IRC log for #uclibc on 20071219

00:01.28mcgrofsolar: who's 'we' ? Is there something I can rely on?
00:02.10mcgrofRedhatter: yeah I hear you, however, I'm looking to use something like this for non-desktop environment
00:02.13mcgrofits a testbed
00:11.27mcgrofopenwrt allows for this using uci
00:11.35mcgrofbut wanted to see what was out there
00:25.57Redhattersolar, Yeah... there's the Lemote boxes, but uClibc's ld is broken when the kernel PAGE_SIZE is greater than 4KB.
00:26.41RedhatterIt tries to call mmap with a 12KB offset IIRC.... the Lemote boxes need a page size of 16KB, thus mmap fails.
00:27.48RedhatterIf you know how to fix it though... toss me your SSH key, you're welcome to have a try.
00:46.26*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
01:14.17*** join/#uclibc mnemoc (
01:14.27*** join/#uclibc hiyuh (
01:27.23*** join/#uclibc landley (
01:31.32*** join/#uclibc sstallion (n=sstallio@unaffiliated/icon)
01:31.42sstallionevening guys
01:32.23sstallionany buildroot warriors about?
01:33.12sstallionapologies, just read the /topic
01:59.46*** join/#uclibc blindvt ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:01.47*** join/#uclibc landley (
03:03.24*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
05:56.31*** join/#uclibc ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:56.31*** topic/#uclibc is discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.29 released 6 May 2007 | busybox 1.8.2 released 23 Nov 2007 | for non uClibc/busybox such as buildroot and general setup issues try #elinux or #edev
06:11.37landleyNPTL isn't in the daily snapshot.
06:11.49landleyIntegration of that is being done in a separate branch, for reasons I've never been clear on.
06:12.03landleyI guess the main branch is a dead end right now?
06:14.02Redhatter-DGOuClibc is quite a forest lately.
06:15.22Dr{Who}ya dont see much activity
06:15.31Dr{Who}but the question is i guess what threading model to use?
06:16.05Dr{Who}my last build i have segfaults all over even during init sometimes
06:16.17Dr{Who}so im thinking a problem with pthreads..
06:16.26Dr{Who}i had chosen old/stable pthreads
06:16.44Dr{Who}i also turned on thread debugging that was probably a bad idea and is why its unstable.
06:17.00Dr{Who}but i just wish i knew what is the "most" stable : c 0
06:17.25Dr{Who}from reading it seems pthread and oldpthread are both a bit out of wack...
06:17.42Dr{Who}but i dont see any complaints on nptl
06:20.49landleyOnly the old threads currently work on all platforms.
06:20.59landleyThere's an arm nptl branch, and a mips one, and they don't really share code.
06:24.03Dr{Who}im i386 how is that for posix threads?
06:31.14Dr{Who}im going to build with it and see how motion runs under it
06:31.41Dr{Who}also the "make clean" seems to never work for me : ( any suggested ways to cleanup for a new build after changing the main config?
06:32.02Dr{Who}i get bs errors like dropbear.... uninstall ... blaa blaa missing etc
06:32.19Dr{Who}and if i just remove the build folders well then it wont remove anything
06:33.02Dr{Who}this was the same issue i had long ago with buildroot figured i was doign something wrong but best i can tell a make clean should do its job....
06:49.51solarjust testing motion that it builds under uClibc on i386.. Seems to be fine.
06:50.34Dr{Who}using what thread model?
06:51.00Dr{Who}it was an easy package to make.. so i think i have that part ok.
06:51.17solarIn a pinch if you need it..
06:55.02*** join/#uclibc mathewss_ (
06:58.30mathewss_didnt see anything after my last type drwho is my ghost if you know a sysadmin kill it :  c ) please
06:59.45Redhatter-DGOnickserv will happily kill ghosts
07:00.53mathewss_ohh ok cool thnks
07:02.19Dr{Who}thanks again..
07:03.14Dr{Who}that motion.tbz2 did not seem to be a buildroot package.. it didnt have a mk or anythig
07:04.15solarcorrect. it's a binary pkg thats built using a gentoo.
