Jacmetnataraj: and evaluate if you really need those
12:54.10natarajJacmet, 13353756 2010-07-19 18:06 /buildroot/output/images/rootfs.jffs2 , that's cool
12:55.30natarajBR2_MKLIBS=y ,does it make a big difference?
12:56.05Jacmetnataraj: not in my experience
12:59.27natarajnow to check a proprietory libusb-0.1 app, i did have some problems with later version of BR , with BR2_MKLIBS=y
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14:02.28CIA-4603jacmet 07master * r4e302ac83d89 10buildroot/ (3 files in 2 dirs): avahi: bump version
14:03.27kos_tomJacmet: FWIW, as I said this morning, I'm working on bumping atk/cairo/pango/webkit/libsoup/midori using dj-death and other fixes. So no need to merge those ones (they are pending since february)
14:08.59kos_tomJacmet: hu, there's already support for systemd in Avahi. systemd is Lenart Poetring's init, isn't it ?
14:10.30Jacmetkos_tom: yes, and avahi is (was?) also Lennarts baby
14:10.57Jacmetkos_tom: ok, I won't touch those then
14:12.32kos_tomJacmet: what are the other release goals for 2010.08 ?
14:14.26Jacmetkos_tom: as stated in the announcement -
14:14.26Jacmetkos_tom: have you looked closer at y_morin's rfc toolchain patches?
14:14.50kos_tomJacmet: I reviewed an earlier version, which I was ok with. I haven't reviewed the latest post, though, but I think it's ok.
14:15.30Jacmetkos_tom: ok, thanks
14:15.33kos_tomJacmet: goal 1, conversion of to infrastructures, we're down to ~50 packages to convert to autotargets and ~50 packages to convert to gentargets
14:15.56kos_tomgoal 2, work with ct-ng, not done. Not sure we'll have the time before the release
14:16.13kos_tomgoal 3, uninstallation, not done. To me a conversion to all packages to the infrastructures is a requirement before doing this
14:16.46kos_tomgoal 4, testing, not done (I personaly have a much better setup for testing than before, but nothing really permanent and automatic)
14:17.01Jacmetkos_tom: agreed about point 3
14:17.09kos_tomthe other goals I had were: bootloaders cleanup, linux cleanup and board cleanup. The first two are done, the last one no.
14:17.31Jacmetkos_tom: I'll give 4 a shot after I tended to most pending patches
14:18.33Jacmetkos_tom: no biggie - I think it's looking a lot better than a few months ago already
14:20.29kos_tomyes, I'm also quite satisfied with the progress we're making. It also seems that we have more people reporting issues on the list, which probably means that we have more users.
14:20.40Jacmetkos_tom: exactly
14:35.43dj-deathkos_tom: don't you think that uninstallation could be handled in an efficient way by generating packages/tarballs of the install-target result ?
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14:36.43kos_tomdj-death: you want to tarball the full target/ directory ?
14:36.54kos_tomafter every package installation ?
14:37.04dj-deathnot exactly
14:37.05kos_tomFWIW, uninstallation must also be done in host/ and staging/
14:38.18dj-deathI would to make an installation to somewhere like $(OUTPUT)/build/$(pkgname)_$(pkgversion)_target to tarball that
14:38.54dj-deathso we can install/uninstall it to $(OUTPUT)/target
14:39.05dj-deathwould like
14:39.15kos_tomyes. Would have to see how it is possible to override TARGET_DIR differently for each package
14:39.25kos_tombut again, target/ is not sufficient at all.
14:41.59dj-deathmaybe using $(@D)
14:42.19kos_tomwell in the TARGET_INSTALL steps, $(@D) is already the build directory
14:42.31kos_tomso many packages do "cp $(@D)/something $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin"
14:43.03dj-deathnice try :(
14:44.05kos_tombut definitely something is possible, someone needs to start hacking. As I said, as of today, this isn't my top priority because there are other things to fix before, but if you want to jump in and start proposing an implementation, feel free
14:44.11dj-deathotherwise we would have to generate a PKG_NAME_TARGET_DIR variable
14:44.54dj-deathjust wanted to know if people are interested
14:45.44Jacmetkos_tom: we could either introduce per-package install dirs (FOO_TARGET_DIR) or simply override the value for the .stamp_target_installed (and host/staging) targets
14:46.08Jacmetkos_tom: like it's done for the PKG variable
14:46.19kos_tomJacmet: yes.
