IRC log for #uclibc on 20090719

00:17.56m4tanyone recall missing fenv.h issues when building gcc 4.x?
00:19.13tremnite all, sweet dreams
00:55.48solarm4t: yeah lots of ppl have run into that with 4.4.0
00:56.11solarpatch is required. just search uclibc+fenv and you will run across it
00:56.43m4talright, is it fixed in 30.1? i tried searching git and i saw the addition of a fenv.h in include
00:57.19m4ti don't know if that would have been include in 9.30 as well
01:16.42cendresdid you see the new tattoo solar ?
01:16.58cendresfrom this week
01:34.31solarcendres: if you are ashes then yep
01:48.07cendresthe clovers?
01:51.28m4tnow uclibc doesnt even seem to build
01:51.30m4tlibm/ldouble_wrappers.c:561: error: '__EI___finitel' aliased to undefined symbol '__GI___finitel'
01:52.29m4ti see
01:54.11m4twants c99 for perl
01:58.58m4ti think is the right thread actually
02:06.51m4tbuild succeeds with that patch
02:07.57CIA-3503vda.linux 07refs/heads/master * r13ca4b12e2c7 10/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c: udhcpc: simplify manual renew (make it more similar to automatic one)
02:24.37CIA-3503vda.linux 07refs/heads/master * r7d6a791ef6c6 10/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c: udhcpc: add/edit comments, no code changes
02:27.07CIA-3503vda.linux 07refs/heads/master * r753a3ce73ea8 10/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c: typo
02:32.26m4tUCLIBC_HAS_FENV=y and the cvs c99 patch should do it
02:35.21CIA-3503vda.linux 07refs/heads/master * r4abfc2642dcf 10/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c: udhcpc: small simplification
06:08.50*** join/#uclibc vapier (
06:13.48*** join/#uclibc khem (
06:39.09*** join/#uclibc swishy (
06:39.37*** join/#uclibc tsukasa` (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
11:24.03*** join/#uclibc trem (
12:29.30CIA-3503vda.linux 07refs/heads/master * r3ed181b7ac8e 10/init/init.c: init: make comment more understandable. no code changes
13:05.59*** join/#uclibc kos_tom (n=thomas@
17:43.31*** join/#uclibc Hristos (
17:56.40*** join/#uclibc _lifeless (n=lifeless@
18:57.41*** join/#uclibc Christos_N_ (
20:17.46*** join/#uclibc Mad3 (
20:47.55*** join/#uclibc trem (
21:07.33CIA-3503vda.linux 07refs/heads/master * rd6513cff1724 10/networking/tcpudp.c: tcpsvd,udpsvd: fix uid/gid printing when run with -u
21:11.51CIA-3503vda.linux 07refs/heads/master * r997538ab586e 10/util-linux/scriptreplay.c: scriptreplay: show help text if run with no arguments
22:30.28tremnite all, sweet dreams
22:45.49*** join/#uclibc fonz (
23:00.42*** join/#uclibc _lifeless (n=lifeless@
23:20.05*** join/#uclibc _lifeless (n=lifeless@

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