07:05.10solarbuildroot is more of the intro to uclibc/busybox etc.. gentoo is the only mainstream distro I know of that supports it.
07:05.39Dr{Who}didnt know gentoo used buildroot to build its own packages...
07:05.45Redhatter-DGOit doesn't
07:06.12solarat one time there was an debian-apt repo for some uclibc stuff. But andersee no longer had time to maintain it so he started suggesting ppl swing over to gentoo who needed more than the buildroot basics
07:06.22*** join/#uclibc cendres (n=ashes@2001:5c0:8fff:ffff:0:0:0:87)
07:07.20Dr{Who}ok so i was chasing unicorns.. looking for places to find more .mk packages
07:08.00solarwhat is your end goal?
07:08.22solaruclibc+busybox+motion ?
07:09.25Dr{Who}well i have maintained my own distro for 7 years now. i am now going to try and do all this with busybox/buildroot instead so my goals are to get a good solid build of my distro on 2.6.23 kernel and motion for my via epia boards
07:09.25solarmotion on an i386 is probably not really going to cut it btw. that pkg is somewhat of a resource pig afaik.
07:09.55Dr{Who}wasnt too bad i had 3 cams running and the box was fine at 1mhz processor
07:10.25solar1mhz ??? :)
07:10.51Dr{Who}sorry gig : c 0
07:11.23Dr{Who}i have most of my stuff working on 500mhz cpu's on my own distro with 2.4.23 kernel
07:11.31Redhatter-DGO0.001Hz is sooooo fast! :-P
07:11.38solarwell good luck.
07:11.40Dr{Who}problem is only place to get good dev work for bt878 chip is 2.6
07:12.25Dr{Who}besides its an appliance
07:12.30Dr{Who}it just does 1 thing
07:13.42Dr{Who}if necessary i can use mmx patched jpeg lib's
07:14.19Dr{Who}hmm build just died
07:14.23Dr{Who}in motion.
07:14.38Dr{Who}missing pthread_xxxx stuff looks like it may only support pthreads
07:16.09Dr{Who}ugg ya requires pthread support
07:16.26Dr{Who}ok now to make clean again and try again
07:16.36Dr{Who}again if i make clean it will fail any suggestions ?
07:17.12solaryes. I'd say use the Gentoo.. But that does not fit with your goals directly.
07:18.03landleyDrWho: I have my own build system for uClibc and BusyBox.
07:18.14landleyAnd there are a few others out there.  Some Debian based...
07:18.18Dr{Who}my current distro runs out of about 12megs on a cf disk.. and in 128megs ram so far with build root im about the same with a 2.6 kernel
07:18.18solarcan you build motion?
07:19.08landleyI believe the openmoko stuff is debian based uClibc, but haven't really tried it.
07:21.06Dr{Who}landly thanks ill wiki that one. looks good though i know the 2.6.21 tree had issues with bt878 video capture i think related to other kernel issues and pci buss / lowlevel crap
07:22.03Dr{Who}my current distro is based upon oxygen redone in a lot of ways but basicly still leaf compliant.
07:23.05Dr{Who}i build my new build process based upon Limey Linux it was a wrapper around buildroot for buiiding a syslinux single init image boot
07:23.33Dr{Who}although i had to strip it down and start over because i have my own leaf based boot process
07:23.43Dr{Who}using my own init script.
07:26.24Dr{Who}never fils
07:26.35Dr{Who}make[1]: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.
07:26.35Dr{Who}make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mathewss/UFO/ufolinux/buildroot/build_i586/dropbear-0.50'
07:26.35Dr{Who}make: *** [dropbear-clean] Error 2
07:26.51Dr{Who}never fails i get this on every version of buildroot i have ever tried.
07:34.14solarI get the setup you are after in about 4.3 to 5.3M (uclibc busybox dropbear motion)
07:36.36Dr{Who}ya thats about what i have my root img is 4.5meg
07:36.37solarjpeg mjpegtools and deps of motion.
07:37.05Dr{Who}did you use pthreads old? or new?
07:37.21solarhere anyway. So they account for some of that space. Also zlib is pulled in.
