IRC log for #uclibc on 20100513

00:21.41*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
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01:18.46*** join/#uclibc dileX (
02:22.16*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
02:35.40*** join/#uclibc gnomon (
03:44.38*** join/#uclibc ibot (
03:44.38*** topic/#uclibc is discussion of uClibc, Busybox and Buildroot | uClibc 0.9.31 was released 2nd Apr 2010 | busybox 1.16.1 was released 28th Mar 2010 (unstable busybox 1.17.0) | buildroot 2010.02 was released 26th Feb 2010 (2010.05-rc1 on 3rd May) | For general setup issues try #elinux or #edev
04:12.13*** join/#uclibc austinf (~austinf@
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05:17.00*** join/#uclibc nataraj (~nataraj@
06:53.11*** join/#uclibc Phurl (
07:15.04*** join/#uclibc austinf (~austinf@
07:17.52*** join/#uclibc Xires (~Xires@
08:12.04*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (~tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
08:16.37natarajhow to enable autologin in busybox?
08:16.47natarajdoes getty help?
08:18.19natarajneed to execute an App direct without login
08:50.19*** join/#uclibc trem (
08:53.30mnemocnataraj: simply make your init run it
09:00.09*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
09:12.04natarajtried putiing in /etc/init.d, env variables for tslib are not being set
09:19.13*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
09:21.24natarajanyway to login to # prompt w/o providing username & passwd?
09:21.59natarajmingetty seems to have options, but BR dont have mingetty
09:33.33natarajadding SysVinit
10:11.33natarajdoes  SysVinit replace /linuxrc ?
10:12.50*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
10:15.25nataraji mean now /sbin/init is not a symlink
10:46.09*** join/#uclibc zazenrasta (
10:58.36*** join/#uclibc matteo` (~matteo@openwrt/developer/matteo)
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12:09.19*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (~gustavoz@
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12:56.37*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (
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13:08.07gustavozhi kos_tom, Jacmet forgot to switch the topic ;)
13:16.51*** join/#uclibc zazenrasta (
13:19.37gustavozkos_tom: hmmm, i'm seeing AR_OPTS cluttered building ncurses now that's a new package
13:21.13gustavozkos_tom: building a debugging target (no strip) and libncurses.a fails to build since it's built with $(AR) $(AR_OPTS) ... in the ncurses makefile and it's getting zapped, though i'm not seeing anything obvious that could produce that
13:21.46gustavoz$(AR) is fine, $(AR_OPTS) isn't, according to the configure script is should default to rv (which is fine) but it seems to be getting zeroed hence ar fails
13:22.39gustavozand the config.log says "it's ok" so i'm wtf?!?!?R##$%@
13:24.14kos_tomah, I never build a debugging target.
13:24.33gustavozi wanna debug libusb-1, seems to play badly with uclibc-0.9.31 with newer pthreads
13:24.55gustavozbut i got hit by ncurses before reaching that
13:26.13kos_tomyou don't do cross debugging ?
13:27.32gustavozi gotta build everything with nice debugging symbols first
13:28.02*** join/#uclibc matteo`_ (~matteo@openwrt/developer/matteo)
13:33.38gustavozkos_tom: it's the central configure cache that was busting me for some reason, disabling it "fixes" it.
13:46.21kos_tomgustavoz: ah, interesting. Unfortunately, my understanding of how this cache gets filled and used is pretty limited. I don't know what can cause the cache to be filled with incorrect values.
13:47.38gustavozkos_tom: i think ncurses is to blame in this case since it evals cf_cv_subst_AR_OPTS=$AR_OPTS in it's configure and the cache does cf_cv_subst_AR_OPTS=${cf_cv_subst_AR_OPTS=rv}
13:48.20gustavozsome bad fill mojo, but as you said i'm not completely sure how it gets filled up
14:02.23kos_tomthe cache gets filled up by previous ./configure scripts in other packages.
14:03.06gustavozi'll try working around it in
14:03.44gustavozmore interested in seeing what's up with libusb and pthreads atm
14:17.09*** join/#uclibc zazenrasta (
14:25.01*** join/#uclibc x-fak (~WinGuru@reactos/tester/x-fak)
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14:30.56x-faki got wrong memory usage for top
14:31.08x-fakversion 1.6.1 mips msb
14:56.37x-faklatest snapshot for busybox i got error can't open file "findutils/"
15:11.32kos_tomdoes anyone knows how gettext works and what role does libintl plays in this game ?
