IRC log for #uclibc on 20081213

00:02.27*** join/#uclibc Redhatter (n=vk4msl@gentoo/developer/redhatter)
00:09.20*** part/#uclibc wberrier (n=wberrier@
00:11.18*** join/#uclibc _ccjoe_ (
01:19.09*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (n=rob@
01:53.41CIA-6803vda * r24398 10uClibc/ (12 files in 3 dirs):
01:53.41CIA-68*: document __USE_EXTERN_INLINES better;
01:53.41CIA-68fix uclibc build if it is forcibly enabled
03:02.46CIA-6803vda * r24399 10uClibc/libc/string/generic/memcmp.c:
03:02.46CIA-68string/generic/memcmp.c: remove some really paranoid guards
03:02.46CIA-68for ancient compilers. none of other string/*.c files have them.
03:12.34*** join/#uclibc tsukasa` (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
03:53.17*** join/#uclibc cypherwha (
04:25.23CIA-6803vda * r24400 10uClibc/Rules.mak: (log message trimmed)
04:25.24CIA-68Make it again possible to have compact and small stack usage
04:25.24CIA-68on non-SSE capable processors. I'm doing it the second time.
10:10.04*** join/#uclibc CIA-11 (n=CIA@
11:02.35*** join/#uclibc __lifeless (n=lifeless@
11:52.55*** join/#uclibc mnemoc (
11:53.37mnemochi, do you know how to trap ctrl-alt-del on an ash-based init? trap 'handler' INT  didn't work :|
11:53.55mnemocit rebooted immediately anyway :\
12:46.21*** join/#uclibc WildPikachu (n=WildPika@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
16:39.42*** join/#uclibc CIA-11 (n=CIA@
16:49.16CIA-1103vda * r24406 10uClibc/docs/defines.txt: doc snippets about defines we provide and/or use
16:49.16CIA-1103vda * r24407 10uClibc/include/features.h: features.h: add TODO (changing __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ is a wrong thing to do)
19:00.07*** join/#uclibc tsukasa (n=tsukasa@unaffiliated/tsukasa)
19:10.33*** join/#uclibc olistudent (i=psybnc@
19:54.43*** join/#uclibc CIA-11 (n=CIA@
20:43.04*** join/#uclibc pcgeil (
20:53.59*** join/#uclibc pcgeil (
21:11.43CIA-1103vda * r24410 10uClibc/ (19 files in 17 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:11.43CIA-11Remove the rest of "bounded pointers" scaffolding. gcc website says"
21:11.43CIA-11"Bounds Checking Projects... This project has been abandoned"
21:24.45*** join/#uclibc oxygene (
21:35.40oxygenefound a binary only image containing (among other things) busybox. see it contains a linux 2.6.16 kernel and an ext2 initrd with busybox. no source code found yet, but I asked them via the contact form
21:37.48mnemocoxygene: afaik is the way to report them
21:38.17oxygeneokay, thanks
23:07.46*** join/#uclibc CIA-11 (n=CIA@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:08.52*** join/#uclibc CIA-11 (n=CIA@

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