14:46.58kos_tomdj-death: I'm definitely interested in seeing what we can come up with me, how much it would complexity BR usage for the user that doesn't need this, etc.
14:47.10Jacmetkos_tom: the last is easier to do, but kind of icky (basically you make a local variable shadow the global one for that target)
14:47.51Jacmetkos_tom: which certainy doesn't help readability
14:48.56Jacmetcertainly even
14:55.09dj-deathTARGET_DIR could be a define of a function using the package name to build the path to per-packaget target directory
14:56.06dj-deathI will try that later ;)
14:57.35Jacmetdj-death: you can simply do $(FOO_TARGET_INSTALL_TARGET): TARGET_DIR=blah
14:58.06dj-deathreally ??
14:59.55Jacmetdj-death: yes - see how we do it for the PKG variable in package/
15:00.57dj-deathwhoa ;)
15:01.13dj-deathit's going to be easy
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16:38.32y_morinJacmet: Hello!
16:39.17y_morinJacmet: someone had a comment about the patch #5 in the series, and maybe that one can be dropped for now
16:39.42y_morinIt's only purely for esthetics, and the renaming can be done later...
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18:09.31kos_tom-rwxr-xr-x 1 test test  14M Jul 19 18:03
18:09.31kos_tom-rw-r--r-- 1 test test  11M Jul 19 10:10
18:09.56khemkos_tom: stripped ?
18:11.56kos_tom$ file ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped
18:15.53kos_tomit means that a system with TinyX + Gtk2 + WebKit + Midori takes 82 MB
18:23.38Jacmetkos_tom: uch!
18:24.56Jacmetkos_tom: In a meeting last week some guy said 'we're going to make it really stripped down an simple - just webkit on directfb and do the UI in html and javascript' <- we seem to have a different idea of stripped down
18:25.20Jacmety_morin: ok, thanks
18:26.07Jacmetkos_tom: I'm btw pretty certain that the xserver dependencies in BR is wrong for tinyx, some of the stuff is not needed
18:26.10y_morinJacmet: Hey! I'm off for dinner in a few minutes, will be back around 21h30 GMT+2
18:26.19Jacmety_morin: ok, enjoy
18:26.21kos_tomJacmet: why ?
18:26.40kos_tomJacmet: on the server side, we don't build anything. However, on the client side, you need quite a few things to compile, e.g gtk2
18:27.17Jacmetkos_tom: E.G. select BR2_PACKAGE_XLIB_LIBPCIACCESS <- tinyx afaik doesn't do anything with pci
18:27.56Jacmetkos_tom: openssl can afaik also relatively easily be patched out - it's only used for the sha1() implementation
18:28.24kos_tomJacmet: yeah, it's on my TODO-list to use libmd instead of a full blown openssl.
18:29.18kos_tomJacmet: well, for libpciaccess, probably, but it's only 22 KB. On the 82 MB I have, won't make a huge difference :-)
18:29.32Jacmetkos_tom: there afaik was some patches floating around a few months ago to do so
18:30.15Jacmetkos_tom: true - my point is just that if you take a closer look (besides webkit/icu) then the X stack can get trimmed quite a bit
18:30.45kos_tomJacmet: yes, certainly.
18:37.08Jacmetkos_tom: something like
18:37.18Jacmetkos_tom: a variant on that patch is afaik in xserver tip
18:39.03kos_tomif it's in tip, then we'll just wait for it to land in the next xserver release, no?
18:39.43Jacmetkos_tom: well, yes - but xserver 1.9 will also mean we'll need to bump a bunch of deps
18:39.50kos_tomI also wanted to look at Xfbdev startup time, but didn't had the time to dig into this.
18:40.04Jacmetkos_tom: E.G. like the 7.4 -> 7.5 patches we had a little while ago
18:40.18kos_tomwe can do that after 2010.08, can't we ?
18:40.40Jacmetkos_tom: yes, we 1.9 first needs to get released ;)
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18:56.50dj-deathkos_tom: are you using the last webkit/gtk+ (from ?