15:16.40*** join/#uclibc likewhoa (
15:20.08dj-deathkos_tom: "Note that on GNU systems, you don't need to link with libintl because the gettext library functions are already contained in GNU libc. "
15:20.34dj-deathkos_tom: it seems libintl is a part of the libc
15:22.33dj-deathkos_tom: the external gettext library being everything else you don't need to to run an "intlized" application
15:22.42kos_tomdj-death: strange because here flex doesn't build against eglibc without -lintl
15:23.05dj-deathkos_tom: yeah
15:23.20dj-deathkos_tom: other apps doesn't build either without -lm -lrt
15:25.40kos_tomso libintl is not part of glibc, if -lintl is needed.
15:27.33kos_tomaah, it's more complicated than that I think.
15:27.42dj-deathkos_tom: mq_open is a part of glibc
15:27.44kos_tomthe failure I have is dfa.c:(.text+0x240): undefined reference to `libintl_gettext'
15:28.05dj-deathkos_tom: but you can't link against it without -lrt
15:30.33dj-death3 ??
15:30.51kos_tomwell, I'm not sure again.
15:30.56kos_tomwhat is libiconv ?
15:31.05dj-deathcharset converter
15:31.12kos_tomnothing to do with libintl then.
15:31.17dj-deathiso8859-15 <=> utf-8
15:31.27dj-deathnot sure
15:31.47dj-deathmaybe .po files need it
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15:32.26dj-deathgettext also deals with charset
15:32.30kos_tomdj-death: if I have an external toolchain that relies on glibc/eglibc, then neither the gettext package nor the libintl packages should be built ?
15:32.57dj-death"Because the PO files must be portable to operating systems with less advanced internationalization facilities, the character encodings that can be used are limited to those supported by both GNU libc and GNU libiconv."
15:35.10dj-deathkos_tom: hmmm
15:35.28dj-deathkos_tom: if I take my sh4 glibc toolchain for example
15:35.49dj-deathkos_tom: I have a in /usr/lib/
15:36.06dj-deathkos_tom: and no symbol like libintl_gettext in /lib/*.so
15:36.39dj-deathkos_tom: maybe glibc is just shipped with an additionnal installed in /usr/lib/ ...
15:36.46dj-deathkos_tom: that's unclear
15:36.46kos_tomis it glibc based ?
15:37.14kos_tomin my eglibc toolchain, I don't have
15:37.16kos_tom$ find . | grep intl
15:37.37kos_tomthe CodeSourcery toolchain also doesn't have it.
15:37.53dj-deathmaybe it doesn't build it
15:39.34dj-deathkos_tom: libintl_* symbols in ./arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/sys-root/lib/*.so ?
15:41.27dj-deathwtf is libintl.h doing here ...
15:41.35kos_tomhowever, there are some reference to gettext:
15:43.07dj-deathkos_tom: most of them are week symbols
15:43.51dj-deathor local
15:45.30dj-deathI have them too
15:48.10*** join/#uclibc austinf (~austinf@
15:57.36kos_tomdj-death: hmm, strange.
16:07.51dj-deathkos_tom: I compiled a toolchain a few months ago
16:07.57dj-deathkos_tom: using crosstool-ng
16:08.51dj-deathkos_tom: without intl support
16:08.57dj-deathkos_tom: libintl.h is installed
16:09.17kos_tomthe thing I've shown previously applies to a codesourcery toolchain.
16:10.32*** join/#uclibc trem (
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16:16.54dj-deathkos_tom: aren't they using glibc ?
16:17.18kos_tomdj-death: ok, I think I understood. The gettext package was compiled+installed in my Buildroot test build, and it overrides the original toolchain libintl.h by a libintl.h that does #define gettext libintl_gettext
16:17.42dj-deathaaaah ;)
16:17.59kos_tomso when using an external glibc toolchain we probably should never use the gettext package of Buildroot
16:20.33kos_tommany packages do select BR2_PACKAGE_GETTEXT if BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE
16:25.42solarbut rarely actually need it
16:29.59kos_tomsolar: why?