07:37.24Dr{Who}and agian any idea on how to get "make clean" to work better
07:38.39Dr{Who}i still have some swiss army knife stuff in my distro so it will grow. i like all the fun stuff like tcpdump and i have a compact perl build and more but for now on my first converstion to 2.6 i will keep it simple.
07:39.22solarexact config
07:43.01Dr{Who}hmm diff version of buildroot for sure
07:43.08Dr{Who}the pthread options seem different
07:44.48solaruClibc- is what that is from. .29 is not really a good release to use.
07:45.03solarlots of stdio bugs in .29
07:45.04Dr{Who}ya im on svn
07:45.13solarthey still remain ;/
07:45.27Dr{Who}maybe thats my prob then
07:45.36landleysolar: does anyone have a decent list of said stdio bugs and patches for them?
07:45.40solarinfact. even uClibc- has some of the bugs. uClibc- iirc was the last good release
07:45.48landleyI may collect patches and put out a #*%(&%# release of vapier doesn't.
07:45.58Dr{Who}and why i get tuns of segfaults in userspace on various apps
07:46.22solarlandley: just psm afaik but be careful.. as he has some self introduced bugs also.
07:46.45landleyTHe problem with psm's tree is he won't let me release it.
07:46.59landleyHe'd give me a copy, but said nobody except me could see it.
07:47.02landleyThis is open source?
07:47.06landleyWhat's the _point_ of doing development like that?
07:47.12solarhe is just hard headed sometimes
07:47.15landleyHe's been working on his own fork for 2-3 years now, and no release.
07:47.33landleyDuke Nukem Forever may actually exist, it just doesn't _matter_.
07:48.02solaroh yeah.. I think he is probably butt hurt over the way he lost his access to the tre.
07:48.03Dr{Who}land your page shows you use 9.29
07:48.13Dr{Who}so whats my best bet?
07:48.13landleyDrWho: I do.
07:48.20landleyAnd I've patched every bug I've personally hit in it so far.
07:48.21solarDr{Who}: It still works pretty ok.
07:48.37Dr{Who}for stability? my old distro uses normal libc so this has been a bit painfulll to move to uclibc
07:48.58landleyI'd be quite happy to use a public tree psm maintains.
07:49.02solarthat happens when you are a distro maintainer
07:49.09landleyThe problem is, he doesn't maintain a public tree.
07:49.35Dr{Who}ok back to my make clean issue : c )
07:49.37landleyI respect his technical judgement.  It's just the release management bits that are missing.
07:49.45solarhe is probably one of the main reason we have it working so well on gentoo.
07:49.45landleyWhich make clean issue?
07:49.54Dr{Who}when i make clean it bails
07:49.57landleyHow do _you_ get a tree to use?
07:50.02landleyWhen you make clean in uClibc?
07:50.03landleyWhich version?
07:50.08solarw/o his additions for -lm we would of still been in the stone ages supporting far fewer pkgs
07:50.26Dr{Who}usually on dropbare
07:50.42landleyDoing make clean in uClibc gives you an error in dropbear...?
07:50.44Dr{Who}svn tree main branch
07:51.01landleyI use the 0.9.29 release with a couple of patches.
07:51.06landleySVN is loopy last I checked.
07:51.27landleyBesides, svn won't become 0.9.29.  The NPTL branch will.
07:51.29Dr{Who}sorry was the latest snapshot
07:51.32landleyEr, 0.9.30.
07:51.37Dr{Who}my bad..
07:51.42Dr{Who}like 2 days ago
07:51.43landleyHow does doing "make clean" in the uClibc directory give you a dropbear error?
07:51.57landleyDropbear is not a part of uClibc.
07:52.16solarlandley: uggh. You are saying we are going to dump trunk and hope sjhill's branch did not miss anything from trunk?
07:52.19Dr{Who}i get this
07:52.24landleysolar: I'm not, no.
07:52.29landleyBut I think that's what vapier expects to happen.