18:57.16kos_tomdj-death: yes, 1.2.3
18:57.29kos_tomdj-death: I started from your patches.
18:57.53kos_tomI'll try to push them a little bit harder than you did to get them merged by Peter :)
18:58.05dj-deathheh ;)
18:58.22dj-deathat the time my boss really wanted webkit to work on sh4
18:58.47dj-deathI didn't have much time to fix all problems
18:58.54dj-deathespecially with gtk..
18:59.08kos_tomwell, I'm doing gtk over X11
18:59.34dj-deatha little less painfull
18:59.43dj-deaththan dfb
19:00.17dj-deathwebkit is so fat ;)
19:03.36Jacmetdj-death: yeah, it sounds like it
19:03.53Jacmetdj-death: what about memory consumption? also fat?
19:04.36dj-deathI would say not more than a basic gtk+ applications
19:05.17dj-deathI didn't had any problem to launch up to 9 webkit/gtk+ apps on a 150Mb system
19:05.23Jacmetdj-death: ok
19:05.24dj-deathwith 32Mb of video memory
19:05.54dj-deathbut it's slow if you don't have cache
19:06.33dj-deathI was using a non cached webkit
19:08.35dj-deathwe have a plan in my next company to rewrite a webkit backend
19:08.46dj-deathusing libmx (the clutter based toolkit)
19:11.30dj-death copyright is impressive ;)
19:12.47kos_tomdj-death: who are you working for these days?
19:14.22dj-death until july 29th
19:19.35khemin LA or in FL
19:19.44khemor UK
19:19.58khemdj-death: my childhood buddy works for pace
19:20.41khemJacmet: kos_tom it would be nice if you could release the new toolchain build sequence in upcoming BR release
19:20.42dj-deathfrance ;)
19:20.50khemdj-death: ah
19:20.57khemwill you be hacking on BR
19:21.14gustavozdo we have a nice way of stripping -Werror on BR? or just patch it away?
19:21.23dj-deathkhem: I hope
19:21.39dj-deathkhem: at least that how I will cross compile my stuff ;)
19:21.42khemdj-death: I know they have broadcom stuff
19:22.01dj-deathkhem: I will work on ST stuff
19:22.06dj-deathcrappy ST stuff...
19:22.07khemhmm ok
19:22.18khemST is not that crappy
19:22.24khemwill you be doing SH4
19:22.30khemor new ARM based
19:22.36khemdj-death: ah ok
19:22.41dj-deathkhem: then you don't know about their drivers
19:22.45khemSo you will be working on Carmelo's work :)
19:23.01khemlet me know if you have any good or bad words to pass on to him hehe
19:23.30dj-deathkhem: surely good words
19:23.49khemdj-death: I think you will be using SH4/nptl/uclibc
19:23.52khemthats cool
19:24.19dj-deathI've been using it since more than 2 years now
19:24.22khemnow if we add to BR with the patch I posted you should be good to go
19:24.38khemdj-death: SH4/uclibc/nptl ?
19:24.48dj-deathkhem: sh4/glibc
19:24.59khemwell glibc is a different story
19:25.09khemI though  ST SDKs have uclibc on them
19:25.10dj-deathkhem: but your patch isn't about external toolchains
19:25.26khemits for internal BR toolchain
19:25.55khembut external toolchain have also done the same think based on stuff I did in 2004
19:26.02dj-deathI don't think I'm going to integrate all the ST patches to uclibc inside buildroot
19:26.49khemdj-death: plus the version you will get is older than the one we have in uclibc master
19:27.31khempace is doing good though I heard
19:27.38khemgustavoz: howdy
19:27.58gustavozkhem: hi
19:28.01Jacmetkhem: I'm planning on merging the nptl stuff before the release, yes
19:28.26khemJacmet: thats nice
19:28.42khemJacmet: I have some cycles to fix things if they fall apart
19:28.50khembut I think it will be ok
19:29.12dj-deathkhem: I heard good things about the company too
19:29.50khemmy buddy is quite excited
19:29.59khemalthough he wont be programming anymore
19:30.32Jacmetkhem: good
19:31.27khemJacmet: at some point I was thinking same gcc src tree could be reused to do all three stages of cross compile
19:31.28gustavozkos_tom: net-snmp almost done, testing linking stuff against it, also dropped the ucd compat bits (no other package used netsnmp so no breaks there and it's smaller)
19:31.35khemit wud speed up toolchain build
19:31.41khembut thats for future
19:32.07kos_tomgustavoz: ok, great. Are you testing both internal and external toolchains ?
