IRC log for #uclibc on 20100710

00:24.54*** join/#uclibc dj-death (
00:29.55*** join/#uclibc neli (
00:36.35*** join/#uclibc _Lucretia_ (~munkee@pdpc/supporter/active/lucretia)
00:37.15*** join/#uclibc ashes (
01:32.12*** join/#uclibc moop (~moop@
03:13.11*** join/#uclibc saftsack_ (
05:14.52*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
07:14.50*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (~thomas@
07:49.52*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
08:17.26*** join/#uclibc trem (
09:19.10*** join/#uclibc moop (~moop@
09:30.25*** join/#uclibc Xires (~Xires@
10:45.21*** join/#uclibc trem (
10:47.43*** join/#uclibc moop (~moop@
11:35.11*** join/#uclibc trem (
12:17.40*** join/#uclibc moop (~moop@
12:27.57*** join/#uclibc calculus (~calculus@gentoo/user/calculus)
12:57.42*** join/#uclibc moop (~moop@
13:27.27*** join/#uclibc moop (~moop@
13:44.59*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
13:59.05*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
14:28.02CIA-4603vda.linux 07master * r75703eb8d5bd 10busybox/editors/diff.c: diff: make diff -r much less eager to recurse into directories
14:49.17*** join/#uclibc goodasGNU (
16:07.33*** join/#uclibc Xires (~Xires@
16:17.29*** join/#uclibc Xires (~Xires@
16:18.02*** join/#uclibc khem (
16:28.42*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
17:28.40*** join/#uclibc moop (~moop@
17:52.51CIA-4603vda.linux 07master * r729f39dd17b6 10busybox/archival/unzip_doc.txt.bz2: remove unzip doc: we don't have 100% proof it's ok to distribute
17:53.39khemJacmet: around ?
17:53.56khemJacmet: I posted a patch to support NPTL in buildroot toolchain yay
17:54.06khemJacmet: but it did not go to the mailing list
17:54.13khembecause I am not subscribed
17:54.24khemand its awaiting moderator approval
17:54.41khemso if you are on list moderator list then please give it green signal
17:55.34*** join/#uclibc trem (
18:07.00khemnm I subscribed to ml and resent
20:01.58*** join/#uclibc ersin (
21:20.41*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
21:26.31*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
21:42.31*** join/#uclibc mirko_ (
21:42.46*** join/#uclibc mirko (~daten@
21:42.58entewhat malloc implementation does uclibc use?
21:58.25y_morinente: there are 3 malloc impl. in uClibc: malloc, malloc-simple, and malloc-standard. Selectable at build time.
21:58.44y_morinente: look at your uClibc .config to see which is enabled.
21:59.05entey_morin: how do the algorithms differ?
21:59.13entewait, I probably better read the code
21:59.21y_morinente: look for the help entries for each option to see what they do
22:00.00y_morinente: about the algorithm, 'malloc' is the simplest of all.
22:00.09y_morinshould read that one first, I gues...
22:00.28entemalloc is the simplest, but malloc-simple is called malloc-simple
22:00.30y_morin'malloc-standard is derived from dlmalloc by Doug Lea.
22:00.31entethat's interesting
22:01.08y_morinente: hehe! :-)
22:01.46y_morinente: my bad, that's the oposite: malloc-simple *is* the simplest.
22:04.01entewhy are there 3?
22:04.39y_morinente: depends on what you want. uClibc is highly cistomisable.
22:04.53y_morinente: on noMMU, you'd use malloc or malloc-simple
22:05.02enteah, alright
22:05.32y_morinente: also, malloc-simple is small, so if you are short on space, you'd use that, but it's slow
22:05.53enteyeah, I figured so
22:05.58y_morinente: a whiole lot of decisions to do based on your usage! :-)
22:06.36entey_morin: my usage is a desktop, glibc broke on my head twice over the last few days
22:06.53y_morinente: then go for malloc-standard.
22:07.04enteI was just curious :)
22:07.37y_morinThat's OK, and I'm trying to answer as best as I can... :-)
22:08.05y_morinBut I was not as curious as you, to the point of looking at the algorithm! :-/
22:09.00enteI'm always interested in how things work
22:09.39y_morinente: yes, sane curiosity. But at one point, I have to stop being curious, or I'm not having time enough... :-/
22:39.30y_morinkhem: around?

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