IRC log for #uclibc on 20070609

04:07.47*** join/#uclibc ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:07.47*** topic/#uclibc is discussion of uClibc and Busybox | uClibc 0.9.29 released 6 May 2007 | busybox 1.6.0 released 1st June 2007 | for non uClibc/busybox such as buildroot and general setup issues try #elinux or #edev
04:57.09*** join/#uclibc S_A (i=Administ@
06:47.05*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
09:00.14CIA-1003aldot 07busybox_1_6_stable * r18785 10/findutils/grep.c: - selection done by FEATURE_GREP_EGREP_ALIAS was broken (r18783 from trunk)
09:07.18CIA-1003aldot 07busybox_1_6_stable * r18786 10/ (libbb/correct_password.c loginutils/login.c): - pull fix for bug#1383 from trunk (r18782)
09:12.46CIA-1003aldot * r18787 10busybox/docs/ - also note where to checkout the 1_6_stable branch
09:58.16CIA-1003aldot * r18788 10buildroot/package/file/ - bump version
10:38.49*** join/#uclibc S_A (i=Administ@
11:48.18*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (
13:13.33*** join/#uclibc svolpe_gerrath (n=Gerrath@unaffiliated/gerrath)
13:43.31*** join/#uclibc Baby (n=miry@
13:53.47*** join/#uclibc iSteve (i=isteve@
13:55.35iSteveHi; building busybox 1.6.0 fails, because 'ld' segfaults; removing of -Wl,-M from Makefile resolved it. Known issue?
14:11.40arekmld segfault indicates that ld is broken
14:30.50*** join/#uclibc blindvt__ (
15:05.58*** join/#uclibc quitte (
15:08.08quittehi. I'm trying to make a simple initramfs for a system that I have only network access to. So I can't see what's going wrong. right now I'm trying to just assgn an ip address to the interface, but for some reason even that doesn't work. the box doesn't answer to pings.
15:08.43quitteis there anything wrng with that: ifconfig eth0 netmask ?
15:14.21*** join/#uclibc S_A (i=Administ@
15:20.43*** join/#uclibc hiyuh (
15:58.51S_AHello! i want to change keyboard mapping and also different language support in my device. is there some command in busybox which can help
15:59.06S_Ai came across loadkmap
15:59.32S_Awill it serve my purpose ?
15:59.49S_Aalso i see loadfont
15:59.54S_Awill it serve my purpose ?
16:02.55S_Awhat kind of files can I use, where I can get them ?
16:25.23quitteS_A: try man loadkeys. I can't tell you anything about changing the console font as i never felt the need.
16:26.08quitteyou should also find out about the LANG environment variable
16:26.52S_Aquitte: setting environment variable is big problem for me
16:27.27S_Aas somehow my ash doesn't seems to work with environment variable
16:27.32S_Ai am not able to set
16:28.09quitteyou have to export thevariable to make it known to child processes of your shell
16:28.53S_Aif i do export it just sets for that session only and not for whole terminal
16:29.32quitteyes. thats normal. system wide defaults go to /etc/profile. the shell sources that file.
16:29.56quittemay I recommend the ibm developer works for the lpic-1 certification t you?
16:31.39S_Ai tried with /etc/profile also but my ash doesnt read that file.
16:32.31quitteok. I don't know what xatly ash does and doesn't do. still there is some excellent documentation
16:38.19*** join/#uclibc S_A (i=Administ@
16:40.26S_Aok! i will study this
17:33.22*** join/#uclibc JockeHome (
17:58.38*** join/#uclibc KhemHome (
19:11.38*** join/#uclibc likewhoa (n=y0@gentoo/userrep/likewhoa)
21:06.15*** join/#uclibc dbrown99 (
21:06.40*** join/#uclibc cendres (
22:22.34*** join/#uclibc mnemoc (
22:30.52mnemochi, do i need CONFIG_INSMOD or CONFIG_UNAME to get CONFIG_MODPROBE working?
22:31.02*** join/#uclibc blindvt_ (
22:34.41mnemocthere is any know bug on 1.5.0's modprobe?
22:59.40mnemocsame problem with 1.6.0 :( i can't modprobe any module :\
23:01.17olistudentHi. Is there an error message? For me 1.5.1 modprobe is working. Have you set the kernel correctely in menuconfig?
23:08.21mnemoc"failed to load module foo"
23:09.01mnemocthe same modules and kernel are working ok with the dietlibc based initrd i want to replace
23:09.39mnemocbut i assume it's a config problem on my side... i just don't know where is it :\
23:11.06olistudentHave you looked into syslog? Perhaps there is a symbol missing.
23:15.19mnemoccomplete silence there
23:15.26mnemoci looks like the file was not found
23:15.44mnemocdo i need uname or insmod to get modprobe working?
23:15.51mnemoci have both disabled
23:15.54olistudentYour modules.dep is correct? Can you insmod the module?
23:16.13mnemoci don't have an insmod.... but i'll add it
23:16.29olistudentI don't know.
23:16.58mnemocand grep..
23:17.08olistudentYou have enabled the right kernel version support?
23:18.20mnemocit is
23:25.22*** join/#uclibc mtr_ (
23:31.53mnemocolistudent: strace say modprobe execs insmod :\
23:33.01olistudentHm, then insmod shoul be selected by modprobe?
23:33.07mnemoci think so
23:34.23mnemocbut i had to eanble it by hand now
23:37.16mnemocdoh, and it looks for it in bin/ instead of sbin/ (yes, /sbin is on PATH)
23:37.28olistudentIf I delete the insmod symlink, then the module isn't loaded. But there is no error message.
23:42.00mnemocwhere was your symlink? /bin ?
23:42.50olistudentNo, /sbin.
23:43.27mnemochere it doesn't look for it there :\
23:44.16mnemocpretty weird, /sbin _is_ on PATH :(
23:49.06CIA-1003vda * r18789 10busybox/networking/httpd.c: (log message trimmed)
23:49.06CIA-10httpd: move data off bss.
23:49.06CIA-10httpd: do not realpath() for SCRIPT_FILENAME - it resolves symlinks
23:49.35olistudentAh, our httpd patch. Very nice. :-)
23:50.07mnemocdoh, PATH was there but not "exported"

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