IRC log for #uclibc on 20080917

00:25.02*** join/#uclibc hiyuh (
00:26.04solarseems logical
00:26.17solarnot liking the direction buildroot is going now?
02:42.34*** join/#uclibc Whoopie_ (i=Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie)
02:51.01*** join/#uclibc CIA-9 (n=CIA@
03:14.57*** join/#uclibc CapnKernel (n=mjd@
03:26.40*** join/#uclibc CIA-9 (n=CIA@
04:12.05*** join/#uclibc CIA-9 (n=CIA@
04:27.23*** join/#uclibc CapnKernel (n=mjd@
04:43.18*** join/#uclibc KazaLite (n=kazaLite@
05:01.22*** join/#uclibc doc|schaffen (n=doc@
06:13.39CapnKerneltazmania: you there?
07:34.14*** join/#uclibc CIA-9 (n=CIA@
07:35.06*** join/#uclibc swishy (
07:51.13*** join/#uclibc skizm (
07:51.20*** part/#uclibc skizm (
07:52.07*** join/#uclibc hw__ (
08:22.33blindvt`_solar, HcE,
08:23.10blindvt`_solar, HcE, this is an export of r23413, fwiw
09:06.09*** join/#uclibc CIA-9 (n=CIA@
09:06.51*** join/#uclibc k88 (
09:29.17*** join/#uclibc CIA-10 (n=CIA@
10:48.40*** join/#uclibc vinilios (
11:16.24HcEblindvt`_: I think I fixed the kernel, but now I am back to SD-card issues
11:16.38HcEperhaps I should try FAT instead
11:17.59HcEblindvt`_: is this good? ;D
11:18.02HcEDirty:               0 kB
11:18.02HcE2+0 records in
11:18.02HcE2+0 records out
11:18.02HcEDirty:            1556 kB
11:18.02HcEsync_file_range ok
11:18.04HcEDirty:               0 kB
11:18.07HcEblindvt`_: see above ;)
11:19.41HcEblindvt`_: if I replace sync_file_range with sleep 2 i still have 1556 kB dirty pages afterwards
11:19.44HcEblindvt`_: seems smooth
11:19.55HcEI have a uClibc patch for you, two secs
11:21.02HcEblindvt`_: <-- add that to your patch when committing please
11:21.08HcEand I'll add support for it in the kernel as well
11:26.44blindvt`_HcE, ok, so it works. Thanks alot for verifying!
11:27.22blindvt`_HcE, i already checked the patchlet in yesterday evening
11:33.12HcEyou did? I did not see any commit
11:35.30blindvt`_HcE, CIA is fubar. See uClibc-cvs list
11:35.38blindvt`_HcE, or svn up
11:36.30HcEaha, commits go to a separate mailing list
11:36.37HcEon busybox it goes to the main mailing list
11:36.39blindvt`_or at least the CIA-bot was dysfunctional yesterday. *shrug*
11:36.50HcEI'll commit the AVR32 part then
11:36.57blindvt`_HcE, thanks
11:46.27HcEI have to say that is not blasing fast ;)
12:30.55HcEI like
12:31.02HcEtook me about 15 minutes to add a new package
12:49.40blindvt`_mhm. ssp needs syslog
12:50.43blindvt`_HcE, libtool is a pita
12:51.14HcESmall Scout Probe? :D
12:51.22blindvt`_stack protector
13:10.27blindvt`_HcE, is nice indeed. I wouldn't be surprised if it would need tweaks for building host related stuff, though. Convert gmp and mpfr to it to see what i mean
13:21.39blindvt`_HcE, LIBUPNP_DEPENDENCIES:=uclibc is redundant, at least in my tree
13:22.24blindvt`_HcE, you didn't need 15 minutes for these 5 lines, did you? :P
13:31.09HcEblindvt`_: including testing =)
13:31.18HcEdoh, dependencies is not needed, yes
13:34.51HcEblindvt`_: hmm, sure about that? I see no uclibc set by default with DEPENDENCIES
13:38.53blindvt`_HcE, grep __real_tgt Makefile
13:39.21blindvt`_HcE, i think that i added this before abandoning the svn crap tree
13:44.02HcEhmmm, think I get it
13:44.15HcEdev environment is setup before the package targets are added?
13:44.48blindvt`_yes. It's hard to build the target stuff without a toolchain, isn't it ;)
13:45.00HcEblindvt`_: why did you abandom repo?
13:45.21HcEI find it troublesome that there is loads of different repos out there, each with their own, often neat, fixes
13:45.21blindvt`_HcE, that's a long story.
13:45.45HcEokay, I'm off to football practice in 15 minute ;)
13:46.15HcEthat's fancy
13:47.03blindvt`_HcE, put short, disagreement with Ulf about what should be done and how. I don't have time nor interrest in arguing about bad patches or wrong assumptions. i't easier to do it right and not argue about it, ultimately
13:48.57blindvt`_HcE, i'm not hiding away the stuff i do, in contrast, my whole tree is publically visible and i try to improve stuff instead of adding half-finished patches that implement doubtful "features"
13:49.43HcEyou are mainly an ARM developer?
13:49.58blindvt`_i let you people use the imo broken stuff. If you don't mind to use bloated crap, then it's certainly ok with me since i don't have to use it ;)
13:50.28HcEbut did you argue over common stuff in uClibc or arch specific?
13:51.24blindvt`_HcE, i only use i386 (i.e. my desktop). I got a bfin to play with, though
13:52.29HcEoki =)
13:52.52blindvt`_HcE, fortunately uClibc isn't affected by that colleague of yours. All is well
13:53.38blindvt`_HcE, but that integrator926 dummy target that is supposedly still in svn is from /me
13:53.58HcEI do not use ARM devices ;)
13:54.06HcEgot enough with one architecture
13:54.41blindvt`_HcE, I needed some arm target that could run in qemu and the integrator was a good testcase
13:56.37blindvt`_HcE, any plans for avr32 support in qemu? Just curious..
