IRC log for #uclibc on 20080614

00:05.18*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
01:20.39*** join/#uclibc penma (
01:59.19*** join/#uclibc Xires (n=Xires@
04:28.43CIA-103vda * r22331 10busybox/ (coreutils/dos2unix.c libbb/xreadlink.c): dos2unix: do not destroy symlinks and mode of the file being converted.
05:00.35*** join/#uclibc tsuramoto (
06:05.02CIA-103vda * r22332 10busybox/shell/ (3 files in 2 dirs): ash: fix ${var/s/r} handling, add testcase.
06:14.04CIA-103vda * r22333 10busybox/shell/ash.c: ash: small cosmetic change
06:23.26CIA-103vda * r22334 10busybox/docs/ Update sponsors page as well
08:10.51*** join/#uclibc m4 (
11:00.20CIA-103vda * r22335 10busybox/shell/ (6 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)
11:00.20CIA-1hush: support "! cmd | cmd" negation
11:00.20CIA-1function old new delta
12:12.21*** join/#uclibc blindvt (
15:50.57CIA-103vda * r22336 10busybox/ (12 files in 5 dirs): (log message trimmed)
15:50.57CIA-1hush: add support for ':'; create testsuite entries
16:03.40*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
16:24.43*** join/#uclibc manuel__ (
17:13.21CIA-103vda * r22337 10busybox/shell/ (6 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
17:13.21CIA-1hush: fix a bug where we were requiring semicolon here: (cmd;)
18:03.18*** join/#uclibc Redhatter (n=vk4fsjl@2001:388:f000:0:0:0:0:279)
19:38.37CIA-103vda * r22338 10busybox/archival/tar.c: tar: fix "unused parameter 'gzip'" warning
20:07.17*** join/#uclibc [tla] (n=[tla]
20:09.40[tla]Hi.  I have built an initramfs with uclibc using busybox.  the system boots from the initramfs but i have no disk devices under /dev; ie no /dev/sdaX or /dev/hdX.  what governs the creation of the disk device nodes under /dev?  Thx.
20:12.36blindvt[tla], mdev. See docs/mdev.txt
20:21.49[tla]blindvt: hmm, the init script I run already runs mdev -s after mounting sysfs.  And yet no disk devices.  Any other ideas?
20:23.09blindvtworks for me (tm)
20:25.57blindvt[tla], ISTR that there was some adjustment in svn to cater for changed behaviour in about >= 2.6.25.x. Try svn if you didn't already
20:27.45blindvtouch. CPU Temp:    +83.0°C M/B Temp:    +76.0°C
20:28.55blindvti need a box that doesn't go up in flames if one does a little bit of stuff :(
20:29.28[tla]some cold water should cool it down
20:29.31blindvtgoes to lend a hair dryer
20:30.27blindvtmy neighbour has a hair dryer. She can spare it for a few days, i hope
20:35.59*** join/#uclibc Jacmet_ (n=peko@
20:41.18[tla]blindvt: kernel is v2.6.26-rc6-69-g7775c97.  Busybox is 1.10.1.  I'll try a busybox upgrade.
20:43.34blindvt[tla], yes, should be fixed on trunk
20:45.36blindvtit's cooler now but quite loud. Stuff like that just _has_ to happen during the weekend. *sigh*
21:01.01CIA-103jacmet * r22339 10buildroot/package/ (6 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:01.01CIA-1pkgconfig: bump version and cleanup
21:01.01CIA-1Upgrade to pkgconfig 0.23 which has native sysroot support (buggy,
21:01.04CIA-103jacmet * r22340 10buildroot/package/ package/ support 'make external-deps'
21:01.09CIA-103jacmet * r22341 10buildroot/package/dbus-glib/ dbus-glib: don't depend on host pkg-config
21:01.18CIA-103jacmet * r22342 10buildroot/package/ (34 files in 22 dirs): packages: fix pkgconfig depencies and select pkgconfig where needed
22:11.31CIA-103vda * r22343 10busybox/libbb/ (pw_encrypt_des.c pw_encrypt_md5.c): (log message trimmed)
22:11.31CIA-1crypt: code shrink
22:11.31CIA-1function old new delta
22:23.11*** join/#uclibc Jacmet (n=peko@

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