19:32.28gustavozkos_tom: only internal for now, it's supposedly broken for external but maybe this unbreaks it
19:32.32y_morinkhem: hello!
19:32.40y_morinkhem: but isn't that the case already?
19:32.43khemhmmm ldmia {r4,pc} should branch to calling function and also change mode based on value it fetches into pc
19:32.48khembut it seems it does not do that
19:32.48y_morinWe build out-of-tree
19:33.07khemy_morin: I mean for objects and srcs
19:33.35y_morinkhem: you mean build static-core + shared-core + final in the same directory ?
19:35.18y_morinkhem: currently, building static-core is roughly 2mins while full final (C/C++/java/Fortran) takes roughly 25mins on my machine.
19:35.39y_morinkhem: and for static-core, most is due to ./configure.
19:35.42khemy_morin: yeah thats what I wud expect
19:35.54y_morinSounds like it's not a very impressive gain...
19:36.05khemy_morin: prolly less than 5 mins for shared-core
19:36.18khemy_morin: in that case yes
19:36.27y_morinkhem: shared-core is les than 4mins here.
19:36.49y_morinOf course, if final is only C, then there's a gain! :-)
19:36.54khemy_morin: ok so effective I am adding 2 mins of build time to BR toolchain
19:37.20khemy_morin: yeah BR is mosting C,C++
19:37.37y_morinkhem: right.
19:41.17khemoh hum
19:41.45khemarmv4t ldmia {r4,pc} is not interworking safe
19:41.50khemthats it
19:41.59khemnow to fix it
19:42.55khemheh gcc is configured for armv5t
19:42.58khemno good
19:43.59y_morinkhem: gcc has the bad habit to default to armv5t for EABI, IIRC...
19:44.07khemyep :)
19:44.20y_morinbut I guess you know! ;-)
19:44.31khemmore than that I am using TARGET_CC_ARCH = "-march=armv5te -mtune=arm926ej-s"
19:44.43y_morinTss... :-)
19:47.41khemThe ARM926EJ-S processor implements the ARMv5TEJ instruction set
19:47.54khemhrmmm so seems qemu is confused
19:48.20y_morinHo, so qemu executes ldmia as if it was on a armv4t, that's it ?
19:48.29khemyes seems so
19:48.41khemand actually it segfaults the program
19:58.46khemroot@qemuarm:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
19:58.46khemProcessor       : ARM926EJ-S rev 5 (v5l)
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20:06.31y_morinkhem: with: qemu-system-arm -cpu arm926  ?
20:58.16khemy_morin: I used -M
20:58.36khemy_morin: but that -M means -cpu arm926
21:18.52dj-deathJacmet: your trick works like a charm
21:19.09dj-deathjust need to generate package/tarball
21:23.57Jacmetdj-death: cool
21:24.39Jacmetkos_tom: we have a new buildbot server ;) - 12-cores Magny-Cours @ 1.5GHz, 64GB RAM
21:25.11Jacmetkos_tom: amd sponsored to fsffrance
21:25.23y_morinJacmet: Magny-Cours! This is a well-known racing circuit here in France!
21:25.27dj-deathMagny-Cours ;)
21:25.57dj-deathJacmet: 12 cores ? is that x86 based ?
21:27.13y_morindj-death: Core i7 970 is hexa core with HT.
21:27.19tremnite all, sweet dreams
21:27.44y_morinGet two of them, you have 12 cores
21:28.15y_morinAs a bonus, you have 24 hyper-threads
21:28.26Jacmetdj-death: yeah
21:28.39dj-deathy_morin: 'k
21:28.43dj-deathwhat a monster ;)
21:29.31y_morinlikes Carmina Burana when coding! What a delight!