13:57.07HcEblindvt`_: would be smooth, but I do not think we have time to look into it yet
13:57.15blindvt`_HcE, guess your sales department wouldn't fancy that, though. I wouldn't know
13:57.46HcEwhy would they not want a simluator so people can try out the product?
13:58.03HcEbut qemu does not implement hardware? It is just an instruction set simulator?
13:58.44blindvt`_HcE, a simulator would of course be nice, no idea if your sales people would understand that
13:59.26HcEthere is a simulator in AVR32 Studio
14:00.22blindvt`_HcE, is the AVR32 Studio free (as in (L)GPL or BSD)?
14:00.30HcEso yes
14:00.38HcEbut the simulator is AFAIK not free, yet
14:00.56HcEI think it is software which the studio executes the code through
14:01.25blindvt`_Eclipse is a java thing, isn't it. If its bigger than a decent installation of vi+sh then i don't want it
14:01.50HcEjupp, closed source for the time being
14:01.50HcEwork is ongoing to open source the tools :)
14:02.20HcEI'm off kicking foppal
14:02.32blindvt`_HcE, see you
14:10.05*** join/#uclibc hiyuh (
14:19.24Jacmetblindvt`_: repo is getting better these days imho
14:21.05blindvt`_Jacmet, you're doing great work to improve it, agree
14:21.18Jacmetblindvt`_: if that's related to Ulf not being active I'll let you decide ;)
14:21.39Jacmetblindvt`_: I really want us to move to regular releases
14:22.38blindvt`_Jacmet, but i can't stand somebody cluttering a "binaries" directory with undesired date-string polluted, huge blobs
14:23.44blindvt`_Jacmet, just to name one annoyance umong many
14:25.27Jacmetblindvt`_: yes, I cannot say I agree with all the changes done
14:26.13blindvt`_Jacmet, btw.. i do not remember if you already fixed that typo of mine that somebody pointed out recently: I wrote CONFIG_BR2_ somewhere near a linux related file
14:26.40blindvt`_Jacmet, i.e. s/CONFIG_BR2_/BR2_/g
14:27.08Jacmetcommit 5ed550a6b25134a623588c52a60a9e38edc307da
14:27.08JacmetAuthor: jacmet <jacmet@69ca8d6d-28ef-0310-b511-8ec308f3f277>
14:27.08JacmetDate:   Sun Sep 7 18:58:22 2008 +0000
14:27.08Jacmetmodule-init-tools: check correct symbol for cross-depmod
14:27.08JacmetReported by Markus Heidelberg
14:27.10Jacmetgit-svn-id: svn+ssh://
14:27.17Jacmet-ifeq ($(strip $(CONFIG_BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX)),y)
14:27.17Jacmet+ifeq ($(strip $(BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX)),y)
14:27.22Jacmetblindvt`_: that one?
14:27.28blindvt`_Jacmet, yes. ok
14:28.05Jacmetgit-svn is a life saver
14:28.18Jacmet.. if you cannot have the real thing
14:32.40blindvt`_Jacmet, re: the install-strip. Does this play nice with STRIPTOOL=/bin/true, i.e. a debug-build? Not sure if install(1) shells out strip(1), the busybox install certainly does and ignores any STRIP envvar. Just a thought..
14:34.57blindvt`_Jacmet, i.e. i wouldn't use install-strip, at least not unconditionally (depending on the DEBUG build hint given by the user)
14:48.33Jacmetblindvt`_: auto*-using things afaik use $STRIP, so it should work fine
14:49.07Jacmetif they wouldn't then the cross-strip wouldn't be invoked
14:49.36*** join/#uclibc sjhill (
14:49.40Jacmetblindvt`_: but I haven't actually tried a BR2_STRIP_none build in a very long time
15:20.50*** join/#uclibc wberrier (n=wberrier@
15:39.24*** join/#uclibc pcgeil (
15:55.18*** join/#uclibc gnomon_ (
16:47.31*** join/#uclibc bbradley (
16:47.54*** join/#uclibc pcgeil (
17:12.09HcEblindvt`_: binaries cluttered with date-stuff?
17:12.24HcEmy binaries directory is sort of okay
17:12.35HcEah, right, the rootfs has a timestamp now, it is a bit annoing
17:22.02*** join/#uclibc bbradley (
17:36.10HcEis off to basket ball
18:30.16*** join/#uclibc pcgeil (
18:39.17*** join/#uclibc CIA-9 (n=CIA@
18:41.02JacmetHcE: huh? a timestamp? I don't see that here
19:11.57*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
19:33.35*** join/#uclibc bbradley (
20:25.14*** join/#uclibc CIA-9 (n=CIA@
21:06.50*** join/#uclibc pcgeil_ (
21:45.44CIA-903jacmet * r23417 10buildroot/package/lighttpd/ (log message trimmed)
21:45.44CIA-9lighttpd: fix compilation without largefile support
21:45.44CIA-9lighttpd uses --disable-lfs instead of --disable-largefile.
21:45.44CIA-903jacmet * r23416 10buildroot/package/pcre/ pcre: fixup paths in pcre-config
21:45.50CIA-903jacmet * r23418 10buildroot/package/lighttpd/ lighttpd: don't enable openssl support by default
22:13.48*** join/#uclibc Whoopie (i=Whoopie@unaffiliated/whoopie)
22:15.55*** part/#uclibc shevy (
23:01.37*** join/#uclibc swishy (

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