16:34.05*** join/#uclibc malloc (~malloc@2001:470:1f10:80b:216:3eff:fe14:384c)
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16:46.28*** join/#uclibc austinf (~austinf@
16:55.43*** join/#uclibc matteo (~matteo@openwrt/developer/matteo)
16:58.18*** join/#uclibc y_morin (
17:09.32x-faki got wrong memory usage with the TOP command with my busybox 1.16.1 , any idea why and can you fix it?
17:10.39gustavozx-fak: define "wrong"
17:11.52x-fakthe % is wrong because it's more than 100%
17:12.56gustavozmemory and %, where did you get that?
17:14.15gustavozwhich process i mean
17:15.08gustavoz12.3% is hardly 100...
17:15.27gustavozalso mem includes virtual
17:15.52x-fakinit takes 12% lol
17:16.25gustavozwhat's your total amount of memory?
17:16.54gustavozalso please check the meaning of VSZ versus say RSS
17:17.38x-faktotal amount=16mo
17:17.53x-fakon this device i have another busybox, an old one
17:17.59x-fakand this one is right
17:18.24gustavozaha, so your process VSZ (init) is 1632, which is roughly 10% of 16384 (if all of the 16MB were free)
17:18.58*** join/#uclibc likewise (
17:21.32x-fakso %MEM column has different meaning ?
17:21.41gustavozx-fak: it's based on VSZ, that's it
17:42.45*** join/#uclibc grofmon (~Adium@
17:42.58*** part/#uclibc grofmon (~Adium@
17:45.53*** join/#uclibc trem (
18:11.33*** join/#uclibc trem (
18:14.03*** join/#uclibc fabled (
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20:13.02*** join/#uclibc zaz1R (
20:26.50y_morinkos_tom: ping ?
20:27.52kos_tomy_morin: pong!
20:27.55tremsomeone knows how I can use a rootfs.ext2 generated with builroot on qemu ?
20:28.06kos_tomtrem: -hda
20:28.16tremkos_tom: don't work
20:28.27tremon sh4
20:28.29kos_tomtrem: but of course, this only works if your target emulates an hard drive.
20:28.44y_morinkos_ton: wrt git tree: no I do not have a git tree with my work, I'm using stgit to manage a patch queue.
20:28.44kos_tomtrem: does Qemu emulate a NIC for your target?
20:29.25y_morintrem: what target?
20:29.45tremy_morin: sh4, board=r2d
20:29.56tremqemu-system-sh4 -M r2d -kernel output/images/zImage -hda output/images/rootfs.ext2
20:30.13tremkernel seems to start, but it fail on mount
20:30.39tremit seems to work if I use the sh-linux-mini.img provided on qemu website
20:30.49trembut I want to generate my own filesystem
20:31.06tremkos_tom: seems that yes
20:32.16kos_tomtrem: ah, so qemu-system-sh4 somehow emulates a hard drive.
20:32.21kos_tomdo you test with the same kernel ?
20:32.44tremkos_tom: yes
20:33.01y_morintrem: wild guess: -drive file=rootfs.ext2,if=mtd,format=raw
20:33.29y_morinand ensure correct root= option on kernel cmdline, and have MTD enabled in kernel.
20:33.54tremsorry, same
20:34.15trembut MTD isn't set
20:34.46kos_tomtrem: what command line do you use with this sh-linux-mini.img ?
20:34.57kos_tomtrem: and format is sh-linux-mini.img ?
20:35.51kos_tomy_morin: BTW, I tried the CT-NG toolchain for Blackfin with Buildroot. I actually managed to build a working static Busybox-based filesystem with Buildroot. But dynamically linked applications do not work: they just exit without any sort of error message.
20:36.06tremsh-test-0.2/sh-linux-mini.img: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, starthead 1, startsector 63, 16002 sectors, extended partition table (last)\011, code offset 0x0
20:36.18dj-deathqemu-system-sh4 -M r2d -kernel vmlinuz- -hda debian_unstable_sh4_small.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1 console=tty0 noiotrap"
20:36.26tremoutput/images/rootfs.ext2: Linux rev 0.0 ext2 filesystem data
20:36.37dj-deathqemu-system-sh4 -M r2d -kernel vmlinuz -hda output/images/rootfs.ext2 -append "root=/dev/sda console=tty0 noiotrap"
20:36.39tremI use :
20:37.31y_morinkos_tom: sad :-( On that topic: I've seen that FD_PIC ELF is available, but is used nowhere in the code... But slightly OT here, I guess...