21:30.41khemy_morin: its not 970 it 975
21:30.52khem975 is on 32nm technology
21:32.01khemugh actually Intel Core i7 980X
21:32.08khemis the one with 6 cores
21:32.21khemchip itself is 999 USD :)
21:32.55y_morinEU: 1050 Euros... :-/
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21:33.08khemAMD Phenom II X6 1090T is like 300 USD
21:33.11y_morinSo we can say that we USD-Euros parity !
21:33.13khemand has 6 cores
21:33.14bernardlhello all
21:33.29y_morinkhem: yes, seems the beast is AMD-based.
21:33.29bernardldoes anybody know if busybox awk supports -F '\t' (tab) ?
21:33.57khemy_morin: I am looking into buying a new box have you any comments or comparision on these two
21:34.18khemlike corei7 930 and phenom II 6 core
21:34.21y_morinkhem: not at all... Personnaly, I've had bad experience with AMD
21:34.28khemyeah me too
21:34.34y_morinBut before that I was all-AMD
21:34.41khembut 1000 bvs 300 is a big gap
21:34.44y_morinAnd now I'm all-Intel
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21:34.57khemI have a really poor laptop
21:35.08y_morinkhem: definitely. Maybe for the same price you get dual-processor with AMD.
21:35.16khemnot good for when you are building gcc 25 times a day
21:35.40khemI am looking for high end desktop
21:35.44y_morinYes, that's why I bought my core2 quad two yeras ago.
21:35.55khemso core-i7 or phenom II 6 core
21:36.08y_morinAMD is not HT, Intel is.
21:36.19khemso 4cores mean 8 ?
21:36.27khemapprox :)
21:36.37kos_tomJacmet: eah, great!
21:36.39y_morinFor pure compilation, it is roughly that, yes.
21:36.47kos_tomJacmet: we'll find build issues faster than we can fix them :)
21:36.57khemy_morin: but hardware threads are still 4
21:37.03khemand amd has 6
21:37.24khemall boxes with i7 here are like 1500 usd
21:37.27y_morinkhem: Intel hexa-core is 6 cores *and* 6 HT, so that makes it twelves HW threads.
21:37.42y_morinAMD hexa-core is 6 cores, period.
21:37.55khembut I wil wait untill 2012 for those
21:38.10y_morinAnd hyper-threads are almost like real cores when you stick to integral computations.
21:38.14khemright now no money for beast
21:38.40khemy_morin: so in theory I could do make -j24
21:38.41y_morinkhem: money, money, must be funny... :-)
21:39.10y_morinkhem, on a 6-core + HT, you have roughly ~= 12 cores.
21:39.26khemright and schedule 2 make jobs per core for best use
21:39.31khemor may be 1.5
21:39.37khemwhich will be -j18
21:39.42y_morinI do 1.5 here.
21:40.03khemcore2duo * 1.5 is -j6 ?
21:40.08y_morinAnd with a lot of RAM, all sources are in cache, so HDD is no bottle-neck.
21:40.28khemright and its DDR3
21:40.29y_morincore2duo has no HT, so it is aonly 2 cores.
21:41.05khem-j3 ?
21:41.05y_morincore2 quad * 1.5 is -j6 for me.
21:41.19y_morincore2duo: I'd go to -j4
21:41.30khemall i7 have HT ?
21:41.34y_morinfor small # of procs, I use *2, but
21:41.47y_morini7: not so sure, but I think so...
21:43.06y_morinkhem: yes all i7 are HT.
21:44.30y_morinkhem: and all have VT-x
21:48.31khemI wonder why they did not put DDR3-1333 on 9xx series
21:51.57Jacmetok, opening a 40MB .pdf with the openoffice pdfimport plugin wasn't a good idea - OOM killed most of my session
21:54.53dj-deathahaha ;)
21:56.34dj-deathI read an article on lwn about the oom enhancement, about the value you set to process to make oomkiller a little bit smarter
21:57.13dj-deathflash/mozilla/ are definitively the ones you want to kill FIRST :)
21:57.21Jacmetdj-death: the OOM killer took down a bunch of processes - but it didn't touch the offending soffice.bin :/
21:57.48dj-deathtoo bad
21:57.53Jacmetsplitting the pdf with pdftk before loading seems to be the way to go
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