07:52.31Dr{Who}after it fails to build completely because of some package error
07:52.36Dr{Who}i make clean and get the following
07:52.39Dr{Who}/ufolinux/buildroot/build_i586/dropbear-0.50 uninstall
07:52.39Dr{Who}make[1]: Entering directory `/home/mathewss/UFO/ufolinux/buildroot/build_i586/dropbear-0.50'
07:52.39Dr{Who}make[1]: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.
07:52.39Dr{Who}make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mathewss/UFO/ufolinux/buildroot/build_i586/dropbear-0.50'
07:52.39Dr{Who}make: *** [dropbear-clean] Error 2
07:52.39Dr{Who}K1:/home/mathewss/UFO/ufolinux/buildroot #
07:52.47landleybuildroot != uclibc
07:52.51solarI think we all expect the nptl stuff to be merged into trunk.
07:53.02Dr{Who}dho sorry u r right.
07:53.04Dr{Who}my bad.
07:53.07landleyYou said "uclibc".  I'm happy to try to support that, but I dont' use buildroot.
07:53.09landleyIt never worked for me.
07:53.18landleysolar does gentoo instead of buildroot, I do firmware linux instead of buildroot...
07:53.24landleyOpenMoko does debian instead of buildroot...
07:53.27solarthen after that.. we do a crappy release on the masses.  smooth it all out in .31
07:53.50landleysolar: that's what I talked Erik into doing.
07:54.01landleyBut vapier never bought into that, and vapier's mostly been a MIA maintainer.
07:54.25landleyI've pondered doing a with bug fixes only, if I can get bug reports in need of fixing.
07:54.27vapiersjhill contacted me and said he was going to be working on getting nptl into trunk
07:54.29landleySo far, it Works For Me (tm).
07:54.56landleyI saw his post to the list.
07:54.56solarya he really is to busy these days and involved in quite a few foss projects to take lead on this one.
07:54.56landleyMy understanding is he's been working on this, on and off, for... 9 months now?
07:55.06vapierhe had other issues to resolve
07:55.10vapierhe'd rather not talk about it
07:55.17vapierpretend i didnt mention anything
07:55.21landleyWell, I'm happy for any work he does do.
07:55.23vapieri'm thinking of automating the point releases
07:55.33landleyI'd be happy to _have_ point releases.
07:55.38landleyRight now I dunno the state of svn.
07:55.50landleyIt has some development in it that's irrelevant to a point release, but nothing to do with the NPTL branch either.
07:56.01landleyThere's more than one point to the wedge.
07:56.24landleyI dunno what to test.
07:56.32Dr{Who}seemed like buildroot has promis in that it allows for custome package's etc but i see little movement on the project
07:56.52solarDr{Who}: It's not really a moving project.
07:57.01landleyI catalyzed the creation of the buildroot mailing list to get discussion of that _off_ of the uClibc mailing list.
07:57.09landleyBecause I follow uClibc but not buildroot.
07:57.18solarit mainly gets updated by guys like you whjo are using it.. Then they need newer versions.
07:57.21vapieri'll prob review trunk and cut out bugfixes for the branch this friday
07:57.35landleyI'm happy to test any -rc you care to throw at me...
07:57.47vapieroh that was the other thing
07:57.51solarlandley: are all the patches you are using in trunk?
07:58.01vapierauto-making weekly snaps and labeling rc
07:58.03vapieruseful ?
07:58.31solareekkk.. I'm afaid of all the bugs.g.o for new release of uclibc..
07:58.46landleyThe auto-snaps aren't an improvement over the nightly snapshots if the tree contains non-bugfixes that won't go in .1.
07:59.18solarauto-snaps when it passes all arch tests would be ideal
07:59.21landleyTo be useful to me, I'd need a .1 release line containing just cherry picked bugfix-only stuff.
07:59.50solarwheres that page of vapier's that does the auto testing
07:59.57landleysvn, I mean.
08:00.04*** join/#uclibc tiny (n=tiny@unaffiliated/tiny)
08:00.14landleyUpdating my toolchain wrapper is on the todo list...
08:00.15solaroh heh.
08:00.32vapierthat's the old stuff
08:01.04landleyLet's see, I've got a patch to 0.9.29 so softarm works.
08:01.16landleyA patch so "make allnoconfig" doesn't require curses.
