IRC log for #uclibc on 20091111

00:15.21*** join/#uclibc HcE^ (
00:43.28*** join/#uclibc gnomon_ (
01:15.28CIA-4303vda.linux 07master * r13ad90627c85 10/libbb/lineedit.c: ash: fix bad interaction of "stty -echo" + ASK_TERMINAL
04:28.24CIA-4303vda.linux 07master * rc096a6c2084b 10/examples/mdev_fat.conf: mdev_fat.conf: add a rule to run nameif
05:46.53*** join/#uclibc kr_217 (n=rk@
07:14.46*** join/#uclibc hw_ (
07:14.53*** join/#uclibc mirko (n=daten@
07:15.08*** join/#uclibc khem ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:54.22*** join/#uclibc nataraj (n=nataraj@
08:09.02nataraji have put a decent buildroot bare minimum system on Atmel SBC
08:09.21natarajneed to start a Qt App on bootup
08:10.17natarajtried giving it on bootargs  init=, but the app it asks for libQt* libs
08:24.08kos_tomnataraj: I wouldn't run the Qt App as init=. Create a /etc/init.d/rcS script that runs your Qt App, and let Busybox be the init process
08:28.32natarajkos_tom, ok, but dont it need be a deamon? mine is a 'MyFooApp' with -qws parameter
08:29.33kos_tomnataraj: send, run it with MyFooApp -qws &
08:30.55natarajhow about this ? echo  exec  /root/DynamicControls -qws >/etc/init.d/S51Dynamic
08:32.44natarajmmm, getting - /root/DynamicControls: can't load library ''
08:33.10natarajset LD_LIBRARY
08:33.15natarajin script?
08:33.22kos_tomnataraj: is this library in your /usr/lib ?
08:33.33natarajno, in another
08:38.36natarajkon_stom, working now, after adding export LD_LIBRA.. at the top of /etc/init.d/S51Dynamic
08:58.49*** join/#uclibc impulze (n=impulze@2001:41d0:1:bd33:0:0:0:1)
09:05.58*** join/#uclibc fonz_ (
09:26.11*** join/#uclibc ncopa (n=ncopa@
10:42.17*** join/#uclibc dieter__ (
11:33.30*** join/#uclibc trem (
11:42.19natarajcross gcc version 4.3.3
11:42.37natarajis this aapcs the one for EABI?
11:46.53*** join/#uclibc gustavoz (
12:10.29*** join/#uclibc dieter|work (
12:13.06*** join/#uclibc dieter|work (
13:20.43*** join/#uclibc Jlg (
14:43.12*** join/#uclibc wberrier (n=wberrier@
16:50.03mxeyI think I have hit this problem: This bug was reported to a different bugtracker than the current Bugzilla, so I am wondering if anything every happened about it?
16:56.49kos_tommxey: yes. Sometime late 2008 or early 2009, they re-installed everything and trashed the contents of the Bugzilla.
17:01.39*** join/#uclibc KyleK_ (
17:14.21mxeykos_tom: Should I just r-file the bug?
17:14.54kos_tommxey: probably. Though I'm not part of the uClibc community (I'm contributing to Buildroot)
17:15.01mxeyah, okay
17:28.14KyleK_I built uClibc from the git repository the other day, and it went fine, but afterwards many of the binaries I built earlier using uClibc 0.9.29 didn't work anymore. Is that to be expected?
17:29.52mxeyYes, uclibc does not maintain binary compability.
17:46.32*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
17:47.28KyleK_meh :)
18:02.09*** join/#uclibc aloof (
18:21.44*** join/#uclibc austinf (
18:36.19*** join/#uclibc trem (
18:38.37*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
18:50.13*** join/#uclibc cokebottles (n=doug@
18:54.28*** join/#uclibc _dieter_ (
19:12.47*** join/#uclibc _dieter_ (
19:18.42*** join/#uclibc tsukasa` (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
19:31.36*** join/#uclibc Mirell (
19:47.36*** join/#uclibc vapier (
19:47.36*** join/#uclibc Redhatter (n=vk4msl@gentoo/developer/redhatter)
19:47.57*** join/#uclibc mnt_real (
19:47.57*** join/#uclibc dieter|work (
19:47.57*** join/#uclibc samuelololol (n=samuel@
19:47.57*** join/#uclibc Xires (
19:47.57*** join/#uclibc opello (n=opello@about/csharp/regular/opello)
19:47.57*** join/#uclibc m4t (
19:47.57*** join/#uclibc ashes (
19:54.59*** join/#uclibc menomc (
19:54.59*** join/#uclibc likewhoa ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:55.00*** join/#uclibc mtr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:55.00*** join/#uclibc olistudeu (
19:55.00*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
19:55.34*** join/#uclibc CIA-43 (n=CIA@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:07.08CIA-4303vda.linux 07master * rab19ede65595 10/ (7 files in 6 dirs): tidy up O_NONBLOCK usage. use libbb functions in stty.
20:40.05*** join/#uclibc olistudent (
20:40.05*** join/#uclibc dinar (n=dinar@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:51.31*** join/#uclibc cokebottles (n=doug@
21:36.22*** join/#uclibc kos_tom_ (
22:05.43tremnite all, sweet dreams
22:08.54*** join/#uclibc jzarr (
22:11.17jzarrhi, is there a known problem build buildroot/uclibc with -march=armv5 (not arm9v5te)
22:17.33kos_tomjzarr: not that I'm aware of.
23:37.13*** join/#uclibc austinf (

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