20:38.02kos_tomy_morin: not OT here, since FDPIC is what's used to provide shared libs on !MMU systems.
20:38.10dj-deathtrem: try to change root=/dev/sda1 by root=/dev/sda
20:38.27tremdj-death: good catch :)
20:38.43y_morintrem: and replace 'mtd' with 'ide'
20:38.51kos_tomy_morin: for now, I don't really know how to start digging into the issue. Maybe hack a little bit the binfmt_elf loader of the kernel to get a few more details, or something.
20:38.54tremy_morin: -hda seems to work
20:39.02y_morinSince you happen to have an HDD emulation for SH4
20:39.47y_morintrem: -hda is deprecated in qemu, better use the -drive option, now. Much more flexible, and will last much longer!
20:40.14tremy_morin: ok, thanks, I'll use it
20:40.32y_morinkos_tom: I have no practical experience in noMMU and Linux. Sorry...
20:40.53y_morinkos_tom: do you think I could get a git tree on, so I can push my work in there?
20:45.55kos_tomy_morin: of course.
20:46.19kos_tomy_morin: see
20:46.54kos_tomor you can probably use some github or gitorious thing.
20:48.33y_morinkos_tom: I'd rather push that on I don't want to spawn an n-th tree in the wild, while on it is obvious that is only a devel tree.
20:50.28kos_tomy_morin: yes, of course.
20:52.07*** join/#uclibc trem (
20:52.31tremdj-death y_morin kos_tom : thanks a lot, it works now, even if I have an us keyboard ;)
20:53.00y_morintrem: -k
20:53.53kos_tomdoh, I have an odd git problem. On a box, I have a set of 5 patches on top of commit A. When I transfer these commits to another box with format-patch + am, applying them on exactly the same commit A fails.
20:54.38dj-deathformat-patch + am ?
20:54.43dj-deathwhat's am ?
20:55.01y_morinapply mailbox
20:55.02kos_tomaah, it seems I did a mistake.
20:55.41tremy_morin: don't work, still a qwerty keyboard
20:55.48kos_tomdj-death: well, at the moment I have a build box where I do the changes, and then I need to transfer them on my box before sending them to the BR list.
20:57.07y_morintrem: -k fr (for french, of course, change accordingly) and maybe the correct loadkeys on your VM
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20:58.17kos_tomdj-death: what do you think of and ?
20:58.18tremy_morin: I've tried -k fr, don't work, I lookig for loadkeys .....
20:58.52kos_tomtrem: if you end up having a working Buildroot+Kernel+Qemu configuration that works for sh4, please let me know.
20:59.43tremkos_tom: it works, but it's not really fine
20:59.53tremlike keyboard
21:01.44kos_tomtrem: I don't care about the keyboard :)
21:01.51tremcanonicalize.c:54:1: warning: "__set_errno" redefined
21:02.04tremake[5]: quittant le répertoire « /home/trem/Codes/sh/buildroot/output/build/gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-lib »
21:02.11tremas you're talking about gettext
21:02.35tremkos_tom: so I've got a "config" that run on sh4, kernel and filesystem
21:04.36dj-deathkos_tom: debian sh4
21:04.51dj-deathkos_tom: + working qemu image ;)
21:05.47dj-deathkos_tom: your patches look good
21:06.31dj-deathkos_tom: in fact, libintl/gettext can work on top of a "intlized" glibc toolchain
21:07.04dj-deathkos_tom: they're just consumming more space in final rootfs
21:09.31trembuildroot don't provide keyboard map ? (in a package)
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21:19.21y_morinupgrading kernel, will be back... Maybe... :-]
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21:40.30y_morinkos_tom:  -> line 7-6: what happens if one of the directory does not exist?
21:56.06tremnite all, sweet dreams
22:16.14*** join/#uclibc zaz1R (
22:29.10y_morinNite all!

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