08:01.51landleyAnd a patch so the wrapper script doesn't have gratuitous absolute paths in it.
08:01.58Dr{Who}the patches you say you used on 9.29 anything critical?
08:02.09landleyThose are the three.
08:02.39landleyOne of them's far bigger than it needs to be (swapping out the old kconfig entirely with an upgraded one from linux-kernel, in a different directory).
08:02.46landleyI'd have to check cvs to see what it's got.
08:02.58landleyI grumbled at the time about the makefile change that made it stop compiling with my toolchain.
08:03.18landleyI've only checked in about once every two weeks since then, and could easily have missed stuff...
08:03.24Dr{Who}im just not wanting any mejor libc issues as long as thats mostly working i am cool with keeping on 29
08:03.42landleyIt works for me, but I haven't tried everything. :)
08:03.52landleyStill, fixing 0.9.29 strikes me as more interesting than fixing 0.9.28.
08:04.14Dr{Who}ok ill keep on that track and give feedback on bugs i find
08:04.15landleyOh, and it's broken on sparc.
08:04.29landley0.9.29 won't bring up "init" on sparc, still not sure why.
08:04.33Dr{Who}im i386 so shrug
08:04.35landleySome stdio thing, never did track it down.
08:04.43landley(It's sparc.  Caring about it is on my todo list.)
08:04.56landleyI got it working on mips, arm, powerpc, x86, and x86-64.
08:05.02Dr{Who}man i wonder if i still have an old sparcstation i can dig out of my storage....
08:05.11landley4.1.2 I think...
08:05.16Dr{Who}i got linux on it at one point but that was like 8 years ago
08:05.29landleyI'm using qemu for all the targets except arm.
08:05.36landleyIt is a nice hammer board.
08:05.46landleyIt has blinky lights.
08:05.59landleyThey are red.
08:06.31solarError Lights!
08:07.15landleyFly in Erik Andersen, Denis Vlasenko, Vapier if he's interested...
08:07.29Dr{Who}i have some atmega128 work i have for my home automation project but it wont run linux too small.. only runs NutOS
08:07.56Dr{Who}i want to get some good arm board like that to play with
08:07.58landley"Sponsored by Monsoon and co."
08:08.02Dr{Who}in my spare time : /
08:08.23solaryou should focus on the project at hand drwho
08:08.45Dr{Who}ya its a work project the atmel stuff and smaller boards is hobby fun stuff
08:09.40landleyvapier: please keep me posted about moves towards
08:09.44landleyI'm interested.
08:10.04landleyI can send cake.
08:10.10landley(Non-lie cake, even.)
08:11.46Dr{Who} amber web server is neet stuff built a few things with this. how much does that hammer cost?
08:13.03Dr{Who}and can it be sourced easy.. i have tried to find good embeded boards for work projects but most of the time getting them reliably and consistently is a problem.
08:13.41Dr{Who}this guy at soc machines.. well he is a freek. takes him weeks to ship out a board.
08:15.58landleydrwho: dunno, I got mine sent to me free. :)
08:16.04Dr{Who}dho : )
08:16.46landleyThe hammer board is basically a tiny little simm board with an arm processor and memory and flash and other stuff on it.
08:16.48Dr{Who}i have been using via boards and labjacks for io works but its not very compact..
08:17.01Dr{Who}ya i saw looks nice.
08:17.58landleyThey're currently working on a "nail" which is basically the above board glued to another board of equal size that's got a USB slave, usb/serial converter chip, jtag control thingy, and maybe some other stuff on it (10baseT ethernet?)
08:18.23landleyAll in a case, so you plug it into USB and viola: portable arm development system you can take with you and power from your laptop.
08:18.40landleySomewhere between "large thumb drive" and "one of those dongles on a cord" size.
08:18.40Redhatter-DGODamn that's tiny.
08:18.43landleyThey're still working out the details.
08:18.51Dr{Who}that would be perfect.. i see this one has the jtag pin header and sais it has 32 bits of gpio / usb irda etc
08:18.53landleyFirst prototype was today.
08:19.05landleyAsk prpplague on #edev.
