IRC log for #uclibc on 20100627

00:31.12CIA-4603vda.linux 07master * r7407ef75fe4b 10busybox-website/FAQ.html: FAQ: expand "sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" section
00:41.54*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
01:14.54*** join/#uclibc khem (
01:24.48CIA-4603Ladislav.Michl 07master * ra73b87e9343d 10busybox/ (8 files in 5 dirs): *: s/"/bin/sh"/DEFAULT_SHELL, run_shell() API fix, remove unneeded strdup
01:27.12*** join/#uclibc dileX_ (
02:22.36CIA-4603vda.linux 07master * r77cc2c5738d7 10busybox/ (4 files in 2 dirs): nc: introduce CONFIG_NC_110_COMPAT option.
02:55.17*** join/#uclibc oliver__ (
05:12.47*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
07:37.44*** join/#uclibc fabled (
08:04.46*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
09:40.22*** join/#uclibc trem (
10:36.37*** join/#uclibc ente (~ente@unaffiliated/n0nsense)
10:41.11*** join/#uclibc dileX (
10:56.54*** join/#uclibc CapnKernel1 (
12:26.24*** join/#uclibc calculus (~calculus@gentoo/user/calculus)
13:28.43*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
13:35.42*** join/#uclibc Artemys (
14:06.58*** join/#uclibc juli1 (
14:08.10*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
14:10.23y_morinjuli1: Hello!
14:12.16juli1j'ai juste une question
14:12.28y_morinjuli1: this is an english channel
14:12.58juli1I have a question : how can I create a bootable image as well as a bootable usb stick from my generated kernel and my squashfs rootfs ?
14:13.34y_morinjuli1: what do you mean by "a bootable image" ?
14:13.59juli1just a .img that can be started with an emulator
14:14.09y_morinjuli1: as with qemu ?
14:14.11juli1and  that I can use with dd to produce any bootable device
14:16.47y_morinjuli1: to boot with qemu, you can just do that: qemu -kernel /path/to/bzImage -initrd /patch/to/initrd -append "boot options if any"
14:17.36y_morinjuli1: it is a quick-n-dirty way to test if your system is OK.
14:18.01juli1yes, I already did that
14:18.06juli1but that's not my question :)
14:18.14juli1at this time, I use this method to test my system
14:18.22y_morinjuli1: OK
14:18.26juli1but I want to deploy it on a usb stick and another device
14:18.40y_morinjuli1: now, you want to put it on a usb stick and boot from that, I understand.
14:19.53y_morinjuli1: _I_ don't know how to do it with BR, but did you look at what the "Bootloaders" sub-menu could do?
14:21.04juli1the bootloader section allows you to build a bootloader for the target system, that's all
14:25.29y_morinjuli1: did you look at syslinux:
14:26.48y_morinjuli1: basically, I'd create two partitions on the USB stcik, a small fat32 and an empty one. dd the squashfs into the later, and put syslinux into the ofrmer.
14:28.24y_morinjuli1: unfortunately, yto my knowledge, syslinux daoes not know how to boot off squashfs
14:37.38*** join/#uclibc bkuhn (~bkuhn@fsf/director/conservancy.president.bkuhn)
14:44.53*** join/#uclibc x-fak (~WinGuru@reactos/tester/x-fak)
14:48.12CIA-4603vda.linux 07master * rfa1b3705a336 10busybox/util-linux/mount.c: mount: fix a case when sometimes error message is not printed
14:58.33CIA-4603vda.linux 07master * r31c3dad85142 10busybox/networking/ (httpd.c inetd.c): remove recently added erroneous _and_die()
15:47.39*** join/#uclibc CapnKernel (
16:54.12*** join/#uclibc trem (
18:10.46*** join/#uclibc [Evan] (
18:42.58CIA-4603vda.linux 07master * r1a3b0710f542 10busybox/miscutils/conspy.c: conspy: significant output minimization; blink attribute support
18:50.09*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (
20:45.50*** join/#uclibc dileX_ (
21:43.19y_morinJacmet: hello!
21:43.26y_morinJacmet: I've seen your comments about the patch series. Thank you!
21:55.54Jacmety_morin: you're welcome - And thank you for doing the work in the first place
21:59.13y_morinJacmet: issues are being resolved. I sent from a old tree. Sigh... :-(
22:01.09Jacmety_morin: those things happens ;)
22:01.40y_morinJacmet: well, I hope it won't happen too often, then! :-)
22:02.24y_morinJacmet: once you're done with kos_tom's series, I'll rebase and resend. Or do you want to see them again before?
22:05.21y_morinkos_tom: hello! can you confirm that ext-toolchain includes toolchain/*/*.mk to be able to build the tools native for the target?
22:21.37y_morinNighty night!
22:21.51*** join/#uclibc animeloe[net] (~animeloen@unaffiliated/animeloe)
22:39.09*** join/#uclibc calculus (~calculus@gentoo/user/calculus)

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