IRC log for #uclibc on 20071130

00:26.10*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
01:02.43CIA-403ulf * r20591 10buildroot/package/ ( lua/ lua/ lua/ Add lua package
03:14.24*** join/#uclibc landley (
04:42.55*** join/#uclibc real-dev (
04:43.51*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (
07:23.12CIA-403vda * r20592 10busybox/ (coreutils/test.c include/applets.h libbb/lineedit.c): (log message trimmed)
07:23.12CIA-4test: stop using lots of bss.
07:23.12CIA-4function old new delta
08:58.17*** join/#uclibc hw (
09:01.07*** join/#uclibc tiny (n=tiny@unaffiliated/tiny)
09:04.23*** join/#uclibc antab (
09:06.16CIA-403ulf * r20593 10buildroot/package/libungif/ Change site for libungif, Courtesy Andrew Dyer
10:22.42CIA-403ulf * r20594 10buildroot/package/ ( libosip2/ libosip2/ libosip2/ Add libosip2 package
11:00.40*** join/#uclibc Xires (
11:56.13CIA-403ulf * r20595 10buildroot/package/lxdoom/ (. Add lxdoom package
12:26.40CIA-403ulf * r20596 10buildroot/package/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Add libeXosip2 package
12:27.45CIA-403ulf * r20597 10buildroot/package/speex/ Ensure speex will use any future patch
12:30.02CIA-403ulf * r20599 10buildroot/package/lighttpd/ Fix spelling error in lighttpd
12:46.04*** join/#uclibc Xires (
12:46.04*** join/#uclibc tiny (n=tiny@unaffiliated/tiny) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.06*** join/#uclibc hw (
12:46.06*** join/#uclibc blindvt` (n=blindvt` [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.06*** join/#uclibc SpanKY ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.17*** join/#uclibc antab ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.17*** join/#uclibc mtr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.17*** join/#uclibc flatronf701B ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:46.46*** join/#uclibc wmat (
12:46.46*** join/#uclibc agaffney (n=agaffney@gentoo/developer/
13:12.30*** join/#uclibc Xires (
13:12.30*** join/#uclibc tiny (n=tiny@unaffiliated/tiny) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:12.30*** join/#uclibc hw (
13:12.30*** join/#uclibc blindvt` (n=blindvt` [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:12.30*** join/#uclibc SpanKY ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:13.15*** join/#uclibc mcgrof_ (
13:37.33*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
14:39.15*** join/#uclibc Masta-G (
14:39.59*** join/#uclibc wrobbie (
14:40.17Masta-Ghey there, I checked the bugtracker and tried to google for it, but i couldnt find a solution why my toolchain fails to build
14:41.52Masta-G see here
14:42.33Masta-Gits basicly this: /home/mastag/buildroot/toolchain_build_sh4/uClibc_dev//usr/include/malloc.h:193: error: ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class
14:48.15*** join/#uclibc dschaeffer (
16:06.11*** join/#uclibc blindvt` (n=blindvt`
16:19.55Masta-Gah its just broken in de latest snapshot
16:33.12*** join/#uclibc _whirm (
16:34.15*** part/#uclibc dschaeffer (
16:34.52*** join/#uclibc dschaeffer (
16:38.29blindvt`Masta-G, i think i have a fix in my tree
16:38.49*** part/#uclibc blindvt` (n=blindvt`
17:08.55*** join/#uclibc antab (
18:10.34*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
18:28.10*** join/#uclibc tiny (n=tiny@unaffiliated/tiny)
20:15.13*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
20:44.22*** topic/#uclibc by blindvt -> discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.29 released 6 May 2007 | busybox 1.8.2 released 23 Nov 2007 | for non uClibc/busybox such as buildroot and general setup issues try #elinux or #edev
20:47.49*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
21:21.33*** join/#uclibc antab (
21:22.17*** join/#uclibc svolpe (n=Gerrath_@unaffiliated/gerrath)
22:13.19*** join/#uclibc antab (
23:38.03*** join/#uclibc losinggeneration (
23:55.04*** join/#uclibc SpanKYx (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.