08:19.12landleyDuring the day when he's on, anyway.
08:19.47landleyThe hard part seems to be that the whole thing would draw more than the 100mA that a laptop on battery can trim USB power down to.
08:20.11landleyProbably more in the 200-250mA range with ethernet going.
08:20.32landleyWell within the 500mA that USB can do, of course, but still...  getting it to run happily when the laptop's on _battery_ takes some study.
08:21.25landleyToday's prototype:
08:21.37landleyIt's long because the components aren't stacked vertically yet.
08:21.46tiny  <-- that's tiny :)
08:21.48landleyThey want to add blinkable LEDs and such, too...
08:22.44landleyThat is indeed tiny.
08:22.53landleyIt also appears to be nommu, which is a bit of a pain.
08:22.57Dr{Who}ya seen and considered these a few varients of them exist
08:23.04Dr{Who}but the cost is too high...
08:23.18landleyBeyond a certain point you do pay for miniaturization.
08:23.41landleyCheapest embedded system right now is probably still a used linksys. :)
08:23.51Dr{Who}ya that works : c 0
08:23.52landleyYou can get those for $35-50.
08:24.31Dr{Who}if you can find the right revision's etc i managed to get a few to keep around but the new linux supported ones from linksys are ok priced too at like 130?
08:24.32Dr{Who}or so.
08:24.50landleySure, I was just talking "cheapest". :)
08:25.02Dr{Who}ya so you can still find them?
08:25.09Dr{Who}i had bad luck my last try
08:25.21landleyYou can get Linux on the 2 meg ones if you're willing/able to use a jtag.
08:25.29Redhatter-DGOHow much does one of those "hammer" boards cost typically?
08:25.30Dr{Who}ended up getting ripped on the wrong rev a new revision so not going to run linux.
08:25.34landley(One of the things I'm looking forward to in the nail board is the built-in jtag.)
08:25.40landleyUsable through the USB connection.
08:25.53landleyPlug it in, it presents as 2 serial devices: one's the console, one's the jtag access thingy.
08:25.54Redhatter-DGOHrmm, answered my own question
08:26.06Dr{Who}i like that.
08:26.16landleySo you can't brick the darn thing.  I LIKE that part.
08:26.22Dr{Who}hehe ya
08:26.50landleyIt's designed to fit on a coat pocket or something, so I'll probably put it through the wash.
08:26.58landleyBut that's not their fault.
08:26.59Dr{Who}heh ya throw the wrong flag and it wont want to load anymore : c 0
08:27.20landleyhence the built-in jtag.
08:27.51Dr{Who}ill keep my eye on this it seems like this may take a while though
08:28.08landleyThe hammer board is a sort of generic chip, the nail thingy is just an enclosure for it to make development easy.
08:28.21landleyI dunno, they've been moving really fast.
08:29.35landleyThe other thing they have is a "hammer carrier" board, and something called a "flyswatter" (which is a combination USB/serial converter and USB/jtag converter).
08:29.47landleySo they've already worked out all the circuitry for this on previous boards.
08:29.56landleyThis is pretty much just repackaging.
08:30.09landleyI think.
08:30.41landleyIf the hardware's nice, anyway.
08:31.21landley(I have a coldfire board and a blackfin board I feel guilt about because I never use either.)
08:31.32landleyGetting toolchains and kernels to target them is a huge pain.
08:31.37Dr{Who}still wish i had an idea on final pricing...
08:31.43landleyBut I've already gotten a toolchain to target armv5, which this is...
08:31.47landleydrwho: depends on unit volume.
08:31.53landleyAsk prpplague.
08:32.03landleyFor just a hammer board, or for the USB enclosure thingy?
08:32.47Dr{Who}ya i would be doing sub 10 per order likely.. we dont do high runs of systems they are custom and specialized. not like im building an mp3 player for the masses : c 0
08:33.28landleyPrice info.
08:33.34MirellI still need to do an MP3 player, portable thingie, that can just accept a USB HD/Penstick and play MP3s off it.
08:33.35Dr{Who}i sware i love this kb cus its blue led backlight but dam its sticky..
08:33.43landley$159 individually, $153 10-99, $127 at 100, and dunno from there.
08:33.51landleyExcuse, $143 10-99.
08:33.55Dr{Who}so thats not too bad
08:34.09Dr{Who}will go down as they get them moving i am sure
08:34.10landleyThe price will probably come down after it's been selling for a while, too.
08:34.15landleyThey're still amortizing the development costs...
08:35.11landleyThere's still a chance the "nail" thing will wind up with a USB port at the downstream end instead of 10baseT.
08:35.13MirellMan, my cats are lazy.
08:35.15landley(Or offer it as an option.)
08:35.48landleyMirell: if so you could use a usb thumb drive thingy in that, and have hammer play mp3s off of it.
08:35.53landleyExcept for lack of audio out.
08:36.02Mirelllandley: Heh, exactly.
08:36.05landley(Hmmm, they're still taking hardware suggestions for the second prototype...)
08:36.10landley"Audio out" might interest 'em...
08:36.12MirellMy dad wants that particular feature.
08:36.31MirellBecause he goes to kickball, and has a hard drive enclosure with a bajilion MP3s,
08:36.39landleyThe hammer has 16 megs built in flash, of which the OS needs maybe 2.
08:36.45landleyYou could do a _little_ built-in.  Not much, though.
08:36.52MirellAnd wants something cheaper/safe/more portable than his laptop
08:37.26landleyThere are enclosures that take four AA batteries, but that would be the next enclosure after the "nail" thing.
08:37.47Mirelllandley: It's not the HD enclosure issue, it's the processing MP3s from USB to line out.
08:38.05MirellThere doesn't seem to be a device to do that as such.
08:38.06landleyA 200 mhz arm should have plenty of power for that.
08:38.31landleyThe hammer chip thingy is already good for that, it just needs the right other bits wired up to it in a decent enclosure.
08:38.37landleyWhich is _so_ not my area. :)
08:38.49Dr{Who}speaking of arm... any word on a port of java to arm? i hear that sun released its build environment but no word on porting to arm yet by anyone.
08:38.50MirellIf it can take CompactFlash, that's still really good.
08:39.05Mirelllandley: CompactFlash is awesome, because it's the same pinout as IDE.
08:39.07landleydrwho: Android?
08:39.31landleySomebody on #edev already programmed the gpio pins on hammer to act as a cheap plastic PIO ide controller.
08:39.31MirellDr{Who}: Yah, Android.
08:39.37Dr{Who}if they add minipci bus it would be a kick ass wireless toy.
08:39.46Dr{Who}hmm ok so is that new? ill go google.
08:39.51landleydrwho: suggest it to prpplague tomorrow.
08:39.56landleyIt's google's new cell phone thing.
08:39.59MirellDr{Who}: Heh, it's a Google product.
08:40.07landleyIt's basically a java environment on arm Linux.
08:40.20MirellThey're even using qemu for their development emulator.
08:40.41landleyIt's...  3 weeks old?
08:40.47MirellA few months.
08:40.58landleyTime flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like an apple.
08:41.16MirellThank you, linguistics 101 joke.
08:41.33landleyNancy lebowitz button catalogue, circa 1985.
08:41.52MirellLinguistics joke, circa late 1950s, Chomsky.
08:42.53Dr{Who}pepperpads the older style have arm processors and are a good price but lack newer java so have limited use in home automation
08:43.09Dr{Who}if i could get updated jvm's it would be very cool.
08:43.47landleyJava is just software.
08:44.06landleyA cheap plastic no-JIT java interpeter can't be more than a few thousand lines of code.
08:44.18landleyIt implements an 8-bit stack based instruction set.
08:44.58Dr{Who}thats why i wonder why no newer jvm for linux/arm exists....
08:48.18Dr{Who}neet stuff for home automation. good price on ebay plays audio '''ok'''
08:49.03Dr{Who}only 11b so videa is not very good over the air.. not sure but i presume it uses uclibc
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18:28.53Dr{Who}if any buildroot dev people are in the house feel free to stand up .. would like to discuss some issues with make clean and other build problems.
20:08.40mnemocDr{Who}: read the topic ,-)
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